What do you think about my new poster Tarran-chan she is so kawaii~
Tarrant-chan poster :3
>Shoot up mosque
>Become a R34'd anime girl
I wonder what Tarrant would think if he saw this.
Nice poster, where'd you get it printed at?
He would probably get a good chuckle out of it.
Don't forget to buy the T-shirts
badlly drawn , we want quality shit you fucking kike
is it the big headed abuse riped blonde attention slut? several threads and no tits. gtfo
You want this one, I guess?
dont answer that question if you dont want to get doxxed based frog bro
she doxxed herself. just google 'manoncaroni' and you find her youtube and pictures. not the smartest around but hey.. i bet there are idiots buying the shits. so yeah.. fuck what Jow Forums has become.
I'd say being animefied is the goal of any respectful channer
Unironically based
Anime and memes are Jow Forums's iconography.
Ya granted she post pics on twitter so I don't think she really cares. Also she is french and post here quite often so the chances of her being OP is quite likely, just saying.
Baste frog
mad lad
thinking of getting this made into a poster
Can you post the original image? Asking for a friend
anime is fucking degenerate and it disgusts me so many pro-whites like it even though IT'S LITERALLY MADE BY JAPANESE
The Japanese are whiter than white people.
Genetics say otherwise, fucking idiot
Their values say otherwise, retard.
god I wish that was me
I think youre a fucking incel who is a lonely coward.
grosse pédale
How about nö
Their values that render them absolutely fucking useless to the furtherment of mankind?
What if that was part of his plan from the very beginning?
no they aren't
they all have sickly yellow skin they hide with makeup
Man how do you get full size posters done up?
I'd love some of them for my house and so would my wife.
its the same chick who drew all the pics you dumb fucking non country
>Those digits
More Aryan than you, Jamal
shilling her products. but yeah you guys don't care about the rulles. incels are pathetic and weak
Your scientific "accomplishments" mean jack shit when your country is in ruins thanks to degeneracy and Judaism. Japan knows what beauty is, they know the importance of family.
Yeah their values of eating each other's puke and some god knows what creatures for dessert.
And? They're still whiter than Europe and America. No niggers, no kikes.
Mfw pic related
>Was getting R34'd part of your plan?
As if Jews won't ever destroy Japan either. Whites were a bigger threat and as such were targeted first. Degeneracy is a new thing in white civilization.
Genetics say otherwise.
Please tell me she has a penis
Can you draw a tarantchan version of this?
no, they aren't
whites = europeans
japs arent white
>oh look! a natural view on a touristic place proves my point!
Come back when you dive deep.
Of courshe
OK, stopped reading right there. Degeneracy has been there since the beginning throughout Greece, Rome etc. Just because now the Internet exists and allows whores to show themselves over the Internet doesn't mean it didn't use to exist.
Bantz aside I wish your country luck in their fight against jewry and the destruction of your people. May you be able to do lots of something in your struggle to take back what was taken from you.
And guess what? Both of those civilizations you just mentioned kicked Jews out at some point.
Weird coincidence.
Thank you. I do look forward to an alliance with your people again in the eventuality of a Fourth Reich (if that's possible anymore).
>anime is fucking degenerate
you realise this is Jow Forums, right?
Anime isn't as prevalent on here as it used to be.
r/thedonald getting bretty boring huh?
Those countries were still 90% white. A Hitler isn't possible anymore when the demographics are this far gone. Heck, 44% of whites vote democrat. That's not even counting the conservicuck Republicans. On the bittersweet side, eastern Europe will become the last remaining white ethnostates, even with complications arising due to Western Euro immigration.
Yeah, she has a big chinpo.
Does it make sense for people who promote pro-white culture to jerk off to non-white culture?
You're right, things aren't too good right now. We can only hope that the brainwashing eventually fails and that Gen Z will see the truth.
>Does it make sense for people who promote pro-white culture to jerk off to non-white culture?
>Liking a culture that adores white blue eyed people in their pop-culture is wrong
you don't know
based frogposter
>Jerking off to a culture that jerks off to your culture
Seems pretty focking convoluted and stupid, doesn't it?
the white man has colonized every pussy in the planet
No, its called friendship. Almost pure uneuphemized dictionary definition of it
there is no friendship with shitskins
Ok, sure. Let's say I concede that point, what about the fact whites are responsible for most inventions on this planet? Japanese are fine, and I think they're great, but their values are very egocentric and lack too much sympathy. It doesn't make sense to worship them so much considering this.
tfw you're so tired that you use fine and great in the same sentence
Shut up boomer
Go back LARP somewhere else
>Ford innovates cars
>Toyota, Honda and Mitsubishi innovates a little more and helps the american car industry progress more in creating better cars
>America makes videogames
>Japan helps improve them and partner with america
>I hate my little buddy who helps me make better stuff in exchange of helping him make better stuff
>Love. Plebbitfag
That one for you
See for proof you are an anecdotal faggot.
OP you'll get the fucking kikes / Europol at your door if you keep spreading your personal info online, please be less retarded.
Btw drawings are really good
>After 1950 nothing changed
Give me an updated statistic oh my honorable lord
>America makes Pearl Harbor
>Japan shows up with planes
Kill yourself.
How come both Japan and China had been around during the entirety of that time (and much longer) yet didn't do shit?
He probably watches anime himself, definitely Initial D
>America sends planes to China
>Japan sends planes to America
Tarrant would probably consider that degenerate and cringey
>implying FDR didnt know about it
>implying he didnt want this to happen
>implying all 3 carriers not being stationed during the attack was pure cohencidence
>Changes topic from economics to war
Thank you, close the door of the bathroom stall after you finished suckin kike cock
Nigger, you can't say I changed the topic and magically make it seem that way. We are on the topic of relations between the Japanese and Caucasians right now, so anything under that is the discussion.
Go ahead and explain to me how they haven't invented nearly anything in the millennia they've been on this planet for, though.
AGAIN, see
Immigration is now a very widespread thing IN RECENT TIMES and as such we can't go by a country's inventions anymore. But we can for years before 1950. Why do you lack even a smidgen of abstract thinking, m8?
I was thinking of getting a black sun tshirt or something but I am scared of getting attacked by pakis and chimps or getting called out at my local by good goys (getting barred from your local is serious shit in Bongstan). Do you guys think its normie friendly enough or is this a way to lose my job?
Yes Europeans did most of the inventing and discoveries because they were the first ones to industrialize. Japan caught up later when they got westernized in the 19th century. Now, for the past few years, they are constantly being awarded nobel prizes (not the meme ones like Literature, Peace and Economics) unlike any other Asian or African countries.
Pretty funny, user. But I’m guessing you don’t entertain normies very often.
Why weren't they first to industrialize?