Get in here, Richy D and some other plebs.
Qanada election edition
Coming Up: Monday, 13 May
Simon Birmingham, Liberal campaign spokesman
Tanya Plibersek, Deputy Opposition Leader
Richard Di Natale, Leader of The Australian Greens
Helen Haines, Independent for Indi
You dumb cunt can't even spell qanda
lmao this policy is going to be a disaster. government guaranteeing subprime loans? fucking JUST
This is true
What do you mean the government insuring loans could lead to banks being more irresponsible with lending???
Good evening. Ropefag checking in, just waiting for the day. Pic related.
I would enjoy seeing plibersek get gangraped by a pack of uzbeks
lmao what a disaster, none of them can even sell this garbage policy. just be honest and admit that you want the boomer cohort to dump their heavy bags onto this current generation
When the ABC starts calling out both parties for their subsidies being a problem, you know shits cooked
QandA? Fuck that, watch Lego masters
hello, How do i avoid de rating my slings, also how the fuck to I use those ratchet things for tieing down shit on trailers?
fuck m8 your memes are shithouse
de rating? Call a pest inspector. Ratchet straps are like backpack straps, but with a mechanical function. Read the instructions.
this episode of qanda might just be enough to save SHYs seat
Read Jon Krakauer Into thin air
>could you live on $39 a day
>Is newstart supposed to be a wage
Communists make me sick.
>Im a DSPer
>Gimme more gibs
Bet its for ptsd or something. Bitch has crazy as fuck eyes plus pig piercing
>26 years old
>on newstart
Kill yourself.
I fucking hate valley girlspeak
>stands up in front of a crowd to speak to a national audience
"Impossible to live on $39 a day, even living at home"
What the absolute fuck? Lmao
Gibs me more free kangaroo bux
>could you live on $39 a day
Yes, I do. Its easy if you dont drink or smoke or do drugs like this pig does
Newstart is comfy af if you’re leeching off parents or someone else
I could live on $39 a week, weak cunts.
Why would a woman do this to her hair? Bitch you are ugly enough as is.
alright, now this woman is starting to piss me off
>visibly shaking
Its comfy as fuck anyway if you arent a drunk, druggy, smoker, fat cunt etc.
when is someone gonna break the silence and say that new start isnt supposed to be a living wage. bunch of fucking cowards and retards
How many times do you think plibersek has sucked dick
She looks like she’s thinking of cock now
>im soooo poor
Eat less then piggy
What do you do all day?
Scomo is gonna win because of chinks and Palmer
Tanya plibersek was raped by a pack of uzbeks in the winter of '42
>there are more people than jobs in this country
Then perhaps you should stop importing third worlders you dumb fucks
Why can’t this bitch get her teeth bleached
I missed it as well.
>some Australians can't get online to apply for jobs because muh NBN
What does satellite/mobile internet cost at a minimum? $10/month?
We need more people to keep paying taxes and overpriced education fees to keep the boomers rich.
I though the last thing was a pig
"The gubbermint should gib me money for durries, booze an Maccas and other luxuries like all the people who work can get!"
Omg this audience lol
>could you live on $39 a day
This stupid idea that you can't is fucking ridiculous. People around the world do it, and yet we are somehow "better" than them? Fucking sickening.
Most of these people choose not to live on $39 a day. You could live in a share house with 60 Muslims if you wanted to.
She looks like she takes pics of her butthole and posts them
Chinks vote labor dummy. Shorten is promising hell bring over all their parents too
>some Australians can't get online to apply for jobs because muh NBN
>libraries dont exist
Just use the free wifi that can be found literally everywhere in the city, shopping centers, maccas and libraries. Muh internet is off is teenager who didn't do his homework tier excuse.
That is such a hideous policy
I bet even lots of immigrants are disgusted by it
Public libraries have computers you can use for free!
Literally money for your "welfare". The fact that centerlink dollars get deposited into bank accounts is fucked. Every dollar should be monitored and accounted for.
reckon you lads could survive on $39 a WEEK?
You’re wrong chinks are more inclined to vote liberal because they work and aren’t retarded
I don't understand why no one seems to think a "living wage" would be a bad idea since it would make people more comfortable to not do anything?
By this point it is VERY obvious that people are on newstart because it's FREE money, many of my friends are on it and they are all on it because it's free money, not because they really need and are poor while they're looking for work.
>that shaved head
>those gauges
>that septum piercinh
>that ambiguous racial makeup
Is this the final sjw boss
"People" around the world can buy a day's worth of food, mostly rice for like $3. You can't do that here.
Who here does anal?
Yeah that's a yikes from me
septum piercing is the biggest red flag
Yeah just get one of those 10kg bags of rice from a gook shop
Look at a fucking electoral map or a poll chang. You filthy gooks vite labor like a hive mind
I want to what does it feel like can you just use vaseline
we /carbs/ now
1st world problems
>pay TV
>Holidays to Phuket
I love things in my ass!
t. Green senator who'll remain anonymous
Yes you can. Beans are only $1 at every supermarket.
7 cans of black beans, 7 cans of kidney beans, 10kg bag of rice. Still $15 spare for public transport to look for a job.
If that was true libs wouldn’t have gotten in since 2005
Chinks love work if they could work in their sleep they would
Have you tried using that shit-tier internet? I was on that shit for years and it was a painful existence.
maybe a bit of spices or something to spruce it up a little?
Give that woman a Dalmatian jacket
Bill trying to get chink vote
Doesn’t mean chinks like Bill
How will a newstarter pay for an expensive suit hired for the interview?
Fuck off noonga
that's the chisholm electorate. Both lab and lib candidates are chinks.
>end the cycle of poverty
>middle class is now lower class
Here we go, abo this abo that blah blah blah How about you just fuck off and die? Or stop complaining and realise you cunts need to do things for yourselves
>coons are doin good now unna
>so which a youse white cunts are gunna give us more gibs
always nice to see my meme getting around
I reckon chinks more likely vote libs
>those comments on the youtube stream
wew, how many of you boys are shitposting on it right now?
Damn. You got me there.
Honestly, if you're out of work for more than 2-3 weeks it's you're own choice. People that desperately want work apply at 50 places a day, in person and put in the hard yards.
Is don
Is good
Labor was handing out fortune cookies with messages inside at the station this morning
I wonder how much of this "aboriginal middle class" is working for the public sector.