Reminder that Zoroastrianism is the true religion of the indo-european, and the abrahamic religions are jewish subversions of our pure faith that they almost destroyed.
If you are a true white european read the Gatha and adopt Zoroastrian faith now.
White Man Religion
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I bet they made basic gliders and flew them around.
Zoroastrians don't take converts
these threads are so gay and larpey
Discount Robin Hood.
Imagine that, spics stealing things.
I read Thus Spoke Zarathustra and liked it. Is Gatha by the same dude?
Modern Zoroastrians no, because they're mostly ultraorthodox old people, but the faith as preachet by Zarathustra has no such restrictions.
>Reeeeeeee aryan religion is larp
>take this superior jewish desert fairy tale instead
Only Zoro that matters
what the fuck snowgooks have internet connection?
>semitic desert dweller religion
>coming from a gypsy flag no less
as i said real fucking gay and jarpey
It's very expensive. And slow as fuck.
>56% amerimutt calling other people non-white
Nice try, Alejandro.
Nigger in the EU, do you not understand landmass area and population in the UE? Most of USA is white Anglo Saxon. Only in the cities is niggers and spics.
>Most of USA is white Anglo Saxon
White trash don't count as white you honorary niggers.
White trash hate niggers, spics, commies, and Eurofaggots.
Seems they count as white to me.
Zoroastrans were the First to come up with the bullshit manichean version of Heaven and hell so it's still a very unsophisticated religion.
If You want to Be redpilled You should rather read zhuang tsi and become taoist
The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. - - Tao te Ching
I stopped reading there and never needed anything else from it.
You have to let go the delirious idea of reaching a "final Truth" and especially that noone is all good, noone all bad and nothing either
The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
Yeah but the whole point of Tao is exactly to stop You from believing You Can grasp ultimate truths.
Is a far more educated and logical stance than the semitic "muh god doing right things and he is totally real and I know It to Be real" which is literally subhuman retard goat keeper level of reasoning
The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao
esoteric hitlerism or gtfo
Thats not your god you filthy retard.
All who reject Jesus will burn in hell.
Imagine the smell
shut the fuck up boomer
This board is Just boomer and shill right now
>The religion states that active participation in life through GOOD DEEDS is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.
>The religious philosophy of Zoroaster divided the early Iranian gods of Proto-Indo-Iranian tradition, but FOCUSED ON RESPONSIBILITY
In Zoroastrian tradition, life is a temporary state in which a mortal is expected to actively participate in the continuing battle between truth and falsehood.
So basically, single creator God who is good but allows for free will and choice, wants you to do good things, take responsibility for yourself and your actions, actively seek truth and destroy falsehood.
Zoroastrianism is also a precurser to the Abrahamic faiths, and in fact was an active religion during the time OF Abraham. (2000 BC)
The tenets of Zoroastrianism are also found in Christianity. Of course, it's much older than Christianity so you can see a natural progression into it.
Actually the original religion of mankind was Sanatana Dharma, today is known as Satanism (what a cohencidence that it's also synonym with evil, like Nazism) which is the purest form of Paganism, Joy of Satan is the truth, even jewipedia is afraid of writing a page about it, and jewgle doesn't even give results in English.
'The Tao of Pooh' has a surprising wealth of wisdom in it, especially for the common Westerner who has wool in front of their eyes to these matters.
>the rabbi told me so
Bell Beakers, Yamnaya, those are Western European's ancestors.
>retard there ancient chinks not gooks so there ice chinks
Hinduism is even closer to the Aryan Hyperborean tradition, Zoroastrianism was the first breakaway sect from it, if you are a true white hyperborean study Advaita Vedanta
As said, they don't take it, they are the leaders of Zoroastrism, and we should respect their decision. Europe has it's own religions, no need to bring a foreign one as christcucks have been brought
te tao te tou te tao
They dont take converts because they still respect a treaty with king/monarch of Gujarat in India, who gave them a safe place from Muslims persecutions.
"Your people can settle here, but you can't take converts".
that's only Indian parsis, Persian ones do
>Indo-Iranians are semitic
Mutt education
based and slachtapilled
also czech'd
I didn't know, thank you very much
no Zalmoxis?
gypsy, i am disappoint
Zoro was fabulous
>no Zalmoxis?
Also Anacharsis
Ahuramazda’s name was regularly thus “translated” as Zeus by Greeks.
the God of Zoroastrianism is the only begotten son Zeus.