Why are you still Protestant or papalist/Roman Catholic?

>>Created after leaving Orthodoxy in 1054 AD after accepting papal supremacy and filioque
>>The bishop of Rome has magistrative powers
>>Pederasty problem
>>Sacked Constantinople in 1204 because crusaders we're niggers
>>Created Protestantism because of the bullshit heresies created by the Roman Catholic church

>>Cult comprising of either really liberal churches like Episcopalian to insular and authoritarian groups like Mormons and seventh day adventists and Jehovah's witnesses
>>Rejects theotokos
>>Rejects early church fathers and early church history
>>anyone can create their own church without apostolic tradition

>>Most traditional and based form of christianity
>>Not cucked
>>Priests can have a wife and kids
>>Doctrines of orthodoxy haven't changed since it's inception.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Religion is for sheep who are too weak to forge their own path in life, thus they need an external guide to hold their hand to the bathro- I mean "happiness"

>sheep who are too weak to forge their own path in life

congratulations you just described the majority of human populations since the beginning of human populations.....

On the contrary, atheism is for little manchilds who can't stand the idea that someday they'll have to account for their actions and take responsiblity for all evils they have done. It's like a being a pre-teen rebelling against his parents.

You say religious people are afraid of the dark... maybe so. But you my friend, you are afraid of the light.

>orthodoxy not cucked
>every orthodox country is a shithole cuckolded by corrupt kleptocrats

I'm an Atheist but will make my children Orthodox

>"You are afriad of the light"
Wow congrats, you just won the pink prose comment prize.

There is literally no logic behind a god judging you. He literally knows everything you'll do even before your father had grown pubes.

wow, three pictures of old white guys in robes doing gay shit

That's not true god gave us free will. You need to take the god pill user, maybe you'll even stop being a faggot.

aw how cute. Some memeflaggot got triggered. Cope harder bro.

See, this is where I'm at.

If there is no God, then atheists created religion to advance cultural, religious, and military goals.

It clearly works and I want in.

Russian Orthodoxy is a puppet of Putin/Russia, Greek Orthodoxy is a puppet of the Turk, the current Pope is a cuck, and proddies are, well, proddies.
There's no winning. Catholicism has the most physical legitimacy left after Constantinople fell

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spotted the pagan shill

Lutherans make all kinds of lame interpretations cause the bible is badly translated.

I'm catholic

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Orthodox means dirty, smelly and drunk into shit.


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>change your mind and you shall get free gibs on eternal happiness on the work of the christ
no thank you, i'm not a nigger.
i shall compensate on my sins my doing good things as god is my guide to tell what is good
>You can never go to hell
i've played too much Doom to see that as a bad side

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Fuck that greedy kike Cyril
>Man of god only needs necessities in life
>Swiss watches
>Booking whole 5 star hotels for his visits
>Private heli travel
>Yachts and castles
Completely corrupt just like every other establishment in Russia.



Calvinists/reformed are anti-gay, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

I'm not

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Tolerance of all deonomination of Christianity.
Everything that isn't Judaism is Christianity, everything that is not Christianity is Judaism.

Everything Judaic is inherently evil, concerning the deicide committed by the pharisees and many more sins and crimes of the Jews, that can never be forgiven by European Christendom.

Whether Catholics, Protestant or Orthodox,we stand together and we can only fall if divided.
Anyone following any confession to our lord Jesu Christ is my brother and the literary interpretation of the bible is the only interpretation that matters anything to Christianity.
The enemy is the edomite, a hypocrite that works against the principles of the bible.

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I'm a bible following Christian that doesn't go to the church because most are corrupt by the Jesuists, I'm a protestant because I don't believe in any one church holding all of the power since God didn't find any one true church and I reject catholic doctrine as its full of blasphemy that they try to justify everyday.

Orthodoxy does seem based. It might be the religion for me. But I'm concerned about joining a religion that has already been conquered by and submitted to Islam.

Shut up commie.

>But I'm concerned about joining a religion that has already been conquered by and submitted to Islam.it literally never was. The patriarch was held in control by the sultan, but the people, the priests never surrendered.

Saying that Orthodox brothers were conquered by Muslims is Turkish propaganda.
I'd support your entry into the Orthodox church, but you might consider joining a church that is more appropriate and comprehendable for Westerners, like the Baptist, Lutheran or Catholic church.

Let it be known, that you might not be exactly satisfied with Orthodoxy, it is what you would call based, but the actual lithurgy and holy mystery is very alien to Westerners, so you're better of with just fundamental Protestantism or traditional Catholicism.

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Only baptists seem to know what they are doing, Lutherans and Catholics have cucked out.

Ultimately they are the same sect of Judiasm and worship the same kikes.
Pic related is the deaths of christianity.

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As long as wicked people like you deny the existance and truthful word of God Almighty or act in a depraved and beastly manner, religious morals and ethics will be necessary.

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Hitler is literally the antichrist, kike.

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No one cares retard. Pick up a biology book

Except christianity is a kike worshipping cult that destroys the spirituality and science of the white men since its birth.

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Well, it really depends on the individual community and priest/vicar, never simplify churches.
Generally stay away from boomer suburbs and modern churches, they erased their obligations, values and traditions from their mind to focus for easyness in life.

All inter-Christian religious wars are unnecessary, mainly for the point that God does not prefer certain groups for their individual merits, he is there for all because not all achieve so-called perfection.

All the time you spend trying to feel good and confident, you could become fundamental and dogmatic, then do bring some good to the world for all and God's glory, you'll see that his grace is never quite certain.

Your kike-cult needs chemo stat.
If you want to make everything Jewish, you succeeded. By now you shills managed to make the entire Christian history Jewish and give freeway for the existance of the state of Israel, all because you're ignorant and cynical shitheads without morals.

Now figure me this.
Kike 1 is following theist Orthodox Judaism, being highly religious and loyal to the torah and talmud is his thing.

Does he hate Christianity?
Yes, according to rabbis Jesus is boiling in semen in hell, probably the same image in your mind that you laugh yourself to sleep with.

Kike 2 is non-religious, an atheist, heck, even an anti-theist Jew.
Does he hate Christianity?
Yes, he thinks "Jesus sucks" and that all religion is just for weak men, that all religion needs to be crushed and replaced with rationalist logic, about as you imagine your ideal little world, shill.

Modern Jews did not exist back in Roman times and if you believe so then by definition you are a Zionist. zionists believe that Jews have a claim to Israel, because it has always been their ancient homeland.

Now the only way to deny that is by stating that they are racially descendants of Iranians and other European, Asiatic and African ethnicities which they, through forced marriage and kid-napping, added to their genepool, which is a proven fact.

Oh, but that destroys your shilling agenda, because you totally need proofs for Jesus being a racial Jew, because you need to make racialism so trivial that it becomes a laughing stock, shill.
You deny that the ancient Mediterranean civilisation was pretty Caucasoid in one thread, just so you can deny that again.
You are the parody of yourself, you shill Jewish perspective constantly and then revert to call anyone a kike based on your very semitic views.

Any rabbi would cheer, if he heard that you believe Christianity is an Abrahamic religion, which it isn't, because it is NOT about being a descendant of Ismael (Arab) or Isaac (Jew).

Yes yes... i guess that's why russian churches were demolished and christians were prosecuted and even killed during and after the communist revolution, which was dominated by an overwheling amount of jews btw.

Seriously, you've never studied history and you've never read a single page of the bible. Not joking... why are atheists or pagans such such incredible fucking retards? Truly just as bad as the average SJW, damn.

Das rite.

I'm joining an Antiochian Orthodox Church starting this coming Sunday. Looking forward to getting baptized and joining the Christian community.

>Muh science
>Muh spirituality
Literally what science?
The science done by Christian scholars, Irish, Italian, Greek and Frankish monks, priests and teachers?
Your "science" is essentialy BTFO'D by any Platonic analasys.

Where do time and space and all mathematical entities originate from?
Mathematicians can't answer with certainty.
Where do the creation of the universe and all physical entities originate from?
Physicians can't answer with certainty.
Where do all chemical substances and all chemical entities, originate from?
Chemists can't answer with certainty.
Where do all biological life and all biological entities originate from?
Biologists can't answer with certainty.

When you ask where God is, you at least have more certainty from your faith than from the "currently accepted theory", everything is ultimate and everything said has to stand on its own.

Jews are not biblical and they do everything Christians don't do.
Baptizing is Christian, being allowed to eat pork is Christian, circumcision is Jewish, usury is Jewish.
See, you're not in anyway an authority and certainly no spiritual entity, you don't get to decide jackshit on who is Christian and who is Jewish, that happened two millennia ago.
You are in fact now pathetic and shameful, LARPer.

Jews are a KJB translation for Judeans and do not refer to Mosaites, you idiot. It's not fault of Christianity, it's English.
It is meant in a spiritual context, not your stormshill/burzumist ideological mirco-politics, you egocentric, lying schizoid.

Abandoning Judaism/Hellenism refers to the unifcation of Christians under Jesus, despite of their conflicting backgrounds, not as internationalist, multicultural or egalitarian uniformity.
I wonder what you have against Greeks, I wonder what you have against ancient Judeans who gave up their false ways.

Nothing is meant in context of a class-war, but as divine commands and Christian love. You are too narrow-minded to fathom, because you're a turbosperg.

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That is cancerously English concept

Yup, there is the Atheist.
So you support the view of the left relentlessly?
Leftists, liberals, the MSM, the history channel, some of them claim Nostradamus accurately predicted Hitler as Anti-Christ, but that's some bullshit, he was baptized and his views on religion were split at most.

By making Hitler a devil you only help the liberal, progressive dystorian narrative.
In fact, most fascist and nationalist leaders were Catholics and strong supporters of the pope, Mussolini, Franco, Peron, Videla, Pinochet.
The royal dictatorships in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Greece were all backed by the Orthodox/Catholic church and it were all the churches that banned Jews of course.

Since the last serious and important on-topic post that went longer than three sentences was made two and a half hours ago and as this tread is heading straight into the archives, I'm just going to say that I'm disappointed by the huge amount of shills on this board.

Italianon just went silent after one post, while I was able to make still two posts proving him wrong, while the other Atheists were too lazy to evenw write anything more than a good old 1-post-by-this-ID.

And I'm not even finished, my engagement is flaming and I'm ready to write another essay on why fedorras, Pagan LARPers and others belong on their respective subreddit, discord and swarmfront page.
I do not see JIDF being involved, I think it's an inherent issue of this board, that people are confused and not on point about religion and theological debate.

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Just a quick reminder for anybody who wonts to join orthodoxy.
If you want to join it you need to find your holy guardian,and also a godfather.