Mental Health Week

Since it's mental health week, can we have a thread about mental health, depression, anxiety etc?

What is your mental health like now compared to a year ago?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm so much happier and healthier than my peers :')

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>be 10 y/o
>get horrendously molested by local peado
>spend teens hating my body, hating sex, hating intimacy
>no gf
>no teen love beyond the odd kiss here and there
>sad all the time
>study, work hard, stay busy
>it sucks but it's whatever
>get gf at age 20 for first time
>good relationship
>persuades me to go to counsellor just in case there's something deep down I haven't unlocked
>get female
>she spends every session talking to me about raising her teens as a single mother and how she managed to fight through how hard it was
>cancel that counsellor, new one
>another female
>just nods to everything I say, keeps saying that it's important to not let my past trauma cause me to develop toxic personality traits that can hurt others
>cancelled yet again
>third one
>ANOTHER female
>does the same shit, every time I try to talk about something she flips it into telling me a story about a super hard thing she had to do once
>bail on it completely
>can't be bothered, don't need this shit
>gf asks me to try one more
>get a male counsellor
>session goes well, chat goes well
>he asks how I feel/what makes me feel that way
>asks if there's anything I'm not sure about/if I want to maybe try and figure anything out
>tell him I have a lot of bitterness about it
>few sessions later I feel fine
>no bitterness
>slightly happier
>get on with my life

Mental Health is important but I'd say about 80% of teens saying they're depressed are just attention seeking little faggots

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Boomers did a shit job of parenting

>just nods to everything I say, keeps saying that it's important to not let my past trauma cause me to develop toxic personality traits that can hurt others
Same thing happened with both male psychologists I had.
Such a dishonest profession desu, for 90% of cases you just sit, nod politely and make sure your customer keeps talking for a full hour. And then have them come back week after week.

Sorry to hear about your experience.

Funny you'd ask. I had crazy panic attacks last year. Like, intense being mauled by a polar bear level fear out of the fucking blue which left me screaming into my pillow. It just came and went like a headache. I'm doing great now thanks for asking. Could have been a red pill overdose idk.


We are all products of our experiences. How we cope with those experiences and the environment we're in is what leads to problems sometimes.

More so with younger people because they don't know what's happening and don't understand what's going on inside their mind.

I don't like the word 'mental' health. makes since and is what it is but I would prefer brain health. It has no stigma to it and I think it's better fitting. Some people have tbi and that effects them so that's more brain health. Or people with chemical imbalances, that's also brain health too.

To me, mental, gives the feeling of 'if it's means it's in your head, so you can control it'

But yeah all trolling aside this is serious shit. Suicide is the third leading cause among young adults.

Society is so fucked we are killing ourselves more now than ever before.

What do you think caused them?

Pretty good. Partly because I've given up on "muh race", as white roasties are just too worthless. I'm learning japanese to eventually pursue real women

Most likely a combination of stress and alcohol. Those GABA receptors will do a number on you after you pound them enough.

What do you think is contributing to the rise of brain / psychological / mental issues?

In the UK it's in the news very often these days.

increased rates of child abuse, a lack of traditional working class industries and newer and higher strength recreational drugs

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They let go of putting a stigma on therapy and embraced during insufferably pretentious entitled assholes

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Wasn't the first point far more prevalent in the days when beatings etc were commonplace?

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idk. not being a whiny fag seems to help me?

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also, the cuts disproportionately affected mental health, before 2011 Wards were generally fully staffed and had spare capacity, after 2012 staffing levels and bed spaces were cut dramatically. In practice these days it's a one-in-one-out policy in psychiatric wards, with overpaid agency nurses filling in for staff shortages.

I still feel bad, but now I at least know the Jews are responsible for it.

Holy fuck it could not be worse. In the last 12 months I've descended into total alcoholism, full blown coke addiction, my heart can't beat normally for more than 5 minutes.
I'm gonna die at 40 (within 2 years) and leave my 2 kids with nothing

A year ago I was definitely happier.
Now I'm redpilled (aka painted black pill) and also learned I'm partly Jewish from father side.
I'm also half Berber half jewish-italian.
And a fascist.

My mental health is the best it has been in over 10 years at the moment.

Got depressed in high school, became a lazy NEET, got fat, even more depressed, turned to alcohol, etc. Ended up taking anti-depressants. Now I am working out, eating healthier, cut way back on my drinking, fapping less frequently, and making sure to keep myself occupied with personal projects & hobbies. I don't even take anti-depressants anymore.

I feel like one of the key "tricks" was to shift my mind set from being so "goal oriented". For example, "I'm going to work out to fix my depression" is a bad idea, because you set up this idea in your head that "If I lift for a week, and I don't feel better, then it isn't working". Instead, it's all about the journey of self-betterment, instead of an absolute goal. The good feels comes as a consequence of that. As long as you are better than you were the day before, no matter how small the task was, then you have nothing to be ashamed of.

Thx 4 reading my blog

>Promotes racemixing
Do you even try anymore?

I doubt it. While physical abuse may have been more normalised in the institutions, in those days they didn't have hostile foreign grooming gangs in every town and city.

Why do you do this, knowing you are responsible for two children?

Glad to hear it mate.

I am more motivated to action now than a year ago.

I'll let you know the second I figure it out user

Thank you user, I hope others here can find their way out of the depression hole the same as I did.

my boomer mother goes to fucking therapy the fuck are you talking about

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Lol my ID changed, still me but drinking in the car in a walmart parking lot and I guess my IP changed


Absolutely fucking Jewish post.

the same industry guilty of electro-shock therapy and social engineering society for their ends

goodbye mental health, see you in hell

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Great enjoying the benefits of high meat intake

Depression comes from holding false beliefs. When you become truly redrilled, you will no longer be susceptible to depression.

Bunch of made up illnesses. Millennials are miserable because they waste their lives on degeneracy and have to live with themselves. When your entire life is a meaningless, hedonistic wank with no respect for your people or your history, you are going to suffer in the cage you built for yourself.

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Swallow your pride and your pills. They work.

The cure to depression is finding a purpose.

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I was in deep af my oneitis broke up w me me, and was homeless shortly afterwards

Funnily enough, nothing was more assblasting than being taken advantage of in an under the table in home caregiving situation. They were in my head man, I was going to school full time, working two other jobs, and when they stopped paying me, they called me entitled.

All in all I was shorted $1000 and my sanity, never felt like killing myself until I started living there.

Now I’m really back to square one. My friend’s family is giving me a job out of state and a place to live.

I was homeless bc I fell for the memes my stedad and mom were pushing. They convinced me I shouldn’t go to school and instead work for a year to pay for phlebotomy school, so I could pay them more money while attending school. For reference, they’re both nurse practitioners. Once day when my job bounced me a check and I gave them a heads up that I might not be able to possibly make my car payment. My stepdad got so upset that he cried and promised to evict me by the end of the year. Ended up making the payment, but the damage was done and they wanted me out. If you’re thinking this is a misrepresentation of the shenanigans, welllll...they left the state, and my sister had to be adopted. My dad is mentally ill and was living rent free at his aunts bc he wasn’t well enough to work for about a year, so I was given the boot.

Bout to graduate with two degrees next spring tho. Can’t really say things will be better, all I know is they wont be worse and I haven’t though about killing myself nearly as often.

Going to therapy hasn’t really helped. Sometimes I smoke weed and it helps, other times it agitated my anxiety/depression. Finally got my gym membership back so that’s been helping. Idk bros idk

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>he fell for the mental illness Jew

as someone who was not to recently diagnosed with psychosis and dealt with depression from a long time, theres not a huge deal of state intervention ive been to hospital and had all sorts of medication and nurses mental heath team and seen alot of whats to offer for me and suicidal people ect but what I mean is its surprisingly distant now adays its a lot of blanket terms medicine and trying to tell you that your fine even if your not.

Phlebotomy school wtf

>suddenly people pretend to give a fuck about mental health
>but only for a week
why do normies do this?

welcome to mental health life...

Psychosis is pretty awful my man. If you really had a break w reality it’s something unbelievably painful, seemly with no end and to no end. I was in the system at the age of 7 w suicidal thoughts and my man it’s really worse for everyone more vulnerable. I’m glad you recognize there’s something off with how we manage mental illness, even in the places designed to support their community in such a manner. Seems like no matter what science or “social progress” is achieved, they are lagging HARD. Like worse than public schools. The best thing about them is you’re often lucky enough to run into someone going through similar things, or a mental health aide with some , er, awareness.

Cheers m80

I think a large problem is that depression and maybe anxiety are physical and chemical so if you either had it naturally or maybe brought it on your self these thoughts become reinforced and can be self fulfilling

it is all bullshit invented by hyper sensitive pussies.

Ya man memes. Don’t get me wrong it's a great idea, if you’re lower class and/or self supporting. I have a higher paying job now anyways, so the whole thing was spinning my wheels.

The experience was cool, clinicals were great too. But everyone there knew I didn’t need the money. I live in the poorest most fucked county in california, so most my classmates were going to be the first of their family in college. I truly thought I was just paying my dues.

Under different circumstances my mental disability would be applauded.

But unfortunately it only makes me low class.

Like with my bipolar psychosis I'd be a hell of an actor. But no. I have to be normal and be a wage slave.

I see a ton of news articles and stuff about mental health these days. Anxiety, "self-care", etc are all in the news a lot.

>why do normies do this?
Normies like to feel good about themselves. It's a week to pat themselves on the back for being "morally upstanding" people. It's just the same old virtue signalling we always see but it's pre-set for a week every year.

I dont get why anxiety gets so much attention I get it on the rise but its not one of the biggest deals when it comes to mental health i feel like its just more pandering to the moany female overloads

>it sucks but it's whatever
What did you suck?

No it's a chemical imbalance
For a board really on eugenics and concepts of race and genes you all sure like to ignore brain chemicals

Reminder that this is costing us all a shit ton of money:

90% of the nation’s $3.3 trillion in annual health care expenditures are for people with chronic and mental health conditions.

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You reproduced and this is what you do?

Fucking pathetic man. For me, it would be the opposite. If I could have a family (I'm too ugly for women to have sex with me, I have a severe body deformity that makes me physically weak and have fucked up body proportions) I would stop my bad habits and I'd work extra hard for them. You're throwing away something so special just to poison yourself. Why...

>as long as you are better than you were the day before, no matter how small the task was, then you have nothing to be ashamed of
100% this.
It's the essence of self-improvement.
Nobody's your judge but you, so at least be honest about what you do as much as what you don't.

I came from nowhere, first person in my family to go to university. Got a PhD in computer science. My wife is a national award winning author.
You don't understand anything

Fucking ID jumping back and forth

Smart people don't have drug addictions.

I don't care what certification you got where.

You're a failure.

unfortunately it appears that may not be true

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Who we are now is who we are. We can consciously work towards changing, or coping with that, but the 'traumatic event', whatever it may be, left it's impression on you.

Weather it be abuse (sexual, emotional, physical, verbal, financial), neglect, or just a traumatic event like a car accident or family death; these events leave indelible impressions in our mind and essentially we are never the same.

Our ships have set sail, I'm not saying we're a lost cause, but what happened happened and couldn't have happened any other way; otherwise you wouldn't here right now.

The only way to mitigate this is to do better with our children. We can not prevent 'acts of God', time, or chance....We just can't.

What we can do is be properly prepared to deal with these things. Let's face it....our society is fucked. Fucked bad. When this fucked up world works its way into the pure and innocent children it leads to the fucked up adults like we are now. Just because you're fucked up...doesn't mean you're a fuck up, it's just baggage. How do we deal with this baggage? That's the question that leads to self destructive behaviors...likewise that same question can lead some to seeking help.

Why? Why do some fucked up people seek help but other spiral into destruction?

Take for example suicide....the most extreme example...Suicide happens when the pain one experiences is more than there ability to cope.

We must teach our children that shit happens...and sometimes bad shit happens....but we have to learn to deal with them. Really if we just raised our children with an extended family unit instead of the traditional model.

Tl;dr shits real fucked up and it's our previous generations fault for sweeping everything under the rug and not preparing us.


You're not smart if your vice is a material substance.

> How to discredit an entire website with one post.

I'm definitely a failure

>nobody posting Kantbot's forbidden article
Cmon guys step it up

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The first step to recovery from a problem, is to realize there is a problem.

You're smarter than this guy:

Their bible, DSM-5, is written by Jews. They get all their information on mental illness from it.

>IQ is a scientific measure of intelligence and shows that niggers are dumber than whites
>higher IQ means more drug use? lmao IQ don't real, bro!

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This is you:
"Drug abuse is ok because high IQ people are addicted to drugs."

This is me:
"You discredit all of your intelligence by resorting to abusing a physical substance."

>Drug abuse is ok
Holy shit you're retarded, I never said that. All I did was present the scientific evidence that you made an inaccurate statement.

Worse. Ive become an alcoholic due to depression and anxiety over the years. And drinking makes it vice-versa. Therapy and meds doesnt help. Im a nerve wreck at this point. Might an hero soon.

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He's just a kid

Don't try to backtrack your argument.

You were defending this guy:
I was arguing against his position.

You were supporting it.

Politely go back to your clown world.

I have reality to deal with.

The actual redpill is to not have children.

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He's got the memeflag so it makes sense.

Wow, you support alcoholism and coke addiction.

You truly are AMERICAN!

I once got depression because everyone just shat on me all the time. Got a 3 week permit from the doctor to rest and stayed home the whole time. Now anti social as fuck hating all human interaction but no longer depressed and somewhat happy. Did i win or loose?

>it's a chemical imbalance

"Muh chemical imbalance". This meme is pushed by big pharma in order to sell SSRI.

Have sex

What do you think contributed to your feelings of depression and anxiety?

I'd rather buy some SARMs

Neuroplasticity: The brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.

>proving that high IQ people use more drugs means you're endorsing drug use!
read the rules, newfag

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You proved nothing.

You posted a link to a bullshit website with a bullshit article to make bullshit people feel better about bullshit.


Youve become an misanthrope/sociopath just like me. Im still depressed tho.

Probably about the same except now I care less. I have accepted death and I'm looking forward to it a little. Knowing it'll be over someday is comforting. I am in my head a lot and it's leading to some delusions. Gets harder to separate fantasy from reality sometimes. Still lucid and self aware for the most part. Mostly directionless and unwilling to push myself for my wageslave job. Don't have anxiety anymore and depression has mostly subsided. Never went to therapy or medication, think it's all a sham. Without self reflection and determination to change your life it won't stick.

>The following graph shows the association between childhood general intelligence and the latent factor for the consumption of psychoactive drugs, constructed from indicators for the consumption of 13 different types of psychoactive drugs (cannabis, ecstasy, amphetamines, LSD, amyl nitrate, magic mushrooms, cocaine, temazepan, semeron, ketamine, crack, heroin, and methadone). As you can see, there is a clear monotonic association between childhood general intelligence and adult consumption of psychoactive drugs. “Very bright” individuals (with IQs above 125) are roughly three-tenths of a standard deviation more likely to consume psychoactive drugs than “very dull” individuals (with IQs below 75).
cope harder faggot. I dare you to find a single quote of me endorsing drug use. You won't be able to because you're fucking delusional and it's all in your imagination

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Still the same flavor of bullshit.

Drug addicts are not smart people. Case in point There is no amount of bar graphs and bullshit psychobabble you can express that will change this.

Haha ok kid.

My mental health literally depends on how long I didn't watch porn and masturbate. The longer I don't the better I feel.

Anything to justify your vice I presume.

Keep abusing drugs and thinking your smart.

That will surely set you apart from the rest of the >125 IQ drug addicts. According to this faggot here:

>no amount of scientific evidence that proves me wrong will change my mind!

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It's ok to be a drug addict if you're smart.

No its not.

What is your argument again?