When will Paul Joseph Watson make a video on /ourguy/?
When will Paul Joseph Watson make a video on /ourguy/?
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It is simply time to wake up about this. Danes should not give A FLYING FUCK ABOUT ANY IMMMIGRANT. If they do not want to live in their own. They can go live in OTHER COUNTRIES. And annoy THOSE PEOPLE instead. there are 51 majority muslim nations in the world where they can go to to practice their religion. So the very notion they are even in denmark to begin with is a joke. Because they come as parasites to take advantage of that we built a nice country. And then want to demographically take it over. And destroy everything danish people built and made for themselves both infrastructure and culturally and traditions and everything that is denmark they want to basically take over and turn into their own crap.
These are not victims! These are villains. STOP FEELING SORRY FOR THEM.
I don´t believe in sending them to jail when they do something bad. I believe in sending them the fuck out of our country. Why should we spend even more taxpayer money on housing these bastards? They are also 'refugees' which means they are supposed to go back. But you hear them say. Make me go back. See they can but they don´t want to! That should not be our problem because that is the only reason they are even allowed here in the first place is because they are supposed to go back!
And let is make it very clear. Danish people remaining majority in their own country. Trumps ANYTHING of importance of what any immigrant wants, or their feelings. Or what they want from their lives in denmark or whatever. They should be able to be thrown out back to their own country! And be told to go live elsewhere simple as that.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should denmark be a country where it is about what immigrants wants. NO. We don´t need to 'learn' to be nice to immigrants. It´s far beyond being nice to immigrants! We are not talking about like 0.00001% of people and why aren´t you nice to them. So people need to cut the fucking crap.
if he made a video about him it would be to complain that he hasn't been banned from social media while he was removed from fecekikes
Immigrants or in this case illegal immigrants aka
>muh refugees
Don´t drop out of the sky but come from nations where there are tens of millions of these fucking people. So most certainly they should not in any constellation become even remotely close to challenging demographically danish peoples ethnic majority in our own country. PERIOD. And we should throw out as many as we fucking want and tell them to go live somewhere else. In order to accomplish this. Especially people who are 'refugees' and are only meant to be here temporary and then just refuse to leave.
However especially in the muslim case these are particularly nefarious. Since they practice demographic and cultural warfare ON PURPOSE by their evil ideology.
It´s threats when they come in, it is threats when in the inbetween, and it is also threats when you throw them out. So really stop caring about these people will threaten you. Because if they become majority they will cut your fucking head off. And ofcourse they should never become majority in denmark because it´s not their fucking country. If that happens you can no longer pretend as if this is not a full on invasion! Need to get them out!
Your guy is a fucking agent provocateur. Smearing the koran in bacon to piss off muslims.
Why do you wanna piss of muslims? The conservartard and the left will cover for them. You wil get banned politics thanks to this asshole. In a way it's deserved. Do you see muslims smear the bible in feces? Thtas bad optisc, worse than Tarrant of Australia
Here is a video for international audience. But i agree that most of his videos in danish should just get english subtitles because they are hilarious and they also illustrate countless examples of these muslim thugs showing up and trying to threaten him. Young and old and everyone in between showing up making threats to him. It´s like signature move of these douchebags. And it´s too bad that foreigners can´t understand danish, since they don´t even understand the threats they are making in the videos.
You wanna now howto win: Gasoline
Why don´t you shut the fuck up sweden.
>Smearing the koran in bacon to piss off muslims.
No he burned the koran and tore pages out of it to show how muslims are violent extremists. And they prove him correct at every single point. And he did that after as he was going around in several cities talking to people. That he needed police protection to do so because muslim thugs would show up and try to threaten him. And even when he has police protection the muslim thugs STILL SHOW UP and try to threaten him.
>Do you see muslims smear the bible in feces?
Muslims don´t give a fuck about christians you idiot. And this might be surprise to you but not all danes are christians. We don´t have this extremist hive mind that muslims have. Where they call all europeans christians or something. We don´t give a fuck about this bullshit psychotic religion anymore. They can go practice it in the 51 muslim majority countries. And they certainly should not subvert or destroy our culture.
>Thtas bad optisc
Your entire country is bad optics, we tried the carrot with these assholes, now it is time for the stick. Perhaps you should wisen the fuck up sven, you are in much bigger shit than we are about this.
And if you want to talk about bad optics. Go watch some of the videos. The only fucking bad optics there are muslim thugs of old very young and everything in between showing up and threatening him aswell as claiming it is their country and all kinds of shit.
t. mohamed bin achmed salaman al homo
>Why do you wanna piss of muslims?
They are already pissed off and going around threatening people. Whenever they don´t get their way they get pissed off. You have entire ghettos in sweden where police can´t even fucking go you idiot. How is that working out.
These people make threats when they arrive, they make threats in between and they make threats if you try to throw them out. So stop caring about if they get angry. They are precisely trying to intimidate you by being violent. And you should not give in to that kind of terrorism. BECAUSE THAT IS WHY THEY DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. It´s like you have learned nothing from the last many years.. It just gets worse and worse the more of them there are. If you don´t want a civil war the only way to avoid it is to kick these assholes the fuck out of your country, any and all trouble makers. Not jail. FULL ON DEPORTATION OF THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY. They can take their fucking uncles cousins and nephews and their children back with them. Which they are busy trying to bring in to increase muslim demographic.
Also, he is not an idiot whatsoever. He is a new mogens glistrup. Mogens glistrup tried to warn several decades ago about muslim immigration. Saying their goal is to flatter themselves into denmark and other countries. And then when they are strong enough they will take over the entire country and turn it into their way. It´s a bunch of foreigners trying to take over the ethnic population. And islam tells them how to do it. They are waging cultural and ethnic warfare on the nation they go to. And are using every single underhanded trick in the book whilst playing dumb about it.
Both paludan and mogens glistrup (now dead in 2008) were/are attourneys by profession. Both have read the islamic texts, both reached the same conclusion. Which is the only conclusion you can reach after reading and understanding it. Is that this ideology is extremely dangerous to have in your country. And it is trying to take over other countries. That is the whole fucking goal of this ideology.
Glistrup was unsuccessfull because he refused to compromise in anything, and didn´t get anything done really with the other parties. And it´s clear that paludan wants to be a more successfull mogens glistrup. He says basically word for word about islam what glistrup was saying aswell! Glistrup drew ire from it. But he has been fully vindicated about what was going on. Here is an old clip of him on danish tv3 in 1997 where a muslim woman, back then without hijaab ofcourse, that came later. Were trying to act nice and non threatening and ooh why are muslims a problem. And he said yes she is very dangerous because she is trying to flatter herself in. EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPENED in several countries now.. look what they are doing now that there are far more of them! That is what you need to understand is the future for your fucking country. And they are not even your people. It´s a strange and different people from another country. Coming in and trying to take over.
Didn´t have space for the video. Here is video of mogens glistrup. it´s very clear paludans inspiration is mogens glistrup. Both lawyers both saying same thing about islam. Having reached independently same conclusions. Both not really the most handsome persons in denmark. But fortunately you don´t have to be the most handsome person to be correct! Both glistrup and now paludan are completely correct in this. And there is simply not time to act as if people should not understand exactly what these islamic texts are about. It´s just time to say exactly how it is.
Paludan didn´t come out of nowhere in other words. This is not a new thing in denmark what he is saying! You can go look at mogens glistrup and he was saying the same things!
This guy he got kicked out of nye borgerlige for being 'too extreme'. Nye borgerlige was a spin off from danish folk party. DF. Because they were not strong enough in stopping muslim immigration. His new party reflects a more honest political spectrum. Because what these new parties show is that danes are pissed off that the parties are not dealing with this very important issue harshly enough!
Also again he is not an idiot. He knows that muslims have 1 response to any attempt to stop this muslim ideological agenda in trying to take over denmark in this case, but also in other countries. Which is if someone starts talking about it. They are 1 trick pony. POLITICAL TERRORISM. They will show up and threaten that person. So him simply speaking is victory. Because he can just say he will speak somewhere and these assholes show up and he gets them all on video making all these threats as he stands laughing having a good time. Aswell as illustrating to the ethnic danes what these people actually stand for, when they are not bullshitting danish people!
And when he talks about it, that itself is stifling this muslim agenda to ethnically and culturally take over denmark. So just by his mere presence and him being allowed to speak there is victory. Which is why after each video he puts up the two fingers and goes. V for victory.
This guy is far from an idiot. He knows what he is doing. He is a trained lawyer and is not breaking any laws whatsoever. He is very familiar with danish laws!
muh bad optics.
look at them chimpout. some locals will wake up. also it moves people towards right, there's a non extreme alternative right party that is gaining numbers.
>Also, he is not an idiot whatsoever. He is a new mogens glistrup.
Times have changed, the cuckservatives and socialist now there is no return without them getting killed. They have doubled down on censorship. Now that even hunt you down on facebook and twitter. Gud look
Islam is terrorism. It is what the ideology promotes itself. They go into other countries by immigration. Demographically take them over and make sure to promote bringing in as many muslims as possible, aswell as having as many children as possible, through whatever means necessary. If they sit on welfare pump out 12 kids. They are heroes to muslims! Because it helps muslims demographically take over!
This is literally in their jurisprudence to do this! And having up to 4 wives aswell is exactly for demographic subversion! It´s for no other reason than to increase muslim population over non muslim population.
The other method of jihaad is by military conquest. But they can´t do that without an empire. And have weak military in comparison to the nations they want to take over. So this is the approach they now use. Do not let them fib to you about this matter. They know exactly what they are doing. And don´t want you to know this!
They take over this way is they grow in population size, and intimidate anyone who stands against it with political terrorism. The more of them there are. The worse it gets. If there is no resistance to the demographic and cultural takeover. They ofcourse do not complain. But the moment you point it out. That is when they start trying to terrorize with you. Stop trying to negotiate with terrorists! They get angry in order to try to say.
>wew don´t get angry, i´ll stop.
NO. don´t, this is precisely why they do it! It´s political terrorism! It´s built into islam.
So paludan is doing the exact correct thing. He speaks out against islam. And when they show up and threaten him. He makes sure to get it all on video. He got party foundation to start his own party by danes supporting him by him simply going around the danish cities, talking to people. To have these muslims show up and threaten him. And getting it all on video.
And the coup de gras was ofcourse. When he after all these threats to stop him from talking to people. Decided he was going to really show danes what he had been dealing with for a long time now. And decided he was going to burn a koran. And as a result these muslims wrecked the entire local area and ran around trying to beat people up. Aswell as just threw bicycles and all kinds of shit at police.
So he is doing exactly the right thing about this.
>Times have changed
No, you have let them be that way by not speaking out against it. Sweden needs someone like paludan aswell, very very much.
There is no such thing as times change. You know why sweden is changing? Because of immigrants.
See the immigrant muslim terrorists. Try to intimidate the normies into supporting them with shutting down people who oppose the islamic takeover of sweden. So the virtue signalling morons end up helping the muslims censor people who want to stop this process. That is only thing that has changed. It is directly caused by immigration of these fucking people
He is too reckless. Even if I'd personally like to see all the muslims gone. He acts in a way that will ostracize himself from everyone even if he should get elected. Nobody will want to associate with him and as such he won't be able to get anything done himself.
>He is too reckless. Even if I'd personally like to see all the muslims gone. He acts in a way that will ostracize himself from everyone even if he should get elected. Nobody will want to associate with him and as such he won't be able to get anything done himself.
He´s forcing the facts about political islam into the open. And he realizes at same time that he needs to compromise. But he´s very much like mogens glistrup, which is why however right glistrup was. He was not able to get much done, because he wouldn´t compromise in any way. But paludan has said in an interview that he knows he has to compromise on some things to get things done. Which is why he comes out swinging as he is doing recently at the debate. It also allows the other parties to be able to talk about these things more without getting in trouble. So he´s like a non PC bulldog about muslim immigration. And he´s just taking all the flack for it personally. In order to bring it into national discussion.
So he swings hard but he knows he will have to come up with a slightly milder version of what he is proposing. But if he would say that at first. They would just negotiate him the fuck down to absolutely nothing. And then he might aswell go be a cuck in df or nye borgerlige instead. He didn´t think nye borgerlige nor DF was doing enough about this. Is why he was kicked out of nye borgerlige to begin with! And why he started his own party.
He´s provocative on purpose to get this debate into the open. Just like mogens glistrup was. But he doesn´t want to ofcourse make the same mistakes that glistrup did. But it is obvious to anyone who knows or remembers who glistrup was and what he was saying. That those two are almost identical with regards to their stance on islam. Glistrup had in addition to that other things that made it so he couldn´t get much done. But i think paludan realizes to not make those same mistakes. So far he is playing it perfectly!
>Sweden needs someone like paludan aswell
I prefer someone like Hitler
Fair point. If that's the tactic, then it makes more sense. I'll go look up some of his interviews.
You shouldn´t expect him to win. But the mere fact that he is at the debates. Is victory. He is playing the long game. I don´t think he expects to win any massive victory in this election. Just getting the oppinions expressed in debate is what he is there for right now. So that he can attack the other politicians and causing them to respond to their view on these things. Which they ofcourse as we know like to skirt away from a little bit. And instead they talk about immigration in general. And how it needs to be reduced. And how we only want immigrants who like danish people culture and values in denmark. And people who contribute. And noone else. Where he will just add to that that it´s ofcourse muslim immigration that is the biggest problem in this scenario. And then the other parties might say they disagree with the harshness of what he is saying or whatever. But the fact of the matter is he´s right. And they know he is aswell. They just don´t want to actually say it as directly as he does.
The guy is based and has enormous balls.
>Fair point. If that's the tactic, then it makes more sense. I'll go look up some of his interviews.
Glad i could help you 'get it'. It´s amazing that some danish people don´t understand this tactic, this guy is almost spitting image of mogens glistrup when it comes to islam. Go watch for instance this that i linked earlier. Of mogens glistrup on tv3 in 1997 about islam.
Mogens glistrup was also lawyer. So is paludan. It´s clear glistrup atleast with regards to his stance on islam is a great inspiration for him. So you need to realize that he´s doing similar things as glistrup! That´s the key to understand what he is doing. Minus making the mistakes glistrup makes. He´s basically picked up where glistrup left off.
>zionist stooge
Probably soon since PJW is also a zionist stooge.
What a bae
our countries our rules.
Mudslimes do this shit in their countries all the time you stupid faggot.
If they don't like it, feel free to go to a place where it doesn't happen.
All shitskins are our enemies.
Kys ahmed
>Probably soon since PJW is also a zionist stooge.
Danes who don´t want muslims to ethnically and culturally subvert their country is somehow a zionist stooge. Dude the jews are helping the muslims on this such as barbara spectre in sweden. They are not trying to stop them. Muslims are just taking advantage of the situation. Jews know they just have to open the door, and islam does the fucking rest.
It´s just typical muslim garbage rethoric this what you just said. There´s even a point in a stram kurs video where some idiot muslim says to paludan that, he can´t critique islam. And he should critique instead zionist state of israel.
As if danes in denmark who are several thousands of kilometers away on a different continent, and muslims trying to take over denmark in danish peoples country. Has anything to do with a fucking zionist israel. These muslims have 51 majority muslim nations in the world. except 2-3 of them they could have gone to anyone of them. Assuming they are from syria and iraq. But they didn´t, they go to denmark and try to subversively ethnically and culturally take over denmark. And then pretend as if danes are zionists if they don´t want to be debased in their own homeland!
Go away you stupid pirate.
Also btw. paludan is looking for staff for his campaign. Paid for from the first minute ofcourse. He doesn´t expect you to work for free. So if you are interested you can travel around with him around denmark and see how these assholes behave for yourself.
>jews and muslims in cahoots when it comes to screwing over europeans.
Well i am glad you understand atleast that much!
Yeah i know. Do you work for the legend himself?
not to sound like a buzzkiller but lot of populist & nationalist movements and personalities in europe are being co-opted by the kikes as controlled opposition.
What a bunch of chimpanzees
>The guy is based and has enormous balls.
Well he knows what he has signed up to. In one of the stram kurs videos a muslim inspite him being guarded by police almost managed to clobber him in the back of the head with a stone. So ofcourse he ends up tearing pages out of the quran aswell. He knows what he signed up for. He knows what islam teaches just like glistrup did. He´s an attourney and attourneys love to read and memorize things. It´s what attourneys do. Which is why he came to exact same conclusion that glistrup did aswell. It´s the only conclusion you can reach.
If he was just to stop right now, he would be in more danger. Because muslims will not stop trying to come after him even if he stopped right now. So he´s being very blunt in what he is saying. He´s going to need police protection for rest of his life now. Such as many others who have spoken out against the 'religion of peace' and their attempt of demographic and cultural takeover of the countries they go to.
So he´s bold also because of his own self preservation at this point.
If he was going to go into obscurity and just shut the fuck up. Doesn´t mean the muslims would stop coming after him.. And he knew that in advance before he started going around talking about it.
>Yeah i know. Do you work for the legend himself?
No i don´t. But i think he is a breath of fresh air with regards to talking very bluntly about the threat of political islam in denmark. But i think those who can end up working for him, in the jobs he is now offering in that latest video. I think they will probably have a very good time. If they are looking for a job and are interested in his political oppinions.
Thanks for the links. I don't watch TV so I'll admit I'm not 100% up to speed. One friend has linked me stuff of his that I've agreed with, but plenty videos are out there presenting him as a buffoon. As such my knowledge of him has been pretty second-hand. I've voted for DF before, but I don't feel like they've been hard enough on immigration, and I'd also like for us to distance ourselves from EU. I'm still not completely decided on where my votes will land later this month, but I'll give Stram Kurs some thorough consideration for sure.
>I've voted for DF before, but I don't feel like they've been hard enough on immigration
This is exactly why DF gained a lot of ground in recent years. But danes still were not happy enough about it, so nye borgerlige started up. And why paludan made his own party after being kicked out of nye borgerlige. So if you want to vote for a party that is especially strict on muslim immigration. And want to send the refugees back and live in their own countries. Which now are refusing to leave, eventhough they agreement is that they go back if they are refugee. Otherwise they are simply illegal immigrants. Well then it´s stram kurs. Again put your vote what you think has most impact.
These parties are a result of exactly that DF and other parties aren´t strong enough on muslim immigration. So it seems like you are almost halfway there to begin with. What caused paludan to not be in df or nye borgerlige. Is pretty much what you are saying right there.
I find it very healthy to have a more honest political spectrum where you have these split up. Because the big parties aren´t listening to what people actually want! It causes also the bigger parties to give these things more attention.
It could not be more of healthy democratic thing that is happening with these new parties. This is exactly how a healthy democracy is supposed to look like. That danish peoples oppinions get an actual representation. Rather than having to half cuck themselves in larger parties. And not really get a voice for things they think or in this case KNOW, are massive issues. And it helps keep the other parties honest. Realizing they are losing votes to these new parties. So they have to adopt some of these policies if they want to keep existing. Or danes simply will take their vote elsewhere.
I am so glad we have so many different parties that way. Imagine how it is in places like USA where all this is crammed into 2 fucking parties. And cucks on both side screwing american people.
That's a great point. I can see him giving up, and then getting stabbed three years from now walking home from the store. He's made a hell of a sacrifice for his people.
>One friend has linked me stuff of his that I've agreed with, but plenty videos are out there presenting him as a buffoon.
Look he provokes them on purpose because they are constantly showing up and threatening to beat him up or kill him and things like this. This provides for epic entertainment + it illustrates how violent these fucking people and this ideology is.
So ofcourse someone will spin it as stupid. But really all these muslim idiots who show up are doing his work for him. He just needs to keep them talking which is exactly what he does.
Because they show up and they expect to threaten him on his life. To try to stop him from speaking out about what islam and muslim immigration is doing to denmark and the threat it poses!
And then he ends up giving them a taste of their own verbal medicine, without threats to them which is what they do ofcourse.
So in that way yes you can spin that into that he 'looks stupid' but if you actually look through the stram kurs videos on yt. You will not only be highly entertained but you´ll really see how violent these people are.
Here´s an example where he provokes an iraqi kid who is showed up to threaten to beat him up. And says in front of police that he will beat him up and to step outside the ring of police. So then he can get other people to beat him up and things like this.
And i don´t really have a problem with paludan saying this to them at all. Because this is what they say to danish people all the time how they are taking over denmark and go around threatening people who speak out against muslim immigration. Like the fucking terrorists they are. These muslims will almost 100% create a civil war in denmark against ethnic danes if they are not kicked the fuck out and go live in one of the 51 majority muslim countries in the world instead.
Tru dat. No point voting for someone who're not gonna work hard on your interests. Might at least try to send a message to those parties hoping that they'll see that the votes they lose, mean they should probably rethink their strategy. Even if Stram Kurs won't be able to make a big change by themselves, their existence will serve an important service.
And denmark should not be a place where danes are irellevant, and it is somehow about that every other people in the world think that they just come here and pretend we don´t exist, and it´s just somehow all about what they want in our country. They should go back live in their own shithole countries instead. These people a) are not even supposed to be here, they are not even legal immigrants b) they hate danish people and danish culture, and want to turn it into that their people take majority control of our country. They don´t respect danish people whatsoever. They think they just go here and take it over. And act as if they own the place. Whilst crying crocodile tears about their tens of millions of people back home in their own country that they don´t want to live in.
Oh right here is the clip.
>når jeg siger jeg klapper dig en
>hvad mener du med det?
>ja hvad tror du jeg mener?
>det må du jo fortælle mig, det er jo dig der er voldseksperten her.
Videoerner er skide sjove at se. Og illustrerer samtidigt perfekt hvor voldelige disse mennesker og deres ideologi er. Både unge og gamle og alt ind imellem kommer og truer ham. Lige direkte foran politiet. De er ligeglade. Det er ikke noget mysterie hvad der ville ske når der kommer så mange af dem i danmark at der ikke er nok politi til at stoppe noget som helst. Det er borgerkrig med de idioter. Fordi de ikke vil skride hjem til deres lorteland hvor alle deres folk er. Eller i det mindste til et andet meget lignende land i nærområdet. Nej de vil komme her og prove at overtage vores land og nægte at skride hjem. Og inviterer onkler nevoer og alle de andre over for at prove at få etnisk majoritet her. Og det er det paludan påpeger.
Hvis der ikke er nogen der prover at kritisere det er muslimer jo ligeglade. Det ojeblik du gor.. så prover de at komme efter dig.. Det er fucking terrorister hele bundtet. Politisk terrorism.
Yeah with you pointing out his tactic that aspect makes more sense. Plenty of people are just that dumb, so it's easy to assume that they "go ham!" without having thought it through. I suppose it's all in the Art of the Deal.
>That's a great point. I can see him giving up, and then getting stabbed three years from now walking home from the store. He's made a hell of a sacrifice for his people.
There´s no going back for him. So yeah, i think it´s quite admirable what he is doing. And also very necessary. Because then danes can come to him and his party and go.
>you know i like what you are saying, but if i say something bad things might happen to me. I´m fucking scared of these people just want to live my life in peace in my country. So i´ll vote for you, cause i´m just glad someone had the fucking balls to say it. And put up with all these threats.
>Tru dat. No point voting for someone who're not gonna work hard on your interests. Might at least try to send a message to those parties hoping that they'll see that the votes they lose, mean they should probably rethink their strategy. Even if Stram Kurs won't be able to make a big change by themselves, their existence will serve an important service.
Exactly. You got it. It´s proper representation of danish peoples oppinions. Rather than having oppinions that are not allowed to be expressed. And it has an overall positive influence. Where you don´t just have a few politicians who constantly dodge certain issues.
Jaja man ser det gang på gang. De eneste gode "muslimer" er dem der alligevel ikke ved hvad Islam står for.
>Yeah with you pointing out his tactic that aspect makes more sense. Plenty of people are just that dumb, so it's easy to assume that they "go ham!" without having thought it through. I suppose it's all in the Art of the Deal.
Yeah sorry i linked the video apparently several times as i was pointing it out. But i highly recommend even just for entertainment purposes you go check out the videos on stram kurs's youtube. There´s tons of videos like it. And you get also occasional good dialogue with ethnic danes who come up to him and have a decent debate with him. But a lot of the time it is muslims coming up saying they want to beat him up or kill him or something. They don´t even care police is there. And i think quite a few of them also are taken into station afterwards. Because they are so fucking violent they stand right next to a police officers head and say they want to beat him up or get someone else to beat him up. Or worse things.
I'll do that for sure. Holt shit some of the dialogue is hilarious as heck.
Very good.
>I'll do that for sure. Holt shit some of the dialogue is hilarious as heck.
Look this is what you need to understand before you start watching more of the videos.
The muslims who show up know why he is there and they know why paludan is there. Paludan is there to reach ethnic danes in the communities he go to. And they show up to try to stop him from doing it. And to threaten him even on his life. And to basically shut him up so islam can gradually through a slowmoving process take over denmark. They are not interested in talking. They are interested in threatening him and get him to shut up and not say a thing against it.
So they show up and police is there. And they realize too late that paludan doesn´t give a shit about their threats. And he trolls them like crazy and makes the best out of a situation. Whilst illustrating at same time how violent these people are.
So when paludan says in this recent debate which brazil user just relinked. That if they take over denmark it will not be fun be him or you. He knows probably more than most what that means. He has hundreds of videos illustrating how violent these people are. It is no mystery what will happen if they become gradually taking over society. If they control police they will kill dissidents and police will turn a blind eye to it. And then ethnic danes will just shut up. And then you get a situation muslims want, where people 'respect' islam very much as in they are terrified to speak against it. To not get beaten up or murdered or other such heinous things. This is an ideology that has zero tolerance of anyone else but themselves when push comes to shove. They just flatter you at first and act timid when they are small population. But already now as their population in denmark are increasing. You can start to get a taste of what that is going to be like to live in communities in denmark with these assholes running around!
Just realize as you are watching the videos. The magnitude of what will happen in danish society if these people become even close to ethnic majority. There is not enough police to protect ethnic danes from these lunatics then. And this is precisely why islam is so extremely dangerous! Because they are violent as fuck. And they act as if it is perfectly fine to do! Because that is what it is in their ideology. If you fight them they will call you a villain. If you don´t, they will call you weak and laugh as they tyrranize you.
You can´t win with these people who believe in this ideology. If you are too nice to them they see it as weakness, not kindness, and just exploit it. If you go too much arguing against them. They try to act as a victim and declare you a villain. It´s all a little fucking game to them. They know exactly what they are doing. And they act as a victim to manipulate normies to help them attack islam critics! But in reality when push comes to shove the ethnic normie danes will get same treatment if they start to have a problem with islam. As the ones they helped the muslims censor and attack.. These normies are not on the winning side. The more they help muslims do this, they will make sure that they lose, and there´s no reset button for losing your own people in your own country. And losing control of your own country. Where are you going to go? You are already home. But now you are a tourist in your own country. And these douchebags pushing you around!
so the long of the short of it is. You might not agree with him on everything. You might not want to vote for him. But atleast support the fucking guy in what he is doing. Because if these people have their way. There will be nobody that is not too afraid to say anything. So it is important to support people like this, even if you don´t personally want to vote for them.
Apparently even the leftwing part in Denmark has become very critical of Islamic immigration.
Yeah the good old "Religion of Peace" / "Fredens religion"
Just imagine what had happened to paludan if police wasn´t there. 100% he would have been dead quite a while ago. And they´d go.
>ah nothing to do with islam, he had it coming he was provoking people.
Same as fucking always when they do this political terrorism. And what happens.. Then people shut up about critiquing islam. and they gradually take over and go.
>ah see, people respect islam now. And now we are in charge so now you better shut the fuck up or else! And nobody coming to help you not even police.
So they are PISSED THE FUCK OFF that police is there. Because it makes it so they don´t accomplish their goal of terrorizing him into shutting up and never say a word against islam or muslims again. But it also shows you what will happen when there are too many of them. Because there will obviously not even remotely enough be close to enough police to protect ethnic danes. So most of them will just be beaten up or worse. And police will respond in the aftermath..
It really is such an extremely dangerous ideology. That ofcourse wants to fly under the radar whilst it is gradually taking over. If this thing takes over denmark it is a fucking nightmare. Where people are too scared to say anything. This is how muslim nations end up being almost like 90+% majority muslim. Because when they reach critical mass around 40-50% it becomes so fucking intolerable to say anything against it. That people just shut the fuck up like a fucking clam. Precisely because they get fucking dead or beaten up severely and put in hospital if they say too much or are too effective in trying to argue against it. They have meeting with a masked gang of thugs in an alley somewhere. And they can´t find out who did it.. And that person will have fucking PTSD or something. This is what terrorism is. It´s not going blowing yourself up and going kaboosh. It´s intimidating and threatening people to be so afraid that they don´t dare to speak out against it. Submit or else...
See the reason they also do the kaboosh or truck of peace and what not. Is because coupled with that the intrinsic 'nature' of islam being political terrorism to take over. And death penalty for leaving it on top of it. Is because on top of this terrorism. The muslims believe according to the islamic texts. That if they go kill someone who is trying to fight against muslims. Actually he´s defending himself. But anyone who defends himself, they claim are fighting muslims. Eventhough it´s muslims trying to take over. Then muslims believe if they go kill that guy. They go to highest level of jannah, islamic paradise!
So it´s such an incredibly dangerous philosophy that also keeps its own flock in line with death penalty and other harshness should you capitulate and join up. That it simply cannot be understated why it is important that muslims never be allowed to demographically take over denmark!
Immigration on the whole is bad enough with ethnic debasement. Because your people are destroyed and foreigners basically have taken over your country. But if muslim take over in particular. It´s not only is your people essentially totally debased in the only place they are. By foreigners who come in to your country and take it over. But you will be completely tyrranized by this ideology if you should speak out against its horrible practices. And they will just replace our culture traditions and values with their 'culture' (which is really islam). So you lose every fucking thing your people built and were about, + you also lose your people aswell. So you got a bunch of foreigners pushing you around. THIS CAN SIMPLY NOT HAPPEN, and we can´t keep ignoring that this is the current trajectory. We need to especially kick these fucking muslim 'refugee's who are not even legal immigrants. Out of our country before they start fucking killing us on a routine basis, like they do in other countries if someone according to muslims, were 'provocative' or 'insulting' against islam.
We can´t keep pretending that danes are irellevant in denmark. And it is just some kind of free for all, where they pretend danes don´t exist in the only country we really are. And it is just in their mind supposed to be about what immigrants want. It´s not their country. They have their own countries they come from. They can´t have ours aswell and our people are just destroyed, IN OUR OWN COUNTRY, and replaced by them. Because they operate as if and pretend as if we are irellevant and don´t fucking exist. As if denmark is just an empty land and any immigrant who comes is danish person. And now denmark is about them. This can simply not go on any longer. Nor can we keep ignoring what immigration is doing to our country. And as we clearly see it is also doing to other countries. But as for threat, muslim demographics is the most dangerous of them a ll. Which is why paludan focuses on that. Because the other danish parties are wanting to limit immigration. But refuses to recognize the islamic takeover threat!
>We can´t keep pretending that danes are irellevant in denmark.
>fredens religion.
There is almost nobody else that goes around and threaten to kill you or hurt you if you want to limit immigration. That the adherent of 'the religion of peace' as you point out.
And this is a clear political danger, which makes it so that you can´t actually do politics. Because you are too fucking scared to say what you should be done and identify problems. And this is political terrorism. And why they do it is because they want to take over. And they are infact not peaceful whatsoever. They stop being peaceful the MOMENT they don´t get whatever it is the fuck they want! You can´t fucking have a peaceful society with these people. And their idea of peace is that nobody critiques them, everyone is scared of them. And so everyone just shuts up and cowers in fear. And they go.
>ah see, what a peaceful society we have now. Why do people say islam is not about peace, look how peaceful it is.
Well if i want to summarize it.
>We can´t keep pretending that danes are irellevant in denmark.
>immigration in general is a problem for our peoples culture and continued existance in our country.
>muslim immigration is in particularly extremely dangerous, because it utilizes extreme violence and political terrorism to subdue any opposition, and must never be allowed to get demographic supremacy in denmark.
>support people like paludan eventhough you don´t want to vote for him. Simply because he is standing up against these violent morons and pointing out how violent they are. As they threaten him on his life for having a political oppinion they disagree with.
Der er flere perkere i danmark med våben end folk der stemmer på den tyksak lmfao
Glæder mig uironisk til at se sådan en stuetemperatur IQ ethnonationalist som ham komme til magten og se det kommende shitshow der river danmark ned til 3. verdens status.
Jeg flytter selv ud a crossfire til tyskland.
>Jeg flytter selv ud a crossfire til tyskland.
Du flytter til tyskland. Held og lykke! haha. Ved du ikke hvad der foregår i tyskland eller hvad.
>Der er flere perkere i danmark med våben end folk der stemmer på den tyksak lmfao
Det er sqda lige meget for lige så snart de starter en borgerkrig så bliver militæret sat ind og de bliver kylet af helvede til ud.
og det er det muslimer vil. Det er det sidste stadie for de tager over. De vil true med borgerkrig hvis du ikke holder din kæft. Og det bliver ikke en tak bedre derefter. Det er sket flere steder som fx lebanon. Det er ikke som om det bare er et vildt gæt.
Jeg vil bare gerne have at der ikke bliver borgerkrig hvor de rovhuller render rundt og terroriserer folk. Så jeg vil gerne have dem smidt ud for det sker.
Men du synes åbenbart det er morsomt. Og hvis du er bekymret for at danmark skulle blive et 3 verdens land. Så skulle du måske stotte dem som vil have smidt de rovhuller ud.
For det kan sqda godt være at det har lykkedes dem at intimidere dig. Som det lyder til.
>ah de har våben, vend roven til så du kan få lidt anal sex, eller lob. Det er de to muligheder.
Men hvis det kommer til det, så tror jeg virkeligt folk er pisse ligeglade med deres terrorisme. Så er det jo borgerkrig, og det er lidt noget andet end hvis man snakker om der ikke er nok politi.
Men tillykke med at vise lige præcist hvor stor trussel du klart ved de muslimer er..
Hold kæft, hvor staver du dårligt. Hvad får dig til at tænke, at Rasmus Paludan ikke har en hoj IQ?
>Der er flere perkere i danmark med våben end folk der stemmer på den tyksak lmfao
Det er da klart. Det er jo dem der render rundt og truer med at slå ham ihjel eller slå ham til plukfisk din idiot. Desuden er han advokat. Hvad er du?
Jeg elsker at du siger at man bare skal acceptere at de her volds psykopater overtager danmark og odelægger det. Ellers bliver danmark it 3. verdens land. Halloj fætter guf. Hvad fanden tror du der sker i danmark hvis de får etnisk majoritet. Har du set de lorte lande de kommer fra. Selv hvis de stjæler på denne måde alt vores infrastruktur får de da snart kort hele lortet i sænk! Det burde da ikke være et mysterie for dig.
Men det skal de da ikke engang have lov til at prove, det er fandeme ikke deres land. De kan jo rejse tilbage og forbedre deres egne lande hvor der er masser af millioner af folk ligesom dem selv!
thanks for providing english subs. This video is really deep and I agree with everything.
Do you think he's here with us?
too bad when he gets too many mandates so lars from mars will HAVE to work with him
>Der er flere perkere i danmark med våben end folk der stemmer på den tyksak lmfao
der er også masser af rimelig farlige danske mænd med våben, som vil gore alt for at forsvare deres familier når borgerkrigen rammer
>Hold kæft, hvor staver du dårligt. Hvad får dig til at tænke, at Rasmus Paludan ikke har en hoj IQ?
Han er en komplet idiot. Og så kalder han andre folk for dumme. Se her.
>Glæder mig uironisk til at se sådan en stuetemperatur IQ ethnonationalist som ham komme til magten
Du snakker om iq ved stue temperatur og så bruger du ethnonationalist seriost som en negativ. Hold op med at lytte til amerikanske idioter!
Lad mig sporge dig om noget, måske indser du hvor blæst du er oveni låget.
Må danskere ikke eksisterer i danmark? Vi eksisterer stort set kun i danmark. Du er lige præcist den idiotiske type jeg lige har snakket om der lader som om danskere ikke eksisterer nogen som helst steder. Men immigranter der kommer til danmark. De må gerne eksisterer i danmark jo.
Prov lige at tænk lidt over det her. Du er godt klar over at ingen af disse immigranter, inklusiv muslimske immigranter. Deres folk eksisterer i bedste velgående i de nationer de kommer fra. Med 90+ etnisk majoritet mange mange millioner af dem.
Den illusion du har i hovedet er at immigranter i danmark er folk der ikke eksisterer nogen som helt andre steder! Det er den måde du behandler dem på. Så der skal være plads til alle i danmark undtagen danskerne.
Men du har det helt omvendt, fordi det er sq danskere der stort set ikke eksisterer andre steder. og i worst case kan de immigranter meget let gå tilbage til deres egne lande med 90+% etnisk majoritet. Men danskerer kan fandeme ikke rende nogen steder på samme måde hvis vi er 30% danskere og 70% af dem eller hvad nu er total andre etniske grupper. Så er vi næsten udraderet på planeten din idiot!
Og du lader som om det er omvendt. Du lader som om immigranter ikke eksisterer andre steder i danmark. DET ER OMVENDT. Det er danskerer der ikke eksisterer andre steder end i danmark. De her mennesker, hvis du der er tonsvis af dem i deres egne lande. AF GOD GRUND. For det er deres lande.
Det her er vores!
Vent lige, vent lige. Kaldte du mig lige for beta male? :rofl: Mine gode kammeratere, I er om nogen beta males. I gemmer jer på diverse Discords og Jow Forums boards og hygge-snakker om perkere og negere. Og når I endelig blander i debatten på de offentlige platforme som facebook, er det med falske profiler som Flemming Larsen der har 0 venner, og en meme som profilbillede samt Holger Danske som cover. Virkelig? Og jeg er en beta male? Når perkerne opforer sig som hunde, er de i hvert fald umaskerede. Og jo, min påstand om manglende evner hos en stor del af Stram Kurs’ vælgere holder stadig. Et eksempel er ; mandens evner skriveevner mig cancer. Og ikke, for at nævne han skrev dette for at lyde klog; “Mange forstår ikke kommunikationen, fordi det er intuitiv og springer mellemregninger over, og det er derfor, at man fortsat fumler rundt med grænseværdier i strålingsmiljoet i Danmark det er sansetyperne, der vil have dokumentation for alt og går op i kommaer og retskrivning, etc.”. Forhelvede altså. Lad være med at kopiere noget fra nettet og dump ind. Papegojer.
Selv DR har gennemskuet jer
>Glæder mig uironisk til at se sådan en stuetemperatur IQ ethnonationalist som ham komme til magten
Så de mennesker der er utallige af i de nationer de kommer fra. De vil sidde i vores også. Og du siger. De skal overtage danmark så danskerer knap nok eksisterer nogen steder. Hvorfor. For fanden da lige få hovedet ud af roven din idiot. Det er da ikke dem der sker noget negativt ved. De kan hoppe tilbage til deres lande! Det kan danskerer fandeme ikke hvis de overtager vores land.
Din tåbelige idiot at du tror at det er ondskabsfuldt at danskerer eksisterer og har etnisk majoritet i deres eget land. Hvis vi ikke har det eksisterer vi jo ikke nogen steder!
Og hvorfor skal immigranter bare komme og drage fordel af alle danskerer igennem tidens hårde arbejde. Det fortjener de da ikke en skid af. Og mange af dem gider ikke engang at arbejde, eller er nogle gange simpelthen for dumme til det. Men volds psykopater. Det er er de gode til. Det er der bare ikke særligt mange der har brug for i et samfund. De skal fandeme ud. Det er gået alt for vidt. Og at du kan tro at danskerer er onde for at forsvare dem selv i deres eget land. Ja. Lad os kalde dig en ekstremt evnesvag og hjernevasket idiot!
Tror du ikke de forskellige etniske grupper er klar over at de eksisterer masser af dem tilbage i deres egne lande? De griner af idioter som dig som bare giver dit land og folk over til dem. Hvis der var nogen der provede det i deres hjemlande ville de havde hugget hovederner af dem og jaget dem ud af deres land for længe siden. For at prove at overtage deres land og underminere deres folk og kultur din jubelidiot!
Jeg er så glad for at fjolser som dig vælger at kommenterer. Så det virkeligt bliver illustreret hvordan det står til på den side af det politiske spektrum. Totalt benægtelse af situationen! Og din plan er at lobe væk til tyskland i stedet for at stoppe det!
We don't actually need the guy as our PM, but Paludan will be remembered as the driving force, which woke the danish-men up.
Prov lige at svar på sporgsmålet i stedet for at kysse roven på perkere og at sige at det er fantastisk hvis de demografisk overtager danmark..
Du har hængt alt for meget ud med de rovhuller til at begynde med. 'alpha male'. Du er sådan en helt, at du vil lobe med halen imellem benene til tyskland! Når du ikke har travlt med at tungekysse muslimers rovskæg!
Er det forste gang du er her?
>Selv DR har gennemskuet jer
Er du fra DR? Selvfolgelig poster man da anonymt når de volds psykopater render rundt og truer folk. Men det ser du ikke et problem med hva. Det er jo smartere at blive truet og have folk prove på at odelægge liv og karrierer og andre ting. Det ville da være fantastisk hvis der ikke var politisk terrorisme af den art. Måske skulle du få næsen ud af mohammads rov i 2 sekunder og fortælle dem at de ikke har ret til at gore det. Og rent faktisk at gå imod det. Men det er du ikke 'alpha male' nok til. Folk som paludan er 100% mere mand end du er. Jeg ser ikke folk som dig gore en skid. Lad os se hvordan du ville reagere hvis du blev truet på livet ligesom ham eller din familie eller born blev hængt ud og tyrraniseret.
Stfu already with this faggot fatass looking like he's missing half a chromosome.
You danons are acting like fucking fatherless niggers with father issues, trying too hard to seem all tough and get accepted by everyone else. Chill.the.fuck.out.
Now now Madhammoud not every European is as cucked as Swedes are.
Hej DR.
Look at all the youtube videos on the electon. It's hard to find someone that doesn't agree with him.
The biggest party in Denmark, Socialdemokraterne, is pretty much the only party on the left wing who has become more strict on immigration. And they're quite centrist in many regards to be fair. The 2nd biggest red party, Enhedslisten, is literally a former communist party, now a cultural-marxist party. The rest on the left are complete onions-cucks.
I ethnonationalister skal gore rent på jeres værelser, vaske jeres pik og finde en kæreste.
Tabe noget vægt hvis i lider som paludan, så det også nemmer af finde en tos der er villig til at hamle op med jeres dumhed og aggression.
>> Be from Bulgaria, litreally a gypsy country
>> Call people shitskin
Choose one, faggot.
post link to the best stram kurs videos please.
Ill download and translate the short ones to the best of my ability.(im norwegian/because most of you Danes are to lazy/drunk/full of red hotdogs, to do it;)
Ill ask for help if needed.
Why are you hiding behind a memeflag? Where are you from?
Nej, jeg dommer udfra din manglende evne til at fore en samtale på skrift. Sådan virkelig. På universiteter analysere man ofte på, hvordan folk forer en samtale. Grammatik, sprogfejl etc
Det er virkeligt sjovt, at du tror jeg bliver “såret” :rofl: Det er ikke sådan det hænger sammen.
Mine påstande er bevist, ligeså snart man indtræder Stram Kurs board på Jow Forums og diverse Discords.
Hej DR.
To quote your butt buddy who suffers from inferiority complexes. I hope Google Translate translated correctly, but that's my reason.
>> Er du fra DR? Selvfolgelig poster man da anonymt når de volds psykopater render rundt og truer folk. Men det ser du ikke et problem med hva. Det er jo smartere at blive truet og have folk prove på at odelægge liv og karrierer og andre ting. Det ville da være fantastisk hvis der ikke var politisk terrorisme af den art. Lad os se hvordan du ville reagere hvis du blev truet på livet ligesom ham eller din familie eller born blev hængt ud og tyrraniseret.
As a norwegian I can just not fucking understand danes when they speak, please fucking translate...
Looks like Paludan. Kek.
Jeg forstår 95% av danskene og 80% av pakkisene, med litt hjelp så skal jeg ha et par bra videoe oppe i lopet av dagen, og skal prove å få til 1 eller to hver dag fremover.
Post link til typ 3-7 min videoer du er interessert i
they're all talk but no action
>please fucking translate
Remove kebab
>Nej, jeg dommer udfra din manglende evne til at fore en samtale på skrift. Sådan virkelig.
Du starter some en jubelidiot at kalde paludan som er uddannet advokat. Som lav iq.
Så svarer du ikke på mine sporgsmål fordi du ved jeg har 100% ret. Du har ikke en skid at komme efter. Danmark er danskernes land vi eksisterer stort set ingen andre steder. Under ingen omstændigheder tror jeg på du ikke er indvandrer selv. Og det som er er morsomt er i er skide ligeglade med hvad der sker med danskerne i deres eget land. Du tror bare alt skal handle om folk fra andre steder i verden der vil komme til danmark. Som om vi er et ode land og ingen danskere eksisterer. Så en eller anden kommer fra et andet land. Men han er til gengæld dansker og alt skal så handle om ham.
Du er den samme araber som fra i går er du ikke? Bare indrom det.
Ser så skjeldent dansk shit, egentlig bare denne as. Gjærne noen recommendations om du har
I don´t know what you suffer from. But it is certainly stupidity. Paludan and his very non PC treatment of political islam is a big deal for danish politics. That has startled many politicians and political parties, who knows of this problem but don´t say it directly. You might not care. If you don´t. Then get the fuck out of the thread. Nobody is forcing you to be here.
Also i think it is healthy for danes that we have a proper political spectrum that reflects more accurately what danish voters think is important. Rather than have 2 parties like in USA where all the political spectrum and oppinions of americans are forced into 2 parties with cucks on both sides selling out your country for decades.
Paludans party stram kurs. Was splinter off of nye borgerlige. Which was a splinter off of DF. This transition represents that these bigger parties are not doing what danish voters want on this particular issue on muslim immigration. As in they don´t feel they are addressing this enough.
Paludan entered the official political debate. And he has started his own party and why he was there is because there are enough danish voters who believe in what he is saying. Otherwise he would not be there.
He is similar to an older politician we had called mogens glistrup. Both attourneys and both saying pretty much same thing about the threat of political islam.
Both were not the most handsome person in denmark. But you don´t have to be handsome to be correct. In case you didn´t know.
Sry, har bare pasta'd fra en shill på discord. Jeg kan ikke holde den længere. Han samler endda på IP addresser og doxer folk. Mere et eksempel på den kultur krig der korer nu.
You best believe I'm not going to read all of that. Also, there are more Muslims in Denmark than voters of this fat ugly faggot called Paludan.
Der er for mange normiefags efter DR reporten. Post underlige ting