Had a discussion with a PoC co-worker, but I’ll skip to my point

Had a discussion with a PoC co-worker, but I’ll skip to my point
>”Ain’t ya ever get whipped by your folks for [thing]?”
>”No, I was never hit as a child”
>*sucks teeth* “thats white privilege right there”
Are they correct? What is white privilege? Having parents who aren’t all too happy to beat me at the first chance?
Does it always really just go back to ‘das racist!’?
When does it end?

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Other urls found in this thread:


'White privilege' is anything they can think of to explain why they are less succesful than you. It's just a stick for them to beat you with, and should be ignored outright, not refuted or analyzed.

I blew it off saying ‘if thats what you call it”.
I think the remark went over their head tho.

White privilege is never getting disciplined as a kid? Fuck that.

>white privilege
sounds like liberal privilege to me, my parents spanked the shit out of me and im 56% white

It's the victim complex goto word to explain why they are victims. In reality niggers are just violent and dumb so they perpetuate their own misery

parents not hitting their children is the whitest shit imaginable and probably explains why you've all been massive onions guzzling conflict averse cucks the last 30 years

you should apologize and pay reparations immediately

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I live in a right-winged home. My parents just aren’t shit. Irish-Italian. Most here would say that ain’t white, but we all know it is.

No don’t talk to those people again

This. It's not a privilege but a burden.

Blacks actually do better when raised with an authoritarian type of parenting and whites with a more liberal, exploratory type(I forgot the name)
They teach it in psychology, maybe not 101 but it's kind of known. Basically hitting black children does them food. Nothing to do with priviledge, a lot to do with impulse control and immediate gratification for blacks.

>you should feel bad that your people behave properly

Parents obeying the law is white privilege.
Maybe now he knows why whites want less of his kin in the country?

Lol only white kids are goody two shoes and listen to their parents. The rest of us but have to learn by frequent beatings.

right, best to traumatize and break kids into submission to the rules of this insane society.

>Had a discussion with a PoC co-worker, but I’ll skip to my point
Did you mean nigger?

>Had a discussion with a PoC co-worker,
If you talk to niggers, you're part of the problem. Please quit using the oxymoron poc. If they're shit colored, they are quite obviously not people.

You say that like its a bad thing for whites and a good thing for you.

"I never gave my parents a reason to beat me" im sure if i was never properly civilized and chimped out my parents for lack of intelligence and laziness would have beat me.

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I type it PC because you never know who’s looking over your shoulder or someshit at work.
Being on Jow Forums is sketchy enough, but I don’t think most people here recognize it.

>>*sucks teeth* “thats white privilege right there”
I am white then

Maybe you would be better off hunting antelope with spears in some african shithole you upright ape

Of course a Swede would say such a retarded thing. Discipline builds character. Kids who are disciplined properly grow into adults that don't draw their necks like a turtle when someone threatens them without any action. For people who react strongly to words their future can only be to become a drone as people liberally spread around verbal threats.

also you should probably stop debating people as it seems you cannot defend your position to a childs iq.

so he is flat out stating that his parents beat him because they were brown.
whats the problem here?

>it's white privilege to not have your parents abuse you or physically hit you for diecipline
Lol wut I am white and definitely received spankings and smackings when I got out of line. Where was my privilege?

it teaches kids to avoid and mistrust adults and violent people. if you need to physically beat your kids you already failed as a parent.

Discipline is supposed to be a community thing. Teachers should also discipline kids. If the kid draws back from everything and becomes a craven fucker then he was likely a waste anyway.
>Thousands of years of child discipline.
>Some liberal Swede thinks that it created wastes every time because he personally fears violence despite it never happening to him.

What for a shitty job do you have that you have to resort to spend time with such an agency-stripped motherfocka?

Central Happenings Network or CHN
Has had his channel of 7.4k subs and 300 plus videos and streams TERMINATED for no reason.
>NOW his Twitter was suspended for a BORAT video of throw the Jew down the well.
No strikes were given or warnings
>then his backup
Was locked so he cant use it but people still think hes around!!!
They completely deleted him and memory holed him as it used to say he "violated hated speech" when i clicked his channel.
We are in an Age of mega Censorship!! Everyone is at risk!!

Chaotic-Good Accelerationism


And Twitch BasedBellagio (((suspended)))

This is fucking nuts with the red dot going to pink and Assange getting arrested THE DAY AFTER!!!!

>stream from Friday, EPIC

>This HONKLER video got flagged for hate speech on his new channel by discord Tranny fags
What is wrong with this video??? Too many red pills.


Discord Trannys are targetting ourguys like Kommadante
>NPC meme series part 1
THEY fear the power of Based Bellagio's morale boosting skills

Also these are becoming CLASSIC quick
>GTA RP vids
He will defeat the faggots and trannys at Google with Algorothmic Meme magic!!!
>Based Bible study!
Get blessed....,,,,,,

Yes, I know its shit.

my first post was a response to "beating" your kids. I was abused, bruises, broken ribs, fractures, concussions, cuts etc what did that teach me about anything except the cruelty of this world?

What do white people have against teeth sucking?

You have your own annoying mannerism

>White compassion is a privilege.
And don’t forget it.

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Oh well then I guess it’s privilege now that your parents weren’t punished for it.

And if they were, then it’s privilege for having the police looking out for you.

Once you start playing the word games you are in the wrong position. They are made up rules that change by the minute with the goal of making you submit your thinking, mindset or attitudes to them.

Feelings are facts - if people feel or believe something to be true, they will act accordingly.
You can avoid reality, but you can’t avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

So this means i don't have white privilege, despite being 100% european?

Why are you calling your co worker a peice of crud

Didnt want to attack you but every once and a while in life you need a wakeup call to chance something. I myself have been to TSA in the US and its a chesspool of uggly niggers. Unbearable and quite visibly a storage for affirmative action receivers that would otherwise be incapable of finding gainful employment. Get outta there!

That's not discipline. That's child abuse. Bruises are one thing but broken bones is wasting a kid's strength.
Discipline is supposed to be paired with physical exercise so that the kid can eventually get to the point where they can stand up against threats rather than becoming some noodle armed retard who can't defend himself from an angry granny.

Its a short term gig.
Just so I’m not neet.
should be out of it by the end of the year if things go the way they should.

leave it to psychologists to defend psychopathic behaviour

that is totally delusional

Its pretty clear what is going on. "POC" (a fighting term othering Whites) try to harvest all pain for themselves. They really think that they have it better than some poor bum in the suburbs just because of the guys skincolor. My own dad regulary beat the shit out of me, breaking my nose twice. This year I had a correction of my nose. That alone (IQ and other stuff not considered) is reason enough for me to utterly hate them.

Having a father is also white priviledge.
So basically it's white people's fault for not being shit parents.

Explains the skin colour

>be me
>talking to mixed coworker
>"Hey is that the same car you had? I thought you said your car was old as fuck"
>have to explain how age is not always correlated with something rotting away
>explain how where I live, we like nice things, and we maintain them so they stay nice
>"What do you mean 'we'? White people?"
>"I'm colorblind, so I don't see color"
>I throw a roman salute and go home

he's cool, but I can't say I'm surprised

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not getting whipped as a kid = pussy privilege

I'm white and my parents were abusive.
Now what?

You better do that bro. Good luck

Either you and I are filthy liars or we are "Whitoids" lol

Are psychologists, dare i say..../ourguys/?

Having a childhood itself is white privilege. I was born in a coal mine and forced to work day and night from the day I was born.

Is 10 years of neglect by a boomer single parent considered white privilege?

report your coworker for antiwhite behavior and advocating violence against children.

it's middle class privilege not white privilege. i come from a polish-italian lineage, my dad used to hit me when i would refuse to go to school or when i hit my siblings.

Hitting children to force compliance turns them into mindless drones.

"Discipline" =/= physical violence
A well disciplined child who vleans up after himself, speaks politely, is respectful, etc, comes from a well organized and well run home. No violence toward the child is necessary.

No. They are fuckingblefty as it goes, but they can't go against the overwhelming research results on child development. They try to explain it and tie themselves into knots while doing it, but the fact stands. I was never into the child development so I don't remember much but that stuck. That and IQ research lol

It does not, maybe for whites, it definitely works for blacks. More punishment than the reward system.

Raising a child who thinks for themselves involves never crushing their spirits. Provide loving guidance and structure, but certainly never strike them.
Only an inferior man would hit a child.

On average White people still beat their children noticeably less. My dad was really the bad apple in my area. I presume by modern possibilities that he would have wifed up a Japanese these days. I am half Belarussian and 25 years old.

To date beating their children has had tremendous positive results for the black community

The misuse of the word privilege by the central dictatorship and the weak people they’ve forced on us to ruin us and thereby rule us is for one reason, so that white pepple no longer have rights or have human rights we have privileges instead and by their very nature privileges beg to be taken away.
I’m not interested in blacks, they have never been wronged by whites or had anything to contest with particularly other than themselves. My ancestors could be hit over the head, thrown in the galley of a Royal Navy shipped and press ganged. I don’t use it every day as an excuse for inadequate behaviour. I don’t use it at all. Some blacks once got put to work in comfy jobs in fields after being extracted from the jungle and contracts for their labour were sold by other Africans many generations ago. Times were like that for everyone back then. We are their victims today and we are all the victims of the central plutocracy and I have had enough. Thanks to the media and the synagogue of Satan banking inc. the Jewish people too have become a massive detriment to society and as a group should justice prevail they can expect to pay the price for attempting genocide because they all have benefitted massively from it. It also would appear they were possibly lying about genocide with regard to WW2. It was the rotheschilds who were the directors of Imperisl Britain’s intelligence agrncies after WW2 - the same ritheschilds who paid for & founded Israel so it does seem possible that their genocide claims are likely false and zero evidence of any material value has ever been produced. Just memes. Where are the physical remains. If they can’t show those it 100% did not happen like they claim. Just remember that when they talk in circles endlessly, it’s just memes not material, and for that alone they must be punished. I’m not a monster, this is called justice. I’m not being a victim for awful people just to satisfy the Satanism of the Rotheschilds.

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plenty of white kids get beat by their parents. for once i sympathise with that nigger--fuck kids from happy families. they deserve to be tortured in hell for a hundred years.

>LOL only whites act civilized - the rest of us are treated like the animals we are

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If that wasnt irony you are a classless fool.

>all white have white privilege
White privilege=white supremacy

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so what you're saying is, 13=50?

It's very clear you've never had a conversation with a poc.

Your dark skin is showing

Again. Read some research on that matter. Blacks do better when they are raised in an authoritarian style of parenting. I didn't make this up. This may not be a psychology 101, but they still teach it.

up yours, ahmet

Plenty of white kids get the shit hoofed out of them by their parents.
Tell your co worker "poc" that they are an ignorant stupid racist delusional cunt, and that maybe if their momma didn't punch them in the head so much they might have a functioning brain cell or two.


Whites are better, and that is a privilege

yeah he never used a belt and he never would strike me more than once at a time. but he made sure that first hit clocked me real good, shut my brat ass up.

Yep. The same pretzels, different statistics.
The research is there and they can't just forget about it, but they try to "explain it".
13/50 is a little more complicated than genetics alone but you get a point.

that's awesome
he told you more than the kikes ever would
you are privileged because your parents are not violent retards
your privilege is to come from a genetic stock that stopped beating their kids a while ago
turns out the result is death but never mind

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I think your reply to coworker was smart.
Saying the wrong thing in response can get you fired these days.
That's the type of dystopia we live in.

Have you ever tried DMT? What do you think about chimpanzees?

There's no white privilege. You aren't the product of random lucky circumstances, genetically speaking you ARE your parents.

The behaviors they exhibited toward you are part of that expressed phenotype. Genes code for behavior.

I had my ass beat with a switch and I was a white child. My privilege in my older age is that I’m still white

I am half Belarussian and not an Arab but Germany is way more White than the US Escobar

Yeah, its still babaric. I was able to end it at age 17 and beat the shit out of him for once. The irony is that he is politically left-wing. Unironically all my sisters and I are right-wingers.

Wouldn't know about that, I think it's just a parenting style. When I was younger I used to get caned a lot for doing shit wrong, but eventually when I hit about 8 or 9 I actively started antagonising their caning efforts by hiding or breaking all of the canes. About 30 canes later they gave up and after that I got a proper explanation and a talk about whatever it is I do wrong.

white privilege Is a meaningless phrase and does not exist.
What does exist: class privilege
Class privilege is when you grow up in a safe neighborhood and go to a private high school the alhoops you into a Ivy League school

Is that a code word for nigger?

I was beat as discipline. I'm white. Poc btfo.

Forgot to add my parents are both lawyers and are relatively right wing. Grew up listening to my dad talking about Hitler and the jews and my mother would tell me not to let others take advantage of me no matter how sad they looked

My mom used to beat the shit out of me. I finally started behaving when she switched to reasoning tactics. If my upbringing had nothing but beatings I would have probably ended up as a massive shit.
It's not white privilege, it's blacks handicapping themselves.

Caned? You must really be Singaporean. Nobody here has a special tool for beating a child

>a special tool for beating a child
Isn't that why wooden spoons were invented?

Indeed. Its the preferred way of disciplining kids though now no one does it now to all the kids that are born in 2000s. Even the jail does it to you as punishment here actually, pretty retarded.

Maybe you just weren't a little faggot as a child and didn't need to get physically disciplined. What a shock that a nonwhite did

My grandpa would occassionalky randomly punch you while drinking together, for no good reason other than he was liquored up, not some baby slaps, hard enough hits to knock you out or break something

It made my old man a little violent, we had a few confrontations growing up, I learned a few choke holds the hard way, but our relationship was nothing like what he had with my grandpa, he was a fighter through and through

Its not some larp and it was more serious than it sounds, go out in public and tell me how many grown white men walk up and break your nose for merely looking like a queer to them, it doesnt happen anymore

Im pretty sure his generation also went to war with mexico, pancho days, killed them, didnt import them, With old timers like that its no wonder blacks and their white lovers never attempted their civil rights stuff till after his generation died off

Distrust != fear. Hitting your kids is how you get them to see you as their enemy. I can see how that could be advantageous in an ethnically homogeneous community where children can rely on their peers. But in today's world, if your kids can't trust you, you might as well kill them yourself.

>always was a boring, well behaved kid
>parents never hit me
Nice, time to oppress minorities with my newly acquired white privilege

I dont know if it is retarded since it seems culturally. I dont have the right to criticize other peoples stuff as long as if its not in my ground or doesnt affect me in any way. Criminals here are always getting the softy treatment. Maybe I should wager a startup where we send "our" criminals into my moms homelands prison. Lets see how they hold up there. Protip: they gunna die.

>Saying PoC instead of Nigger
sloppy job mossad

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The terms was supposedly coined by some social justice negress. Personally I think it reeks Jewish

Yeah, the names for niggers keep changing
>black people
>coloured people
>african americans
>people of color

Every decade or so, the name associated with a nigger takes on the same feeling as the word nigger, so they change it.
And they'll keep changing it without realizing it's not the word that's offensive, but the underlying condition.

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I don't get the picture in the OP. Is the white guy happy for not being able to get a job because of affirmative action and race/gender quotas?