>Many Chinese scholars are discussing the possibility of dumping US Treasuries and how to do it specifically.


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Good maybe the US can become self sufficient again

A little insect repellant...

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Fuck Jannies 六四天安門事件 The Black Lives Matter protests of 2016 天安門大屠殺 The Sandy Hook False Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Goyim Struggle 大躍進政策 The Gay Rights Movement 文化大革命 The Niggers Sent To Africa 人權 Paid Shills 民運 Demoralization 自由 Ebola Weapon 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-Glownigger system 台灣 臺灣 911 Inside Job 中華民國 Republic Not Democracy 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tendie 達賴喇嘛 Install OpenBSD 法輪功 Traps Are Gay 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize For King Nigger 劉暁波 Chris Poole 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Weaves 劉曉波动态网自由门

>Multi-Glownigger system
I'm intrigued.


This trade war is getting hot.

china can go to hell. we cannot let totalitarianism rule the world.
the chinese have the will and capability to enslave the whole world.

Fuck off jew.

It would precipitate a number of things. The dollar loses strength, interest rates have to go up, payments on the debt become largest budget item, gooberment can’t make payments, the Fed collapses taking government down with it. The government that is keeping libtards alive can’t function. National Chimp Out at every WalMart. 30 million illegals realize government that was keeping them alive no longer exists, they hit the exits. Libtards who want to survive hit the exits. Chimp out produces expected result.

Is there a down side?

Digits aside, does this shit even work?

Its not a trade war, goy.
Its an Economic War (TM)

Increase trade with Japan/Korea and form stronger alliances with them. Together, we'll remove the poopoo skins.

seeting american, make sure you vote for trump again 4d chess am I right

>Chinese scholars
Fucking hell Drumpf is surely finished now

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dont worry Trump-ji will play 4D CHESS on China and save the world giving it Zionist bankers and support BASED Israel dabbing on those Mudslimes America will save the world again chinks BTFO'd.

Shut up, Leaf

>chinks lashing out

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Do you see any chinese here? Yeah I thought so.

>Be Chinese

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also never mind my wife sucking bbc because at least he's a LEGAL immigrant. that's right. LEGAL BLACK COCK.

remember bois ethnically replacement is fine as long as it's done LEGALLY.

Apparently their internet is isolated and disconnected, at least temporarily, if mention of these fictitious events that didn't happen appears.

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yo.. why so racist man? fuck those crime statistics, I know ONE BASED BLACK MAN. he fucks my wife every day and loves America and supports Trump too.

Good thing China isn't the only country in Asia.

Just as Trump wants so the US can be owned by Americans again


BASED Jews!! Fuck those Muslims who immigrate to our country and fail to adopt it's values. Jews like Greg Lansky are so hard working and spend hours designing BLACKED porn where BASED BLACK MEN FUCK WHITE WOMEN. THIS IS REAL MULTI-CULTURALISM.


war with china, wipe out the asiatc continent, bonus is getting rid of poo's too

We should support Israel!! It's the only BASED country in the Middle East against Muslim shitholes. I wish ALL my taxes go to Israel's wars. And fuck Iran!!

Yes, USA could become Brazuela or Venezil: the shitty population of Brazil and the economic catastrophe of Venezuela together. As long the world economy doesn't explode I'm fine with it.

your ex-primeinister is SO BASED!! He came on PragerU to shil- I mean, support BASED Israel! BASED CANADIANS. AMIRITE??

Why would we drop a tier by getting rid of our unwanted baggage?

>reduce Boeing orders

They can honestly try, they not only need aircraft but also a shit ton of parts both new, overhauled, inspected and software upgrades for the avionics and engines. Unless they have already stolen all of the technical data and can make their own seals and special tools, just in this little area they’d be fucking themselves over.

Add all of that plus the world renowned Chinese quality department and you’ll have planes grounded or dropping out of the Sky

六四事件 八九民运 茉莉花革命June 4th Tiananmen Square massacre动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志Free Tibet六四天安門事件The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989天安門大屠殺The Tiananmen Square Massacre反右派鬥爭The Anti-Rightist Struggle大躍進政策The Great Leap Forward文化大革命The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution人權Human Rights民運Democratization自由Freedom獨立Independence多黨制Multi-party system台灣 臺灣Taiwan Formosa中華民國Republic of China西藏 土伯特 唐古特Tibet達賴喇嘛Dalai Lama法輪功Falun Dafa新疆維吾爾自治區The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region諾貝爾和平獎Nobel Peace Prize劉暁波Liu Xiaobo

KEK now that’s what I call original Jow Forums humor

POTUS is killing the fed by proxy. it's actually genius

>they don't already know how to do it
Maybe they can send some over here and get taught by the US like usual.

习近平是小熊维尼。 他是一个又大又肥胖的白痴,不穿裤子。 真是个小丑。 20亿人是穿着没有裤子的小丑的奴隶。 你能想象吗? 可耻。 如果我是中国人,并且我了解到我是一个不穿裤子的胖头的奴隶,我会自杀。Xi Jinping is Winnie the Pooh. He is a big, fat, dumpy idiot who wears no pants. What a buffoon. Two billion people are slaves to a buffoon who wears no pants. Can you imagine it? Shameful. If I was Chinese, and I learned that I was a slave to a fat-head who didn't wear pants, I would kill myself.

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>China sinks their economy in a futile attempt to spite America.
>The insects go back to being a third-world country and never recover again.
>Desperate chinese girls whore themselves out for cheap.
I'm ready to have a harem of asian sluts hungry for a little rice in their bellies.

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Jow Forums is blocked in China
To get here they have to use a VPN, and if they use a VPN this shit doesn't effect them
Tianmen posting is spam and you are all retarded

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Only Jews want war with China.

Fuck China

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Dat ass

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>t. Bot

No one posts dumb memes like this.

was trump playing 4d chess after all? sounds like a bunch of kike assets are about to get rekt. is this payback for his friends who died in the trade center?

they've aborted all their girls, dude. the one's you're referring to are all lady boys.

>crashing the country with only white survivors
Based. Praise KEK.

Yeah. China is flexing its muscles.
Dumping the treasury bonds? Good fucking luck.
Tell me what will China do if the US plainly refuses to pay up?
Seriously, what would ANY country do in that case?
Here's the deal: no one is interested in the US failing or the house of cards that all these governments built is going to fucking fall, like never before.
Their "central banks", "fractional reserve ", debt based economy etc.
All will fall in an instant if the US would refuse to pay up.
Almost all of the countries in the Western world are in debt, that is often equal to the multitude of their GDP.
The debt that if called upon would destroy many of the countries. And when everyone and their mother are in debt, who is interested in actually start paying it?
Even if the US decided to pay, but in turn called other countries to pay what they owe to the US it would be catastrophic for all of them.
Chinas economy is slowing down, and as always, as soon as they open themselves to the global market, they get fucked by their internal tensions.
There is almost nothing that they can do but bend the knee. And they fucking know it.

time to nuke israel to end totalitarianism

>China dun gonna fail any day now
You sound like a broken record.

Cry fucking harder, bitch.
>tfw no more cheap chinese shit

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>t. low IQ boomer

This. POTUS is tanking the Federal reserve by proxy. its fucking genius. he could never get away with it through political means, but a full on trade war with China would do it. If treasuries became worthless the gold standard would be the only option. Full NESARA would happen.

>Their "central banks", "fractional reserve ", debt based economy etc.
As opposed to your totally real economy lmao
US is a way bigger bubble then China

Where in that post did I say that China is going to fail you mong?

China is a nationalist ethnostate. Everything the Jow Forums wants but the USA isn't

Good. Fuck China! The whole world should stop doing business with them over time. The only thing they have that we actually care about is rare earth elements, if they want to start a new Cold War I say fuck yea, go ahead and try it rice roaches. Chinks will ultimately have infinite waves of diversity invading their nation in acceptance the Chinese enthno-state must be stopped, and I assure you we can find more than a billion monkeys to squash the billion bugs.

Literally every sentence?

Boomers have been saying the same thing about China for 20 years.

Low IQ posts by retarded boomers.

if your business model can only survive by importing cheap Chinese shit made by virtual slave labor, you deserve bankruptcy.

Yes, they can try.

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ALL of the countries would fail. Do you understand what all means?
That includes the US, sure. What I'm saying is that no one is interested in the US failing because that will destroy global economy. All of it. And Chinese and Europeans, fuck even some Africans know it very fucking well.
Hyperinflation. That's not a good thing neither. If push comes to shove that is what would happen, but the consequences would be a Democrat president. Not a good outcome.
What Chinese are doing is making Trump look "bad" in their understanding. They do understand to some extent that a war or a financial recession before 2020 would make Trump less popular
And by financial recession I mean the panic on Wall Street, and the consequences of it. That's the play here. They actually still think that they can just wait Trump out because thanks to their shenanigans in other places on the globe and their "trade talks" they will lead to Trump losing 2020 and then they can get their deal and then some from the fully elected Democratic president.
So the "talks" won't finish soon. Or at least this is what the Chinese are planning. It's Trumps move and it looks like he isn't backing down. He kind of can't. I'm interested to see where it goes.

>Le too big to fail meme
You're getting more and more isolated every day, and eventually a time will come where they will just sever all ties from you deluded Mutts

I didn't say that China will fail, but that their economy is slowing down now and they are also dealing with the internal tensions. Both things are happening right now.
I also said that China is not really interested in the US failing, nor are any other countries.
Which is also a fact.
Now learn to read.

only around 500mln out of 1.3 mld are Han chinese.

And that's only *officially* Han chinese, meaning that group has in-groups and divides.

Reeses pieces mermerica cannot even comprehend what ethnostate is anymore

Ok. Now I know that you know jack shit about the geopolitics or the macro economy
No need to discuss further.

>they've aborted all their girls, dude. the one's you're referring to are all lady boys.
Even better.

duly elected* Sorry for that.

Why does Trump tax Americans?

c-checked. kek is with him, who could stand against him?


You can't even uproot a South American commie anymore

Reading science articles, all from Western University's, most have Chinese names

Venezuela is also on the table with the Chinese. No worries.
That's my last response to you

I can discuss facts, and understand when people have different opinions, but these opinions have to be based on facts, not
>>muh feelz
Refute anything I said, with facts and then we talk.
I'm seriously not interested in your feelings regarding the US, only facts.

indeed. we now bargain where we use to command. we have already begun to decline, the idiots will gnash and wail and deny the reality all they wish. But america and the west are falling.

Airbus has factories on China, Boeing dont

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump is a secret suicide bomber whose mission is to take apart the U.S. economy

Trump taxes Americans on what? What specifically are you referring to?

>Monroe doctrine compromised for trade deals
Talk about a superpower in deline, even Russia sent troops to Crimea and volunteers to Donbass when Ukraine got flipped
>That's my last response to you
Nice cop out, but you've used it twice now

Trump doesn't have any coalition with these tarrifs, China will win

If that happens, you couldn't afford your army, the USA will be destroyed, Chinese can live whit a bow of rice, how many Americans can?, Hell you don't even pick your own rice

Kill yourself spic, aka walk around your shit hole after 7pm and wait for another bloodthirsty spic to kidnap, torture and murder you

>he says while trying to enslave the whole world

Exactly, most of your youth are living in borderline poverty, seemingly ignorant to the fact. I'd wager there's more to gain in the long run for American youth than there is to lose if there's a falling out with the chinks.

t. Ilhan Omar

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it's war.

China has like 80 ethnicities you dumb retard

>le China going to fail
Low IQ boomer posts.

>le China not Chinese
Low IQ boomer posts.

USA will fail. And very hard, that is. It is in noone's interest to keep USA warmongering nigger that shoves shitskins into ethnic states.
It is true that it is in nobody's interes to see USA fail too fast. Last two words being extremely important so that world economy doesn't go to shit.

>>If that happens you couldn't afford your army
And any other country would?
>>Chinese can live whit a bow of rice, how many Americans ca
Chinese import a lot of food, did you know that? It's as if they can't live on a bowl of rice anymore. Try and think like a Chinese government that has to deal with 800 million starving people, that were well fed just 6 months ago. Even the authoritarian government of China would not be able to stay in power.
A lot of American food is exported, we have a shit ton of surplus. That would disappear to feed the native population.
Think about it.
US produces enough food to export a shit ton of it and China imports a shit ton of food.
I'm not trying to "defend" the US, I'm trying to give you my informed opinion on how things stand and an understanding of what's going on
If you disagree then disagree with facts, do not use your feelings, or you will never learn anything and will be surprised if shit really hits the fan.
Having said all of that, here are some additional points:

If the US fails, the sheer impact of it, especially that the US controls majority of the international trade by having the control of the US dollar, would cause all of the countries that hold the majority of their reserves in said US dollar( and there is a lot of them) to go bankrupt over night.
This is a subject for a book, because the global economy right now is interconnected but please compare the size of the US market alone to the size of the other countries' markets and then imagine what happens when you blow a hole in the middle of it. The middle that is connected to all of it with ties depending on how that middle does economically.

Nice rebuttals

Again. Learn to read please. I did not say that China will fail. Not even once. I said that if US fails, all countries will fail with it. And that no one is interested in it.

>le China not Chinese
How does it feel to be mentally retarded?

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This is good for bitcoin

no doubt it would be messy as fuck, but so is life saving heart surgery. Hyperinflation has actually never happened in a global superpower economy before and I'm pretty confident it won't here. a switch to a wartime economy is the way you sidestep hyperinflation when you are a superpower like the USA. We are strategically self sufficient if we want to be. There would be pain, but it would be less painful than the collapse of western civilization that's guaranteed if we continue to cede our sovereignty to central bankers and the shadowy families that run shit currently.

Hard times create what again?

Please explain what do you mean by "too fast"?

No ones falling for your shit CIA. People know you people are as dumb as rocks.