The absolute state of Murrican building

>The absolute state of Murrican building
>houses are built using plywood
How does it feel living a house that's weaker than Ikea furniture?

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Why would it have to be strong if it's not in a tornado hurricane earthquake prone area

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thats particle board you retard, not plywood.

Niggers won't need any tools to break in, they can just punch in through walls.

Why spend good money on brick when it's just a matter of time before you move again?

>murricans doin stuff i don't agree with
aww.. poor thing. i find it funny i have no idea what finland does for houses. do you like dig a hole or something?

t. Rootless cosmopolitian

Because someday you'll want to, I don't know, jump maybe or hang a shelf without destroying a house

Also how does it feel living in that cardboard house without foreskin?

We build comfiest cuck sheds in the world.

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Chipboard is a step down from plywood

building your house from sturdier building materials is cheaper in the long run. that said American families are a lot more mobile and think nothing of uprooting themselves and moving 2000 miles for work or education, so it wouldn't make sense to front load your expenses only to have someone else enjoy the benefits.

the maintenance cost is passed on to the next owner in the event of moving away. on the other hand, if you stay put, you will spend more money on maintenance but you'll become a homeowner sooner so the trade off is generally worth it. Better to enjoy your own home but pay more later in life when you have more money anyways than having to rent and spend a ton of money on your house when you're still building your career only to have savings that are more or less inconsequential when you're raking in way more money.

you can't punch through the exterior of a wood framed house. The easiest way into any house is to smash a window or kick in the door. Most exterior doors in these houses are made of metal, so if you have top and bottom throw latches, like most do, the window is the obvious choice.
Unless you make your house without windows, you need a gun in the event of a home invasion. We have those.

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The brick goes on after the plywood.

Look, it’s cheaper and faster to do that way while still getting a good sized home. It has to pass the same inspections that every other house has to. You can always frame your house with steel beams like they do most public building but it’s gonna cost a little more.

Central Happenings Network or CHN
Has had his channel of 7.4k subs and 300 plus videos and streams TERMINATED for no reason.
>NOW his Twitter was suspended for a BORAT video of throw the Jew down the well.
No strikes were given or warnings
>then his backup
Was locked so he cant use it but people still think hes around!!!
They completely deleted him and memory holed him as it used to say he "violated hated speech" when i clicked his channel.
We are in an Age of mega Censorship!! Everyone is at risk!!

Chaotic-Good Accelerationism

And Twitch BasedBellagio (((suspended)))

This is fucking nuts with the red dot going to pink and Assange getting arrested THE DAY AFTER!!!!
>stream from Friday, EPIC
>This HONKLER video got flagged for hate speech on his new channel by discord Tranny fags
What is wrong with this video??? Too many red pills.


Discord Trannys are targetting ourguys like Kommadante
>NPC meme series part 1
THEY fear the power of Based Bellagio's morale boosting skills

Also these are becoming CLASSIC quick
>GTA RP vids
He will defeat the faggots and trannys at Google with Algorothmic Meme magic!!!
>Based Bible study!
Get blessed.,,,

This is funny because I’m 6’8”. [spoiler] with a 3” cock[/spoiler]

The sad thing is that they most likely pay full price for it aswell. As they try to sell it in 10-15 years it will have hidden mold issues and moisture in the isolation.

why build out of anything else when you have tornadoes and hurricanes every 5 minutes

Feels fine, mostly because I can live in a 464.5 sq m house with 6 bedrooms in a safe neighborhood with a pool for about $350,000 USD.
>But they don't last long
My house will last long after I'm dead, so who cares.
Stay mad europoors.

>let me build a house of cardboards instead of high quality cement because the tornados for some reason should totally destroy lol

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It's not badly built. They used OSB plates on the standers, which makes it pretty strong. They're not done, so something will cover that too, it could be anything from more wood, or concrete. It doesn't look like a florida style house, so it's not in a tornado area, so I don't see the problem really. They get lots of space, it'll be built fast. I guess they'd be done within a month or less depening on how many people they use.

95% of the country does not get hurricanes, and that 5% is half boomer retirement homes and half cubans.

I have no desire to stick around when the spics and niggers show up

>Tornados only happen in florida

Its not even the cheap materials, they throw these houses up in a shocking short amount of time.

I worked hvac and the houses that are around 10-15 years are the worst.

Coward. Can't run forever

This is how real houses are built

Attached: house.jpg (620x348, 47K)

thank you eu. don't you have a meme to ban somewhere?

a lot of the time they don't even bother making them strong in a tornado hurricane earthquake prone area because it's cheaper just to replace them

House looks like it's decently framed actually. Looks like all the shear is complete before starting the roof, straps are already on, they've got Gable braces on. The only thing is the temp bracing on the front porch should have some diagonal bracing. Probably white framers btw

It's OSB

Owen, is that you?

And the average wageslave could never be expected to afford that in the EU. You don't even have the land to put a house like that on over there.

Look up how much a finished house like in the OP would cost in the US. A family of 4 with one working parent could afford a house like in the OP or your post and still have 4 acres to play with.

you are literally fucking retarded. i thought europe was supposed to have the brains and USA was supposed to be the retards

Because if you have the tiniest leak, you have to throw the whole house

Just the framing would take at least two weeks, closer to a month with a three man crew. The house from start to move in would be more like 6+ months

Lmao. More like you live in a decent sized house in the US and in the EU you live in a tiny apartment. Old buildings are incredibly comfy despite their flaws, I'll give you that.

No fucking way would I do that, what if an aircraft crashed into it? We all know about steel beams

Ah someone who works in the trades.

Not true at all

Rent free

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You don't have anchor baby contractors hiring illegals under the table to do a sloppy job but charging more.

Oh, the old way of doing things. We make the walls at factories, so you could just order a house like this and set it up extremely fast. The groundwork and concrete takes awhile, so it still takes awhile to get it done.

I don't think the materials are the problem. I think it's unskilled laborers that do the work incorrectly. Cheapest priced carpenters are the cheapest for a reason.

Mutts live in cardboard boxes Lmao. Even my dog has a stronger doghouse

Only if the one parent is making decent money and both parents have great credit, or if the one parent has received a substantial down payment help from the Bank of Mom and Dad, the Bank of Veterans Loans, or the Bank of Immigrant Community).

Otherwise, it's subprime loans and redlining to places without four acres to play on.

Its better than chinese high risers made out of cardboard. Not much better though!

Feels bad man

oh shit, we've got Ivan weighing in on things being well made!

>I can live in a 464.5 sq m house
No.Use sq ft like a decent human being, user.

>Framing is stupid
God you're a fucking retard

It takes an explosion to damage our commieblocks. Your houses crumble because of wind

Oh thats a sweet three car garage, you could fit so many lawn mowers in there. Man im gunna go out right now and try to work a second job so I can one day own such a nice house.

Idk, I grew up very traditionally and my dad only worked one job, mom stays at home. He has two houses now just based on savings and avoiding debt (something he’s been preaching to me since before I found this place).

House talk today, gas the kikes tomorrow, friend.

Brick or bust


You need a rope around that neck

I really think these threads are made by people who have never swung a hammer in their lives and how no idea how houses are built. When you see a house like pic related, it has the exact same thing underneath (2x4 studs, wooden support beams, and plywood sheathing).

Attached: serveimage.jpg (6000x4000, 2.35M)

We have those too, our poor white trash loves them.

Congratulations. You fell for the profit mongers optimized exsanguination of your life's income. Thanks a lot boomers.
3D printed houses will kill this (thank goodness) crime against humanity.

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2x6 framing is pretty strong, even 2x4 isn't bad.

We don’t have to worry about the local Baron getting uppity, and getting his shit slapped by the King. Or the Germans sperging out like they tend to do

this is definitely from ikea

it may be worse in canada. the new builds are very clearly built as cheaply as possible (worse than your picture).

No. It has a slab or a good strip foundation, no support beams at all, brick/block load bearing walls inside and outside, monolithic concrete overlap slab between the ground and the first floor and a concrete reinforcing belt under the roof.

t. never built anything

What the fuck are all you retards talking about?? The plywood isn't even a structural component... It's a half inch thick barrier to put insulation against (from the inside), and to tack weather sheeting to (from the outside).

Literally every house you've ever seen in your life is made of 2x4s and plywood underneath the exterior. Do you think, when you see these stone houses, that they're literally made of stone?? Lol

This is the soft-hamded faggot generation that's never done any work I guess.

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Correct. Nearly 100% of American homes over 2 years old have mold problems. I know cause I have personally tested over 50 homes across America.

t. Europussy that knows nothing about construction

I live in a 300 sqm home here in South Africa that is made out of concrete.

Found the Jew.




And then your son can't even masturbate in his downstairs bedroom because even a whisper will be heard across the whole house.

Fucking Christ some cunts are stupid

Just like the rest of most of the world my fellow euro.

Yeah, and it's a shit house.

>not building your own house
Considering moving to latvia, in the sticks and building my own house, supply the locals with weapons and ammo when shit hits the fan, dad was from latvia moms from iceland, dad always wanted to move back, died before he could do it.

Only in America do they use plywood, nigger.

You're not wrong. This is especially common with the apartment boom going on. Boxy, gay apartments are going up like flies off of kicked shit because the materials are cheap and so are the spics at home depot that build them.

When I visited Australia I was shocked, because they would have a typical American-style suburb, except all the houses would be made of bricks. It literally looked just like any other suburb, except brick houses. Bizzare. Probably because they actually don't have very much wood there.

I think it's a disadvantage, because you can't remodel your house very easily

>that's weaker than Ikea furniture?
How's it feel to be an objective retard? Guide likes for quantitative risk assessments put together by the Dutch government indicate that at just 15 kPa, your shitty little brick shacks become "uninhabitable", while American houses suffer "moderate to minor" damage.

The wood frame is objectively superior, and if you werent such an inept retard it would be obvious.

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> I think brick is worse than plywood.
What the thinker thinks the prover proves.

only houses built in the last 20-30 years. as long as you buy a house built in the earlier half of the 20th century you're good. my house was built in the 1700's and has withstood all of the worst storms in recorded history.

Plywood sheathing is in fact structural. It handles shear loading. That's why braces don't come off until the sheathing is on.

You have to worry about 50% non whites in your nation. Meanwhile we have to also worry about not becoming the same.
D & C is killing us.

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You fucking retard. So it's all about pressure? You should build a home out of plastic bags or rubber then. They could probably withstand even more than plywood.

I'm convinced you're a jew in the brick business at this point.

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>implying the US isn't a third world nation

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Ah yes. Glorious Russian quality.

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Personally, I'm happy with any house as long it has a rape basement. Besides, I got a Anaconda to feed, so preferably an area with lots or cats or dogs.

For real look at how American cities deal with hurricanes, they get hit hard and are back up and running no problem within a year or two.

Show me anywhere else that deals with 100+mph winds like nothing, because my sisters house has had that happen 3+ times

I wouldn't want to live in a shitty apartment anyway.

The absolute state of americans.

If you build houses like domes then they will withstand any tornado and even tsunamis.

>cinder block cope

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>hating on stuffed jalapeños
Kill yourself you plebeian

What's wrong with stuffed jalapenos?

Plywood is much stronger than natural wood because the grain doesn't go in one direction.

I built one of those.
Ameripoors could not afford that.

,,>Unironically building on a slab in 2019
It prolly has a full basement. The main floor supported by 2*10's with a few columns. Column size dependent on basement floor design. Occasionally an I beam is used if the basement floor wants to be open without many columns.