Is there a bigger sign of being a virgin than believing in white genocide?
>inb4 jew reeeeeee
Is there a bigger sign of being a virgin than believing in white genocide?
>inb4 jew reeeeeee
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying being a virgin is a bad thing
Roastie detected
These arguments always start this way, but after a couple of posts the tone changes to "its real, but thats not a bad thing!". Weak gaslight OP.
I am a native american (costanoan) and the white genocide is not a fallacy. They are the next race in line to become extinct.
>We call the leaders of Ngaanyatjarra Lands
>You don't sniff petrol from a can
>You put your petrol in the car it stays
>Don't be rama rama it's messing with your brains
>You say you're deadly
>Do you understand?
>You don't sniff petrol from a can
>You put your petrol in the car it goes
>Don't be rama rama and sniff it up your nose!
Whites have went from being 35% of the planet about a hundred years ago to now only 9%.
It's a cat-whistle stumping the hustings.
there is indeed one OP.
this post right here.
Have sex
>You need to be on drugs in order to not believe it
if it's not real, why do deniers keep talking about it?
if you have to tell someone not to huff gasoline, you're best off just letting them do it.
incel cuckboy detected
> i-its not a bad thing guys, i swear!!
Nice bait, Aussie. Love you mang.
Lmao you just posted cringe.
White Erasure is real and self-evident.
>omega orbiters mixing with other clay
You do realise that the number of white people in the world is still increasing, right?
It's just the percentage share that's decreasing, brainlets.
>Hehe, ok sure I admit that's happening, but why should it matter that everyone else around you is a completely different race with different genetics and culture?
Fuck off kike why would i want to fuck some coal burning whores soggy cunt
>Is there a bigger sign of being a virgin than believing in white genocide?
Being an oz faggot I guess
nah it's da J00z fault for preferring dogs and vacations to kids. whenever I brag about working 80 hours a week to fund my gun collection I'm actually being manipulated into committing white genocide myself
>these arguments always start one way and I wish they changed their tone to something more illogical that I can counter
shit for brains
>You do realise that the number of white people in the world is still increasing, right?
Proof? Since literally every white nation has a negative fertility rate.
It's real according to the un's own definition of genocide. Get raped.
>is there a bigger sign of [belief I am opposed to] than [trait associated with low social position]
If you don't want to be called a Jew, you should defend your beliefs with arguments, rather than shaming others into supporting your beliefs.
>according to the un's own definition of genocide.
how the fuck is it real according to the un's own definition of genocide
holy based!
Come to america, walk the streets of London, Berlin or Paris ..and see if you still think white genocide isnt real you fucking cunt.
sorry goy, we are selfish, we want messiah and
you gotta be destroyed.
You only need to see the first 10 or 15 minutes, but this is irrefutable proof.
Well define white genocide pls
>leaf flag
no one cares :^)
I have a wife and kids. I wage cuck in New York and I'm barely making it. I'm a purple heart combat veteran. I am beyond worried about my children. Some nights I stay up looking at the time I'm the cable box and I think about the world I brought my children into, the country I fought for and id be lying if a part of me regretted both of those things. I spend my Sundays praying for young men earnestly trying to find a good woman. There is no doubt that there is a white genocide, the only thing I'm scared of is that we reap the whirlwind when I am too old to bear the burden on behalf of my children.
>no one cares :^)
when the next emu uprising happens you will need our help
Speed running Zelda.
I'm not a virgin and I know white genocide is real and it's very upsetting.
I can tell by the memeflag and hostility that you're a shitskin who comfortably lives in nations build by westernkind while at the same time undermining it. Too stupid to actually use google as well. Subhuman filth. We'll have the last laugh.
Is there a bigger sign of being a virgin than believing in holocaust?
>inb4 white reeeee