Uh oh. Looks like Trump is in over his head.
>China has announced it will be raising tariffs on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods from midnight (Beijing time) June 1, according to China’s State Council Customs Tariff Commission
Uh oh. Looks like Trump is in over his head.
>China has announced it will be raising tariffs on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods from midnight (Beijing time) June 1, according to China’s State Council Customs Tariff Commission
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Is Trump going to achieve any of his non Israel/kike based goals
>60 billion
it's nothing
At this point its time to start importanting good from the rest of the third world
Someone let me know when we finally start bombing them.
If China and USA stopped trading what would be worse
>paying twice as much for shoes
>not having any jobs and your entire country dying to famine
china's biggest import is microchips from the west we could literally send them back to the stone age if we wanted and find new assembly monkeys on Africa
>dying to famine
What happened to the agricultural sector?
Relax faggot
The global economy benefits more if countries begin importing more from Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, etc. and if China is forced to more rapidly develop its domestic economy rather than playing the export game.
>$60 billion
The US shouldn't trade with China at all. They have created an adversary
I think he’s trying to get China to dump US treasuries while they’re still valuable
People starved to death in their homes in the depression, despite millions of square miles of farm land.
In reality China really can't do shit in this, they aren't totally self reliant (yet) and depend on amerifat bucks to buy cheap chink shit.
I actually agree with Trump on this one.
>Americans will pay twice as much for shoes
No you won't. You're fat and lazy.
America is only 11% of China's exports.
Just automate it. Fuck assembly monkeys. They’re ungrateful and always end up thinking they’re better than you. Just replace them with robots. I bet musk would be up to it.
>only 11%
The only problem with this is that the infrastructure doesn't quite exist in other 3rd world countries. I'll give you an example
Brand X washing machine, made in China, no you want to make it in Vietnam, in China, there are 3 suppliers of control panels, each who have 2 or 3 paint suppliers, graphic suppliers,etc. In Vietnam, you might have one supplier, if there is one.
Its a somewhat short term problem, but its not so easy to "just make it somewhere else"
Frankly the USA should stop all trade with China and embargo them for crimes against humanity.
Have fun paying 2000$ for your next iPhone.
then the jews won't be able to make billions on the stock market it is one thing a company making all the profit from lifting a whole billion people nation out of middle ages to profit from it
Jokes on you I don't buy ishit. And it's not like cheap labor does not exist elsewhere. It'd just take a decade of adjusting and all would be back to normal.
We need a good relationship with the Chinese.
Today, I relearned the large eyed mutants have at Delano, California.
They sacrifice us. They will sacrifice us. They have ins on the signals intelligence of voice to skull technology. They are signaling in favor of random yet they are well timed in advantage of signals enforced to habituate nonviolence.
Extremely dangerous chain of command. Psychopathic. Be on the look out for all points bulletins while incoming Delano
The large eyed mutants are in underground bunkers. Assume they horde.
>I need muh cheap labor
Sounds like a typical capitalist animal. You're about to lose your cheap labor get ready to pay more.
how can you starve when the food comes from the grocery store?
>Have fun paying 2000$ for your next iPhone.
there are plenty of other countries where this stuff can be built. The PRC could actually take over the world, we made a huge mistake being friends with these foul poisonous worms.
You're the one bitching about price increases buddy. At least attempt to be consistent.
Not the way it works. I can get a dependable smart phone for $25. How much do you really think it costs to make an iPhone?
They are creaming in the profit. To make their business remain viable if labour costs increase they just take a maginal hit in profits. Big fucking deal.
Go on....
Whose side is Abe on?
>there are plenty of other countries
So why hasn't Apple moved it's production yet?
We need a watch for betrayal at Delano. And please, No over relying on signals along public street. Large eyed mutants are taking RED FLAG gains by investing in random signals. This is a RED FLAG.
Take these spiels...
A tech: Inner cell mass stem cells regrow any body of a human, and stem cells resurrect. Stems cells are easy to collect from Caesarian section surgery human births. Stem cells are layers in pressured semen sperm cum. People make stem cells from human breast milk and other body. Doctors are using inner cell mass stem cells to resurrect the dead! Proper use of stem cells are eternal youth!
A tech: Tiny carbon nano tubemetals in body will maintain some electrical current from background electrical radio waves. Some directed energies are effective to carry these tiny metals. Some magnets also effectively carry these tiny metals. When the metals are moved then the metals carry some of the earlier electricity. There was already background electricity at the place the metal would be carried to. This process is callable as, "collecting" electricity. Sometimes the collected electricity is enough to stimulate muscle movement and even sense of touch, though the electricity was collectable by directed energies sent from machines far away by miles of distance.
This winnie the pooh lookin motherfucka cant win this shit, their imports from the US are sub 200 billion while US imports 500 billion + if they decide to change supplies chinktoids will be forever BTFO
Our awesome ally Israel would provide China with them
I'm sure if you took those crayons out of your mouth and sat quietly in thought for a moment you could (hopefully) reason out why on your own. We shouldn't have to spoon feed you the obvious.
>there are plenty of other countries
High IQ post.
China exports more to US than it imports. Can't compete on tariffs
It's either fight China or give in, all US corporations are selling the US down the river to gain access to the Chinese market.
The only way we can retain our position is to fight them at a governmental level, never back down.
China is fucking ruthless, they want what we have and if they win we will go into a recession. By the time normies figure this out it will be too late.
If we wanted we could have everything we produce in China made in India, Thailand, Taiwan, and Brazil within a decade.
Trump forgot that he is dealing with a real country not some faggot pushover cunt like canada.
>within a decade
Kek. China will have surpassed us technologically by then. Dumbass.
Or made in the USA.
AMD designs chip s on China, and also the Chinese have license for x86, the biggest chip makers are in Asia Samsung, tsmc, they will be fine
xi always has that stupid expression on his face. what a weirdo.
Are you part of the clown world?
Nice fantasy. If the US stopped trading with China, China would fall into chaos and a revolution would be extremely likely. There is no technological advancement in China without US money.
>China gonna collapse
Says the increasingly nervous man for the 1000th time.
Is this "the secret" new age bullshit? If you repeat something enough it becomes true?
Yes because a place that has to build uninhabitable ghost cities just to keep people occupied with busy work and line the pockets of corrupt developers and government officials is totally fine, nothing to see here, ignore the man behind the curtain.
>ghost cities
People have been saying that for 10 years. Good argument.
Yet you can't refute it. Only matter of time that ticking time bomb explodes and it will be messy for China. China needs the US more than the US needs China.
>ghost cities gonna collapse China
>Chinese economy keeps growing at 6% for 10 years
>can't refute it
Low IQ people.
Building things that noone uses is never a good idea. It's like digging holes and then filling them back up. Your argument is a logical fallibly where if an outcome seems good the decision behind it was good.
>building unused buildings is like digging holes
Except it isn't.
You're right, it's worse. The ghost cities are dangerous, not just futile
That's it? I was expecting worse desu
>People starved to death in their homes in the depression, despite millions of square miles of farm land.
I'll take "What was the dustbowl?" For $500 Alex.
don't worry amerigoys, you can always import things from your trusted European allies :^)
It's almost nothing, especially considering how strong the us economy is.
Apple recently announced they were going to put a fuck load of effort (staff+money) towards making their products without Chinese rare earth.
Not arguing with you, just something I figured you might find interesting if you weren't already aware.
OY Vĕÿ!
they would be eating each other again in a month if we stopped propping up their shell game of an economy with our trade imbalance
Low IQ.
>without rare earth metals
So without lithium batteries?
Sure they would burger.
>t. pic related
>US exports are 1.7 trillion
wow, truly drumpf must be scared.
>dah Chinese eat themselves
This is what the average intelligence of an American government employee sounds like.
>2.1 trillion exports
wow, truly xi must be scared.
It seems like your fallback non-argument belies the truth of your own condition.
What happens is the producers of food sell to whomever has money, which is not the desperate poor. Loads of farm land becomes unused because fewer people are able to buy what is produced.
Most of the desperate poor do not know the first thing about farming so they can't just take over the land and work it. The USA got involved in World War II to get out of the Great Depression the last time this happened.
>muh ghost cities
Low IQ.
hey rabbi, whatcha doin?
Why is it okay for Trump to tax Americans?
im not a fucking normalfag i dont buy apple
Its time to start waking up the rust belt. The bugmen is going to be surprised when in 5 years the US no long wants to import besides raw materials because our industrial capacity has recovered.
butthurt Muslim detected
No, the plan is actually brilliant and would be an unimaginable fuck you to the chinks in the long run. They want to extract all the rare earth they can, then implement a closed loop system of electronics recycling that effectively leaves the chinks raped out of their resources and usable land.
Nike has factories all over Asia. Mostly in Vietnam, if I remember correctly.
>China raises tarrifs on the shit that they make?
If it made economic sense they would be doing it already. Really brilliant.
How many dumb government workers are in this thread?
LOL China doesn't buy shit from us
they are on the verge of collapse and this reeks of desperation
But China barely buys anything from us. The relationship is completely one sided and enables an elite middleman class here at home.
>>China didn't starve tens of millions of its own citizens to death during the cultural revolution
great state education you got there mr. chin
They're becoming good with the bits repeating the same talking points.
Thats because we refuse to sell to them.
Consider, the US kerps saying everything we make is export controlled or IP
Shek did when he blew up the yellow river dam to fight the ija.
>remember the chiniese holohoax goy
They salvage chips from old circuit boards.
The waste is drained right into their water system.
As more systems become less chip dependent (IE the processors get more powerful) less and less of the boards will have universal chips on them (74lsxxx series)
They sell the chips back to the US as refurbished or use them in their products.
>This is an unsustainable economic process.
kys kike
The waste from this process is very toxic.
Lead and Arsenic.
>China don't buy nothing from America
Except 150 billion in goods.
They are already doing it, stupid.
Whatever you say retard.
>implement a closed loop system of electronics recycling that effectively leaves the chinks raped out of their resources
You can't seriously believe this
right, it had nothing to do with gross ineptitude and making urban Chinese with no agricultural experience responsible for the nation's food supply.
Management skills dont matter when the cabbage patch is making kimchee 20 miles in sea
Exactly as I said. They will rape China of its rare earth and leave its land unusable (as shown in the pic you posted) then cut them out of the loop.
I know you are 15 and can't fathom the notion of long term strategy, but that doesn't change reality for big boys playing the game