Is france gonna be ok?

is france gonna be ok?

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send help

We'll be perfectly fine

>We'll be perfectly fine

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The lower the better

Few decades and France will have Albania-tier IQ

Time to drop some help on Paris. Requesting additional democracy from the USA.

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we were the one defending you against the germans during your bankrupt, ungrateful sodomite.

Wow, now that's a precious piece of shit flying on swamp areas
Very poetic

Better than pieces of shit walking through your streets, with a huge metal dildo sticking out into the air.

perhaps pathological defending and helping of the weak is a weakness itself

Blacks and Muslims get all the blame for the dumbification of France, but many people forget France also imported low-IQ Spaniards, Portuguese and Italians by the millions for decades. In some parts of France you may enter an apartment block and if you look at the letter boxes you may notice Gallo-Frankish surnames such as Garcia, Freitas or Rossi make up the majority of the residents.

They will be fine just like my country.

But you are just a racist fuck.


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Colonies were a mistake

The average IQ everywhere is decreasing thanks to government psyops
Devices, plastic and tap water are preparated to lower iq especially of young people

The roman empire was a mistake.

This has nothing to do with colonies. It has everything to do with our governments and the EU.




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No, it's falling because of breeding patterns. The environment has actually become way less damaging to IQ over the years, yet it's still falling.

What a dishonest filename. Look at the .gif you posted. According to it Aztecs were already in the process of drying that part of the lake, and soulless all out urbanization didn't start until after independence.

Frons smert

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look at those dumb niggers

>Aztecs were already in the process of drying that part of the lake
keeping canals and dams != draining the lake and leaving the land salty

there are no white people left behind french flags on Jow Forums
Everyone is some sort of arab or african
Actual white french are either too busy being successful or immigrate to a better country

I'm a pierre mario myself, problem?

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Look up chateau rogue and the surrounding streets on google maps street view...

>This thread was moved to

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Ethnic Italians have a really high average I.Q.

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Nope, it's broken.

letting in a bunch of niggers was a mistake

It is good for the rest of the world. Natures way of saying 'cool it' after thinking up the EU and a ton of destructive ideologies in the last 200 years.

This, around 2 million portuguese left in the last century for France. Reminder that the most portuguese city in the world is not Lisbon, but Paris.
Reminder that Iberians are low-IQ garbage.

The Great One in the 1920s wrote that the French people are becoming more and more negrified:

As Science Direct points out, the prediction has come true.

Don't be so self-hating. White pride is worldwide now.

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I legit just finished reading a post of a half asian half white girl buying brown contacts and dying her hair black cause shes sick of being cat called by arabic men. She said her town speaks french.

I put two and gwo together and realized that lol france is lost


lol no they'll have more truck attacks and lose more cultural icons though.

France is the new Afghanistan.

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Liberte, egalite,...

Allahuh snack bar...

Yes, race mix and lower those IQs goy!

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france is already dead

I work with a bunch of french people, none of them want to go back. Please french people come to america and fuck over the EU and Macron
This redpilled article is brave enough to report the truth, mentioning "dysgenic fertility" and "replacement migration"!

Only if CRISPR is achieved, else France is done.

IQ is highly culturally biased, even the “culture neutral” tests definitely are not unless they are the pure pattern recognition and the pure math. Questions that show four pictures of hats and ask “which one is real?” are still prevalent.

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Seriously, how do non-anti-semites explain shit like that? I used to be of the mindset that the Great Replacement was more of a suicide than a homicide, but then shit like that showed me I was underestimating the role of the Jews.

If Peter Zeihan is correct once global trade is decimated in the post Bretonwoods age, America will attract the most skilled migrants from the world.

watch for more,

Probably not a true Portubro. I've seen a lot of these kind of self loathing posts from southern eurobros lately, probably a new way for (((them))) to try and divide us.

I've never seen that, what does it even mean? They'd all be equally unreal images of hats.

Same as one spirit, but the bible says don't fuck them and make babies with them. It says the quite opposite in several passages, like the whole tower of babylon story where the God made the different peoples, the mark of cain meaning don't fucking mess with them, and then when the people were told to stop taking foreign wives.
It's just good cultural hygiene, user.

It means its a lame ass Jew's post promoting the sin of race mixing

He was either being ironic
Or he is an unironic communist that's reveling in the state of europe.
Greece is literally full of communists, you have no idea.

Does not compute.

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I'll say it again, France will go into Civil War within a couple years.

Things do not work like that in europe.
One country falls into civil war - it escalates to every single country, one way or another.
We are all holding on by a thread.

You think greece is better off than france? The only difference is that our police force terrorize, beat and abuse the shitskins to instil fear. That's the only reason we are not experiencing mass rapes. But they are still 1/10 of the population. We are one bad day away from total war.

where are your IDs?

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Probably not, hey someone here bring up our IQ average.

That's because all the stupid ones either left for the us or South America

You are the help.
Join your local nazis!

They are from Jow Forums. The board that use to be a cesspool of trash and normalfaggotry is getting redpilled.

How are the elites going to explain this away when it inevitably starts happening in every single western nation? While China and Japan remain 100+?

they don't need to that's the point of the mutt project

>send help
do you need more immigrants pierre?



Game over.