This book is yet to be refuted

This book is yet to be refuted.

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>yet to be refuted
So is The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe.

heres my refutation:
white people dont even exist. literally not even a real thing.

>white people don't exist
the most based thing ever posted to this godforsaken board

lmaoing at the cover

The refutation is that the united states is fragmented more ideologically than ethnically. Suppose California secedes other liberal states follow and there's a demographic shift that separates the parts. There'd still be a select few Asians, blacks, and hispanics that would agree with the white nationalist republican. To deny them would be superficial and foolish. However, we'd have to ensure their kids don't become cretin SJW's that ruin the state. Most 1st generation Blacks and Mexicans are fine, it's their kids that get entitled and selfish. Also latent white nationalism, unfortunately, doesn't exist. People are more concerned with day to day life like getting a girlfriend and they take their race for granted. Even though blacks have benefited from living in America, they still benefit from telling themselves they're oppressed, thus creating this toxic black identity that you see.

Can I get a source for pic related?

>Also latent white nationalism, unfortunately, doesn't exist.
I think it does, even if only in a weak way.
The average American would probably prefer to live in a US that is majority white, rather than, say, majority black or even Mexican or Asian.

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>not 09:00:00
nice time zone fag lmao

>white nationalism
Yikes, double yikes and triple yikes.
Retard ideology.


I-Is this revelation?

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>he's European
yaya that's great, listen, why exactly are you here?
friendly reminder that r*ddit is a right wing platform

Has anyone itt actually read this book?


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>reddit is a right wing platform

You're having a laugh, right? You're one of those people who think, "If you aren't calling for global class revolution tomorrow, you aren't left-wing." Are you?

This is yours?

>mutt pretends he's white: the book

No, it's you're mum's but she let me read it.

Remember: the future sick fucks like OP and Greg "WN booty-boy" Johnson have in store for us all will see the United States gone and most every city on the continent looking like pic related. Anyone who thinks that racists will get their W*iteopia without plunging this place into years-long war, mass bloodshed and devastation is delusional. Just sayin'.

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>The Donald fills Jow Forumsall so often that they actually had to implement a weighting system so that other subs can actually be on Jow Forumsall
>it didn't work, half of Jow Forumsall is still The Donald
>they regularly raid other subs, but unlike other misbehaving communities it has not been banned, quarantined, or even warned (the only other subs that do this with the admins' implied blessing are SRS and SubredditDrama, both of which are several hundred thousands of users smaller and are generally less influential)
>compare with FULLCOMMUNISM, a meme sub that was quarantined for ironically supporting Stalin, not even misbehaving, just being too left for the admins' taste

If it's like his earlier "books" it's just a bunch of somewhat unrelated shorter articles crammed together. All of which are available for free at his site, counter-currents. Just search for "Greg Johnson *name of the chapter*".

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What do you mean?

White nationalists will never have the numbers to do a thing. The vast majority of white people would far rather live next door to ethnics than some creepy inbred white supremacists

>Just because r/the_donald has better content than other subreddits, doesn't mean that it is a reflection of the the majority of the website users or (more importantly) admins
>See above
>"Regularly raid other subs." Citation needed. And shitposting on some faggy commie board isn't a raid.
>r/socialism, r/latestagecapitalism are still up. Decidedly right-wing subs r/cringeanarchy and r/AgainstGayMarriage are both quarantined.

Sure, one may say that the admins on reddit aren't hardcore communists. That doesn't mean the site is a right-wing site. It is, more likely, that the admins are run of the mill sjw neo-liberals who can't handle a bit of banter, left or right. Stop being a faggot.

>The vast majority of white people would far rather live next door to ethnics
white flight says otherwise

What do you mean it's not a real thing?

I'm not even a WN, but your post is just useless low IQ boomer shit.
Maybe you should go back to r*ddit, where you can get upvotes for having proper normie thoughts and bashing racists.

What does The Donald have to do with this thread, though?

Nobody wants to live next to a nigger or a spic.

Explains why people flood to multiracial cities like New York, LA or London, and nobody wants to live in Montana

Big Cities. The trend is changing though. People are moving out of big cities now.

White people aren't flooding to New York, LA, or London. White people are fleeing those places. If a young white professional can choose between working in Denver, Colorado or New York, he is choosing Denver. If he can choose to work in Seattle, Washington or Chicago, Illinois, he is choosing Seattle.

So as I say, people move to multicultural cities rather than white enclaves.
The white nationalists could set up their little monoethnic communities if they wanted. The reason they don't do it is because they know it would fail and they would be laughed at. Literally noone wants to live in a community solely populated by white racists

>The white nationalists could set up their little monoethnic communities if they wanted.
This is against the law in the US, just saying.

The data doesn't square with that statement. White people prefer to live with other white people. They just won't say it as bluntly as I do. I am curious on why you are fighting so hard to defend an obviously indefensible position. I wonder what your last name is.

They move there because that's where free gibs are. And no, you cannot just set up a monoethnic community, that's against the Civil Rights laws.

>people move to multicultural cities rather than white enclaves.
People mostly just move where the money is.
And those "multicultural cities" used to be "white enclaves" just a few decades ago.

What's it's argument?

thanks for admitting they aren’t a left-wing platform, that was really my goal all along
>what do white nationalists have to do with a white nationalist thread

>Republicans, who are literally calling for more immigration
>white nationalists
pick one

>You can only be a left-winger if you are a hardcore communist. There is literally no other possible position you can have on the left.
>Also, r/the_donald is a white nationalist board.

Kek, you're a chapo-fag, aren't you?

liberals are leftists. I know that really chaps your ass but it's true.

How is that post low IQ?

>literally calling for more immigration
>literally putting up a wall and blacklisting entire countries
pick one
>neo-lib is leftist
no it is not; it’s very firmly centrist. leftism is at the very least the Nordic model
>you either believe centralism is leftism or you believe nothing is but the extreme left is leftism
you’re really packing those false dichotomies, aren’t you?
liberalism, especially neo-liberalism, is centrism, you actual dumbass

You're incredibly idiotic, even for a leftist. Reddit has been censoring right wing spaces for a long time. And I don't mean quarantining (although they still do that at a rate that is like 100:1 compared to leftists spaces), I mean banning communities time and time again.
There is no comparable censorship against leftist spaces. And not just on reddit, on any platform whatsoever. Neoliberals aren't afraid of leftists, they allow you to thrive on their platforms, to proliferate, because what you say isn't actually subversive in any meaningful way because it's either something you're never going to achieve or stuff they can easily co-opt.

>literally putting up a wall
Where? When? And even then "less illegal immigraiton, more legal immigration" is the literal republican mantra. You're literally doing what you accuse others of doing to you: you can't even tell apart mainstream center right positions from far right positions. You're as much as an idiot as people who you probably routinely make fun of for thinking liberals are leftists.
>and blacklisting entire countries
Aside from the ones where people actually come from in droves?

>there is no comparable censorship
>except for the quarantine of FULLCOMMUNISM, let’s just ignore that
>user makes a shitty “pick one” meme, obviously ironic
>decide to play along and make my own, obviously ironic
>he replies to it like it was a real argument
wait, we’re you being unironic the whole time? lol what are you even doing?

Well, they'd rather have people talking about communism than genocide.

>except for the quarantine of FULLCOMMUNISM, let’s just ignore that
On one hand we have one, maybe a couple more, community quarantined.
On ther other hand we have tens of communities quarantined, and a smaller but still considerable number of communities banned.
Do you think they are comparable?
Of course you don't, you'd have to be a moron to think otherwise, which is why you didn't try to refute anything I've said, you just went for "le ironic shitposting!"

The wall is so, when the economy is put back into crash mode, and jobs are taken by machines, we can avoid an outright civil war between the native underclass and foreign peasants. People like Donald and other conservatives have their wealth based in domestic projects, their interests aren't the same as globalist elites, and they have more to lose with an internal disruption. The globalists don't really need a stable USA to be rich anymore, so they are telling Don to Fuck off, he will be fine in his gated enclave, and he should invest in the prison industry, etc. Personally, I am a realist, almost in love with banality and fully in touch with reality. I am creating my own strategy involving a nomadic lifestyle, to avoid the centers of conflict and natural disasters. I feel fortunate for having grown up in poverty, it won't be so demeaning for me. If you don't think america can be plunged into abject poverty by the dalliance of financiers, read something about the 1930s or talk to your great grandparents if they are still alive. My grandfather told me a story once about how he and his brothers used to fight over who got to eat the apple core.

>Do you think they are comparable?
of course I do, you’d have to be a moron to think otherwise, which is why you didn’t try to refute anything I’ve said

Because it's cheap boomereddit fear mongering about the evil racists, with zero insight to the issues at hand.
It's like a lazy Jow Forumsack scapegoating the Jews.

Just more boomereddit rhetoric.
How could anyone possibly have a preference for their own ethnic group without setting up concentration camps, right?

Except that talking about genocide was not a thing on the vast majority of right wing communities they banned, so that can't be the real reason.

But also, ask yourself this: if communism is really the true enemy of neoliberal hegemony, why don't they apply far more severe censorship towards it? Why are neoliberal institutions so willing to put up a friendly face towards these communities, and only intervene when they are the size of actual countries or revolutionary violent parties? Because they don't do that with far right communities, they punish right wing heterodoxy immediately instead of waiting for right wing heteropraxis.

>of course I do
You think place A where X thing happens once is comparable to place B where X thing happens 100 times? Unironically?

you think that place A where X thing happens is uncomparable to place B where X thing happens? unironically?

At last I truly see...

Leftists are useful idiots. I find it hilarious that they think that a bunch of trannies with an open wound between their legs is a scary thing to the establishment, when in fact they have spent billions promoting them and propping them up.

kek, just googling about johnson and found this passage in some book chronicling the "rise of the alt right"

why do liberals always do this? it's rhetorically ineffective, it's just fluff. it's like when historians writing a scholarly history of the third reich stop in the middle of describing some guy's belief in racial hierarchy to go "But it is CLEARLY a very SILLY idea. What a DUMB idea this DUMB guy had. The idea of racial hierarchy is so obviously wrong and dumb and preposterous that this stupid foolish idiot was dumb for believing in it."

i don't need almost a page of editorializing fluff of you spouting your opinions like a nagging mother that you think nazis are bad, in a book whose entire tacit premise for existing is "Nazism is bad," whose entire tacit reason for existing is that its entire potential readership will already agree that nazis are bad and want to learn more about them as a result of this.

it's the most effeminate, childish shit and it's in every liberal book about right wingers. "Greg Johnson somehow (can you believe it!!!) champions a white ethnostate (like, really!! seriously!! he really does this!!! lmao!), which is CLEARLY a TERRIBLE idea. Not only does the VERY SILLY Greg Johnson believe in a white ethnostate, obviously a DUMB idea that no one COOL AND CORRECT, LIKE ME, believes in, he LUDICROUSLY believes that Hitler had some ''''''''''''good'''''' ideas!!!!!"

to anyone with a brain it just stands out as the writer scoffing and sputtering like a woman instead of coolly making an argument, or having the grace and skill to let his evidence speak for itself

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Yes, if the frequency in which the thing happens is orders of magnitude or more different.
And you do the same or else you'd think that nicaragua and japan have comparable murder rates. But you don't, you don't think they are in comparable situations.

as a leftist, this may unironically be the most based, redpilled, and undeniably correct thing I’ve read all week

Hearts and minds aren't won by arguments you euphoric fuck

>Yes, if
no ifs, it’s like saying “I’m sorry but”. you just agreed with the statement that two places with the same phenomenon have nothing in common to compare. amazing

hearts and minds are won by tipping people who are still on the fence decisively into your camp

you don't do that by tediously preaching to the choir of people already in your camp and making yourself look like a histrionic pussy. if someone is saying the holocaust never happened, in a contemporary western society, the most rhetorically effective strategy is to let the claim stand on its own because everybody already agrees that it's one of the biggest sins you can commit. if you get some whiny pussy to start whinging, nagging, and repeating himself about how the holocaust denier is wrong, something everybody already presumes, you just make people closer to the fence think "jesus, if this guy's the voice of my camp, maybe the other camp has something to it"

>why do liberals always do this?
Because they have power (I mean this in a broad sense).
When you have power you don't really need arguments.

>you just agreed with the statement that two places with the same phenomenon have nothing in common to compare
No, I didn't say that. I said that having something in common isn't grounds to say that the situations are comparable if the thing in common is happening in quantities that are extremely different.
Are nicaragua and japan in comparable situations when it comes to murder?

No hearts and minds are won by starving and or filling the stomach. By brute force.

>No, I didn’t say that
immediately stopped reading, I’m not arguing with someone who contradicts himself this blatantly. next you’ll start spouting shit like “I’m heterosexual” or “please sir don’t suck my cock I don’t like men”

Are nicaragua and japan in comparable situations when it comes to murder?
If you say no, you admit that quantitative differences can make two things uncomparable, which is exactly what I've been saying and also what you're trying to pathetically argue against.
If you say yes, well, you just show yourself to be a moron.
So I'm fine either way, you choose.
You can also choose to pretend that you haven't read anything so maybe I'll go away and you won't have to keep defending a very silly position that you've argued yourself into.

>he’s still trying to argue with someone who isn’t taking anything seriously and is just shitposting at this point
oh good god, you are heterosexual aren’t you? you do realize that God made men to be with men and women to be with women, right? fucking straightfaggots I swear to Christ

Are nicaragua and japan in comparable situations when it comes to murder?
Come on dude, just answer. Don't try to cop out by saying "b-but I'm j-just shitposting"

>Come on dude, just answer. Don't try to cop out by saying "b-but I'm j-just shitposting"
holy shit are you listening to yourself right now? I don’t think I’ve made anyone this mad before simply through shitposting. guess the right really is more sensitive and easily triggered than the left after all

This thread is proof that pseudointellectuals shouldn't try to argue with each other. It just ends up being an insult contest.

I just want you to keep repeating "b-but I was s-shitposting" because it's the same thing that always happens with leftists when they're backed into a corner.

I’m not even a leftist desu, I just wanted to see how much I could annoy someone. the answer was apparently “to the point where he desperately demands you take the thread seriously so that he doesn’t have to face the fact he just spent over an hour yelling at a wall and then still ends up spinning it such that he ‘won’ the ‘argument’”

Imagine when your whole identity and existence is based around accomplishments and inventions of people who share the same color as your and would probably hate your guts if they met you in person. But of course you have to validate these beliefs with bunch of bullshit about how your "race" is becoming extinct, like this is Lord Of the Rings or something and not just the natural occurrence of genetic evolution in an age of communication and fast travel.

I'm sure you get just as angry at jews, blacks, asians and hispanics for having an ethnic identity. You're totally not just an anti-white bigot.

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Nobody thinks race is skin color, not even you. So when you talk about it like that, you only show how unwilling you are to actually entertain ideas such as white nationalism not on the basis of rational disagreement, but just because they severely disagree with your view of how the world should work.

What you actually wanted to do is irrelevant, you're literally the same as other leftists in the way you argue so the result is for the identical. Thank you for conceding.

Refutation: there are almost no white nationalists who aren't federal agents. All those us flags on Jow Forums? Mexicans. Not even kidding.

whatever this book says, right or wrong is refuted by default because to be a white nationalist is to paint a target on your back that says "please destroy my life"

>The white nationalists could set up their little monoethnic communities if they wanted
in most western countries or maybe even all of them this is actually illegal.
outside of the western sphere whites are doing exactly that. Look at africa or south america.

Here's a solid argument against white nationalism, if you actually want to read it:

But one could still ask Moldbug if he'd rather live in a 90% white US or a 90% brown US, for example.

Nationalism might look bad in theory, but in practice, perhaps the viable alternatives are even worse.

Attached: Mencius_Moldbug.jpg (220x207, 9K)

Lmao considering commiefornians are moving to "flyover states" en mass I think you're wrong

Why are you being such an anti-semite?

I dislike the white power crowd, but that is the fate urbanites deserve.

I don't care about this gay writer but anyone here that claims that they would have no problem living in an all black neighborhood is either a liar or really dumb

i dont get it

I'm white.

better a reddit than a Jow Forums

Imagine being such a retard you bump a dead 90 post thread to say this to one of the earliest shitposts

I can't be arsed to read it.

White is a skin colour. I don't fucking care about that. I don't care about any whites not of the same ethnic background and class and even then....I have family members I think are dumbasses I want nothing to do with. What more for strangers.

Clannishness/tribalism is too primitive - Humanity 1.0.

>The white nationalists could set up their little monoethnic communities if they wanted
No they can't. Read up on 'block busting'.

I wrote this as well but I'm also honest - middle class whites build communities everyone wants to live in, but then when lower class non-whites move in those communities go to shit.
Because middle class or socially mobile non-whites also want to escape the lower classes of their own background, but then once they are a large enough enclave those same lower classes follow them anyway.
Wars in the 1300s-1900s, two plagues, and bootstrap economics/hard colonial living was a form of eugenics for whites, killing off a lot of the dumbest. Now welfare/single moms with druggie dads mean whites IQs are declining again.

Kill yourself you gutless inbred peasant

youre a dishonest retard

>Also latent white nationalism, unfortunately, doesn't exist.
people naturally self-segregate into racial groups. Why do you think desegregation has to be enforced by law?

What’s to refute?

White nationalists are basically throwing a tantrum like children who don’t get what they want.

>muh ethnostate

Raise some money and build it in space you inbred retards.

It’s fucking retarded. There.


You are an idiot. This is why liberals have to run the country you asshole. At least Muslims are peaceful and respectful. Plenty of people at my school are muslim and are much smarter than you.

>you’ve been wasting your time arguing with someone who had no stake at all in the argument
>thank you for conceding
where exactly did that assumption that you won come from, and why shouldn’t I assume it came from anger?
nobody won since there was never an argument. honestly, when you think about it, everyone lost, since all we did was sit around and waste each other’s time doing nothing of importance