EU tries to push gender crap and anti-family crap with convention

>EU tries to push gender crap and anti-family crap with convention
>whole country rises up to protest and get it scrapped
>West and its NGOs try to push through some other strategy crap
>country rises up again
>West and its NGOs try to push through Norwegian "child strategy" that allows the state to take away your kid if you deny it transgender shit or whatever else the state decides
>people protest, much less since its obvious we're fighting a losing war
>Western NGOs buy out politicians to implement the strategies with changes little by little no matter what
Join the EU they said, the west is better they said

I'd gladly take going hungry and being repressed by the communists over this fucking shit, anything west and north of Poland needs to be nuked immediately, you people fucking disgust me

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Could you maybe start an economic crisis like Greece and bring down the EU once and for all? Thanks.

No, plus it wouldn't really have any effect. Greece didn't. Plus it's not the EU that's the core of the issue, the EU is a symptom. Your countries and the people you elect are the problem.

Reminder all the NGOs over here that defend gypsies and gender crap are financed by your national budget.

Our society will surely fight this kike bullshit. Yesterday i saw a bunch of 15-20 year olds beating up 2 gay men. Nobody helped the gays of course.

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>Yesterday i saw a bunch of 15-20 year olds beating up 2 gay men
How did you know they were gay? Were they dressed in bondage gear publicly in broad daylight or?

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Bulgaria ! Who fucking cares
You shit heads are why Britain is leaving the EU

Beating up gay men is fucking retarded, why fight the symptom and not the cause? Why not beat up members of the NGOs that push this shit into the mainstream?

Your oppressive ideas are going extinct, and that’s good.

>You shit heads are why Britain is leaving the EU
I have a policy of avoiding memeflags, but jesus fucking christ I hope this is 68 layers of irony posting


They were dressed with leather jackets. Their pants were fit on their legs and one of them had a nasty gypsy like dyed hair.
You can simply tell they're gay by first glance.

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kek getting all the hippies and hipsters before they inevitably become gay anyway

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Beating up gay men is the best. Why would we let them be the "victims of NGO's psy ops". When we can solve the problem right away by snapping it out of their heads ? Either they become men or live their lives in fear till the day they die alone. Works for me. I don't see the retarded part.

Beat up a few gay men


Stop NGOs from criminalizing telling your children not to be gay

You tell me which has a bigger effect

>the people you elect
I know, I am sorry. We will vote better next time around, trust me.

>trust me
>sea jew flag
I see what you did there

Why don't you tell Big Boyko to get off his ass and ban NGOs

>Stop NGOs from criminalizing telling your children not to be gay

What the hell did i just read ?

You're wrong. Our target should be the gays themselves. Otherwise they will fall for other kike blue pills. They are NOT just some victims remember that. Imagine all gays living in fear over here to the point that they go out for a walk after midnight. The disease will be cured out of our society in no time. Fear is what will break them even more. So the end game of the fallen ones is either get back to normal or live in fear till the day they finally decide to suicide.

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can confirm

>What the hell did i just read ?
The strategy they're forcing in is criminalizing refusing your children to be educated in transgender/gay crap. Your child will actually be taken away from you by the police if you tell him he's not allowed to go be told he should be gay.

If you think this is as much of a problem as gays not being beat up, you're just LARPing my man

>Bulgaria ! Who fucking cares
My favorite kind of retard poster

Not larping at all. It hurts me as much as it hurts you to hear what's going on with our nation. How does 1 fight against this new system of taking the children ? Mine will probably be homophobic racists in the future. I can't find the solution except fighting them like gypsies fight police when they go in their slums.

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A true revolution with a glorious figurehead that's what you need.

I for sure hope the former eastern bloc will never become as degenerate as we are. I think the key into preventing that is keeping American influence out.


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Someone tried to push gender crap into Polish schools, mass protests ensued there as well.
At least you still have a healthy society, protect it at all cost.

You can't do much but just fight and not give up even as you're losing. If we lose we lose, but if we give up we certainly lose with no chance of ever winning. And when the stake is our children's future...

Also don't force your views on your children, homosexualism and transgenderism are inherently evil and ugly, they'll come to that conclusion on their own - but if you force it on them, their natural instincts might rebel. Of course you need to fight when they get brainwashed, but dont force things. It's how a lot of westerners became so cucked, from their cathocuck parents who forced this shit on them and brainwashers provided an alternative.


>The strategy they're forcing in is criminalizing refusing your children to be educated in transgender/gay crap
Lefties in the west are emboldened because they face no real threat of violence.
If they faced violence they'd be much more likely to stfu.
Intimidating teachers and journalists is best, but honestly any outward lefty getting their shit rocked is okay.