ITT: post your political heroes

ITT: post your political heroes

Attached: Dirlewanger.jpg (250x416, 27K)

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wtf when did Jewdimir ZOGtin get pragnent???

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That is Edgy, even for OP. Dirlewanger was a TOTAL shithead. And he got what he deserved.

Not only is he a revenge against the normies embodied but also a fantastic meme on finnchans.

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my friend that is the russian treasury in there

oh look a cunt. Poster and posted.

based. I didn’t like Breivik too much, he’s like a weird Mark Zuckerberg of white nationalism. Tarrant I would gladly drink a pint with.

We don't even know who it was who beat him to death in that prison. Could've been the (allied) guards, other prisoners who were civilians he tortured, or other prisoners who were Nazis/SS and even they fucking hated him. Dirlewanger was the ultimate definition of a degenerate,

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>After the door of the building was blown off we saw a daycare-full of small children, around 500; all with small hands in the air. Even Dirlewanger's own people called him a butcher; he ordered to kill them all. The shots were fired, but he requested his men to save the ammo and finish them off with rifle-butts and bayonets. Blood and brain matter flowed in streams down the stairs.

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Not any worse than "Bomber" Harris then and Brits seem to consider him a hero for burning alive thousands upon thousands of civilian men, women and children.

Fuck Germany. They allied themselves with the Ottoman empire WW1 and Turks later. Now Erdogan calls Germany a Turk colony. They've betrayed Europe at every turn. Fuck em

This attitude from the Brits is why I don't even care that you are slowly turning into a third world shithole. Enjoy your Muslim mayor and your Paki grooming gangs.

Heil Hitler!

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Just imagine how beautiful the world would have been today if the British Empire had accepted Germany's peace offers. Fuck Britain forever for dooming the Western world.

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>still this buttmad from the fagreich getting assblasted

How many of your white women were raped by niggers today, Americuck?

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yeah woulda been so much better with degenerates like dirlewanger raping them and slaughtering their children instead thanks for the option hans that's great