Imagine how retarded you would have to be to clean this up for $15/hr

Imagine how retarded you would have to be to clean this up for $15/hr.
Then think how retarded you'd have to be to do it FOR FREE

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Sloppy job mossad

It takes about 15-20mins to clean it’s not hard op

we should execute people who do this.

if you dont know how to use a toilet properly, you obviously are too stupid to be trusted to keep on living.

spray it with bleach and let it sit for a few minutes then ill wipe it up with my bare hands.

Use a mop, throw away mop.

describe in detail the cleaning process

You would only earn $5 if you clean it that fast. Take your time, 3 hours.

It would be my privilege to clean that.

Unless handling biohazardous material is within my job description, I ain't doing jack about it.

>Imagine how retarded you would have to be to

-make this mess.

Just hire an Indian guy through H1-B they're experts in dealing with this

I'm overnight "maintenance" at walmart and I can tell what I'd do.
First, I'd go to the chemical isles and grab a half gallon of cheap bleach. Then I'd return and proceed to pour the entirety of that bottle over everything shit covered and let it sit for a minute. Next I would take a wet mop and proceed to mop up the majority of the mess on the walls and the toilet, rinsing every now and then so as to not smear it further. Once the majority is cleaned up, I would spray it all down with disinfectant and let that sit for a minute. Finally, I'd wipe it down with paper towels until clean and dry.

This is also the process I used when some drunk kid threw up all over everything in a stall pretty similar to this.

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A lot of paper towels
Milking it I see

At my old job I told them I’d quit if I was ever to clean up bodily fluids so they moved me to third shift so the bathrooms were always closed.

HAHAHAHA underrated

Here's one of the more humorous things I've come across in the bathrooms.

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I'd pick up any large chunks first by using an inverted plastic bag in your hand as if picking up after a dog poop

Sounds annoying,tell management to get a floor drain and just hose everything down and disnfect afterwards.

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I had to do that minutes before clocking out when I first started. Three gloves and two shopping bags to reach in the bowl and pull out a football sized/shaped turd that wouldn't flush. I honestly don't know how some dude birthed that behemoth but it must've been like heaven afterwards.

There is a floor drain but trying to get a hose then hooking it up would've been a bigger pain.
We also had some joker who thought it'd be fun to smear shit everywhere.

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A floor drain like this , hose everything down with a miniwash or some shit

>overnight Walmart maintenance
I'm sorry, user. I can tell from the description in your post that you're very familiar with these kinds of encounters and can only imagine the shit you've seen. At least tell me it's in a halfass decent Walmart near some suburb and not a dilapidated inner city one.

Lol just tell management to do something xD

You’re hilarious

That's just fucking evil

Who could the culprit be? We may never know.

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Hooking up a miniwash is like 2min of work if you have everything on standby

I work maintenance thats not even top ten of the worst things ive seen in a bathroom

Walmart in a smallish college town, yeah we get some shit every now and then. I don't think many stories will beat the time some guy was caught jerking off into the frozen foods freezer. Glass door open, foot rest upon the threshhold just jackin away.

>Used to work for less than 9 an hour at a Cracker Barrel
>An old lady slipped and busted her head on the rail in the handicap stall while taking a shit
>Another old woman fucking died in the stall a few months later

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It works here when I tell them it would be cheaper, I told my boss that getting one of those portable toilets would be cheaper than maintaining our bathroom and he did it. Also told him to get flat internet bandwidth

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We don't. Besides, like I want that shit to splash back onto me or diffuse that stench into the air. No thanks.


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a classic

Do tell, user.

>go to bathroom in restaurant
>have to use stall because urinal is occupied
>go to piss, notice something behind toilet
>get a closer look, it's someone's discarded boxer briefs
>get a whiff of shit while pissing
>realize someone shit themselves while eating and went to the bathroom to rid themselves of their dirty crapped briefs and leave them for somebody else to clean up
Maintenance workers have my sympathies.


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We used to have a lot of homeless around before the winter of 14. I went into the staff bathroom once and as soon as I stepped in I knew something was wrong. Poop handprint on the wall. I should have just fled but I took a step towards the stall and dear god. The toilet had a mountain of shit and paper rising up above the rim like a scale model of everest. There may have even been a tiny little Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay just reaching the summit but I'm not sure as I stumbled backwards and ran screaming down the hall. The black janitor took care of it. Nice guy.

Get that all the time at walmart. Sometimes they throw them in the trash and sometimes not.

Still waiting to see this one.

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I've done dirty jobs, but goddamn cleaning shit is something I would not do, unless I earn a fat stack of cash. Goddamn I hate how people can't properly shit, are some people actually this retarded?

Must have been fiesta night at the Lopez household again.

Set it on fire and walk away.

Just let it archive.

I think it has less to do with not knowing how to shit and more with simply not giving a fuck because it's not their mess to clean up. That and it's made worse by a snowball effect where the first prankster shits on the seat or smears shit all over the toilet so the next person making their way into the stall sees said shit and doesn't want to sit in it but also really has to go so they do a half assed hover shit and get even more on the rim and floor and the process repeats with the next person and so on until you end up with .

What would you do - leave it there? Fucking disgusting slob. No wonder non-whites never build anything.

I guess ill tell the worst one

I go to work do my usual morning routine (cleaning bathrooms before the store opens,moping etc.). I finish,the bathrooms are cleaned,the store opens and i start working on other things. About 30-40 minutes after the store being open my manager calls me into the bathroom. I go in and immediately get a strong smell of warm shit. My manager looks at me with the most empathetic face as they show me the stall that needs cleaning. There was mildly soft/liquid/warm light brown shit all over the back part of the toilet. After nearly throwing up i went to go back to get supplies to clean it. I grab a gallon of walmart brand bleach, a mop, paper towels and disinfectant. I go back to clean it and start by pouring bleach on the shit. Instantly most of the soft parts break off and start running of the the side of the bowl. I try to push as much as i can into the bowl so i can flush it. So i put on gloves amd try pushing it with paper towels. As i did this i felt the warmth from the shit on my hand just from pushing with a paper towel. I begin to cough and come close to throwing up again. I eventually i get most of it in/thrown away and i start mopping the parts that fell on the ground. I spay it with disinfectant and finally finish. It took about an hour to completely clean but felt like 4 hours. Ever since then my body has had a pretty good immunity to seeing that kind of stuff.

Can we get a greentext on your top 3?

Cracker Barrel will be the boomers' Auschwitz

>I think it has less to do with not knowing how to shit and more with simply not giving a fuck because it's not their mess to clean up.
But you gotta admit their buttcheeks are gonna get slimed with that shit. I think there is some mental illness or dissability behind this kind of shitting. It just isn't normal to shit like this in any circumstance.

This is why Africans have been invented

shit, thats pretty tame. i've seen much much worse.
t. union custodian

I think this is from some Australian a few years ago

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Christ i thought that was a funnel web spider

My first job out of high school was a janitor at target
I never seen anything like this

I don't get it, what specifically is it about the act of entering a Walmart that causes Americans to lose all control of their bowels? You guys probably do this everywhere.

Stop taking orlistat you fat fucks

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Thank you. I was hoping someone would post that. I really love this image as it works as a metaphor for multiculturalism for me. The toilet is ingenious. Probably a Japanese or German design. The height of cleanliness and mechanization removing the difficult parts of being human and relegating it to robots. But then some 'human' comes along and shits in the gears. The toilet and the robotic cleaning mechanism could be any institute created by and for white people. The shit is immigration.

>warm shit
Couldn't have been there more than 10 minutes. Your perpetrator was still nearby.

fucking trips of justice
All of them have me cracked up, but the first one is now my wallpaper, to motivate me to get a good job and afterwards get my business up.
Either success, or clean that shit for others
Cleaning the mirrors of shit.
Facing a poop nest.
Shit smeared everywhere.
I wont be the one cleaning.
I will the one smearing motherfuckers.

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w..wait.. you can just take the bleach, from the isle?
Its like you live in your own private playground! Such wonders.
Still, the one who cleans the toilet, is the one who owns the toilet. You are being robbed.

I'd use gloves with copious amounts of paper towel to move it into the bowl, then flush, then repeat, basically take it like that a bit at a time. After the major chunks are gone and there is just marks left, it would be baby wipes and more towels, then when everything is basically gone and looks clean, I would begin the bleach treatment.

>That looks like my work.

Muh hard work is a retarded meme. It was created to keep peasants slaving away. Starting from Biblical days and util today.
>Greeks/Romans said you can be virtuous even as a slave. Keep working wagie.
>Jesus said as a slave you must obey your master and work hard. Keep working wagie.
>The priest said the nobility received God's grace and you as a serf should listen to Jesus and work hard. Keep working wagie.
>The commissar said he has important things to do in his office while you must help the glorious socialist utopia by slaving away, good luck comarade. Keep working wagie.
>Herr Goering has important business to do, poor man is so stressed the cortisol making him fat. Herr Himmler has to oversee the construction of a black sun mosaic in his castle. Und du my kamarad must work hard for the aryan race. Keep working wagie.
>Jeff Bezos is busy sexting some old hag and getting divorced, but you must work hard to make sure you pay SSN for the boomers, laqueishas foodstamps and laquans medical bills.Keep working wagie.
>Mister Peterson is very brilliant he is busy writing self help books and recycling old talking points. You wash your dick bucko and work hard. Keep working wagie.
There's no right and no wrong. All ideologies are bullshit. You should only put effort into something that is worth it to you. Your interest are more important than any meme. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

I do this all the time. I'll usually grab the rails, take a dump on the floor, wipe my ass, stick the paper to the walls.
I figure it is job security for people like you.

it takes 60secs if you are in Army

Has anyone ever slipped trying to place shit in interesting places and needed to have an ambulance come and carry them out on a stretcher through the store while covered in shit?

>I would take a wet mop
you'd throw that fucking mop away afterwards, wouldn't you?

>I will the one smearing motherfuckers.
Don't be that guy, hans. Be better than..oh what am I saying. It's the best you could hope for in your shitskin country. Smear away, faggot.

>about 15 minutes from clocking out
>thinking about what to eat when i get home
>manager calls me to the front of the store
>didn't think much of it probably just need to sweep something
>tells me that someone had an accident in the fitting room and it needs to be cleaned
>go in the fitting room to see a pair of swimming trunks
>they shit themselves with the shorts from our store and used it to wipe
>throw it away start mopping
>get about ½ way through
>look up at the coat hanger behind the door
>there's shit on the wall
>"oh god why"
>starts to mop it off the wall
>slides down as it gets wet
>i finish, clock out go home without an appetite

>cleaning womens bathroom
>go to throw out those boxes that hold tampons
>a wretched smell comes from one
>open it up
>underwear full of wet shit
>take out the box
>about a inch of a mixture of wet shit and period blood is in there
>almost throw up
>throw it in its own bag
>take out to the trash myself
>drench the box in disinfectant
>the smell is burnt into my brain to this day

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It's called "store use" if you turn it in or it "fell and broke" if you push it through claims.

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Of course.

womens bathrooms are absolutely the most horrible thing to clean in the world. Men's bathrooms are only bad if some fat boomer doesn't know where his anus is and sprays the wall or if someone makes a shit trebuchet as a meme.

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ok, whew

>tampon disposal
That's one thing I won't touch. That's a real biohazzard there. Blood on the floor? Suit up with the blood spill kit. Container of bloody tampons? Lol, cheap gloves are enough. Fuck that.
Also, don't trust that the brown lump on the floor in the candy isle is chocolate. You got me once kid, never again.

Can confirm. Womens' bathrooms are ALWAYS trashier and stink of rotten cunt. Then they have the gall to complain that the mens room smells of piss from the urinal. Bitch, clean your cunt!

This job sucks

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I've seen this too. Urinal gets clogged, trash bag is put over it with Out of Order sign. Assholes still piss in it.

Are you entitled some additional pay for especially devastated toilets?

>you got me once kid
time to play is it shit chocolate or dirt

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>Smear away, faggot.
Thanks for the encouragement
I will smear my feces everywhere for you all, pol helped me thru the bad times…

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>Then think how retarded you'd have to be to do it FOR FREE
*think how diamond-hard my cock would be


>have the day off from your wagie job
>go shit smear in the bathroom and make the mid level management clean it up

>be me
>out with friends drunk vandalizing
>stop for beer and gas
>go inside need to shit
>get key to bathroom with hub cap key chain
>store clerk warning me not to make mess
>shit all over floor, wipe ass with paper
>stick paper to stall walls
>piss all over paper dispenser
>wash hands
>return key, thank attendant for being kind

wow, there is actually 1 white guy in this thread other than myself.

>some joker
audibly kek'd on that one

While I've never been on maintenance, I knew I would be overworked with too much shit to do, so I'd probably have to do it for free. I already have over a thousands of hours of "volunteer time" for this company as it is, what's another half hour gonna do?

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You are below a cockroach. You are the reason stores do not allow bathroom use in emergencies. I hope you get in a car accident and get paralyzed you worm.

15$ is a good money though

How the fuck are people so fat like that fat white cunt? What is their problem? Whites do not deserve to survive for completely letting themselves turn into massive piles of shit.

The worst part about working at walmart was all the depressing co workers at lunch.

Fuckin amerilard. I think it has less to do with time and more about some fat American niggerslob shitting up a seat and some wagecuck having to endure that level of dehumanizing filth. But that’s the merican way right? Two people exist: those that shit and those that mop it up.

Most gas stations here are owned by arabs. Im my religion, shitting on a arab is morally right.

I lived in student accommodation with an Italian guy who did this to the toilet every day. In the end he was just allowed to do it to the toilet on the right and everyone else used the one of the left. Don't know how it's possible.