I'm scared about my little girl going to school. What would be the right course so she won't blow chad?

I'm scared about my little girl going to school. What would be the right course so she won't blow chad?
>Public will make her a slut and brain wash her about liberal viewpoints.
>Private will make her a stuck up bitch and a slut.
>Homeschool will make her a weird bitch who would act emo on discord.
>Catholic will make her a good girl but aggresive whore.
Im leaning towards catholic but holy shit the redpills on catholic shit makes me mad.

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When I have kids I'm planning on sending them to private school. Just make sure your daughter has a good home life and that her mother is a good influence and she should turn out fine.

Basement for her

Catholic school won't save you

Public school in a nice school district while raising her to be christian

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Im in the same boat user. I'm going with private, Just find a good one.... expensive but I think worth it. Least amount of blacks, no creepy catholic school worries. By me there's just as many nogs in Catholic anyway

homeschool emo is better trust me

I think catholic school makes them worse.. I heard this from the RHCP's "Catholic School Girls Rule" so I know it's based.

if you're a good teacher and have the time

She is gonna be someone’s little whore one day. No avoiding it. If I were a dad I think I would have a talk with her. Teach her how important virginity and sex is. That sex creates very powerful bonds with people. And you should save that special bond for the person you want to spend the rest of your life with

But seriously - What are the things a Dad can do to keep his daughter on the right track? I propose these items:

- Pointing out how superficial females can be
- Pointing out that being pretty isn't a positive trait, and wanting attention is a bad thing
- Making sure she knows the the most important thing she can do is have kids for a good man whit good genetics
- Plenty of time to become a career drone once the kids grow up

I think the only reasonable option these days is to homeschool your kids.

>What would be the right course so she won't blow chad

The Lord. Do not use Catholicism, the whore of babylon is no place to teach a child about the Savior.

Concubine her
So she won't blow chad anymore

The truth everyone here knows and is just coping to try get away from is that she'll be a whore no matter what.
Even if you're a perfect parent in a perfect trad environment, our society is structured in such a way that it's ideas might infect her anyway.
The only way to ensure she won't be a whore is a complete national socialist overthrowing and replacement of the national government and order.

Best hope that she fucks Chad raw and steals his seed. There will be a beta to support her when she turns 29.
Don't even hope for a good girl in 2019.

>Le homeschool kids are poorly adjusted meme
You have some research to do. Spoiler: HS kids are better socially on average than non HS. Smarter, 95% take their parents' religion, you don't literally send them to be indoctrinated by Jews. Holy shit user, get your life together, how does any white man with even babby's first redpill send their kid to public school?

Google co ops in your area.

Are you also sending your cat to school?

Requesting the "Can there be something more cucked than having a daughter" pasta.

go private
a stuck up girl is still better than a girl with a nigger stuck up her

Enjoy your cheap knock off religion, Tyrone.

Home schooling, you fucking brainlet. All evidence proves without any doubt that home schooled kids do better, are smarter, are happier, are more conservative and have better social skills than people put trough public schooling torture.
>Homeschool will make her a weird bitch who would act emo on discord.
Nevermind, you're fucking retarded and brainwashed.

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She'll likely do fine in public school if you live in a at least a 90% white community and you and your wife are raising her properly.

my wife and i pulled our daughter from a charter school and have been homeshooling for over a year. she was in first grade when we took her out and within a year has made it to just about finishing third grade. dont let the old idea of home school get to you, as its way different now. look up some of the local home school groups in your area. they have events all week where they can interact with other kids and learn hands on. it is a little work at the beginning to get a routine, but after that worth it completely. dont put her in regular school. its like throwing them to the wolves. real shit here man listen to me and explore the home school option.

Take the merrypill and be her first

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blowing chad is the best option you have. just encourage her with chads and always point out when niggers act niggery, let her know from early age how the animal works. she wont be a slut if your always on her side she will trust you


Slut shame. Don't be overbearing with it, but make it clear that you are disgusted by promiscuity. Then just love her and treat her right.

Imagine being this naive. I grew up with less than ten minorities out if 2200 kids in a wealthy, white area, and the degeneracy the school allowed and promoted resulted in 3/4 of the kids being total degenerates.

If you let your kids get fed secular humanism 30-40 hours a week, you can't expect to undo it with nights and weekends.

Liberal says they're afraid of sending their daughter to school, it's because she might get shot by some MAGA incel. Conservative says he's afraid to send his daughter to school, it's because she might fuck a black guy. Really shows where everyone's priorities are.

From my experience, the most slutty girls in my school were the ones their parents were very austere and threatening. The level headed parents that trusted their daughters and talked to them about boys and sex and the implications of being in a relationship, were the normal ones.

All you need is to show all her boyfriends a collection of balls sacks (fake, but still lol) you have in your gun closet, that will keep boys in check..LMAO

Right? One side is delusional and one has legitimate moral concerns.

Point is, if you are a good father and role model and NOT beta, she will seek someone like you. otherwise, you are fucked.>LMAO

Public is ideal. As long as you raised her right and as a strong woman she won't conform to peer pressure and will see through all this bullshit.

T. father of a soon to be "adult" daughter. Been through it all. Ask what you will.

This. It takes a village to raise a child. Only retarded amerifats think if they tell their daughter not to be a slut they won't be.

Dont teach her anything just let her be retarded

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Having a daughter means that she will, inevitably, blow Chad and as her father you should want her to do as such.
The real question is how to avoid having her blow Tyrone.

I'm not even going to give all the sad defeatist cunts (yous), the ones saying her being a semen receptacle for migrants is an inevitability. None of these young men have kids.

>cucking your mind into defeatism

Every whore I've fucked in depraved and defiling ways had a father who acted like this. Some id even assfuck in the same house, 20 minutes after hearing a similar speech from a supposedly intimidating father.

Scare her with gnarly STD imagery. Scare her GOOD

She wont touch anyone ever, not even your herpes-face

Having a daughter makes you a cuck. You just know that she will end choking on a cock one day. Glad I only have boys. I know that one day, they'll be choking your little whore with their cocks.

You sound like a retarded boomer. This is a facebook tier post.

Unless you want to raise a spinster, your daughter will fuck someone in her lifetime. If you do your job, you can at least be grateful that she's not fucking niggers. If your daughter fucks a shitskin, you did an awful job parenting her. You're already a cuck for having a daughter, you just get to hope she picks the right breed of bull.

I disagree with that to a point, though anecdotally. I went to a Catholic highschool, yes you had some sluts and teen pregnancies but much more rare. I couldn't believe when I switched to public school for grade 12. Public school girls are soooo much trashier omfg you'd haveto see the difference to understand. In catholic school the boys would fight, and the girls would stand around talking about how stupid the boys are. In public school the girls CAUSED ALL OF THE fights and cheered it on. Catholic girls are waaay more feminine.

Why are you not home schooling her?

Catholic is the safest for girls. All the boys are busy in (((choir practice))) with the priests and the Nun's just like to spank little pink bottoms no penetration or anything.

Wow... an anti-Protestant photo on iStock? That's harsh.

And the irony is hanging out with Tyrone, she'd be a lot more likely to get shot than at school anyway.

Lol. There goes that y chromosome. What a cuck.

Dude. Have faith in your daughter. Teach her why she must preserve her virginity. If you just bark orders, in puberty, she is bound to rebel against you. Teach her about pair bonding and how having sex with multiple people will make her unhappy in the long run and give her the thousand cock stare look on her face. Show her the state of toasties on tinder.

If you just take away the chocolate from a kid, he/she will see it as forbidden fruit and want it more. But if you teach them why it is bad for you they are more likely to resist it themselves.

Private & catholic. that's the answer.
Went to school like that, until highschool... got brainwashed that i should pursue a career/strong independent woman. Keep her in a private/catholic school until university.

She's gonna suck dick when she's old regardless.

*hits pipe*.jpg

I second this, idk where the repressed catholic school slut meme comes from


>Trust her
>Show her tinder

Pajeets, everybody.

she's going to get gangbanged by 60 niggers and that's a good thing

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You seriously think that you can prevent your imaginary daughter from sucking dick? So, what level wizard are you?

Oh dear.
You have mentally condemned your poor daughter to being "a slut" already, OP, and that's not how a father should think. Is this fair to her? Although I completely understand your concerns, I think you're expressing them in a terrible way.
My only advice to you is to find a school with as few niggers as possible, and wish you, and your family, the best of luck for the future.

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