Law enforcement has the highest female suicide rate

Highest suicide rates among females compared to other jobs

>The highest female suicide rate was seen in the category that includes police, firefighters and corrections officers.

Any ideas as to why? Are occupations where there is a risk of discharging a firearm to much for them?

And it applies to multiple countries

Attached: police.jpg (306x306, 39K)

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One of them likely has HIV

Because women aren't meant to do such things. They aren't designed to be grunts or cops. They've just been (((programmed))) to think that it's empowering and they end up blowing their heads off when they realize they are a childless 28 year old she-man who's going to die alone.

Why yes I rape female "cops" how could you tell?

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1242x1394, 156K)

Why do girls kill themselves when they can just marry me and I'll take care of their needs?


They can't do the fake out "IM GUNNA TAKE THESE PILLS TO COMMIT SUICIDE EVERYONE" routine that every other chick does because they have a gun within arms reach.

Long story short, police should be banned from having guns. Let them have it while they are on duty and then your little police cuties will stop painting the walls with the insides of their braincases.

You wanna protect your "little sisters" right, LEOs? Do your part and take their guns. ;)

Attached: Belarus police girl.jpg (1024x682, 81K)

Holy shit look at her butt...

Rates of suicide in general are higher among police, firefighters, and corrections officers. Additionally, the suicide rate of men is significantly higher than women. In 2017, In 2017, men died by suicide 3.54x more often than women. So when women do job roles that are historically done by men, it appears they are more prone to suicide, which men are more prone to suicide compared to women anyway.

You could have saved that butt, by taking her firearm. Now her butt is soggy and gray, with the texture of an old stale flaky croissant.

Attached: cute police girls.jpg (640x640, 64K)