This ends racism!
Norway YES
The material is used to make more people racist
Like Obama did?
He's not even an american black, fucking disgusting I hate africans
>40 year old childless rostie fucks a nigger
The comedy writes itself!
Funny because shit like this further fuels my hatred for shitskin parasites.
Oh hey look, another white girl influenced by american "culture"
Will he be the new king of Norway?
>Six months later
>found dead
>beaten and stuffed in trash can
>has several different seamen samples in her anus, vagina, and mouth.
She is actually the older sibling, but at the time, only males could inherit. Thank god.
She believes that she can talk with horses and angels. That she can see the future/past etc. Total nutjob.
That guy is clearly gay
>Princess legit believes in angels and opened up an angel school in Norway
>The nigger dude is a Shaman who believes blood cancer is bad energy
>This is just the tip of the iceberg.
If you only knew how bad things are....
No this ends racism
Thank god that she is most likely not fertile
let me get this straight. shamandurek has used his voodoo ooga booga powers to put a magic love spell on the princess of norway?
I thought y'all niggas were superior vikangs n shieeet HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA absolute state of whitoids, but lets demonize Sharia goys
is that nigger head photoshopped? or does it really have no prefrontal cortex?
She is not "the" princess though, as she will not inherit anything. Even if she was first in line, she would be disqualified because she is not a Lutheran Christian.
Doesn't change how cucked the traitorous Norwegian monarchy is though. They all need to go.
Islam promotes racemixing
diggin the new GoT character
REMINDER that if monarchyfags had their way, these people would be in high positions of power in the Norwegian government
(they would be making the same decisions on immigration policy as those currently in power, though)
White women deserve to be genocided, there's no hope.
Is that really a princess of Norway?
>She believes that she can talk with horses and angels.
The first one is an old Germanic belief the other one a Christian belief
>That she can see the future/past etc.
So a shaman then
>Total nutjob.
You mean religious woman.
She is not anymore, as she is not a Lutheran Christian. But symbolically yes.
She is the older sibling of the crown prince too, but at the time only males could inherit.
No, a total nutjob. You should listen to her speaking.
I am a monarchyfag and I am not ignoring your numerals. nevertheless I don't believe in pure inheritance and a system of elite schools and a selection process and a contitution and parliament completing it. So Mrs. angel school would hardly make things worse.
Would you say your monarchy is good for your Norwegian identity? The current Monarch seems like a gigacuck with his "home is where the heart is" speech.
>No, a total nutjob. You should listen to her speaking.
As I said: a religious woman.
just wait until you see her sex, could literally be the face of a cuck.
That being said, more or less everyone here sees her a crazy, she had an angel school, said she could talk to horses, etc. Her brother, the crown prince is much more based.
>This ends racism!
Maybe in Norway.
She is not only religious though, but mentally ill as further established by this relationship
Monarchy is not good for our identity. Kings getting their titles based on their name alone is not Germanic tradition.
>Kings getting their titles based on their name alone is not Germanic tradition.
Correct. It's indeed anti-thetical to Germanic tradition.
On the other handeven a retard chosen by the divine right of kings is superior to Juncker in the EU or Martin Schulz
The entire royal family is a disgrace in Norway.
>Martha Louise marries and divorces a degenerate artist who paints abstract nudes and stars in short films about smuggling drugs through the airport while making the Norwegian equivalent to the TSA focus on his Arab fall guy.
>Crown Prince Haakon married some drug-using single mother he met at a concert and adopted the kid, Marius, too.
>Martha Louise starts up some grifting school where she claims to be able to talk to angels
IIRC one of Harald V's siblings is currently in self-imposed exile in Latin America talking about how awful the family has become.
Someone find their match maker
Current monarch are cool imo, they dont have any proper power, rather a symbol of Norway. They were actually elected in, as the current line of monarch started 2 generations ago with a Dane.
They also made it an (unwritten?) rule that every crown prince would go trough NCO school, so they go trough at least 4 years of military training. The current crown prince did some training with NORSOF.
Theyre cooll, I dont mind them atm.
Also the princess in question is actually mentally ill, she doesnt really have anything to do with the current monarchs. People see her as Miley Cyrus during the wrecking ball period.
because she just had to make it news, means she
doesn't love him, just a pet nigger she's humping.
She has three daughters, but I largely agree with your point here.
This kills the monarchy
About time. Despite some Jow Forumsacks having boners for monarchies, European aristocrats were original globohomos.
>mfw norwegian males
africans will be kangz of europe once more.
>he needs a licence to import a sword
Have sex
>his princess needs a bull to get off
>he needs a translator to speak to his own countrymen
That dude looks gay. Whats the arranger? Who is behind these 2 meeting? Im not a fool.
>his royal family is so fucked up, one is blacked the other takes care of his wife's son
>But symbolically yes.
No. she was stripped of her title a decade ago, she no longer receives apanage (royal gold)
You don't even know your own royal house.
>norwegian crown prince
Lol, he’s a cuck basedboy married to a drug addicted whore with a son.
>monarchy is good for your Norwegian identity?
ig. royals are jewish sock puppets. We don't understand why we have them, but they seem to matter a lot for people born before the '50s. I rember my grandparents had pictures of them on the wall and spoke of them like they were Jesus Christ.
Nigger looks gay as fuck to me. Seldom seen a more homosexual looking nigger. WTF
>fishlips crazy bitch
every time
Wtf first bong prince, now this.
I though all this 'wheee diversity" bullshit was just a ruse to fuck the masses, but it seems euroshit elites are genuinely drinking their own cool aid.
Or is too, just for a show and they don't actually like being blacked?
>Scared of posting with flag on Jow Forums after I found out.
>rather a symbol of Norway.
Fat faggot fying of cancer, daughter musharking and son cucked by single mother porn actress.
I totally agree, a symbol of Norway
Your grandparents sound based and you like you are projecting, Swedistan
You sound like a Somali
>The current crown prince did some training with NORSOF.
I did some training with NORSOF and even SAS, you must think I'm fucking Bruce Willis.
Id rather have him as King than the whitest most uncucked person in your country.
Yeah, so he's a normal person. He also trained with FSK and MJK, so I like him.
>his country will be under water in 50 years, and nobody will care
Are we believing in global warming now...?
My grandfather was pretty based. He used to host a summer camp for orphaned German children after ww2.
What difference does it make?
No, youre just a cuck that got trained by NORSOF(probably the reserves) and SAS(probably also reserves)
Okay now I wonder what her daughters think.
shut up Germ, dont ruin the nice banter me and the Dane has.
You sound non white
is that why you obsess over me?
Apart from his global dignity day scheme and similar. Come on, he’s clearly nothing more than a cucked globalist fuckjew like them all. Don’t be civic nationalism tier, Norgebro
You are projecting
Yet you're the one who continue to follow me, like the lil bluemen when they see a white tourist.
>No, youre just a cuck that got trained by NORSOF
No, I trained with them. It means nothing. Training with specop does not mean you are specop. Generalloytnant Harald Sunde was our boss and My Kaptein was Leopold Axel Lovenskiold.
>is that why you obsess over me?
We are gangstalking you for defaming our beautiful princess
she has 3 children and the black guy is gay, you need to relax and take your meds
weird how the Swede and the Germ both jump in, thinking theyre cool enough to banter. Yet get rejected right away. Really makes you think
>weird how the Swede
I know more about your royals than you.
I gave you my former place of service and my commanders.
tik tok
Jeg er norsk ditt jævla får!
This board is full of literal fucking cucks it’s annoying
clearly not, judging by your flag
>unconditional love
>with a black male(the BBC)
White women literally cannot stop lying no matter what god I hate them so much.
She already has kids with another weirdo and believes she can see the future and other weirdness. Too old for kids now I think. Crazy old bat.
Wish I could suck black cum out of her snatch with a silly straw to prevent pregnancy
There is no fucking way the jews aren't running shit, this is the final straw. EVEN THE FUCKING MONARCHS, the one who represents the whole nation, are fucking puppets for those elitist few.
imagine having a royal family
She's 1/4 kike and the father of her kids is a turbokike "artist."
Anything other than Seden Yes! sounds wrong.