Chips Ahoy uses faggot tranny to sell cookies, then argues with former customers on twitter

Companies are just trying to go bankrupt...Nabisco is down on the market already...

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Ayo nigga I got my moms some new Gucci aight

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Then don't eat anymore cookies racist fatso, if being a bigoted sack of cis-vomit is your excuse for not stuffing your mouth with sugar then go with it

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calm down ones talking about your prayer rugs or muslim cock boys.

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Did you just bump your own comment? You must be the social media manager for that shit tier cookie company. Maybe it's not that we are bigots and that we don't like our children being inundated with trans pride at every corner. Just let me buy some fucking cookies without you making some bullshit social commentary which you don't understand.

You dumb fuck. Stop same fagging you stupid fucking, cock sucking piece of shit. GTFO off this board newfag

>my zero macadamia "girl"

"I don't want my kids to be exposed to tolerance, let me buy cookies in peace as I ignore real problems in the world!!"

Again, if being a bigoted small-dick sack of vomit is your excuse for going on a diet, then go for it kings

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what the fuck?
why does every homo/lesbian/transwhatever get a license to say all this inappropriate shit?
if a normal person acted this way people wouldn't want anything to do with them
everyone must secretly know they're mentally ill

Fat faggot

ITT: Butthurt alt-righters getting mad over a cookie company with the right opinions

You losers must have such a good sex life if your biggest worry in the world is a cookie brand

Nice projection, don't get too worked up over a cookie brand's Twitter, it might give you a stroke

you forgot to swap your account you idiot!

chips 4goy tastes like shit. I make big batches of cookie dough and keep them in the freezer.

Nah ima just start Robbin them chips ahoy truck, I love me some cookies and I ain’t given my ebt money to no faggy homosexual company

What mentally ill faggot is running that twitter account?

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stop using my flag, manolo

>chips 4goy

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The fires of hell are too good for you

First day with the jews?

>having a twitter account in this day and age.

>not knowing how to bake and actually going to the store to buy a shit tier cookie.

>seething this hard

OP is just as degenerate as that drag queen and should definitely kill himself.

>Hah you are all virgins!
You are like a child with down syndrome.

Why is it always the eu flag saying the gayest shit possible?

Gold lol!

they taste like plastic anyway

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Is this the Nabisco's response to their fuckup? Send an angry (((sicko))) to shill on their behalf? Don't you have a school to shoot up?

We know (((who))) is behind the flag.

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I'm guessing my "sex life" insult kind of got you off guard in your insecure weak spot huh?

You can tell who took that insult hard by the way they react with anger and sweet butthurt

Because Mohammad was a faggot!

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It's obvious you are a virgin yourself, anyone that actually has sex knows it is overrated.

What are you even doing in twitter,man?

>You are like a child with down syndrome.
>implying he/she/it isn't a child with down syndrome
it is a tranny being defensive after all..

We know you're a leaf. You're not "triggering da ebil natzees", everyone feels bad for your mental impairment

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See what I mean?

"No, I AM NOT AN INCEL, its just that sex is overrated!!"

>And then one day, for no reason at all, the people voted Hitler into power

You seem to have an unhealthy obsession. You should see a doctor. They're free in Canada right?

okay reddit

>You incels!
Even if you fool some woman into fucking you, you will still be a faggot.

>You losers must have such a good sex life
You're gay or a woman.

Tranny detected.

>unexpected solidified ingredients
kek mark dice

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fucking christ

(((They))) are too cocky and the average normie is noticing it now.

Rules for thee, not for me and all that nonsense.

obama started all this faggot stuff
your just racist
(against niggers)

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Fudge packed Chips.

I don’t get why these companies are constantly virtue signaling now. Despite how the media portrays the world to be, normies, the main consumer, still don’t totally buy into the tranny bullshit, if anything they keep quiet to avoid the SJW fallout. They don’t give a shit about “toxic masculinity”. What’s the point, is it so these companies can go “s-see, we embrace muh diversity please don’t start boycott campaigns against us, we’re being good goys, please put the gun down”?

These 'people' are surrounded by other 'people' who are just as demented as them.
You will never see them with normies.

>They're celebrating mothers day by promoting people who mutilate their reproductive organs?

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Because the decision makers at these companies don't raise their children and instead allow (((schools))) and the (((MSM))) to raise them. Then these parents take to their children about what is hip and new with young people and they tell them SJW is and if you don't promote SJW shit you're bigot.

See what I mean? Gimme more of that sweet sweet butthurt please, losers

You can't be racist against a different species, user. KEKadoodle.

Chips Ahoy are shit though, so who gives a damn?

Once you've chopped your dick off it's too late. You just don't understand the pressure of never passing puts on you.

Cry more.

>I don’t get why these jew run companies are constantly virtue signaling now

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I think exaggerating outrage acts as advertising. Nobody was talking about gillette razors before they put out that video a few weeks ago. But in this case, considering terfs are the primary spenders at grocery stores, I'm not going to sage.

From the last thread.

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still a regular part of a sack lunch
pissing off moms is a bad move

They’re getting destroyed in the comments.

Samefagging and being a gigantic homo in general should be grounds for permabanning
Another (((memeflaggot))) obsessed with sucking dick

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>if a normal person acted this way people wouldn't want anything to do with them
What if you don't understand people as well as you think you do?


My wife bakes cookies form dough she makes every week from scratch and puts in the freezer. That's what I call an anti-SJW cookie.

Okay, I don't have wife so I make them from scratch.

more like Chips Aboy

>What if

Cookies aren't the only things that belong in the oven.

They will try to sell it to their audience like: look those evil racist/fascist/misogynist/sovinist/communist are angry because were so woke so buy our cookies now.

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Vangie's got a dick, bro

She just knows how to tuck

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>why are meme flags only on /pol?
Because Mossad is too cheap to pay for enough unique IPs for VPNs in all the white countries of the world.

Actually this is somewhat true.

What if you weren't a fucking leaf?

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this. The top dogs at chips ahoy might not even be aware of this. It's straight up HR, marketing and social media services, dominated by holes.

What's the deal with women appropriating anime culture ? You ain't even close to anime godesses you fucking HOLES

is it possible that Chips Ahoy is just convinced that you're on the wrong side of history?

They're hedging their bets for a better, less hateful future

He'll cut it off as soon as he needs more attention.

Diversity hires will be the death of countless companies.

Day of the rake now

no they do it as 2 things
a way to feign a consensus since NOONE gives a shit about them
and 2, they do it to whats that called, wolfwhistle at their agents to get them to push this since they know the event took place and to act like its normal or common to push again the consent for or consensus of their agenda. faggot shit

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The SJWs are finally eating their mothers, the true masters, the creators of this whole shitshow. Women.
Slowly every women sports will be teanny dominated, every female day shadowed by trannies and that is the day I await. These women encouraged this. They wanted this.

The people that celebrate degeneracy are always on the wrong side of history.

Cookie for AIDS

Giving women the vote was a mistake.

Nice samefagging, Achmed

I'm not sure there really is an agenda.
I'm thinking it's more of a natural inclination.
Like their soul got corrupted and now they just follow their instincts. It looks like coordination, but they are just responding to something that resonates with them.

He probably pulls more dick than you, user

Look at that ottermode

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(((They))) aren't sending (((their))) best.

The worst part about the Great European Mudslide is that I think they actually are sending their best.

Imagine being so perverted, that you revolve your entire life around a fetish.

This is true for their normie foot soldiers, but the ring leaders are absolutely making a conscious effort.

First day on the ADL job, kike?

how many times have you masturbated this week user

Be honest

Take your finger from your dog's ass.