/leftypol/ board owner is stepping down



>I am going to resign from the BO position very soon and give control over the board to one of the current volunteers.

>8 chan in general is a cesspit. The site admins are fascist scum who cooperate with US law enforcement, and the codebase is so wretched that it's almost certainly backdoored by the feds ten times over (it was even hacked by some rando).

>The interface that's presented to mods is incredibly antiquated and slow. Imageboards inherently make people act like they have ADHD. Trying to maintain quality on /leftypol/ is frequently a sisyphean task.

>The only upsides to the site from a leftist perspective are that you can easily post through VPNs, you have some degree of anonymity, and it's better than reddit. Communists who post here or on similar sites (reddit, twitter, etc) should ask themselves if it's really

>OK that they waste so much time on re-hashed, "ephemeral" arguments, and whether it's possible to create a better platform for propaganda that is really educational and liberatory.

>I think a better discourse is possible and I want to eventually work towards that, but I can't do that while simultaneously moderating /leftypol/. The amount of time before we are all permanently fucked by fascism and global warming is really limited. Make the most of it.

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>everyone I don't like is a fascist

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Is this the tranny? Also how do we get in and nuke the board?

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All of that criticism is on point and applicable to Jow Forums as well.

Time to go to work

>fascist scum who cooperate with US law

Shut up fashie. I'll stomp on your braindead skull. Your eyes are gonna pop out

>freedom of expression is fascist

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Kek you made me choke on a breadcrumb!
I'm upset sad tho because it was my daily ration.
Now I have to wait another week for my next Communist bread slice/foodplan to arrive.
Thanks comrade!

thats the default line of the coming cultural and social war, either with us or the communists, basic bitch centrists will not be around for any longer, thats a normal phenomenon, Traditionalists, conservatives became Fascists in the 1930´s because the imminend threat of the liberal, democratic, leftist alliance with communism, like today.
Everyone who cheers for democracy must understand that it leads always to socialims and then communism, just as planned. Marx, Engels, Sadre, Lenin everyone wrote about that fact, learn to deal with it faggot.

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I was banned for one month by board owner. At first i was very upset, but then i checked the ban list and saw board owner permanently banned everyone else that day.
I wondered why i did not also get a permanent ban.
I concluded board owner must have seen something in me, some potential. And so i spent that month reading books and became a communist.
I will miss board owner ;_;

You realize that capitalism is liberal.
you are going to need to go back to feudalism to escape that
capitalism's production system requires people to live in cities. Such social living itself will inevitably lead to socialism.

Also, feudalism will result in those cities and the development of capitalistic production, and so even going back to feudalism will not help you.

In fact nothing you can do will help you, because socialism, and then communism after it, are inevitable. each system of production changes society, this changed society progresses to the next system of production. It is a cycle, there is no subverting it. It is simple historical fact

Lmao get a load of this tough guy.
I bet you're a big scary boy aren't you?

>when you don't know what freedom is so you call it fascist because you don't know what that is either

Fascism is the only solution to global warming now. Make your time.

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The amount of exogenous oestrogen you're on, you'd have trouble stamping a bloody ant to death, let alone a human skull.

Literally this

>It is simple historical fact

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>everyone is a fascist

t. Adorno

>Plugging materialist inputs into the formula for whig history
You're fucking retarded.

>want police state
>cry when feds are closely involved
What did he mean by this?

"her" lipstick looks like a mustache.

>The amount of time before we are all permanently fucked by fascism and global warming is really limited.

True fascists would not give you a platform to speak on.
Nobody even knows what words mean anymore.

Drunk starving Russian subfaggot. KYS.

I like to sniff fat girl farts.

Kind of. The admins are only called fascist because they dont allow him to do whatever the fuck he wants. Similar how satanists see God as bigoted nazi fascist because he forbades them to fuck other men, sacrifice children and engage in any kind of degeneracy.
I know mods and Jannies here work actively to destroy the flow of information. No idea how its over there but i got some good threads deleted there too even though not as fast or frequently.


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Looks like glow niggers are fully taking over that site

As a Traditionalist i dont put materialistic consideration at the top of my identity. Capitalism, as a jewish system is obviously doomed, but to exchange goods for money, whatever money that is, is not iherently bad, it is very useful when the parasytical elements of that system get purged. But these are just profane and unneccessary ideals at this stage of civilization, in a coherent, homogenous, spiritual and trustworthy society, almost any economical system will work, especially in white nations.

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>European and North American countries are going to be fucked by global warming

based eproctophiliac fren

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imagine the smell fren

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The mistake is in assuming socialists or communists are about economic systems
historical materialism is about studying human society and civilization. It claims that the conditions that people live in, and how they as a group adapt to those conditions, is what shapes their social structure. As they go along in this structure they inevitably change their conditions (humans trying to improve their lives do this), which leads to new conditions, causing the society to change as well along with it.

Examples: The invention of agriculture allowed for the capturing of prisoners in warfare. Now you had enough excess food to feed prisoners. These prisoners could then be turned into slaves, increasing the societies labor capabilities, allowing for new methods of production.

Contrast the development hedonism and stoicism. Both philosophies which saw virtue in different kinds of living. One in excess and the seeking of pleasure, the other in minimalism and enduring hardships.
One will notice, that these philosophies developed in societies where, at the time, great abundance and scarcity were present.
You see the humans in the society that allowed for hedonism, came to see it as virtuous. The humans in the society which were in decline instead developed stoicism.
The human societies values were whatever was practical to actually do, the idea of rightness, virtue, etc, are merely reflections of what is possible, humans will praise whatever their conditions lead them to.

Its not about economics, the developments of social and economic theory marx and others came to are only the extension and application of the principals of dialectical materialism (which historical materialism is based on).
Socialists are not arguing for some system arbitrarily because its how things aught to be or should be for some ethical reason, but merely because it is how things will be, and the only moral claim is that its better to do it easier with less suffering than harder with more

>leftie complains that he can't censor all the site and limit freedom of speech.

Like poetry. Go back 2 leddit, nigger.

Also, capitalism is not 'materialist' it is fully idealist.
At some point, probably to undermine marxism but im not sure, people started taking materialist to be a synonym for greed or holding wealth and possessions on a pedestal. Materialist means physical reality exists, and our concept of it is based on our interaction with it through our senses. The convers of this, idealism, places more emphasis on the ideas, claiming (knowingly or unknowingly, as in the case of many MANY people) that physical reality is somehow secondary to our ideas about it. You see this every day in SJW, you see it in scientists jumping the gun on the ideas of dark matter, you see it in that long list of /o/ stories with boomers who 'know' what their trade in pile of scrap is.

Liberalism, and capitalism as its extension, are idealist, because they place supreme primacy on the idea of laws and legal equality. Capitalism exists because everyone is, on paper, legal under the law, and thus the kinds of social interactions required for capitalism are both possible and just in the eyes of the liberal.
It is idealist because it is insisting that this on paper equality means social equality, when the materialist realizes that legal equality can not actually be realized in practice, in reality, as long as different material classes (production relationships, owner and worker, employer and employee) exist, as this creates a social divide. While one is theoretically equal to another in their social interactions through the law, they are still not on equal footing in terms of social interactions.

He's right thou. Imageboards are trash. Too many backdoors.


Fuck nigger
Fuck commies
Fuck jannies
Fuck trannies

>The mistake is in assuming socialists or communists are about economic systems
>goes on a rant about economical units through the ages
You talked about the materialistic world, i dont agree with your core assumptions, for example i embrace the struggle, hardship and find pleasure in the struggle, in the fight against my inner demons, which is the greater war, and to conquer them for the outter war, the lesser one. In combination of these two wars, one finds what life is about, a bridge between the worlds into the supramaterial real,the metaphysics of being a alive, fides is my highest moral object. Its true liberalism is a construct of abstract ideas, invented by freemasonry and made famous due the french revolution, which was a freemason agenda with the implementation of nations, human rights, sexual revolution etc. all things i reject as decadent and degenerate.
I am not willing to argue against another Marxist, i did that my whole life growing up in Berlin, and i just dont care anymore to argue against jewish talking points, the divide is so stark, that its not worth it for me to present my counter arguments to you user.

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japan post best post

Waoh rare Antifa.... to bad KEK said no digits for you!!! ahahahah!

>and the codebase is so wretched that it's almost certainly backdoored by the feds ten times ove

applies to here also btw.