I am 100% down for this. Going to steal it and spread it.
Eli Fisher
English: A safe space for every race French: Un Espace Sûr Pour Chaque Race Spanish: Un espacio seguro para cada raza Portuguese: Um espaço seguro para cada raça German: Ein sicherer Platz für jede Rasse Dutch: Een veilige plaats voor elk ras Danish: Et sikkert sted for alle race Norwegian: Et trygt sted for hver rase Swedish: Ett säkert utrymme för varje ras Maori: Tahi kāinga rerekē mō ia iwi Czech: Bezpečný prostor pro každou lidskou rasu Finnish: Turvallinen tila jokaiselle rodulle --Macedonian: Зa ceкoј coј eднa бoјa oдвoј (comp)-- --Bulgarian: Бeзoпacнo мяcтo зa вcякa paca (comp)-- Lithuanian: Kiekviena rasė nusipelno turėti saugią vietą Russian: Бeзoпacнoe мecтo для кaждoй paccы --Ukrainian: бeзпeчнe мicцe для кoжнoї pacи (comp)-- Polish: Bezpieczna przestrzeń dla każdej rasy --Romanian: O casă pentru fiecare rasă. (comp)-- Greek: Ενας ασφαλής χώρος, για kάθε φυλή Arabic: مساحة آمنة لكل عرق Italian: Uno spazio sicuro per ogni razza Chinese: 各族各群各有安土 Korean: 모든 인종을 위한 안전한 곳 Kikish: מקום בטוח לכל גזע
these tryhard newfag fads are extremely stupid and embarrassing go fill a discord losers
Jonathan Cox
Bumpity bump
Jonathan Ross
Kek i like it
Dylan Jenkins
Is that your OC?
Just wondering, either way that's top fucking kek.
Tyler Perez
Reminder that Paper Mario: Color Splash is actually based. Bowser mixes every color of paint together which creates a toxic black paint which becomes the main villain of the game. youtu.be/j6QMKSkt1GA
"Turvallinen tila" is "safe space", but "jo kaiselle rodulle" is literally "already on the kaiser's rod", so your text reads like a foreigner tried to write "safe spaces already being fucked by the Führer".
You want "Turvallinen tila kaikkialle kassan", which translates to "A safe space to everyone's race". 'Kansa' is people (in the Volk sense), ns becomes ss when you produce the noun stem, so "kassan" is "people's".
Jeremiah Fisher
Keep posting! My friends and are sitting here rating all of them while getting high.
Needs to be spread more, and by one of our fake leftist sock puppet twitter accounts. It'll catch on though if everyone keeps at it
Easton Foster
This. We need to make twitter amd tumblr accounts, retweet usual leftist bullshit. And then sprinkle our stuff in with it.
Blake Johnson
I think a better approach would be using the accounts to feign outrage over "The nazis using the flag!" Huffpost article when?
Christian Morgan
jurnos will look at Jow Forums if they notice. We need to rainbow color or regular memes. So if they come look they see rainbows everywhere. >I think a better approach Your idea is good but in the end just go for all approaches, it is hard to predict what will stick. So keep to the motto of chaos.
I think we should avoid swastikas (keep them, absolutely, but avoid making more). The reason is without the swastika we can actually spread those memes in normie social media feeds during pride day or something. It may make people unironically support it.
Daniel Campbell
Ya this. It encrouges sneakyness.
Isaiah Anderson
I already see people on Linkedin claiming rainbow flags are a sign of white nationalism. It's hilarious because companies love to post rainbow flags.
The whole point though is that us "ebil alt righters" stole the flag and made it ours
Jose Flores
here is what we have so far let's talk strategy. Liberty Guns Beer Trump A Safe/separate space for every race Let's Go Beat The Queers Slapping Swastika/Honkler on the Rainbow Flag