Julian Assange rape case reopened

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Literally the entire West is out to get him.

what about them warcrimes
inb4 what about them

since when does sweden prosecute rape


He didn’t rape. I rape her
I am Spartacus

>outside of statute of limitations
>DNA test proved he didn't even have sex with the woman
>reopen case anyway
>meanwhile shitskins raping Swedish underage girls is rewarded


They give muzzies probation/community service for forceful gang rapes.

He should be fine, right?

Perhaps if he shows up in blackface the court will rule that the prosecutors have committed a hate crime.

He had years to convert to Islam
Sweden would dropped it instantly if he was Muslim

*rape case* notherfuckers. What he is accused of is not even rape lol, if I remember right the original accusers just wanted him to be tested for stds. 6 years after these accusations sexual misconduct is instead termed rape.

Only white people can rape. Muslims can only forcibly penetrate an unwilling vagina due to cultural misunderstandings.

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Forget all the corruption and murder he exposed with digital, video, and audio proof
Let's reopen the case that was baseless with no evidence last time from ten years ago

and that he was also acquited for, twice, but let's reopen it for a third time just to be sure

my own fucking brother got brainwashed into believing Assange is a creepy guy who deserved what is coming to him, he watches Vox and listens to CTH

god I regret him getting a girlfriend, he would have been better off a virgin the rest of his life rather than porking that jewess (it's literally a fucking jew with a -stein name)

Why? What could this possibly achieve? They've got literally no evidence and it's just a show so they can claim it was never about extradition.

English teachers out

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lol Western states behave like snakes. Can't wait for Western ZOG to collapse from invading brown hordes

Mein gott!

quit being an islamophobe
child rape is just part of their cultur

assange who?

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Inb4((they))find cp on his computer.
That'll be the next step

He better start wearing a Taqiyah

After the Muslim migrants invasion, rape rates went up 1200% in Sweden. They got no-go zones and most rapefugees walk away free or get low sentences.
All these allegations against Assange are BS!
Deepstate/Cabal is obviously pressuring Sweden to do this!

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Is he an et

>Assange _admitted_ to having sex with both women.
>Hurr durr, the lack of _conclusive_ DNA on a torn condom proves he didn't have sex with them!
Fucking leaf.

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deciding you didn't consent after the fact is not rape. that's just a dangerous mix of an emotionally unstable woman and regret.

this guy looks smart better not mess with him

If these fucking kike ghouls and their thralls in the executive actually drag Julian back to US soil for a parajudical crucifiction in their secret jew courts they are in for a very rude awakening. Assange and Wikileaks stand for every inalienable right the we are guaranteed for ourselves by birth right and the constitution, and the US government is about to place itself squarely against those freedoms. They are driving the American people towards a true us or them scenario. Instead of getting the chickenshit, facebook-engineered bushwhacking civil war of 'SJWs' vs 'alt-righters' they think they've gotten lined up for us these spooks could find themselves staring down the barrel of a much graver convulsive reaction from the public if they go through with this, pretty much overnight.

I am ashamed of the state of our justice system which seems to run on feelings nowadays.

.. the leaf is making the claim that Assange didn't fuck these women. Assange has admitted he has.

Can you figure it out from there or do I need to hold your hand a bit more? I'll assume it's the latter, based on the fact that your reply has shit to do with what I said. It doesn't matter if his DNA is on one of the condoms - he admitted to doing it. If you murder someone and your DNA isn't on the murder weapon, but you admit to doing it... do you think they're going to charge you with murder (hint: they will, and you'll be in prison for a very long time)? The lack of DNA is actually not that uncommon. The leaf also ignores that his DNA was found on another condom.

jeremy joseph christian
steven paddock

you are here

Bump because this is the only thing happening right now that actually matters. If you give a shit at all about whether youre destined to live the rest of your life on this earth as a serf or a free man then you should be searching for julian assange and wikileaks news every single day. These events will have a resolute and permanent impact on our legal status as individuals one way or the other.

He could just say that it’s allowed in his culture and that he didnt know better. It is Sweden after all right?

white man having consensual sex with a Swedish adult female? rape
brown migrant raping underaged Swedish females? sexual emergency


Thanks deep state faggots

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Why are all the courts run by kangaroos?


The Emus won the war and implemented the Kangaroo Court Policy.

It's funny that we're talking about the same Sweden which always looks away on raping cases done by Muslim immigrants or even give them a lower sentence, and yet here we are, all suddenly they're big about it.

Afaik, Assange has no obligation to even open his mouth during the interview. Why is Sweden trying to extradite him for an interview he doesn’t have to comply with. If he just lets them know he intends to say nothing, what is the value of this whole farce?