Anime Waifus

What is the most cutest, wholesome, best Anime/Manga waifu? How can we make them real? How can we bring them into this world in reality? Roasties need not reply, Also FUCK weebs.

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You can enter anime worlds with meme magic, autism, and the berestein effect. I can make a gate for you bro. But each gate has a cost.

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Fuck bro, how do I do it?

I'm sick of roasties, our world has reached a stage where our women are such whores that cartoons are considered better then them.

My solution was to finish my Engineering course and create Robo waifus with artifical wombs, that produce pure white Aryan ubermench babies. But the Robo waifus will have personalities based on Anime Characters. Or create Pure Robo waifus without any sexual organs just so that they can only show pure platonic love and not be abused as sex toys.

Well...any canon girls you want to fuck? Incest generally has the easiest conditions. So who would you want to mother you?

I only have one roastie that I love and she is my ghoul.

Like imagine a world where Roasties literally get rejected by Chads so that they can get chosen over by robo waifus, it is the ulitmate ego crusher.

It will make such big competition for the women that they'll literally have to become mega waifus in order to be wanted by men.

Like imagine a perfect women always by your side that loves you unconditionally and supports you no matter what, it would bring world peace and make men strive for more, like they'll feel soo grateful for there perfect robo waifus that they'll try to work hard in order to show there gratitude to there robo waifu.

You can even program them to influence all the weaker men in order to turn them into Chads, instead of men cucking for women you'll get men cucking for robo waifus, but since the robo waifus are soo pure they'll get the men to strive to become Chads.

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Incest is fucked up bro and anime waifus are too pure for fucking. Virginity is something beautiful that needs to be preserved or reserved for marriage but roasties are soo fucked that the only thing they think about is sex and themselves.

I can run with that if you want wholesome. What are you thinking?

Make Rem real.

Holo bruh

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fucking virgin. do you actually realize how autistic you really are. why the fuck do you want a drawing? not only that a fucking slope drawing? whats wrong with cutting a hole in the aryan works of art of women in wheatfields? i mean if your going to fuck at least fuck a picture thats not a little kid or slope.

Wtf you lewded her, your a sick man, why lewd something soo pure

Virginity and Chastity is blessing by God, I don't want to waste my seed or time on a roastie whore, women have become soo fucked that drawings made by Japs and slant eyes have become better then them.


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Reminder that anime makes you into a tranny faggot freak

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You and your people, western dogs along with the disgusting jews are the ones that destroyed our European Culture and turned our women to Sluts and whores completely fueled by ego and Materialism. The Anglo and the Jew work together in order to destroy everything that is beautiful.

European culture was the most beautiful thing to ever embrace this earth and you cunts destroyed it all, because the Anglo and jew destroy everything that is beautiful.

fuck off incel

>look what this jew said, it must be true

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For me, it is Yuno.

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If we legally need to acknowledge fictional women ala trannies does that mean we can legally marry fictional women ala waifus? Can we claim them as dependents on taxes? Rly makes u think

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>Anime making white men who are mentally ill mutilate themselves
>Guy who made the connection is attacked by the media
>Some attention whoring namefaggot:
yeah ok tranny freak, you don't look cute and you will never be a girl, enjoy the escapism while it last

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Technology really. SAO proved where we could go, waifubots are showing us the materiality of our dreams being born

funny coming from a decendant of criminals who litterally gave his country to women and chinks.
god isnt real. being a virgin is a sign of something wrong in a woman shes either ugly or mentally ill in some way.