They are feared because what they say is convincing. They bring up problems that society needs to address, that the left seems to be incapable of addressing. The left doesn't even want those issues to be talked about, so they try and censor any discussion that they can. This isn't exclusive to the left either. The right is also fully capable of their moral panics. I suspect many of the far-left were originally pushed in that direction by the Satanic Panic of the 80s and 90s. One of my biggest fears regarding the alt-right is that the ctrl-left is going to push enough people to it that they gain enough numbers to start their own moral panic and further our descent into authoritarianism. The pendulum has been starting to swing too far in both directions.
Jonathan Smith
The alt right is dead you retard. There is no grassroots right wing activism. It's all a bunch of lone wolf spergs losing their mind and going on suicide missions.
Jack Bell
>propping up a bunch of literally who e-celebs then knocking them over in order to declare a series of loosely related heretical ideas "over" So this is the power of Western information warfare
Evan Collins
Without edgy ecelebs espousing your nonsense this board would be the same size it was in 2011 and nobody would give a shit. Imagine if communism had anywhere near that level of dark money and media influence behind it.
Julian Edwards
Carson James
Imagine looking at the amount of right wingers being pushed the past few years, the number of shows dedicated to pushing people towards the right wing, the layers upon layers of asshole shills dedicated to radicalising basement dwellers and thinking it's all just being done by good faith activists
Blake Torres
Delusional victim complex assuming you're not just being consciously disingenuous
Hudson Hall
>You are all the same Equality nigger. Embrace it
Jason Ward
>Imagine if communism had anywhere near that level of dark money and media influence behind it. It has even more, if you see modern "progressive" communsim as communism
Blake Rivera
That's not equality. Totally different universes shizo. Take your meds
Lincoln Turner
they're a make-believe organization liberals dreamed up to take the blame for all their social programs failing
they accuse people of being "alt-right" before executing them, just like Stalin called his loyal toadies "wreckers" before having them sentenced and shot, not often in that order
Why would you see it like that? Almost no famous progressive is in favour of abolishing capitalism or is even remotely close to being a leftist economically. These people are just liberals. You're just so reactionary you can't make a distinction. How many times did CNN have Spencer on? How many times has CNN had an avowed communist on?
Adam Peterson
>Mitt Romney is a member of the KKK
Republicucks honestly think the liberals won't immediately label them "alt right" the moment it's convenient if they just grovel hard enough
Communism and capitalism (progressive neoliberalism) have the same sociocultural goal of blending everyone into transgender mulattoes. Cuckservatism is dead, so with everyone on the same page regarding social issues it's just a question of left vs center left to make the economics, since cuckservative economics have never been anything but tax breaks for billionaires masquerading as not giving white money to shitskins, and the cat is out of the bag on that one
Juan Thompson
History has shown that the alt-right have a veeeery long fuse, but when it snaps, countries dissapear & bodies stack up to the skies.
Jonathan Lopez
Wtf why is Romney on our side? Fake tweet, Romney is a fat cat
Ethan Rivera
Conservatives conserve nothing. Leftist parties are becoming increasingly neo-Bolshevist
Jaxon Watson
Your grammar is atrocious. Sage this shit.
David Long
People are being herded into groups which the media then projects extreme representations of to provoke conflict and hopefully for them violence. It’s divide and conquer. The media must ensure the left and right are never allowed to find common ground and are portrayed as caricatures (nazis vs drag kids), to each other so the possibility of meaningful discussion is abandoned before it begins
Christian Lopez
Good now all thats left are the retard NPCs probably lose the election. >Alt-right is dead
James Edwards
The “alt right” was never an actual organisation, it was made up, and popularised by the Democratic Party right before the 2016 elections as a boogie man to scare people, but when the democrats lost they just decided to double down, and blame all their problems on the fictional organisation known as the “altright”.