so my kid is home schooled, but does her math and english online through the school board. here is a question she was asked pm a worksheet this morning. no way this is a coincidence
2 scoops!!!
how much to buy her?
>online through the school board
then the kid ain't home-schooled, dumbass.
Oh fuck man the Jews got a hold of your child’s assignment
Someone call moon man
> so my kid is home schooled
Growing up to be an indoctrinated idiot I see.
>learn at home
>somehow not home school
>Homeschool your kid
>Still let them get MK ultrad through the internet
Absolute state of mutts
>he thinks it's home-schooling when the public school board is still the dealer of lessons
you only think on the surface, huh?
I hate common core math. The assholes who were behind it should be shot. Seriously, they did a great deal of damage to our country.
WTF? You get indoctrinated at the public school! Shut the fuck up incel and speak after you're kids have been through high school.
>mfw I would fail this test for not knowing what commutative property or an array are.
>not knowing what commutative property is
literally the basis for all algebra, everything from the Quadratic Formula to The General Theory of Relativity is based on the commutative property of addition and theorems descending from it
Where do I get Rustle's works?
Show flag.
how about I show you commutative property instead
for any two numbers A and B, A + B = B + A
the only thing more basic is the fundamental law of arithmatic (which the commutative property is based on):
for any number N, N + 1 = N + 1
but whats the difference?
2 scoops are given to 8 people
8 people given 2 scoops each
and everyone knows only Trump gets 2 scoops, so correct answer is 9 scoops
2 scoops given to 8 people = 8 people given 1/4 scoop each
division is not commutative, that's the difference
Only an American would need to learn a phrase to remember this extremely simple concept.
guess i worded it wrong . thanks
complex concepts are built of millions of simple ones
only an American would know enough about the simple concepts to be able to see the flaws Marxism tries to hide behind its complexity
Only an American would attempt to hide his flag and then accidentally admit being an American, and only a mutt would need to memorize a concept and its name that is intuitively known to all white children above the age of 5.
are you fucking retarded? nevermind, I know the answer. she gets her english and math curriculum from there for valid credits, faggot
>ice cream
another thing mutts can't spell properly
Actually I'm pretty sure we stole that from Greeks or Germans, but whatever. What country are you even from?
What the hell is a commutative property? Some kind of papist shit?
The one that first used the colours your flag is made up of.
I fly the Kek flag because I'm legitimately retarded (but still smarter than you).
Have fun.
042, gg ez