I understand Hiroshima, but

I understand Hiroshima, but
Why did americans drop the bomb on nagasaki when the japs surrendered after the first one?

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2 nukes weren't enough, Japan should have been bombed to rubble for the ocean to reclaim.

because we can.

just because

Two different designs. Both had to be tested.

Also the psychological shock of not knowing how many more bombs were coming. Same thing with knocking down multiple towers on 9/11. The first was was like
>wtf is this
The second one was like

>because we can.
So can shitskin bomb your towers.
All good then?

Because Japan had a state owned central bank like Germany and oppose their schemes

I wanna titfuck Anri and Hitomi before I die!

But it still has.

i don't think we should have even dropped the first one, we should have surrounded them with the Navy and watched them starve to death.

Two is cooler than one

Satanic Military Holocausting Nip Christendom, ripping holes in space-time.


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Also, we only had two bombs and it would have taken a long time to make more, so we wanted to be absolutely sure the Japanese would surrender.

Oh, and we wanted to wave our big, freedom-loving dicks at the Russians. We knew the Cold War was coming on.

Not anymore the banking system is largely private now.

>when the japs surrendered after the first one
They didn't surrender until after the second one.
>dago education

>implying they didn’t have help

Back then we had balls and wanted to prove a fucking point.

You being proud of being the bad side in ww2 typical brainwashed American.


should have hit Tokyo too.

Nukes aren't real


OP is a retard.

>bombs dropped in august
>officially surrendered in september
They surrendered after the second and the soviets invading.
How hard is it to read? All fields

Because we had a second bomb.

True! I was like

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mistakes were made

>he still thinks it was muslims

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>Jow Forums is Nazi
>Jow Forums goes fuck yeah about nuking the Axis and make them lose the war

Japan was so fucked up from the firebombing that they had to use backup targets for the atom bombs. Needed pristine test cases with the right topography to reflect and concentrate the blast to study the results.

Shills and low class skinheads often from America.

right on the imperial palace

How many shitskins does it take to bring down 3 buildings and a wing at the pentagon?

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Nagasaki was nuked on 6 August. Hirohito announced the surrender on the 15th.

But yeah, like everyone else says, they had it coming.

Donald Rumsfeld alone brought down that wing of the pentagon. That's where the missing $2T was stored away in the file cabinets.

Finally some truth.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were false flags operated by the secret (((oil barons))) to poison the world against nuclear energy.

are you listing people who forget that hitler did nothing wrong

Majority share of gov't bonds, assets and liabilities are owned by Rothschild&Co.

At the moment NK, iran, syria and cuba have sovereign central banks.

They needed to know they had more than just one weapon, it was also to deter the soviets from rolling all of Europe.

But they didn't surrender after the first one

We literally were asking Japs to surrender and they weren’t acknowledging that the first bomb happened.

They prob were in disbelief, so another was needed.

You're a faggot. I know all about the political situation a la Bismarck, the history of SinoRussian fighting, etc. And gunboat diplomacy etc

The fact is, the Japanese were terrible to Korea and China and Vietnam, U731 and basically they got too big for their yellow britches. I even like some aspects of Japanese culture but it's a measured admiration. They attacked PH, so they got what was coming... nuclear fire and an entire American fleet blowing their shit up

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lol your a traitor and turned on the axis just like the nippers. go fuck yourself pasta nigger
tell me about how proud you are elceting a woman who lets your daughters get raped by ragheads daily and a queen who allows a nigger to breed with a gradson. truly your a toptier country faggot

The communications went silent all at once and nobody at the time had contemplated that there could be a bomb that powerful. Of course Japan was going to try to work out wtf just happened before deciding how to respond.

>I was like
Get the fuck out

cool story, chung wang

that an they were defiant little faggots that though they could still demand terms after getting their shit pushed in

I'm not a Nazi
No hipocrisy

But Jow Forums claims to be

America have Japan 3 days to surrender after Hiroshima or else they'd drop another nuke. Japan was in utter shock and didn't know what to do, but by the time they collected their thoughts, another was dropped, ultimately ending the war.



I thought not anymore

PH was an inside job orchestrated from the highest levels of the US government. That was the bait used by the Jews (literally) to get the US involved in another stupid European war for everlasting peace.

In fact, even (((Einstein))) himself was part of Truman's (freemason) decision to drop the bombs so that there would never be war again. This is how psychotic and evil the Jews are.

Ward Wilson: The Myth of Hiroshima


Not a valid point, or even a complete sentence. What do you have to say for yourself?

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Jewish operation. Stop believing lies. The code had been broken well beforehand and even the Australians tried to warn us.

They didn't surrender after the first. Read a book pizza nigger.

Do .... do YOU know anything about 19th century history, which set the stage for everything that happened in 1918-1945?

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But did they tho? Because the fact that we dropped a second one would seem to indicate that they hadn't.

They didn't. Go back to school, Alfredo

>The surrender of Imperial Japan was announced by Hirohito on August 15 and formally signed on September 2, 1945
>During the final stage of World War II, the United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, with the consent of the United Kingdom, as required by the Quebec Agreement.

Why not try researching the topic before making a thread about it?

People that shill for America and hate on axis people.

Okay now stop believing the nukes were real.

America waged economic war on Japan and sent their ships in her water and gave bombers to China to target Japan and sunk German ships because Roosevelt wanted to go after the axis for his masters. The axis were defending themselves from america.

Sure thing, Sovereign Man. All those nuke power plants are also just secret bases hiding the Tesla tech.

Hello Chang/Shlomo/Justin...

>Why not try researching the topic before making a thread about it?
and break tradition on Jow Forums? why?

Oh oh... so it's just THE JEWS.

I mean, a lot of times is is unironically the Jews. But there are actually a lot of things that were occurring in WW2. Lots of moving parts. The European theater is THE JEWs. The Pacific Theater was about the Marshall Plan. I might even give you that OSS knew the Japanese mobalized their fleet. The Radar array was up and running.

But come on dude.. use your words. Just saying THE JEWS makes you sound like a moron.

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>axis people
lol...europoor trannys

That's how the zionists got their project started. The League of Nations didn't work out because the US wasn't ready to ratify such a thing. So they had to have a second Great War to traumatize the US into going along with the UN.

Are they too busy teaching kids about Heather's two mommies to teach actual history these days?

notice how they haven't bombed pearl harbor again

hmmm ... two different types of bomb ...
I wonder if the nips were lab-ratted.

PH was a false flag youtu.be/GhTwRbMVI5A

We bought two.

I'm cool with it. Those towers were ugly as fuck. Good riddance.

"and STAY down!"

Based leaf

Yes. Ultimately all the fighting in WW2 was to destroy Autarchy and Monarchy. It's end result was to tie up the world in an economic web, via the Marshall plan and Reconstruction.

That's bad.

But it's hilarious to think you want to apply morality to war. Especially WW2. Nobody was in the right. We were more powerful. There is no need to apologize

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Yep. We honestly didn't know if they'd both work.
And this is the other reason. We had two. If they had surrendered we probably would have dropped it on Russia just to use it.

There you go. Just use your words. I want to encourage you guys to make thoughtful and productive conversations. This is a valid point

Oh, wow, thanks for the validation. You obviously have a masterful grasp of Western history trying to deflect blame from the nation-wreckers. Is it OK if I just say "globalists" instead of naming them? Please say yes. I just want to be liked and upboated.

They deserve worse for what they did in Manchuria

What we now call the CIA made a deal with them to keep that under wraps in exchange for half the loot.

I suppose the simultaneous attacks on British forces and subsequent declaration of war were all orchestrated by anyone other than Japan as well

> when the japs surrendered after the first one?
except, they didn't. They surrended after the second one, because japs though americans had only one. And even after that, some generals couldn't bear emperor's decision, so they tried to coup him.

ground zero was christian church..outta tell you something

because they wanted to try out the bomb.

The Americans demanded unconditional surrender, Japan sought terms. The demand refused, a second bomb was dropped. The unconditional surrender was offered following this.

That spires are easier to see from the air than jap architecture?

If you want people to listen to you, yes.

There are lots of Jews who are against globalism , Israel, and Jewish supremacy. You lose them when you are rude. You actually want those people on your side. All globalists are owned by Jews or allied with them, or are Jews. Not all Jews are globalists.

Are you capable of seeing the distinction?
Plus... everyone knows what is meant by Globalist. They would have to admit the veracity of the complaint to cry foul if you call them Globalist

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It's rude to name the Jew? Oh, sorry. Oy vey.

The OSS/CIA is evil as well. They are their own small nation of lawless elites who pretend to be an American faction

>They deserve worse for what they did in Manchuria
Chinese are not people


Supposedly they surrendered befor the first one. We dropped the bombs on civilians. I believe it was to destroy the enemy so completely to make an example out of them

Yes. Its rude. It's the BAD BAD word.

If you care more about saying JEW than building social and political capital, keep it up.

For example- we could cut all economic ties with Israel, for all the right reasons. Theyll still claim its antisemitic. But people would agree with the decision.

Cut ties because they are JEWS, and all the sudden you lose people. They do own the media. Don't make their job easier by being crass

Nagasaki was a Christian city and the Synagogue wanted to kill Christianity in the far east.

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Did you really take this thread from a /tv/ got shitposting thread? Christ

how bout not electing masons and kikes