Why do Indimutts think they're better than Amerimutts?

Indimutts constantly post Amerimutt memes but the truth is India is the mutt nation of the Old World.

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nobody fucking cares.

lmao Kek @ that image

Same as Jews and Greeks.

Modern Indians are NOT ancient Indians.
India was destroyed when Aboriginals flooded the nation, negrifying it genetically and culturally.

why are amerimutts so scared of the INDO-ARYAN-BVLLS?

its just bantz.

What race is the orange/green mixed part that looks like central India?

Can you explain more or have somewhere I can read more on this?

Ironically, Indo Dravidians are far more civilized than the more "Aryan" stock up north. The hotbed of Hindu religion - UP - is worse than the darkest of dindu projects

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End this meme already. Every subhuman poverty image of India features dumb feces skin Dravidians.

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My (some how light skinned) ancestor :)

Attached: dios-indio-r93eyf.jpg (938x1390, 363K)

The South is still better than the North in terms of all human development indicators. Nearly all immigration within India occurs from North -> South for better life. It's not a meme.

Krishna is black, so... Hindu gods come in all colours.

Protip: Krishnam means black in Sanskrit.
And light skinned people aren't a rarity in India.

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Show flag paki

why do pussies have to use meme flags to shitpost about other countries?

>Conquered by China (2016)

i wait for the day when pakis begin to chimp out with WE WUZZ HAN N SHEEIT

>1 post by this ID
guess OP's nationality

aboriginals didn't flood India. an average kshatriya looks like what his ancestor would have 1500 years ago. civilizations fall for reasons other than demographic shift

Attached: Pain after elecson.jpg (900x708, 53K)

Abbos did not flood in
Aryans flooded into lands where abbos were present
instead of killing abbos they though may be we could call them low caste and use them
to clean shitters
2000 years passed now everyone has turned into mutts. caste pyramid is reversed.
they did same mistake as wh*te ameritards, who thought it was good idea to import niggers.
and europoors who think it is good idea to import 3rd world shitskin into their land.

Another daily paki

Dravidian detected.