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>415 parts per million
>the air is now .0415% CO2
it's literally nothing
>Wanting to starve plants of their foodstuffs
God damn, liberals, just get a lawn.
Not really. Just because its a "small amount" does not mean its insignificant
Ya and my plants are growing nicely
But it is though... it is insignificant
Never understimate CO2.
The water of oceans acts as a buffer for CO2, so it will absorb the increases constantly until it runs out of the ions need to buffer them.
When that happens, the acidity of the oceans and will suddenly increase, killing all the marine fauna that eats organisms with CaCO3 shells (the most common, only stable in PHs >8), which will in turn kill all the animals that eat those organisms.
I am not saying this will happen tomorrow or in 10 years, but my intent is pointing out that just because there isn't a noticeable increase in atmospheric CO2 levels doesn't mean damage is being done steadily.
>Rising sea level
Literally all things that white people have endured and conqured. The hysteria over global warming is entirely due to shitskins being totally incapable of creating large scale geoengineering projects like whites have for centuries and will end up drinking sea water instead.
>CO2 causes the entire planet to warm up
>Just ignore the fact that some areas are getting colder, including in the USA
Is this a joke. Literally two counties in AK and LA versus 95% of the US, including farmland centers. Enjoy $10 for an ear of corn when it takes 2000 gallons of water to grow it
>Most of that map indicates an increase
Just because outliers and anomalies exist, doesn't mean the trend isn't real
Daily reminder global warming is good for the planet, not bad.
yeah because there were no aquatic organisms in the dinosaur times when there was 5 times more CO2 in the air.
We've been coming out of an ice age for the last ~12000yrs
>can now grow corn in Alaska and canada
>muh muh muh $10 corn!!
It’s a good thing
>doesn't know how to read a map
>thinks local warming is the same as the entire planet warming
Make up your mind. Are you literally shaking about local warming or global warming?
>yeah because there were no aquatic organisms in the dinosaur times when there was 5 times more CO2 in the air.
I always point this out. If there was no runaway warming then, there won't be now with 20% of the C02.
i never got the math in this since it completely defies the way life on earth started.
before we even had anything close to a good sustainable atmosphere there had to be enough for for lifeforms that relied on photosynthesis and most if not all of of them were aquatic.
Das rite, Americans. Be especially nice to leafs or else we won't feed you when your land becomes impossible to farm.
The ecologically responsible thing to do would be strip mining all the coal and setting it alight.
nice country you have there. would be a bummer for you if we decided to annex it.
Siberia is the largest plains by far and has more agricultural potential than anywhere else on Earth
To counteract this crisis we must increase N20 levels in the atmosphere up to 90%
>claims the entire planet is warming because the TV says so
>when presented with data that shows that CLEARLY the entire planet not warming, suddenly it's "muh outliers".
Either the entire planet is warming or it isn't. You can't have it both ways. If some areas are consistently getting colder despite increased levels of CO2 in the air, then perhaps you should rethink the cause instead of making retarded excuses.
Canadians should be the last ones to worry about muh global warming. How are your politicians so retarded?
So fucking what?
Men have landed on Mars
>#1 is exhaled breath
Pay taxes for breathing, goy!
Plants become more efficient at using water with more CO2. Extra CO2 means less water use for the same amount of growth.
>left wing cancels nuclear power
>left passes bill to mandate coal power plants
>left wing blames right wing for CC
you should not even listen to anything the left has to say about CC.
Would you be ok with your body being .0415% cyanide?
>yeah because there were no aquatic organisms in the dinosaur times when there was 5 times more CO2 in the air.
I know using sarcasm is normal in Jow Forums in an attempt to make people you do not agree with sound silly, but chemical equilibrium is 18th century science, not hard to prove. Or is it also a conspiracy theory?
Permian-Triassic extinction was largely caused by excess of CO2 of volcanic origin. Alongside with the change in weather patterns due to continentalization.
Ignoring the claim the plant health somehow determines the total health of the planet, the amount of CO2 that plants like varies greatly and high levels would only favor some plants. Past a certain point it actually starts hurting their growth.
Bad burger, no food ratio for you.
>we decided to annex it.
To be fair, you already tried that and it didn't turn out that well...
Mostly it's the government and various environmental groups causing the problem. The same group that wants us to stop producing oil despite it being the only thing that keeps our economy afloat. I think the change should still be kept under 2 degrees, just for the sake of everyone else, but opening up the arctic is huge for our economy.
Shit-tier strawman
didnt happen when CO2 was 8000 ppm wont happen when its 415 ppm.
None of those microrganisms needed shells only stable in ph >8 oceans to exist. I am geologist, not a biologist anyway.
Yeah dude check out all this prime flat fertile farmland
the trend shows no warming since the 2000s.None of this 1.5 or 2 degrees celsius is real.
dont forget snowball earth event when the CO2 levels fall under 180 ppms.
>I think the change should still be kept under 2 degrees, just for the sake of everyone else
You do realize that most of the warming is in the northern hemisphere, in winter, at night? The global average goes up mostly because places like siberia, northern canada and the arctic go up from stupid-below-freezing to not-quite-so-stupid-below freezing?
Stop being stupid.
There hasn't been any change in the geologic record for over 100,000 years.
In the past there was much more CO2 and O2. In the air.
Also the days were shorter. So read a book, from before the 1960s on geology.
because its nonsense, in the Cretaceous era with CO2 far exceeding todays large deposits of chalk were created that couldn´t have been created in a low ph level environment.Acidification of the oceans is a meme.Corals developed in a high CO2 level environment.
You drank the whole jug of coolaid, didnt you? We don't know what caused the P-Tr die off. Major climate disruptions from volcanic/impact events would have been almost completely from dust clouds and acidic aerosols, not muh CO2.
It's not the winter that I worry about since I live in a temperate part of Canada. Recently heat waves have been killing the elderly because we're not set up for high temperatures. Most of us don't have AC and some hot summer days are just brutal for us leaf-kins.
and yet still the muh-Climate Change faggots will keep having children knowing what a fucked world they''ll be facing.
I consider it child abuse to bring a child into this world.
Oh no more of what plants crave! It's a pollutant goy stop exhaling!
delaying the next glacial period and saving lifes
Found a better version of that map.
We are still in the end-period of the last Ice Age. Temperatures were 7-10 degrees celsius higher
Earth hasnt had polar ice caps for over 90% of its existence. Having ice at the poles IS THE ANOMALY
We would be seeing everything that is happening today even if every human being were wiped out 10,000 years ago.
None of this means a fucking thing since they FAKE THE TEMPERATURES.
No no no. We adjusted them to the truth, goy. Trust us, we are good with numbers.
The future is fucked and this thread is proof positive
I'm adapted to cold weather and Canada is empty because of it. I don't gain from increasing the temperatures beyond a few degrees, even if that's regressing into a normal state.
I think we have to look at the more recent periods where humans actually existed rather than the billions of years where it didn't matter.
>giving a fuck about this shit
>not actively producing more pollution to accelerate humanity's demise
proportion of co2 in air please?
This board may be the most science illiterate place on Jow Forums.
CO2 isn't pollution, brainlet
No, we're the most skeptical board. These discussions still happens on /sci/ and we don't blindly go 'YAS SLAY' when 'science proves there a a trillion gender expressions or whatever other bullshit.
THESE discussions sure as fuck don't happen on /sci/ without some Jow Forumstard shitposting.
I guess those triassics should have taxed co2 more
4/1000 co2 increasing by 0.02% is a problem.
Devise the new tax pllan that will save us in the name of brown people and ISRAEL.
Had you actually interacted with any science specialist, you would understand they grossly overestimate their knowledge on matters otsied their speciality.
Accepting that they know as much as a teenager on it is just not possible to them.
And we'lll call the tax "triaxic" to ban the trias from coming back.
Yes, they do. A few people claim they they're probably from Jow Forums rather than actually refute any arguments, but in reality most of the threads are just started by skeptics and trolls.
Most people on /sci/ aren't even scientists, let alone climate scientists. They're going to debate climate change for the millionth time anyway, just like what they do with AI and the rest of the low hanging fruit.
Why don't you actually debate the posts you find incorrect? You've added zero value at this point.
Why do you care about global warming when your people are being replaced?
A lot of science is understood after the fact. With a system as complex as the earth and its atmosphere I wouldn’t be surprised if there are many unaccounted that will balance out the climate.
If you're dying of cancer, you can still have other problems you want to address on top of it. If desertification happens in Africa, it will send millions of more refugees flooding into the rest of the world. You need to have a stable climate if you want a stable society.
>laughs in comfy 115° Great Basin Desert
The niggers are coming in Europe by the tens of thousand each month already, so why should I care or want to change the planet so that my people will not inherit it?
Because the globhomo warming taxes are used to line the pockets of the kike and fund the negroic overbreeding.
And it will keep happening while India,China and other major manufacturing nations that the West is buying shit from will not change their policy.
If the scam is widely exposed they'll have to stop it.
It's not like the gilet jaune was initiallly started by a green tax or something, eh?
Again it will not change since its a political motivated and too much money on it, the people are irrelevant.
Well, keep doing nothing then.
You'll get what you tried, nothing.
the climate is stable and thats the exception, desertification happens in Africa all the time.If you dont want nibbers close the border.
How do you even debate a post when every premise and conclusion is wrong? Where do you even start? If motherfuckers are saying that increased carbon in the atmosphere is actually a good thing that will lead to everybody getting free hamburgers because the angels will transmute carbon into hamburgers with their psychic magic, where do you start to address that?
At a certain point you have to throw your hands up and say "fuck it".
Would you rather Europe have a million 'refugees' or billions? Population levels in Africa are becoming sky high and they're the only continent that hasn't started decreasing their fertility rate.
It doesn't matter if you manage to shut the doors of your country, you would have eight billion hungry idiots trying to get in. It would be like a zombie apocalypse. We're going to have to address the African population problem sooner or later. We shouldn't add fuel to the fire.
That looks like a wasteland to me. Needs snow, trees, hell anything would be an improvement.
I will simplify the question for you. What is the ideal ppm of atmospheric CO2?
And have you achieved, better yet what has the yellow vest achieved? More than 3 months of protest and still nothing.
>Would you rather Europe have a million 'refugees' or billions? Population levels in Africa are becoming sky high and they're the only continent that hasn't started decreasing their fertility rate.
Does it matter since every European nation is being replaced as we speak, the number means nothing.
>It doesn't matter if you manage to shut the doors of your country, you would have eight billion hungry idiots trying to get in. It would be like a zombie apocalypse. We're going to have to address the African population problem sooner or later. We shouldn't add fuel to the fire.
The niggers will come to Europe regardless if there is an increase in the temperature and less arable land.
For 18 months I worked in a building that artificially increased it's atmosphere to 1200 ppm of CO2. There was no difference between breathing that and regular air.
How is it stable? We've never seen co2 levels rise this quickly and desertification is the direct result of climate change. They're going to lose the land sustaining their population while they try to sustain eight times the amount of people. It's not going to work and it's going to send billions fleeing.
Reminder: CNN and other MSM whose legitimacy has been decimated by their decision to hunt for views instead of finding an alternative financing option is what doomed the planet.
Thats pure bullshit and you know it.
>CO2 concentration near an active volcano is high
They need to take hundreds of thousands of sample from every part of the world at every altitude and then take an average to get a reliable number.
>Does it matter since every European nation is being replaced as we speak, the number means nothing.
Most of the support for mass immigration is for economic reasons, take it away and it loses public support. We need breathing room. Automation will take the jobs of most immigrants and send unemployment to record levels, leading to more anti-immigration debate. We have to hold off until then.
Suggesting doing nothing is like having your legs cut off and only stopping the blood loss from one of them.
I didn't state that co2 levels have never been higher, I stated that they haven't ever changed this quickly, which your image doesn't seem to refute.
It's definitely changing quickly. The lakes here used to freeze over for months and people would drive on them. Now that happens for just a few weeks of the year and the ice is so thin it can barely support a person.
>Mauna Loa has probably been erupting for at least 700,000 years, and may have emerged above sea level about 400,000 years ago. The oldest-known dated rocks are not older than 200,000 years.[7] The volcano's magma comes from the Hawaii hotspot, which has been responsible for the creation of the Hawaiian island chain over tens of millions of years.
>The NOAA Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO) is located close by. From its location well above local human-generated influences, the MLO monitors the global atmosphere, including the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Measurements are adjusted to account for local outgassing of CO2 from the volcano.[86]
You can't make this adjustment without having a baseline measurement of CO2 far from the volcano so basically (((they))) can (((adjust))) the measurement to be whatever the fuck (((they))) want.
>Most of the support for mass immigration is for economic reasons, take it away and it loses public support.
Oh I am sure that corporations will suddenly stop importing right? Its not like the people are overwhelmingly against it or something.
> We need breathing room. Automation will take the jobs of most immigrants and send unemployment to record levels, leading to more anti-immigration debate. We have to hold off until then.
It has nothing to do with workers but creating a class of people that are 100% dependent on government gibs and vote for parties that give it, hence they secure their future control over politics.
>Suggesting doing nothing is like having your legs cut off and only stopping the blood loss from one of them.
No by doing nothing we will leave the world for niggers and other non whites inhospitable for them.
You're still wrong, you are just pulling that out of your ass. We have nowhere near the resolution that we have the last 30 years. One large volcanic event would have changed it more in a week then the fraction of a percent of the additional CO2 released from all Human activities ever.
Just stop.
Nobody is buying this alarmist garbage anymore.
The climate changes constantly. Your anecdotal evidence of lakes freezing differently means nothing when humans have only been recording them for 120 years.
>Utahan, Minnesotan, and Illinoisan immigrants literally do it for FREE
>doesn't remember krakataua in the 80's
That's was 2 degree with ONE volcano.
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Also, these three things have always happened.
The sea level isn't rising. If it was, or if they believed it was, wouldn't all the banks stop giving loans on oceanfront property that will be underwater soon?
I live on a barrier island on the coast of Texas, Galveston. Ain't no storm gonna run us off.
Yup. Also ignored heat island effect. Many are in cities, and some have new cities near the thermostats. Ect..
>Oh I am sure that corporations will suddenly stop importing right? Its not like the people are overwhelmingly against it or something.
Yes, they're the people lobbying it for it, beyond a certain other group. They use it as a tool to keep wages down and fill positions no one else wants. That will quickly change with automation taking these jobs instead. If they bring someone into their country, that's another person that has to be brought up to a high standard of living with UBI funded by a very high tax rate. They're not stupid and they're already starting to see that this will be a problem.
>No by doing nothing we will leave the world for niggers and other non whites inhospitable for them.
That would happen anyway. You're cutting of your nose to spite your face.
What? What I said was fact. You haven't disproved it or anything else I said, you just moved the goal posts by making a whole new claim about volcanoes.
The inverse of what you are saying is actually true. No one gives a fuck what a few of the retards on this board thinks. They're the same people who think the world is flat and believe a bunch of other stupid shit. You don't define policy. Your shitposting doesn't matter to anyone.
>Your anecdotal evidence
Nearly everyone has the same anecdotal experience everywhere. It's getting hotter and that's uncomfortable to nearly everyone, at the very least.