Did Game of Thrones Redpill Us?

on toxic feminism?

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stop watching capeshit.

GoT is swordshit

SAGE and shut the fuck up /tv/ faggot go back to being a consumerist drone.

Stop watching this shit series and instead start watching breaking bad (chad show)

No, because it didn't make internal sense. It didn't teach us about how this sort of thing can happen. Relating to Daenerys doesn't teach anything about ourselves. Dany went mad to remove all character agency from the story: she became an object, to which all other characters became victims. It didn't redpill anyone on anything except the fact that this was an exercize in Jewish demoralization propaganda. It was bad on purpose. It was absolutely deliberately malicious.

swordshit is capeshit, newfag.

>stop watching tv and start watching tv
why are you broken?

(but don't mention the jewish part on /tv/, that's magically off topic)

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must follow trend of thing. must consume thing and discuss thing while thing is popular.

>recommends tv show with drugs

i kekd

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It pushes complete nihilism more than anything else.

yes very redpilled today bros
>the emotional roastie lets emotion control her and kill thousands/millions
don't vote for women

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It's garbage from top to bottom. Suck off /tv/


i'll raise you one... repeal the 19th.

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It highlights the problem with innately good men. They do not want to lead. John Snow is the modern quasi-beta male product of feminism. His inability to abandon his values for the good of the world cost millions of lives. The white-hats in DC are guilty of the same weakness. Taking power requires betraying someone.

Never seen it. What's it about?

based and saved. naming the jew is a valiant pursuit.

Tywin Lannister was unironically the best ruler in the Show


Why do we need two threads about this?

- You see more male ass than any skin on females (the only female nudity is in the first episode and lasts a couple seconds).
- Profanity is limited, which hugely reduces any chance I'd be too interested in it as a drug show. Who is the brainiac that came up with this? "We're going to blow people up, cook meth and a bunch of other shit... but in 6 seasons, 62 episodes, we're only allowed to say 'fuck' 27 times." ... not too believable at all.
- Commercials. Gotta love getting into a show just to be thrown back to reality every 10 minutes.

I could go on... but suffice it to say that regardless of how great the series is in the minds of the morons who watched it, it can never be that interesting to me.

This. The books and the TV shows (in a less clever way) are inversions of the traditional idealism of fantasy. Martin explicitly states he wanted to take the idealism of Tolkien and turn it on its head and imagine fantasy themes within a morally grey and nihilisitc world without an obvious saviour or religious truth to the world. For example, the heroic Indo-European male warrior archetype is subverted by killing them off early and replacing them with strong women instead of the traditional feminine damsel. This is one among many of the obvious fantasy tropes being inverted.

The books and tv series are demoralisation propaganda and a nihilistic inversion of our most sacred myths of the heroic.

Stannis the Mannis. Accept no imitations.

except it's not

Shut the fuck up retard like lmao how do you even watch shows? Only when they rerun on TV?

Trailer Park Boys is 100 times better than GoT

it's a pasta bot

Not a moron checking in. That show gave me ideas and they are working for me to the tune of half a mil so far. Dismiss everything and be a doomer or chad up.