Americans are mutts and not wh-

Say that shit to my face, Achmed

Attached: IMG-20190512-WA0021.jpg (2640x1488, 973K)

Other urls found in this thread:

shit, america has really been turned on it's side.

Attached: 1437392201671.png (741x649, 23K)

You could be a cute trap without problems.

Who's this?

Degenerate spick. I will crush your weak inferior wetback skull.

Attached: IMG-20190426-WA0046.jpg (2640x1488, 690K)

Nigger why do you care what random people on a Mongolian upside down underwater basket weaving forum think?

Attached: 1523400856334.png (469x452, 277K)

Das Foto ist von mir, mein Bruder.

Attached: 1557726068793.png (640x640, 95K)

You look like me. What's your ancestry?

25% German 40% French 25% English 10% Irish

Attached: download (15).jpg (300x168, 8K)

Vielleicht sind wir eigentlich irgendwie verwandt.

Looks like you are under 5'9. I am 6 feet and 5 inches. I would easily squash and kill you. Fuck off manlet

>that peach fuzz neck
if you've got nothing on your actual face why even bother

Wo hast du Deutsch gelernt?

Looks like my Moroccan dealer

Mixed spic

why does he wear the bag?


walking a dog dumbfuck XD

Attached: 1557496012367.png (925x1047, 219K)

Je verdomme idiot

Hoe lijk ik op een mexikaanse hond?

hallucinating degenerate drug addict mentally defective mudslime rape baby

>thinks he can tell a height from a picture of my face close-up
I'm 6'0" and woukd beat your scrawny Sa lanklet weakling untermenschlicher Schwuchtel

Rosetta Stone, Duolingo, deutsche Filme/Musik/Literatur

>10x more attractive than you
>5x stronger than you
>bigger dick than you
>better than you in every way
"Y-yea b-but you forgot to shave for 2 days so my beergut-having 5'6" 3 inch cocked having faggot ass is better than you because I'm a disgustingly hairy Muslim pig like all hot girls dream of r-right user?"

Fuck for a sec I thought someone doxxed me, you’re like my doppelgänger

I will replace you, Brian

Attached: IMG-20190509-WA0091.jpg (2640x1488, 1008K)

>polka dot shirt
>hat backwards
why do u dress like a faggot

backwards hats isn't dressing like a faggot you fucking square lmao and what exactly is wrong with polka dots do you actually have autism

Attached: 20190416_183808.jpg (1080x1062, 621K)

gtfo attention fag

Der untermensch

>t. r9k reject
Europeans are always claiming all Americans on this board are mutts. Posting evidence to the contrary is political and heavily related to what is often discussed here.

x more attractive than you
x stronger than you
>>bigger dick than you
>>better than you in every way
holy shit faggot how low is your self esteem

t. mongoloid slav nigger

The point of this thread is I'm calling you out. I have more European DNA than every Ashkenazi Jewish shill living in Europe that calls Americans mutts on Jow Forums combined. Post proofs to the contrary of hold silent, D and C kike shills.

Go be ugly somewhere else. No one wants your garbage genetics here.

YOU ARE NOT EXACTLY WHITE, well some of you are though

look, it's the dreaded s o y creature
>no beard growth
>feminine skin
>never worked a day in xyrs life
>looks like a massive faggot

>Me white
Nigger sewer mutant, saged.

Attached: IMG22012019.jpg (1206x1228, 259K)

btw who's the cutie?

How much of a low self-esteem mutt are you to randomly post your picture on a chinese forum to prove a point ? That you don't even manage to prove given that you look like a spic.

>associating male features with feminity is a sign of YOUR homosexuality
>healthy =/= feminine you prematurely aging chainsmoking alcoholic heroin addicted degenerate closet queer
>a beanie and a hoodie is not "onions" in anyway, you autistic sperg

>t. Babyfaced softbody

Also I work 7 days a week, cuck

still whiter than you, Hernandez

Attached: 1554531561674.png (1000x1000, 101K)

white than you, ahmed

your screeching fills me with joy, so.y boy

>25% German 40% French 25% English 10% Irish
LOL. Sounds about right. Hybrid mutt "white". Hows it feel not being ethnically pure?

Also, I want to pin you down onto a bed and pump my seed into your tight boipucci. You are my trap now.

>t. jagged skinned prematurely aging fat alcoholic chainsmoking drug addict

The 56% face

Its not even funny.

Nice lack of facial hair. 10/10 would dress you up in a maid outfit and fuck your asshole

your fortnite career isn't exactly work, no matter what mommy says, user.

You better tell that to your Czech prostitutes, oh I forgot to all eastern europeans.

No one shows off while walking a dog faggot

shave your fucking neck dude. that looks disgusting, since the rest of your face is smooth

Modern English are a mixture of Danes, Romans, Belgae, Angles, Saxons, and Britons. You're a fucking retard. French are Latinized Germanicized Celts. European ethnicites are cultural/linguistic not biological. All modern European nationalities are amalgums of ancient ones. There's no "pure British" or "pure French". Is it and always has been a meme. Learn basic history, faggot.

short, brown, ugly goblino race of darkie asians.

Just fucking with you


nice comeback, you dont have whores in the 1st world? sad!

>itt one physically attractive pure Aryan Chad triggers the screeching fat autistic tranny porn addicts of Jow Forums in one fell swoop

you looks like i immagine americans
>brown eyes,brown eyes,pink skin
>talk shit about the whitness of others

Apologize we are pure

Let 56% face! Hey mutto buy a burger and relax.

post dic

>30-50 lbs. overweight
>ugly as shit
Manlet incels hardcore coping the thread

No your language was influenced by French and English a lot of intermarriage has been occurring for centuries my guy

My eyes are green. Get your eyes checked sand nigger.

Most of the whores are imported.
Sorry for harsh comment. I'd rather chat with you than with these mutts.

The great thing about America is that she constantly reinvents herself

The world just has to catch up

Attached: keepcalmandcarryon.png (550x778, 795K)

No, my family line only exist of dutchmen and frisians, both original inhabitants here

What about marrocans? True hollanders.

Show flag

pretty brown eeh monkey mutt

That's cool, but they descended from Germans originally I believe. That's why Plattdeutsch and Nederlands are so similar. All Europeans descended from the same proto-Germanic tribes. They aren't physiologically different.

They will forever be "allochtoon" here, same for mixed kids or "whites" from other countries

btw still whiter than you

Attached: C3A22B85-84F7-44AB-839F-665A8E79530F.jpg (640x640, 37K)

Danke fürs schöne Kompliment Muhammad

thanks for proving my point

holyshit the meme is real and comfirmed

Attached: zdzd.png (714x284, 222K)

You are an Aryan Superman, OP. The peak of humankind.

Bruh you look like the definition of thr mutt meme, fuck I hate this country

lel i have the same shirt

Op whiter than you, but he actually not white lol, tipical mutt.

You more like Albanian or Turk.

Shitskin Brains are connected apparently

Attached: eéz.png (104x119, 17K)

>Learn basic history, faggot
How about I help you cope by spreading your asscheeks and duping a load deep into your asshole?

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Meet me in times square in 10 minutes and I will. If you dont show up I'll tell everyone you're a pussy.

Millers, if you are 100% immigrate to France in Normandy reproduce with Aryan French 15 GirlS like you do, video related

Kek you look like an Arab nigger

Please, OP, have many children, you cannot deprive your race of your DNA.

Attached: AryanPrince.jpg (1325x1101, 176K)