Why are chans so entwined with anime culture?

Why are chans so entwined with anime culture?

Serious question here. I'm really bemused by this. I notice it quite often that posters will reference anime and even specific characters when arguing, discussing and shit posting.

I'm a fan of it myself going back to the nineties and even earlier. It began with Urotsukodoji (whatever it's called) but I got hooked on studio ghibli and especially GITS.

Anyone have any theories?

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>Why are chans so entwined with anime culture?
they're not anymore.
only lgbt people watch anime in this day and age.

It's an anime imageboard

>Why are chans so entwined with anime culture?
Appeals to the autistic.

>Posts question in Jow Forums instead of just researching

Because chans are Japanese knock off sites, dumb newfag.

This. Anime in the west is no longer a once nebbishy subculture. Globalism and the elimination of the barrier to entry was the beginning of the end.

This. Also popular on Jow Forums cause it's some of the only media outside of bollywood that isn't subverted by Jewish influence...yet.
Shut the fuck up boomer.

Imageboards (chans) originated in Japan.
Jow Forums was founded by a weaboo who wanted to talk about anime and other otaku stuff but was banned from another site for being a retard. Said weaboo literally copypasted the biggest imageboard at that time (Futaba channel) and called it a day.
After Jow Forums became popular and started going to shit other imageboards copied it and mixed the weaboo part of it along with their own ideas.

Anime is for manchildren and cucks. You should really stop watching it and pick up a book like a proper man should or at least stop sperging about it everyday on Jow Forums

Confirmation bias
I see yurus here daily, which is almost ten years old and thus predates 2016 newfriends

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Becuse all chans are descendents of 2channel, a Japanese image board created to discuss anime

>but was banned from another site for being a retard
correct except for that, we were getting banned from adtrw for fucking spelling errors back then

Chans were literally built around anime subculture in the West and then inadvertently drew in the retarded faggots that make up most of this board as it turns out white supremacists and weebs have similarities in terms of being socially isolated, low intelligence while assuming their own high intelligence, rejection of society around them, and fantastical thinking, in addition to wanting to be a little girl who gets deflowered by senpai.

>to wanting to be a little girl who gets deflowered by senpai

Jow Forums was originally a place for Something Awful goons to talk about anime. We carry on that fine tradition.

I read, but I also still like anime. I haven't thought about why but I often re-watch classics like mononoke and spirited away. They really have something special although I don't much care for cowboy bebop. I much prefer the more realistic animation you see in the afore mentioned and the one I think that originally hooked me, Akira.

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the trannies are simply claiming it as their identities because some characters in SoLs are tranny, just like how Jow Forums claimed Pepe.
They dont realize they are there solely for comedic purposes and not being serious like in the west where they view trannies as actual females/males

>low intelligence assuming high intelligence

Is this some sort of pathology, maybe related to low self esteem?

It's more like they're too stupid to notice their own stupidity.


What's this?

slice of life

Okay that's a real thing but what's the relationship between it and anime and chans?

the cucks and manchildren are the ones going to conventions and cosplaying as their favorite character. Basically the attention wanting degenerates that takes their hobbies to the extreme
Its totally okay to watch it casually and not shoving it down the throat of others like vegans do

It's easier to say stupid things when nobody knows you. Mix it with the elitism present in otaku culture (see /a/ and /jp/ for example) and you'll get a strong flavor of autism.

This site is full of autistic man children who have to use their heritage as clout because they lack their own personal achievements and jack it to homosexual Chinese cartoons

If you unironically believe in "technocracy" then anyone opposed to it must by definition merely be stupid and / or uneducated

I get you and its nice you enjoy em now and then. But everything in modern anime is shit. Derivative shit.

>why is a webpage inspired 100% in Japanese imageboards created for Westerners to discuss Japanese related stuff so entwined with part of the Japanese culture?
A-are you retarded?

Is it a generational thing? I'm in my 30's and have been online since around 1999 but never fell down the anime rabbit hole. Never saw the appeal.

Someone should go back in time and tell the other 99% of humans who've ever lived and strongly valued their collective identities that they were merely projecting their virginity frustration

because anime is a nice escapism. especially one with alot of big tits. i suggest trying this series out


no weebs were still weebs in 99, it just wasn't your crowd

Moot was banned from Something Awful and created Jow Forums. This is known. Oldfag since 2005

Lurk more newfag cancer.

I was disputing the being a retard part, like I said people were getting banned for a spelling error because it wasn't "quality posting" and lowtax hated anime

>hated anime
based and animepilled

Both sides are entwined to anime because both sides are mostly autistic people who cant get a clear grasp in reality and think unironicly that whining online is the only way to get shit done

Who would want to pay for a forum pass anyway. SA was great and terrible at the same time. I miss Smorky's cartoons though.

Too bad the old internet is dead

This. Anime is the gateway to becoming a tranny

I had one before he started charging, but I was an idiot that paid to unban it a couple times

>gateway to becoming a tranny
Correlation does not imply causation. Same reasoning as violent video games turning kids into school shooters.

>why is there so much anime on an anime website?
This is like going to GitP and wondering why theres so much TTRPG discussion.

>Why are chans so entwined with anime culture?
>a pole not bothering with reading a bit about the history of chans.
Lurk moar, newfag.

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