Is it morally wrong to pay a woman for sex?

Is it morally wrong to pay a woman for sex?

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Shill thread.

Why are shills focusing on spamming porn all of a sudden? Is this an efficient method to target weak "men" of Jow Forums ?

it's morally wrong to have meaningless sex for the sake of pleasure
money doesn't really make it worse but it doesn't make it better either

It's like milking a cow

it's monday. they have to make sure any weekend-fap streaks are broken at the beginning of the week, so paypigs are more pliable for the remainder of the week. watch for a while it happens like clock work, with other rounds on Wednesday and Saturday night to break the stragglers. the porn jew always wins.

weekend no-fap

Worlds oldest profession.....

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It is morally wrong to pay anyone for any good or service

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no, it's not. It's morally wrong for cunts to use sex as a tool to get what they want.

But I thought that's what alimony was.

Of course it is you fucking degenerate.
How is this even a question?

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gimme a sauce

I wonder if he pooped a boner during that scene

this is actually a retarded saying because who the fuck is paying the prostitute if she's the oldest profession? the guy paying her is clearly of an older profession than she is, come on now.

It is morally wrong for a woman to work in most fields.

If she's chained to a dirty mattress in the basement of an abandoned warehouse, yes.

If she's a young local that wants to earn more money than all the men she knows just by sucking a few dicks, which she enjoys doing anyway, then no.

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But I’m not a transsexual.

why pay when you can rape

Okay great. Now who the fuck is this Titcow?

Not if you kill her afterwards.

Anyway, video source?

That's what an attractive woman looks like.

Who is this slut? I know it's from Game of Drones.


wow men on this site are truly disgusting. a woman should have choice on what she does if sex can make money she wouldnt usually have then whats wrong with it. her body her choice

who is she?.she kind of resemble emma watson.

No, but it feels like pounding a bag of meat.

>spamming porn all of a sudden
>all of a sudden

Attached: smug04.jpg (724x720, 95K)

>no slut shaming
Fuck off kike.

>herpes survivor "I'm growing stronger"

Makes sense. It wouldn't even surprise me if there was agenda on a higher level for various porn-sites launching their shill operations on here. The fact, porn-sites publicly came out against NoFap and how they started running shill-campaigns and label it as antisemitic and "white nationalist", etc., tells you all to need to know.

After-all, Jow Forums is ahead of everything. It seems like many Jow Forums memes and happenings end up surfacing in the political mainstream, meaning this board actually has large influence on society.

fucking sauce

Attached: asfa.jpg (260x308, 28K)

Probably a happening in-bound and they’re trying to get ahead of it.

There's no payment here. She is his slave.
And actually this is a pretty fucking hot scene.
Lucy Lawless, playing his wife, is forced to watch him fuck the slave. Lots of naked women including Lawless who is still fucking hot.

Not if it's for breeding purposes. We need more white babies.

hmm yes why would a porn website be against abstention? maybe because their business model revolves around sex, hmmmMMMM????

Spartacus: Blood and Sand

herpes shmerpes

>world's oldest profession


it is if it's in a third world country or if the prostitute is obviously being exploited

There's a sex strike on, if you weren't aware.


That's what marriage is. Agreeing to pay a women for sex.

So a woman who has 10 white children should be slut shamed for having a lot of sex?
And you're calling me the kike?

A transaction between 2 consenting parties is not immoral. That said, what is immoral is bringing another human into existence under such a transaction. It is not immoral if sure-fire ways to prevent pregnancy are taken. This does not include, say, the morning after pill because it does not prevent pregnancy, it terminates it.

Regardless of the morality of prostitution, it still is very destructive, particularly for women. The damage that casual sex does to pair-bonding is not to be taken lightly.

sauce please

If its with ten different men: yes, you absolute retard.



whats her name ?


Prostitutes originally didn't work for money (as money didn't exist); they "worked" for food, drink, clothing, shelter, protection, etc

The men she's working don't have to be of any profession
>be normal man who caught an animal in a trap
Feed her
>be normal man who keeps a supply of potable water
Give her water

>be normal man
>make same primitive clothing for women that men wear
Clothe her

>be normal man
>build shelter
Shelter her

Men had to survive with a variety of survival skills, while prostitutes merely had the same specific profession which secured her basic needs for survival.

In terms of performing one job to a high degree, prostitution was the first profession

more specific please, i had a clue that is was spartacus .
name of the whore ?

Its morally wrong not to imo.

>all of a sudden
summer is early

the probability of your child being born gay increases by 30% from baby to baby. so your third child has a 90% of being born gay. with 10 kids, you're probably going to end up with 2-3 of them gay.
>In 1996 Blanchard and Professor Tony Bogaert revealed a peculiar phenomenon: the more older brothers a boy has, the greater their chances of being homosexual. This ‘fraternal birth order effect’ meant that each subsequent brother increases the odds of being gay by 33 per cent. An only child has a two per cent chance, but with 10 brothers the odds are over 20 per cent. But why the increasing odds? Blanchard believes it’s related to how a mother’s body protects itself when pregnant with a son.