Abortion statistics

Call me crazy, but how do these feminists not take one look at the data and think maybe, just maybe, there's something wrong?

I'm pro life, and in discussing with pro-choicers they ALWAYS play the "what if I was raped" card. It pisses me off to the bitter end and even though I would love to live in a perfect world where all pregnancies are planned and consentual, I know it doesn't happen. If the only allowed uses for abortion are medical endangerment from pregnancy or victims of rape, I think it would be a pretty great turnout.

Birth control is great and I support it, use a condom, or don't stick it in her box. There's two other holes to choose from too, amirite?

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liberals dont like facts....

Best way to weaponize your argument is to mold it into something that can be used against your enemies weakness.

Instead of
>Its only a small % of abortions because of rape

Use this

>Why do you like the fact that 45% of abortion patients are women of color? Do you like killing black people? Are you a racist?

You call them out on the their worst fears. Not being progressive enough, being white, being racist etc...

That's an interesting way to put it, by playing their game and spinning it back on them. Good shit, user. I'll use that next time I have to talk to an sjw

Nothing about that data is wrong to a feminist. It's about obtaining power and control while accepting zero responsibility. These people are truly sick in the head

Ask them if it would be racist to only ban abortions for white women. Then ask them who it would be racist against.

I must just be retarded then, I cant look at that data without scratching my head and wondering how anyone would think this is the result of choice. It's just a bunch of grown ass adults who don't want to take responsibility for being a retard and banging some random dude.

I wish I could go back to the time that monogamy was a ubiquitous standard. Today's world makes me lose faith in humanity as a species.

Why do any of you fucks want people to bring babies to term that they don’t want to be responsible for?! You fucking ignorant dumb cunts. Unless you’re personally adopting babies shut the fuck up about it.

Abortion restrictions will do nothing but benefit society long term by forcing people to be more sexually responsible

I can't check the stats right now because I'm on mobile but here's a thought experiment for you

Abortions regardless of their legality are still going to be done. There's gonna be a black market for it, alleyway abortions, doctors doing it as a side hustle, this kind of thing happened before abortions were legal. Now that we've had several decades of it, do you really think it wouldn't happen again? Making abortions illegal will only make safer abortions harder to get, not abortions themselves. It's as if you think stopping a pregnancy was first conceptualized when abortion was legalized

Another thing to think about is our bill of rights. The legal foundation of roe v Wade was based on the fourth amendment which granted protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. Naturally, the supreme Court inferred a right to privacy from this (although the word privacy was never mentioned in the original amendment), and this right to privacy extends to our own bodies. From this came bodily autonomy, where our own bodies are our private property in a sense and the government can't invade our privacy by telling us what to do (no tattoos, no piercings, that sorta thing). Here's the abortion dilemma. To maintain bodily autonomy, women must be able to do whatever they want with their own bodies. If fetuses had their own bodily autonomy, then the pregnant woman's autonomy would be unprotected. So we settled on women being the sole arbitrators, after all we don't grant fetuses other human rights. Of course, there are rules and regulations, late term abortions are only legal if there's an immediate health risk to the mother.

As you can see, the issue is a lot more nuanced than "women just want Chad's dick and abort his babies" and most people agree that legalized abortion is the best outcome for all.

If you have a counter argument i'd like to hear it.

Try it out on me :)

The problem with society is that no one wants to be responsible. I'm not some crazy Christian who thinks that you shouldn't have sex until marriage, do it if you want, but be safe about it. Use protection. Simple stuff everyone learned in highschool. I don't think there would be a need to have abortions other than for medical reasons or rape if everyone just stopped being a retard and using abortion as their only failsafe.

>Unless you're personally adopting

I have 3 friends that were adopted, one was from a drugged out mother, no clue who the father was. I wouldn't trade him for the world. People are people. I don't see any difference between an unborn child or a 40 year old man.

Proof? The state doesn't enforce good parenting, it just enforces someone must be responsible for the child until the age of 18. And in a closed home, there's really no way for a child to have the proper knowledge of reaching out to someone who can help if the parents are garbage. Even if we accept the stats posted in the OP, it is quite telling that many people were not ready/wanted to be parents. Forcing them to have the kid would not somehow make them more responsible, yes? The state doesn't want to be responsible for the kid, because they're gonna be paid for by tax payers. Again, how is allowing abortions to these sorts of people damaging to society whereas the alternative seems to be way worse?

The only legitimate reason for abortion is "father of child is black".

I'm up here in Canada so I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert on the US amendments, but you do have a very good point in the whole bodily rights and autonomy case. I can understand the law would be tricky to write, and it would be a shitshow of lawsuits if it was just outright illegal. I can understand and am fine if there's actual reasons for abortion, medically or through rape, but the insanely high ratio of pure "choice" just doesn't sit well with me. Theres plenty of contraceptives available, and on every one of them it clearly states that nothing is 100% effective. When I do the nasty, I am fully aware and acknowledge that this may create a child, and that's the risk that I run. I don't agree with people who just say "oh well" and use abortion as a contraceptive.

Just my thoughts, I'm happy to have a civil discussion though since I don't get a lot of them especially when talking to pro choice people in person :p

Nobody gives a shit if immoral women want to pursue illegal abortions and risk their lives. The fact is people don't want to live in a society that sanctions legal murder for the sake of removing consequences of risky sexual behavior. You are the one who put that babies body inside of you, therefore the only bodily autonomy being violated is the babies when they are vacuumed out.

Look at any family quality of life metric before the 1970s. Children being born out of wedlock have skyrocketed since abortion became legal. Even black families were considered healthy by today's standard.

Restricting abortion will force people to not have irresponsible sex. Maybe not in the short term but over time people will have to consider whether or not being a whore is worth it anymore.

Yes it literally does, you'll get your was locked up for neglecting them. Today's kids are weak because your idea of "good" parenting comes with a mile of bubble wrap for every birthday

>When I do the nasty, I am fully aware and acknowledge that this may create a child, and that's the risk that I run. I don't agree with people who just say "oh well" and use abortion as a contraceptive.

This is the difference between liberals and conservatives. Liberals have completely removed the act of sex from procreation. It's strictly a pleasurable activity and you are only responsible for creating a baby if that's what you meant to do. Legal abortion for pure convenience is honestly the sign of a rotting society in my opinion

>Simple stuff everyone learned in highschool
Except you don't if you go to a shitty public school
We don't have sexed and health class barely touches the subject in half a semester of anatomy and nutrition focus
Teenagers rarely know about planB and some are too autistic to buy condoms or to stop by and get them for free at a clinic
Girls end up becoming mothers at 15-16 while we try to at least get them to graduate and not drop out
Additionally, these girls end up being shitty mothers if they don't have support from their parents, some will end up leaving their baby with a friend and going out to get wasted or actually getting wasted at home with child
I believe we should have more sexed in school and not make it so taboo
Also, it should be strictly repeated as a rule for guys to learn to either suck it up and get a condom or make sure his gf is on BC, that would prevent 99% of teenage pregancies

Sexual education is key, birth control is key, but you don't see teens taking the initiative because they're misinformed, don't know where to start and are scared their doctor will tell their parents/they'll find out they're sexually active


Correction nobody on 4 Chan cares if women put there health in danger but I agree about the rest of your post

you are full of shit. responsibility and ethics are what is not taught

Then, wouldn't you say the problem is with public education on sex and responsibility and not abortions? All abortion advocates I know (I say advocates as in people should be free to choose, not that abortions should be done indiscriminately) support sex ed particularly on the topics of contraception and consent. One of the core issues in American public education is actually the exact lack of sex ed. Im a college student right now, but in health class in my majority white middle class high school, we were taught abstinence and then moved on to drugs. Almost nothing about sex. I am not surprised at all that the stats are that high.

Also, quick side note, I don't think anyone would pick an abortion over the morning after pill. It's a stressful procedure on the body, and is traumatic depending on the woman and their attachment to the fetus. It's also mad expensive as compared to a 10 dollar pack of condoms. Basically, there was a reason for it

People do give a shit because we have had multiple supreme Court cases about it. This fact is self evident. And this, I reiterate, has nothing to do with morals. I gave a strictly legal reasoning, to which you counteracted with a moral judgement. Laws shape morals but they do not constitute morality, we can have the same debate about capital punishment and the government sanctioning legal murder but I don't think you'd disagree to war criminals being hung.

The 1970s was boomer territory, housing and education costs were at an all time low and you're surprised that the family unit back then was happier overall. You still haven't showed me how restricting abortion access would make people stop having unprotected sex. It sounds like you'd rather go down the dark ages path (where namely women were chastised and punished by death for having sex) than return to the 1970s. This coincidentally was the same critique that Ben Shapiro faced in his interview a few days ago

You can’t expect that in this day and age

Another enabler. Does removing personal responsibility and the responsibility of parenting make you feel better? Less stressed? You sound like a fucking pussy who doesn’t know what responsibility is.

How do you feel about the morning after pill?

Because I'm ok with it, so that makes for a good starting point on the rape question. And it also covers the "what if the condom breaks" type question. If you're ok with the morning after pill, then there is no reason for abortion. If she fails to take a morning after pill but then later wants an abortion she can't blame anyone but herself. Even in the case of rape.

What if the dads your cousin?

abortion was originally conceived as a way to keep the african population down.

>Implying black marketing would be profitable in a Fascist/NS society where doctors are highly valued
>Implying said black market doctors wouldnt be executed for murder.

Not at all. Many people come from dysfunctional families, maybe their mom or dad blamed them for breaking up the marriage or just simply didn't want them. These kids usually grow up with social problems, we as a society don't want to create more psychologically damaging family dynamics as the one above. I say good parenting with a loose definition, as long as a kid is being given food and shelter, the state doesn't give a crap and the kid may not know how to reach out to child protective services.

I find it ironic you place moral judgement on an inherently natural occuring process. Surely you don't think having sex detached of procreation is a new concept? And again, abortions are not a convenient process at all.

I whole heartedly agree.

Fuck off Cassandra. Tits or gtfo

enabler? What do you mean? Do you mean letting teens have safe sex? I mean we shouldn’t promote it but 16-17 yo going through puberty all in social environment. It’s going to happen all we can do is educate them. And I don’t mean telling elementary kids about anal but late middle and high school students.

Nobody is against sex ed when it teaches actual shit, not pedophile propaganda that we see with drag queen classes, LGBT shit, and other sexual ideologies that are ultimately paving a path towards pedophilia at the very least becoming condoned. Also you're fault for going to shitty schools when you elect RINOS and Democrats into office.

>People do give a shit because we have had multiple supreme Court cases about it. This fact is self evident. And this, I reiterate, has nothing to do with morals. I gave a strictly legal reasoning, to which you counteracted with a moral judgement. Laws shape morals but they do not constitute morality, we can have the same debate about capital punishment and the government sanctioning legal murder but I don't think you'd disagree to war criminals being hung.

The only people who give a shit are women who don't want responsibility for their actions. The vast majority understand at the very least the idea of killing the unborn is inherently wrong, and that's even with the non stop "much clump of cells" propaganda being forced down their throats. The reality is abortion has completely removed any consequences from sex and society is turning into a feminist shit hole as a result

>The 1970s was boomer territory, housing and education costs were at an all time low and you're surprised that the family unit back then was happier overall. You still haven't showed me how restricting abortion access would make people stop having unprotected sex. It sounds like you'd rather go down the dark ages path (where namely women were chastised and punished by death for having sex) than return to the 1970s. This coincidentally was the same critique that Ben Shapiro faced in his interview a few days ago

Restricting abortion access would do more than stop unprotected sex, it would reduce sexual activity and numbers of partners in general. And yes slut shaming is a good thing because it means people take the act of sex seriously. Men should be slut shamed as well.
Also, if what you claim those to be the reason why families were better off back then, why is it that black families were vastly better off before the civil Rights movement than today? Something like 20% of blacks born out of wedlock in the 50s to around 75% now. It's not even close

so over 90% are just irresponsible and expect others to pay up for it

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Most of those are actually probably rape babies, too. Considering how they see children as a paycheck, why would they throw their money away?

It's not about profitability, it's a question of utility. Doctors can perform abortions safely, they are caring people by virtue of their profession. You also make a contradiction by overvaluing doctors in fascist society and claiming they would be executed

>Also you're fault for going to shitty schools when you elect RINOS and Democrats into office.
How does a child choose which public school he or she attends?

About the sex ed, do you have any proof of that? I think our sex ed is completely lacking in the US, I don't know of any schools that taught the things you claim.

Not to mention basic survival skills
But we all know how shit the American system is..

What removal of responsibility?
I'm advocating for sexual education which leads to sexual responsibility.
How can you have safe sex and prevent abortions when you're not given access to BC? When you think you can have a quick fuck and maybe she won't get pregnant? Teenagers are dumb, if they're having sex they should know and practice safe sex
Some of these girls end up being decent mothers, others don't, but having a child when you're a teenager is shit. If they have it we'll help them but it's better to help prevent it from even happening in the first place

>I find it ironic you place moral judgement on an inherently natural occuring process. Surely you don't think having sex detached of procreation is a new concept? And again, abortions are not a convenient process at all.

I'm placing moral judgement on those who see nothing wrong with killing babies, it's not that complicated.