This guy is so lame he makes sodomy seem cool.
This guy is so lame he makes sodomy seem cool
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nope, need more like owen. people need to hear some of the things he has to say. normies like him. what has he said other than drama bullshit that you disagree with?
Love Big Bear. :-( A true martyr in a world full of keyboard warriors.
Fuck off kike. Big bear is a beast.
Cyclops should glance here.
This dude is just another Cernovich who is using his audience, he'll move on to whatever comes next guaranteed.
Except that he's naming the kike. Every podcast in every way possible.
dont think so, though he is all over the pla e. he just needs to settle down
>Except that he's naming the kike. Every podcast in every way possible.
I guarantee this dude is some type of cuck who thinks Israel is based or "it's only the x Jews are bad" but I'm sure a dumb Polack thinks the same thing.
He's "all over the place" because he wants to milk as many different groups as possible.
Dont you remember when you first got red pilled and started consuming information. He is going through the initial phase. Soon he will realize that bs like flat earth and other Jewish psyops are only there to make him forget about the initial problem, which is Jewish destruction of the western world.
Owen is fucking rad, he gave up everything and has provided an example of how to do it and how to have a healthy family. Speak truth to power, you`ll get things wrong from time to time, just fucking admit it and move on. Thats life. Big Bear is great
He already admitted that he was a Zionist before he realized that the Jews are responsible for the destruction of Christian societies. He was in other words a mutt retard who believed in "Judeo-Christian"- values. He has fortunately snaped out of it. E Michael Jones is literally his mentor.
And yes, the Jews are the root of all evil, shabbos goys are a product of Jewish brainwashing and wizardry.
he really is a fucking schizo boomer
owen's a good dude and the only people who will critique what he does are keyboard warriors who would never "go further" than him in rhetoric in front of a camera.
Owen is standing his ground. He is the birth of the next evolution within our movement. The days for Ben Shapiros and Crowders are over. They were part of the first phase of the revolution.
Now it's time for the ones with balls. Tommy Robinsons and Owens.
Makes sense. Everyone that doesn't like him is a sodomite. or a satanist or a child rapist or a rape victim. It's really a bad idea not to be a fan of this guy.
And next week he'll realzie he was wrong about that too, he's not a serious person, this is just a way to make money for him. The fact that e pretends he was an actor because he was in some d-list shit years ago and talks about himself like he made SUCH sacrifices speaks volumes.
in the future, out of courtesy to seriously-minded political anons, please use proper names when referring to ALL e-celebs so that the threads are filtered.
Thanks, OP!
>remember to hide and report youtube shill threads to help jannies target them quickly.
people bashing him are faggots that havent actually listened to him.. dude makes zero money from his podcast and just bashes jews all day, based
>this is just a way to make money for him.
he literally would be making much more money if he didn't decide to do this type of stuff. he also gives money out to his viewers who need help constantly
Cyclops's eye will be on Owen.
D-list? The guy was literally a comic act on all big award shows. Once he started to call put all PC-bullshit on Twitter Hollywood slowly turned on him and he decided to go full "reveal the kikes". He makes shit compared to what he made before, licking Hollywoods balls. You sound like an angry kike.
your kidding yourself if anyone here doesn't make a judgement before looking into it for themselves. Spoon Feeding is a fag tactic. But then again OP is a total butt muncher.
I haven't watched in sometime, but I know he had superchat going with donations. Did he lose that? He also has people sending him shit like every other e celeb with sheep fans. The same thing he trashes other people and their fans for.
You sumed up kikes and other degenerates quite well.
Why should anyone make anything for free? He delivers the truth and he gave up a lot of wealth and accolades to do that. Fucking commie.
this guy has zero self-control and is incredibly thin-skinned. If you can’t see it, you’re fucked up too
I never said he should, I replied to the person that claimed he was doing it for nothing.
So what? He is not some college debater nor is he a political pundit. He is a comic who happens to be extremely redpilled when it comes to the kikes.
omg he takes donations which you can choose to give or not, reeeeeeee
the fact that your not willing to be objectionable with what he says, whos really the think skin'd one? then again every experienced user can see the subversion tactics you use. i mean you should tell the employees to add some variations.
>he gave up a lot of wealth and accolades to do that.
You're also really overstating how big he was. He never chose to sacrifice his career for some stance. He said some shit and lost work. Now all he is left with is declaring himself a martyr when that is never what he would have chose if he knew it would be the out come.
This. Well said
Cernovich was afraid to name the Jew. Owen openly disavows their influence in the west. He’s far better and isn’t just looking to make money off of a book like that gorilla faggot
Agreed. He reminds me of Neo throwing up on the floor of the Nebuchadnezzar. Once he runs out of vomit, he’ll sober up and quiet down.
Nope. PayPal even recently deplatformed him. He’s getting shoahd one platform at a time now.
No user. He was a well respected comedian in Hollywood and did a lot of stand ups with big crowds. He called out Hollywood for their bullshit and refused to back peddle. That's why he lost all his jobs. Of course he is a martyr. He chose the truth over money. The thing kikes fear the most.
He’s a bitter d-lister that ruined his career with misguided twitter arguments, which gave him a giant victim complex. He talks up how big he was because he feels like he was slighted for being white, when in reality he was slighted for making edgy jokes and then screaming nigger when receiving even light criticism- criticism he actively sought by branding himself as anti-PC in the first place.
This guy is every dipshit to ruin a bit part on a soap opera with huge ego and never take responsibility. And he’s probably shilling this shit thread because he knows retarded neo-nazis will support just about anyone that gives them a voice.
Tommy Robinson? That Zionist fucktard belongs in the first category together with Crowder and Shapiro.
gah his neanderthal face just kills me
t. Seething kike.
If you call criticism of tyranny children and calling out Shaun King, misguided jokes than you are one retarded kike.
Also, he never was a D-list celebrity, look at his resume, fucktard.
>sup bears, no homo
>today, I cut trees
>I'm like so fucking intelligent dood
>sodomite jews
>aaaaaaaannnnnd now you're banned
>that's literally insaaaaayyyynnnneeee
>I'm not crazy
>Toe Rogan is 5' 4"
>you're retarded
>my mom told me my IQ is 147
>I'm man-sized, 6' 8"
>I have a mustache
>Vox Day
>we never went to the moon
>ducks have 20 inch penises
>no one's having a better time than us
>today, I built fences
>that Nimmer stole my bike
>now you're banned for life
>filthy sodomite
>Toe Rogan is 5' 1"
>you're all cowards
>thanks for your support
>dood, I'm like really fucking smart
>5ft of solid lead to get through the Van Allen belts
>I'm gonna land the plane
>Toe Rogan is 4' 4"
>147 IQ
>fuck you sodomite
>it's the Jews
Well you would be the expert on American pop culture. Imagine being this far up an e celebs ass.
Imagine being such a seething kike. Lel.
Keep sucking him off, he’s a nobody that never was.
Hail Big Bear
you know TR disavowed Owen right?
Yes Moshe. Keep telling yourself that while sucking Tranny dick.
>ruined his career
>now works with his hands, has a nice house with land, a hot wife and a large and growing family with her
damn he shoulda stayed in hollywood and started taking it up the ass, good point fellow white guy
I had a friend who went off the deep end in conspiracy land due to mental illness. While he was right about a lot of things, he was still ill. In the end, he thought his wife was out to get him and he shot her in the face and then himself in the brain. She survived and even continues many of his websites and Facebook groups..
Maybe, I should go through some of my face book chatter with him. Might find some good /pol material.
anne hathaway said to a massive Hollywood crowd how much she loved him lmao. He's massive
Who is this fag?
You write just like him. Wouldn’t even be surprised if this fag is Owen vpn posting
Where the lie though?
You are such a retard it's almost funny seeing you this butthurt.
And Scarlet Johansson listens to Cum Town but ask offline strangers if they’ve ever heard of it and most haven’t
Cum Town is actually the name of your asshole, kike
>1 post by this Id
>This guy is so lame he makes sodomy seem cool.
no... no he doesnt faggot
This is exactly what he was like on Twitter. Nothing to say but canned slurs and insults.
Shoulda listened to Joe Rogan.
Much better version of Varg
>Adores Toe Rogan the sodomite
Checks out.
>all this hate ITT for someone who names the Jew
I wonder why that is my fellow white right-wingers
he has a jew handler he banged at Epcot. he will be divorced in a year, watch revenge of the CIS its much better.
what your name, i suck owens cum bear
If you aren’t Owen you’re an even bigger loser for fanboying this hard.
I'm a Satanist and even I like Big Bear.
sorry to hear about your friend. But yeah show us the logs!
>and you're not for hating on someone you apparently don't care about so hard
hes a mommies boy and thats creepy as fuck, his mom told him he has a 150 IQ
Scares the fuck out you doesn't it rabbi.
hes only doing this to take advantage of Walmart white supremacists. only the bottom of this movement watch Owen.
when hes on other you tuber shows he doesn't even research them before going on, that is how argonant this shill is
Coming from the one who foams from the mouth because of his hatred of big bear.
say juju cum in your next stream
I don’t like watchin people fellate bad investments
i hate big bear because he got my google account of 12 years banned all because i concerned trolled his bear channel
>chooses to go into a thread based around a person he doesn't like
your life must suck lmao
Owen is a good guy living redpilled lifestyle. But he really is thin skinned, specially for internet bantz he's just a lil bitch.
>but Owen, Alex Jones is zio shill
>3 days later
He banned a viewer because he made fun of his tight suit that made him look like trapezoid freak. Truly unable to handle even the mildest criticism or even genuine questioning of his "today's grand conspiracy" topics
How many threads a day of this psycho virgin does your boss think need to be posted for us to start liking him?
Eceleb garbage
Owen is a literally a Hollywood kike mkultra victim
This is the power of nu/pol/ I suppose
>you know TR disavowed Owen right?
Yeah, and apologized to Owen on stage.
bearify my name, why arent you having 20 kids,porn is a Jewish trick etc etc etc, we didnt go the the moon, i swear to god hes going to say the earth is flat. i cant wait for his divorce, owen is the best dumpster fire in the world revenge of the cis and porslin milk this LOLcow and it helps pass the time
true story
lol you buy this shit?
Not as much as somebody that needs a surrogate drunk uncle for a hero
t. Kike who thinks it's not blatantly obvious that he is a new fag
>dumpster fire
He's literally doing fine. You're just some faggot on Jow Forums.
He's getting crazier and crazier. Love the comfy Royce and Mersh streams covering his insanity. He's like a right wing Chris Chan. He turned on everyone. First Rogan was based then he turned into a thumb. Peterson was such a thinker and now he's a sodomite. Alex Jones was great and now he's a roller skating faggot. Crowder was like the best dude and now he's a faggot. All he has left now is that pseud Vox and E. Michael Jones. Vox is a tremendous faggot. I remember I saw those proto menosphere infographics in /b/ like in 2012. Dividing men into alpha, beta, gamma, delta and what ever else. Vox appropriated a meme and Owen just yells and repeats everything after vox. E. Michael Jones tries to plug his stuff everywhere and he's willing to talk to anyone as long as he can spread his message, he doesn't care about Owen.