US’ maximum pressure policy is useless

US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said Friday that President Donald Trump had instructed him to begin the process of raising tariffs on essentially all remaining imports from China and details will be announced Monday. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on the same day that there are no further trade talks planned between the US and China "as of now." As the US is waving the stick of a maximum pressure policy, China's attitude is: We have prepared ourselves for various scenarios.

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Arrogant of its strength, Washington provoked the trade war, believing tariffs are enough to crush China. China's response demonstrates the tai chi philosophy. It has adhered to its principles, not fearing the trade war while trying to crumble the US' provocations with stout endurance.

The fierce US offensive is irrational. It will hurt the US economy. Washington obviously hopes that the fierce tariff war, which is unprecedented in trade history, will crush China's will in one fell swoop and force China to accept an unequal deal in a short term. The US is gambling. Its continuous provocations are an indication of its anxiety and eagerness to see its approach to quickly take effect.

By no means will China gamble. China has made full preparations for all situations. At a time when the tariff war has approached its peak, China is increasingly preparing itself for the worst-case scenario psychologically and tactically. The sooner the US puts into action its threat to impose a 25 percent tariff on all Chinese goods, the earlier the trade war will reach its first turning point. After that, the trade war will enter a stalemate.

The perception that China cannot bear it is a fantasy and misjudgment. If they weren't being seriously provoked, the Chinese people would not favor any trade war. However, once the country is strategically coerced, nothing is unbearable for China in order to safeguard its sovereignty and dignity as well as the long-term development rights of the Chinese people.

China's tai chi philosophy stresses maintaining sobriety and rationality at any moment. It's a philosophy that is against impulsiveness and focuses on endurance. China has introduced measures to expand its opening-up policies while dealing with the US' trade war. That is to say, besides striking back at US' tariff moves, China remains dedicated to creating a more favorable internal and external environment so as to make sure that China can endure the trade war.

The US government trumpeted that it would collect $100 billion in tariff revenue and the money could be used to purchase American agricultural products. It's ridiculous and is obviously fooling the American public. In an era when globalization continues to diminish the role of tariffs, Washington has threatened to bring manufacturing back to the US with tariff revenues and barriers.

China's stance is clear-cut. It is willing to reach a deal but will never make concessions on issues of principle, nor trade its core interests. In contrast, the US' attitude is swaying. Driven by unrealistic anticipation, it has drifted between expressing optimism that exceeds the actual situation and arbitrarily waving the tariff stick. China has clarified its stance and will try to push the situation in a good direction. If the US is to play a roller coaster-style thriller game, it will bear the consequences.

>the chinese government wants the best for their people

If only the American government acted the same.

China’s economy has contracted by 40% since Trump slapped the first round of tariffs on them.

Unlike Russia they are not insulated from tariffs. They have no internal economy.

>China dun contracted 40%

Are you hallucinating?

>believing China’s own economic reportage and figures
They are loaning out money hand over fist just to keep people employed. We’ve had threads about this. China’s economic situation is incredibly precarious.

Protectionist economic policy built this country. Returning to it is necessary to save it. Globalists should be considered enemy combatants.

Sure it is.

Fuuuuck. Well ok.
Ok ok ok.

Fuck. This is literally the starting of the world economic crisis and may be at least a cold war in the next few years.

Watch them crumble with this new round of tariffs.

>China gonna collapse
>any day now
>t. Boomer

remember this day.

The day when diplomacy ended.

The US became so powerful to built a consumer economy it built the world of free trade to favor them.
Now it's around and slapping them in the face. If people still want useless garbage tech and clothes becoming a full on protectionist nation wont work.

The global free market doesnt give a rats ass about Internal capitalism, especially consumer based. So you either build your TVs, and shit in the nation and pay put the ass for it, or dabble with nations that dont see material objects as success.

>t. Chang on student visa
China is already collapsing. This will just make it obvious.

The Global Times is a daily Chinese tabloid newspaper under the auspices of the People's Daily newspaper, focusing on international issues from the Chinese government's perspective.

>china is collapsing
>any day now

implying the chinks don't currently have their very own orwellian government

It’s already happening, their banking sector is nonexistent, they print money to loan out at zero interest to government owned companies which hire people to do makework. It’s not looking good for our yellow friends.

Just relax, you can see the decline happening in real time today. Their stock market is going to crash BIGLY when it opens today.

This trade "war" is a joke and only hurts the us desu
china gives 0 fucks

Dude you do realize they are basically a neo - communist nation right? Money doesnt mean shit to them when their economy is basically based off man power and technology.

>China gonna collapse
>any day now

This thread has a full on insect infestation.

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The only thing your average chinaman thinks about is money.

Just relax Chang, there’s nothing you can do to stop this. Your family won’t be able to afford the basedbeans which have given your people the famously small penises you are mocked worldwide over.

FCK globalists economy! Let’s tear this whole sht down! I’m all for trade war

Produce in America!! Buy Americans!!!

okay then goy, have fun

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China only has to last long enough until you guys turn full mutts.

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>The only thing your average chinaman thinks about is money.

I believe this. They are a slightly more nationalistic and retarded version of boomers.

Mutts > Chinese mainlanders

Doesnt Chinkdom have a raging pork plague that banks estimate will cause a 5% increase in inflation?

Trump should ban exports to China just to destabilize their economy even more.

This is great.

Right just look at Brazil or any South American countries amiright?

Your family will soon be starving Chang.

Cope more cia nigger

>the fierce tariff war
>which is unprecedented in trade history
How full of yourself can you get, acting as if retaliatory tariffs between rival powers are something unprecedented in world history?

>China will surpass America
>any day now
>t. Chang

Cope with what? I guarantee you the Chinese stock market will lose more value than ours here will when it opens.

I already made tons of money with tvix and uvxy today. China is an export economy, you forget their tummies would be empty without American onions and pork.

It’s obvious that you’re the ass hurt one today. Just relax, there’s literally nothing you can do to help China now.

Money doesn't mean shit which is why the Soviet Union is still around.

seething CIDF shills lmao
ching chong faggot, small dicked insect. prepare your anus


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tax em then gas em

>We have prepared ourselves for various scenarios.
they haven't done shit. I'd like to see them cope with a 20% draw down in their output to their largest customer.

>the Jewish gambling market has any bearing on reality
Cope more.

News sources close to the government are reporting Chinese government reports!? Impossibru!

Im sure none of the seething mutts shills here already presumed every news source ending with .cn is muh China gubberment propaganda. Thanks for clarifying this.

You’re not using ‘cope’ correctly my slang eyed rice eating friend.

Were you just given a list of things to type? What is revealing and hilarious is the volume of your insectoid chittering, which has raised to fever pitch. If you chinks weren’t agitated by this move why act so scared and ass hurt?

Ya got blown out and now you’re trying to compensate by acting overly salty.

>China gon collapse
Keep coping

>Doesnt Chinkdom have a raging pork plague that banks estimate will cause a 5% increase in inflation?
African swine fever is basically the Ebola virus for pigs and has a a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT MORTALITY RATE IN PIGS, is incredibly contagious, and is very hard to eradicate. The virus can even survive in processed meat for years!

China's demand for pork products is immense, and their domestic pig population surpasses the rest of the world's combined. A collapse in pork production in China could have dire consequences.

Just relax and wait for it, it’s already happening. China’s economy has contracted by 40% since Trump’s first round of tariffs.

The Chinese traditionally just eat each other during pork shortages. They even call human mean “long pork.”

China is about as sturdy as a house made of Dixie cups. Wait until their stock market crashes.

>China down 40%
>believe me goys

doesnt matter, their banks are independent enough to “fix it”

It turned into Russia dumb dumb.

Insectoid chinks BTFO

i think the chinese stock market is going to dip too
your understanding on chinese food imports is strange though
if you read about it at all you'll notice that they're working with the russians to completely cut us out of their local markets

firstly, china is 90% food independent and they're a food exporter in certain markets like rice and wheat so starving is out of the question
their imports from us mostly revolve around soi for pig feed but earlier tariffs pretty much forced their farmers to source local alternatives
they used to import pork from us but its a miniscule percent of their ag imports (like 5?) and the type of pork they get from us is very specific - quality cuts and leftovers like trotters, heads, ears and offal
and i say used to because the earlier tariffs already shrunk our pork exports to them by half in 2018 and the new ones will basically completely kill it off
on the other hand they've been starting to give our business to the russians - the russian pork market grew by 50% from 2017 to 2018, and is estimated to double again by the end of 2019
in fact the russian meat industry as a whole is exploding, they're estimating a 10x increase by 2025, and thanks to that the chink feed industry which they source locally and from australia is booming as well since they've found a new market

Ok, Luigi, here's the problem with China's BS. The U.S. doesn't need China. We'll pay more for shit. We'll buy more from Mexico, South America, and Eastern Europe. Americans already stopped upgrading their phones and computer all the time, anyway, so we don't need cheap Chinese shit. The best "Chinese" shit is made in Taiwan anyway. The markets will stabilize. China will slash prices trying to unload their garbage in SE Asia and Africa. China will suffer. The US will do what we always do: tighten our belts and kick some fucking ass. Things will be Made in the USA again. Fuck China.

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>US doesn't need China
Where was your phone made?


Whose numbers do you believe? Would you source your 40% claim?

>china will collapse says nervous man for 100th time this month
>muh dick
Mutts are pathetic

vietnam in the near future

>China's number is bullshit, believe ours instead