I think he's pretty based.
>wants to ban islamic texts that justify terrorism
>supports limiting the building of mosques in the west
>opposes halal certification in western countries
>claims western muslim women shouldn't wear headscarves
>dropped a red pill on national TV saying muslims are conspiring to set up a caliphate in the west and supplant the local populations and that they shouldn't be allowed to and should be investigated
What's your opinion on Mohamad Tawhidi, Jow Forums?
sounds pretty based need more like him
a conman trying to pass as a Shi'ite Imam
-not a real imam
-bought off by Zionists
Terrorist detected.
He's fooling you. Muslims extremists will always exist, and part of it is to legitimise the "peaceful" Muslims.
yeah what would an iraqi know about an iraqi conman
He's Iranian, dumbass.
A lot of bad things will always exist, like murderers and rapists, and you can't completely get rid of those, but unlike the mainstream "peaceful" mudslimes who just retweet #NotAllMuslims, this guy actually admits the problem is in the Quran and advocates getting rid of the parts of the text that call for Jihad.
no, he's an iraqi born in iran, and you are retarded
The terrorist muslims will sooner or later cause holocaust 2.0. Then even redpilled muslim will suffer eradication.
Why is he so rational and honest?
His wikipedia says he sees no problem in the Quran but lots of problems in the sunnah.
he's not, he just spews your irrational and biased narrative so your reptilian jew slave brain thinks positively of him
He’s Jewish unironically. He’s in with Mossad
Imagine being so anti-west that you can't stand when one of your own spills the beans on your plan to destroy the west so your only kneejerk reaction is to claim he's with the jews, even though the jews also want to destroy the west and promoting a guy like him - who's anti-muslim immigration, anti-building mosques, etc. - wouldn't make any sense.
He's interesting and sharp-witted. He wants to bring Islam into 2019 with the rest of civilization instead of sticking to its medieval ways
Second Ahmed with a British flag ITT so far.
Welcome, newfren.
Here is your complimentary redpill.
I love reformers, I mean just look at this lady.
What's not to love? Gonna turn islam into the milquetoast feel good religion it ought to be.
>kneejerk reaction is to claim he's with the jews
-he cried over holocaust in several posts, never for once mentioning the invasion of iraq (which s both his home country and more recent than the holocaust) and the barbarity that ensued that caused more deaths than the holocaust
-half of his replies are Jews and their golems (christian and hindus) slave races
What does he say that is irrational and dishonest?
What exactly is wrong with "medieval ways"?
The problem with Islam is the fact it’s not the truth. Changing Islamic texts is just going to piss off the true followers of Islam more.
good goy
He has too, if he pulls a Bishop Richard Williamson and says the holocaust never happened, he loses all credibility. It's a sad reality of the modern world.
He is a shabbos goy and anyone who thinks otherwise is either a kike or a brainwashed retard.
He's mossad
>A lot of bad things will always exist
But Muslims don't HAVE to exist, and the lack of Muslims would unironically make the world a better place.
>inter religious conflict
Would probably still exist, but would drastically reduce without Muslims in the world.
A lot, one day you'll get to middle school and learn all about it.
He takes every chance he gets to suck up to Israel and the kikes
i don't remember specifics since he banned me over a year ago for politly asking if he's payed by mossad,but generally shitting on Hezbollah for having the audacity to fight Israeli occupation and kicking it out and continuing to defend their homeland from Israeli invasion, shitting on Kashmiris and Uighurs, both invaded and stripped from massive rights,, yet it's their fault for resisting their invaders, it's terrorism
no he literally could never talk about the holocaust
how hard is that
he goes out of his way to mention it every 5 posts or so, even traveling to fucking Auschwitz and having a photoshoot there
I could explain this but it's very complex.
But the main point is that hes a Shi'a and against Sunni Orthodoxy known as Whabbibism.
Which majority of mosques in USA are funded by.
This is mostly a Saudi and Iranian power struggle.
Based imam. Need more like him.
Is it really saudi/iranian or more sunni/shia?
I agree about all that, but realistically it doesn't happen overnight. Like I said previously, you just can't get rid of certain bad things - we've been trying for centuries to no avail. Murderers and rapists also don't have to exist, but they do. This guy is at least redpilling the west about muslims' true intentions, and is actively trying to change muslim teaching instead of just exempting himself by saying "I'm not one of THOSE muslims".
That sucks, but honestly, a lot of based conservative talkers here also do and we don't disregard them just because of that because they're all we got. They might have negative points, but at least they're redpilling lots of people about cultural marxism and such.
See my above comment.
Can someone post a video of him speaking arabic or farsi? He doesn't seem like a real ''imam''.
Self-hating cuck. Literally all his comments are anti-Muslim lol. He's cleverly managed to realise the state of the world and has positioned himself to be the one imam who profits (financially as well, for sure) off of Jewish domination.
There's a reason he's famous. Because he's the only one willing to hate everything about his background and his identity for a fat paycheck.
Actually he is also shitting on Iran every chance he gets. He is a confirmed Zionist shill.
*Edited version
Third Ahmed hailing from the UK ITT thus far.
They are talking about cultural Marxism but NEVER mentions who is behind it and at the same time align themselves with the ones who are behind that filth. You have to realize that the purpose is to make it seem like the Jews are on our side when in fact they are destroying us from within.
he shits on Hezbollah and iran any chance he gets
guy is bought 100%
Nothing. I don't want "liberal western Islam" in my country. I want all muslims gone, period. They can reform Islam or don't do it however they please in their own countries.
Saudi and Iranian
At times Turkey also joins the mix but Saudi and Iran are more nervous of one another.
>Actually he is also shitting on Iran every chance he gets.
Look in this in interview at 6:30 he is literally asking for US military intervention in Iran while never once mentioning Saudi Arabia.
what the fuck is your above reply
that he's really a western collaborator not a jewish oneand that makes him based?
\who gives a shit, west is a slave race of jews
it's judeo-christianism after all
Exactly. He is a shabbos goy, a Zionist stooge, not better than those Scofield-bible believing retards in the US.
I do realize that, but we're talking about a general population here who have been continuously brainwashed by the electric jew since early childhood, user. We need to take baby steps with them. Just letting them know about cultural marxism and how it impacted their lives is already a huge step.
I see
There is nothing called judeo-christianity just like there is nothing called islamo-Christianity. Christianity reformed Judaism and wanted the kikes to start behaving according to Gods will. Everything they do is strictly opposed to what Jesus taught us.
>tfw I'll never discover places like those people on Colombus' ship did.
I would like to talk with him. I like to think we could come to an agreement with reasonable Muslims.
If portions need to be banned then all of it should be. The guy is a fraud.
>need more like him
this is why your country will fall. "we need more muslims!"
fucking moron
that might not be true for Poland since you only recently left the soviet culture sphere and joined the west
but it certainly does apply to the established western culture sphere
Sure, but that doesn't make this fake Imam an ally of ours in any way and you have to realize that this Imam works as a symbol for so called moderate Islam and make normies think that moderate muslims can cohabitate peacefully among us. Which is false. He is created by the kikes so that we should not worry about the Muslim.invasion as long as there are Imams like this stooge among us.
Judeo-Christianity is only a thing in the states. Europe works differently. We have a much longer history with the kikes and we can differentiate the Jewish values from the Christian ones.
Europe is a bunch of american colonies
politically, economically and more importantly culturally
no offence meant it's my honest observation
It's true, they even forced us to adopt potlatch.
haha so funny, but you are masturbating your small dick over how smart ben shapiro is because he talks so fast
he's attractive.
That's true except for the religion. You almost never hear about judeo-Christian values over here. This is a American thing. But otherwise I agree with you user.
>Not a real Muslim
>Comments on an anonymous Burmese neck stretching board.
See how easy it is to do that?
>Looks at flag.
Imagine my shock.
Sunni Islam is shite. (Not Shi'ite). Keep it out.
Wow based based, I wish more minorities were as merciful in cucking us like him and my wifes boyfriend jamal who only fucks her every other weekend and not on holidays, such a great guy.
just read his comments on sanator fraser anning after the christ church shooting.
>we've been trying for centuries to no avail
What are you talking about? Muslims always got btfoed everytime someone did something. It's why some of them always begrudgingly pretend to be "the good ones" that know how to communicate, and negotiate.
Yeah dude, Ben Shapiro is such a household name in europe.
Also I hope youre not a moslem if youre complaining about jewish cultual influence.
He's unironically a paid Jewish shill you fucking idiots
A cocksocking shia liberal. Not even a Muslim
He’s a paid shill who flunked out of school in Iran. He is paid to cause strife between shia and Sunni Muslims and get more Sunni’s to join IS
Not all European countries are americanized and degenerate
This goes for Northern and Western Europeans, what about Southern and Eastern ones ?
V4 ? Or did you ever visit Mediterranean countries like Italy/Greece ? They are conservative as fuck as societies
how about the movies you watch, the songs you listen to, the fact that your right wing got bolstered when trump took power
strange huh
He is kind of right though. Most EU countries are ridden with American culture in music, .movies and other popular culture stuff.
I agree that he is mostly right, America fell of since the last 50 years and their culture is kinda cancerous
But let's not pretend that the Middle East was completely spared from the sickness, it's not as serious till now but the poison works slow
Americans are essentially europeans is what I'm getting at.
Speak a european language, have european customs, art etc.
Ancient Greeks knew the Earth was spherical
move aside, European culture returning home, muh nigga
i realize it must be extremely humiliating to believe what i'm saying,which is why you're trying to convince yourself otherwise
but to make it better we're pretty much in the process too
this and only this.
We now know that they did, but that knowledge was lost at some point in time and the medievals didn't know what the Greeks knew about geography.
>Mohamed Tawhidi is a Zionist
Next thing you're going to tell me the Pope is a Catholic.
Hell convert to Catholicism before the end
>Speak a european language, have european customs, art etc.
Just for the record, the pope is actually not a Catholic.
Yup, he’ll be the exiled Pope. As it has been fortold.
I think he is fun. His Twatter feed is an absolute riot.
He sounds like a cuck to his own religion
>As it has been fortold.
What do you mean?
it was never lost
the church was going against consensus and logic due to their religious dogma
>not knowing the many prophecies of the saints.
Would you like me to start posting some quotes brother? (Will hop on the pc to give source and links)
“Very sad times are coming for the Holy Church of Jesus Christ. The Passion of Our Lord will be renewed in a most painful manner in the Church and in her supreme Head. Brutal hands will be laid upon his person. Secret societies will work great ruin, and they will exercise a great financial power.”
“These things will come when they try to set up a new kingdom of Christ from which the true faith will be banished.”
“God will punish the world when men have devised marvelous inventions that will lead them to forgetting God. They will have horseless carriages, and they will fly like birds. But they will laugh at the idea of God, thinking that they are very clever. There will be signs from heaven, but men, in their pride, will laugh them off. Men will indulge in voluptuousness, and lewd fashions will be seen.”
“Towards the end of the world, tyrants and hostile mobs will rob the Church and the clergy of all their possessions and will afflict and martyr them. Those who heap the most abuse upon them will be held in high esteem.”
“At that time, the Pope with his cardinals will have to flee Rome in tragic circumstances to a place where they will be unknown. The Pope will die a cruel death in his exile. The sufferings of the Church will be much greater than at any previous time in her history. But God will raise a holy Pope, and the Angels will rejoice.
“Enlightened by God, this man will rebuild almost the whole world through his holiness. He will lead everyone to the true Faith. Everywhere, the fear of God, virtue, and good morals will prevail. He will lead all erring sheep back to the fold, and there shall be one faith, one law, one rule of life, and one baptism on earth. All men will love each other and do good, and all quarrels and wars will cease.”
I hear this from many muslims {not caring which type} that he is an Israeli agent posing as an imam to try and pacify islam