The black comedy will center on Becket Rothchild (Shia LaBeouf) — the bastard child of a mother...

>The black comedy will center on Becket Rothchild (Shia LaBeouf) — the bastard child of a mother, who in eloping with a jazz musician was cast out from the Rothchild family and its vast fortune — who was never given a fair lot in life. All grown up and armed with charisma, intelligence and a flair for opportunity, it does not take long for Becket to fully grasp the immense gap between his situation and the richest 1 percent, which should be his birthright. He has a plan.

>There are precisely nine Rothchild family members who stand between him and his fortune, including Whitelaw (Gibson), his sinister grandfather. How hard could it be for them each to meet with an “accident”? With the unique advantage of being unknown to any of them, Becket penetrates the weird and twisted lives of his super-rich kin amongst frat boys, hipster artists and reality TV stars. The only thing that threatens to get in the way is love, both old and new.

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wtf lol
I hope this turns into something worth seeing, since I usually only watch one or two movies a year as part of family visits.

>gay jew



wtf i like Shia now

based fucking Mel

WTF? how much do we ruined Shia to end as a jewish working with an anti-semite to make a comedy that laugh at giga-jews.

It was over when his dick pix came out.

but he was awarded a checkmark
he is an important jew

we must listen to this wise internet rabbi's opinion

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Rothschilds fuck kiddies at hotels in London


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Did he even deny the holocaust?

Hwndu was great

Women have the power to destroy what took entire generations to build up in a couple of years. They're really based like that.

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Idk but he did call someone an oven dodger

It’s not denying if if never happened

He called Winona Ryder an oven dodger so that's a pretty strong indicator that he believes the Holocaust actually did happen

how can winona ryder be an oven dodger, if there were no ovens? clearly mel thinks the holocaust was real

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Seth rogan Huhu hu pass the huhu hu joint bro huhuhu one time I smoked a weed n got so high hu hu hu

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Shia has joined us
Praise kek

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checks out

imagine being this stupid
you can deny things that didn't happen, particularly if someone accuses that it did
you fucking retard

Based Mel strikes again

what's a holocaust ? :-?

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It was a fucking joke because I know it didn’t happen on the scale they claim it did.
Imagine being this fucking retarded

>He will not divide us.
Welcome aboard, Shia.

Now they're catching on

I was just about to say that.

I love mel.

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Truth through satire. Beautiful.

Huh dude weed!

as a cherry on top after this movie is out and everyone is laughing at the rothschild inbredfuckers, he should pay someone to deliver a bomb and kill them! those would be the best LOLs

It would be great if the protagonist failed at the end, gets gangstalked and the typical shit.

Pic related.

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>i was only pretending to be retarded
sure thing dummy

>sinister Whitelaw
>played by Mel Gibson
Remember when they used to try to hide it?

w-what timeline is this frens?

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His job role is literally just to push degeneracy on little kids.

>>that syntax
>>advocating terrorism
>>rare flag
Which alphabet spaghetti organisationyou with my dude?

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ain't clicking that shit post dick

>Shia Lebouf goes from the HWNDU disaster to this
not sure what to think of this

It's Jewed.

My roommates and i have literally been talking about creating a Lost Rothschild comedy skit for the past 3 weeks. These kikes arent even trying to hide the fact that they spy on people and openly steal their ideas. I want my fucking cut.

kek wat
so Shia is on our team now?

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lmfao no way how cool
thx shia
nice thread id op

According to wiktionary it's a sacrificial burning. Like the one's semitics made of their children to Moloch.

He supposedly converted to Evangelical Christianity while making "Fury."

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>Mel plays a Rothschild antagonist
what the fuck

You are seriously an unsufferable faggot

oven dodger implies he does believe it, as in there were ovens that unfortunately she wasn’t put into

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Sounds good but I wish more lost Rothschilds ended up like lost Rockefellers

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his fucking laugh god damn

>if you can't beat them, join them
In this case, he couldn't beat us

Saved. You should label the characters Prince Charles and David Rothschild

fuck bros, how long until they Kubrick him? I don't want him to go

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This is how Jews deal with ideas about them having power, they produce propaganda that literally is just in your face about the fact that they have power but just say "no this is a lie and if you believe this you are dumb even though all of the things that are said about us are true but since we frame it it a ridiculous manner you can't say shit" and because people are social creatures they obey. It's basically a Jews Inb4.

The Rockefellers ironically signed the pact with the Rothschilds that led to their own demise. This is the final product of such degeneracy.

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>I want my fucking cut.

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The tide turns!

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Oh shit. I had forgotten about Kate Rothchild en the ensuing dumpster fire

I would definitely see that. I fucking live Mel Gibson. Him and Clint Eastwood are my favs

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>good goyim! Defend me from nothing
>Ty for the praise master!
Pathetic. This can't be real

Code Gayass: Netflix Adaptation

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Yeah they white wash it and make it out to be one giant joke. It's easy to make jokes about anything terrible.

I’m gonna miss based Mel.

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I have a dream that one day jews and nazis stand together strong to say fuck the human race and its retarded ways, we're evolving via biotech and neuronets.

i r8 it an 88 m8

jews are nazis, thats the irony

Didn't Kate already have a bunch of Jewish babies before her nigger dalliances?
All the Rchilds care about is bloodline continuation, there's no harm that comes from post-menopausal cuckoldry.

kallen > pizzabutt

Seth is jewish.

He probably lurked too much and accidentally got redpilled.

kek, imagine if Mel directed it
>pic related is scene 24, where young Becket meets the Rothchilds for the first time

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i don't think so, but i think his father did.

our weaponized autism completely broke him

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what an awesome pic

>"yes, I am of that evil banking clan, but a black sheep in wolf's clothes"
>black sheep
Do you think its about *THAT* Rothschild?

based user

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How can he be a holocaust denier and call someone an oven dodger

Years ago a friend was amazed they allowed captain America winter soldier to be made (the plot being about a giant gunship being made that can railgun any Citizen on a watch list indescriminately) and I told him that it’s so when anyone rabble rouses about Obama potentially droning civilians some useful idiot can say “lol this isn’t captain America, where’s your tinfoil hat?”

All media that involves (((the things that they do))) is made so that you associate it with fantasy.

>seth rogen
>that joint
maconheiros can't into logic, macacobro


>head bigger than my torso
>(((famous))) actor

Something doesn't add up here. inb4 he said some mean words about merchants.

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how about never dumbass?

and another memeflag jew...

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Why are they saying Rothchild? Isnt it Rothschild?

fucking based Mel lmfao

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who gives a shit?
it's not like you can mistaken them with someone

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hahahahahaha I knew the Jews would start bitching about this. EAT THE RICH

Why is my boy mel getting roles again? Seems fishy.

all the similarities to the irl are (((purely coincidental)))

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that is the spiciest meme I have ever witnessed. I kneel before its glory