I just watched it. Fucking hell, it was fucking glorious from a Jow Forums perspective

I just watched it. Fucking hell, it was fucking glorious from a Jow Forums perspective.

>race mixing white woman with a savior complex commanding an army of brown people and riding a totally unearned doomsday weapon spazzes out and brutally murders a fuckton of people.
>nigger army nigs out
>white army acts honorably and is horrified by the actions of the coalburning whore and her nig nog crew

This was a giant redpill suppository rammed up the asses of every faggot s o y b o y and their fat "open relationship" cuckoldress girlfriends.

Filename very related.

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Other urls found in this thread:


King's Landing was a den of degeneracy and inequity on a massive scale. It was the Westerosi version of Sodom. Daenerys did nothing wrong.

Dany is hardly a "coalburner" for getting raped by Jason Momoa for like a week

You know what the best thing about this shit it?
>Pic fucking related
Imagine this, 10 years from now you'll have hundreds of children asking their mothers (not fathers obviously): Mommy why did you name me after a genocidal maniac who murdered thousands of innocent men, women and children?


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you're all retarded nerds

>2000 people named their kid after a tv show
Jesus fuck

KL was purged of degeneracy by the faith militant you absolute retard. Scenes even showed refugees from surrounding lands being funneled in to be used as body shields.

I bet the writers are so pretentious that they are going gloat with the fact that Dany's father tried to burn the city with wildfire only for her daughter to actually do it with dragonfire and claim this was something they intended to happen from the start.

she loved him... its why she brought the horde across the sea
doesnt matter the west was doomed as soon as sept 11 happened and dems let in non whites to replace us. be sure to build a northern wall to keep out muslims as thats all you see here now were overrun 10-1 i dont remember the last time i saw a white blue eyed child.

"Dany" is a niggerloving sjw entitled feminist power grubbing nation wrecker trying to sack her adoptive homeland that her ancestors sacked before. The only difference being that her ancestors used a pack of flying WMD and she only has one, supplemented with a pack of feral shitskin rapists on horseback and a slave army of eunuch niggers. Jon's going to kill her and cry like a faggot about it and then they'll install some protodemocracy to pick new leaders.

Why are people surprised about the oxygenated cunt doing this? Feminists and leftists all upset about it. She committed multiple massacres and genocides during the first few seasons. These retards really believe genocide against "bad people" is acceptable, they are only upset because their definition of "bad" has diverged from her's.
Really drives the point home that these progressives and left-wingers cannot be trusted to behave civilly, they are a pack of liars and hypocrites only stopped from committing unspeakable acts by their lack of power.

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They kinda did though, all of the mad kings wildfire caches started blowing up when the dragonfire hit. His daughter came back to finish what he'd started, that was her destiny.

>I just watched it.
>Doesn't mention what "it" is
When did you realize Jow Forums is largely onions manchildren?

The writers made it look like she is mad but there is nothing wrong with the strategy of destroying King's Landing. No other city is going to fuck around with her now. She had nukes and used them.

>no slavery allowed
>stability and functioning economic activity
>inequality no worse than a typical feudal medieval hierarchy
>a few brothels

Slavers bay and places like Qarth were 1000x worse than King's Landing desu

You forgot, as the mother of dragons, whose husband was killed, she is also a single mother.

imagine being named after a insane monarch who killed a bunch of people with her pet dragon.

but the sad thing (((they))) will change the narrative into (((brave white woman destroys a racist white city with an army of oppressed people of color)))

im not watching that trash, so did she and the brown horde been killed or is it going to happen?

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Also, Daenerys has been quite quickly put in a position where she has very few if any loyal friends and willing subjects. She's not going have anything else than violence and terror to push her claim and back her reign anymore. All capable and turstworthy people around her are gone.
The biggest fuckup in this writing is how the character and her circumstances changed so much in just few episodes which makes it feel too sudden.

All LARPers here for lulz with no skin in the game. Pathetic.

This guy knows the Jews.

I haven't watched tv in years

We need another adolf Hitler or paranoid Stalin in charge ai said Hitler was right and I understand why ai understood that niggers and whites alike will never coexistence together. Ai solution would simply be to wipe out the minority on the planet. We are becoming that minority but the ai will look at the niggers throughout history and find out they are inadequate at leading humanity forward. That’s why we all evolved from the degenerate niggers the white race is regressing.

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>the west was doomed as soon as sept 11 happened
pls>imagine being named after a insane monarch who killed a bunch of people with her pet dragon.
It's a fucking tv show you numale faggot.

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when then? wwii didnt have a effect on the west except to kill millions of whites and push on the industrial revolution. there was no immigration then

Clearly you've never dropped your kids off at school.

also didn't the (((Khaleesi))) really freak out after that scene with Jon where she was talking abotu love vs fear and he told her that he she had his love?

so pretty much....... she burned an entire city because muuh feelings and muuh vagina???!!!

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>wii didnt have a effect on the west except to kill millions of whites and push on the industrial revolution
please, the first world war destroyed the West and the two World Wars are the same conflict separated by a brief hiatus. The Great War destroyed four empires and every monarch in Europe outside of the English. There was a large shift in consciousness and it forever altered the trajectory of the Western World. You should read Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War by Uncle Pat.


yep, she's a femcel.
literally went supreme gentleman because she couldn't get any dicking

Hey, bookfag here.

Since GRRM is influenced mainly by Tolkien and Lovecraft, he put in some nuances of interest.
Daenerys is racially a Valyrian, a race of Albinos, descended from mountain shepherds in Essos.

House Targaryen has been ruling Westeros for centuries, committing incest and causing multiple waves of unnecesary civil war, using their dragons as kind of biological WMDs to rule over their realm.

Dany the Targ, her Dothraki horde and her Unsullied eunuchs represent the ZOG. The entire Targaryen dynasty could be one big symbol of Judaism, especially because they killed multiple noble Houses over the centuries and brought in their own, universal gold dragon, the currency of Westeros, which has been centralized for purposes of levying large armies and raising taxes.
It is said that the Targaryens are able to ride dragons because they have literal dragon-blood, which would make them human reptiles.
Finally the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen could as well symbolize the "beast" or any illuminati symbol really.

As for Dany, she is acting all like liberating slaves, but all she does is burning people alive.
She is responsible for crucifying hundreds of noblemen.
Her policy is entirely socialist, she abandoned slavery but had no replacement for it.

Old slaves returned to their master service and the young beat up the old at the soup kitchen,you could see that crime was on the rise, there was an outright street-conflict with her troops in Meereen, the people were never safe and always hungry, as exampled in the show.
Her reign was saved by her conspiring advisors and the propaganda of the worshippers of R'hollor, a fire god.
Dany is descendant of the Mad King, who was said to be the one whos descendant would be the Prince/Princess that was Promised, essentially a lot of mystical lore.

The last episode is going to be about Jon, who realizes that his Albino nigger aunt is no good.
Thousands of Northmen died for her already, it needs to stop.

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That was the saddest moment, when Jon watched a Lannister soldier protecting civilians, right before having to cut him down.

Yeah this is sweet nectar in reaction kino. People have tattoos, they named their kids after her, all cause they thought she was the SJW character breaking chains.

interesting...i always thought the targaryens could be like the greeks, you know because dragon fire, because volcanoes and a weird language thats very different from other europens.

and the lannisters were the jews because they controlled others through money lending.

also baratheons could be the romans, the three brothers renly was a homosexual, robert was a drunkard they symbolize the excess and degeneracy of rome while stannis abandoned the religion of his ancestors in favor of a new religion (paganis / christianity - emperor constantine.)

How is it redpilling? Why are sjws mad at her for killing whites?

seeshe was supposed to be the breaker of chains, but now shes a mad bitch

I love GoT now

Haven't watched this show since season 6 because they ran out of book material, started making shit up and being retarded about it
Can anybody give me the basic gestalt of what happened?
Why did she spazz out?

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>but the sad thing (((they))) will change the narrative into (((brave white woman destroys a racist white city with an army of oppressed people of color)))
by your logic those sjws should be happy about it but some faggots are saying that sjws are mad at her. idk what's happening, I asked because there are like 10 threads about this already.

she chimped out because Cersei killed her pet niggress

>Jon's going to kill her
How? She'd be a total retard to allow Jon within 100 miles of her. Jon doesn't have near the army, and nothing to defeat Drogon. Nope, Jon's fucking off back North.

i dont have kids unless i find a white guy i wont be having any

They are going to play it as descending into the Targeryen-madness, but there really wasn't enough buildup for it. Daenerys pretty much suddenly decided that she is going to burn the city and allows her troops to engage in free killing, raping and pillaging after being strung up as strong female savior for 7 seasons.

I wonder how many Danys or Danis flew under the radar


Dragons are real
Feminism is cancelled

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>melisandre gets captured and beheaded
>jon snow is dany's nephew
>they've been fucking and now jon doesnt want to anymore
>all allies would rather jon be king
>dany has no friends left

I guarantee you it is only niggers doing that.


Last episode she got another dragon killed by a scorpion bolt
this last dragon was an attack helicopter though whos never gets hit by those and his breath blasts through stone like dynamite for some reason

Ah, I see

>based Daenerys nukes Dub- eh, Kings Landing


>Naming you child after a Book/TV show character
>Naming your child after said made up characters made up title

I loathe people who see everything through the lense of pop culture

Not much build up? All she ever talked about was power and being the rightful heir to the throne. She used freed slaves as a human shield and freaked the fuck out when she found out she was not the rightful heir to throne. She's basically always been a cunt.

Lannisters are actually descended from First Men.
They are rich, but not filthy. They accumulated wealth through investing in the mining of mineral resources in the Westerlands.

They never did any cheesy stuff with their money, no usury, no manipulation ,no inflation policy, under their rules, the Westerlands became the kingdom with the wealthiest inhabitants.
>A Lannister always pays his debts
It's Tyin himself who actually made sure that all the debt was repaid by his bannermen, after his father (Tytos) fucked up by lending all people who asked nicely his money, without ever doing anything to make them repay.

There is some talk about economics in the lore, but you have to look out for it.
The Targaryen monetary system brought wealthto the country, to be sure, but individual kingdoms would sometimes be better off by conducting transactions between each other, especially the Lannisters, Tyrells or Arryns, who got a lot of mineral and/or agricultural resources in their domains.

The Lannisters actually never di mmoney-lending, the Iron Bank of Braavos would be what you're looking for.
Robert drained the Lannister money of his wife's family, because of his constant fornication, all the money wasted on tournaments and feasting, millions of gold dragons lost to the corrupt master of coin and bureaucratic incompetence.

The Lannisters are the only ones who hold together this financial system, enforced upon them by the necessity of holding the Iron Throne.
In fact, the Lannisters had to take loands from the Iron Bank in order to keep on lending money on their own.
When the Lannisters go down (their gold mines are already depleted by now), the economy will collapse, nobody will be able to repay their debts to the Iron Bank, which will hurt for decades.

>stannis abandoned the religion of his ancestors
He's basically Marcus Aurelius, he is an ideal military man, he has no faith in the gods, but he loves his daughter.

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George RR Martin is a HUGE leftist fag btw

>Total retard
This, pretty much.

she was kill everyone who stands in her way crazy but not kill em all and let r’hllor sort em out crazy

Whats worse is khaleesi is a title not a name. Would be like naming your kid chief or princess

what about names like Earl and Duke?

>no slavery
OK, sure

I still can't get over the fact that the crazy bitch has a greek style army that fights like retards and doesn't use a phalanx formation which would allow them to decimate nearly every other army in the show with ease.

Is khaleesi like earl and duke to you?

>white army acts honorably
no it didn't. they join in the rape and kill orgy, jon kills a northerner trying to rape a woman.

just saying its not that unusual

Remember the boltons? Their army used a perfect phalanx, but the dickless cant do it lmao, the show is fucking trash and its fans deserve a holocaust, Im mad as fuck since I was watching since the 1st season but honk honk motherfuckers

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Check the /v/ archives for the /got/ threads, SJWs are MAD.

Barlington bar, youtubers, twatter, fazebook, all BUTTMAD

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daenerys is definitely the jew

>white woman
you mean indian?

It was only "mercy for the future generations", only what is right.

Imagine still watching the show unironically. The books are never gonna be finished but even thats still 1000x better than this trash.

Nah, he took a lot from based Lovecraft and Tolkien.
He will finish TWOW and make a decent book series in the end.

David Benioff and Dan Weiss are Jewish directors, who do not understand the nature of traditional European fantasy and mythology.

>I just watched it. Fucking hell, it was fucking glorious from a Jow Forums perspective.
>>race mixing white woman with a savior complex commanding an army of brown people and riding a totally unearned doomsday weapon spazzes out and brutally murders a fuckton of people.
>>nigger army nigs out
>>white army acts honorably and is horrified by the actions of the coalburning whore and her nig nog crew
>This was a giant redpill suppository rammed up the asses of every faggot s o y b o y and their fat "open relationship" cuckoldress girlfriends.
>Filename very related.
you said it all.

he meant the lannister army

stopped watching in late s4, who died this episode?

It's one of those situations where if somehow I could be transported there, I'd easily be able to retrain the army to be pretty much unstoppable using what I know from our history. White Walkers (minus the dragon) would be destroyed by a Alexander era pike phalanx army with scorpions to shoot the giant fuckers.


Lmao I never watched this show. Is it worth it or normie shit?

first 4 seasons are pretty good, then it went full normie pandering, but these last two episodes just spit on everyone who cheered this psycho bitch on for years

starts as good fantasy show, slowly degenerates into trash not even fit for normies.

they had no pikes google sassarelli

Didn't watch it but weren't the Dothraki killed? Which nig nogs where doing the rape?

It's really bad now, even if it turned on the SJW fandom.

Shut the fuck up about that fucking show you fucking soi boy faggots.

Mods do your fucking job.

>reddit spacing

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there were still some dothraki left for some reason but they were being horse bros just running in circles cutting down peasants. Again though their initial cavalry charge was with them in front charging into the densely populated city with narrow roads, but it worked this time.

They fucked up the Battle of the Bastards, because the directors never did a pitched medieval battle before, they wanted to make a mix of ancient Roman tactics with casualties as high as the American Civil War, with piles of dead people, which is totally idiotic and unrealistic.

Bolton "phalanx" was entirely unrealistic, because the shields were too large to be used effectively(those are originally designs for crossbowmen to hide behind and reload), the pikes in the second and fourth line would be far less effective through the shields.
You could have easily grabbed any of the pikes and then cut through the lines, it would be that ineffective.
Cavalry came breaking each others lances with high-speed and horses crashing down, which would nevere happen, heck, they would never charge full-tilt at any time.
You would never fire on your own troops with arrows.
The giant would actually use a log to fight and he would on his own have broken through the lines or enabled others to do so.
Then the dead would never pile up to a giant hill and most of them would be just wounded anyway.
The encirclement would immediately result in a breaktrhough, because impending death makes Fighting men wild and they're going to turn desperate, fight hard and push through on multiple points until they are free of the encirclement.
The Knights of the Vale charge was cool, but totally a trope, because they came in last second.

Then you have to consider that there were only 200 of Jon's army who defeated 2,000 riders of Ramsay, while the Umbers, who know how to fight wildlings, failed completely.
Absolute bs.

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>>nigger army nigs out
>>white army acts honorably

Looks like a Stark's underling North man

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I want to see arya's butthole

It was kino for the first 4 or 5 seasons then went gradually off the rails. It straight up sucks balls now. The source books are better if you like reading.

Correct. It's technically a type of pike so I just used the generic term though

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STFU nerds.

Well, King's Landing is destroyed now, so the major harbour of Westeros will not be able to supply millions of people in the Crownlands and Stormlands, commerce will break down, imports and exports will not be possible, entire branches of the economy have no more ability to trade with King's Landing, goods will reduce in value, Inflation will increase, people will loose their income and employment, services will become cheaper, people will starve, piracy and smuggling are going to become a real problem, since army and navy are destroyed, unrest and crime will rise.

Now that King's Landing is destroyed, we should all thank Dany for it, she fucked up Westeros properly.

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No u deddit.

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I'd fuck her.

>tfw my skin never had a choice


Kill yourself, you are consuming a shit product just like those fags at twitter are doing but it's ok for you because of "le pol perspective". Stop falling for the mass entertainment industries tricks you mindless drone

>implying arya isn't going to be queen after killing dany

But now just about every single desperate refugee and starving child will be happy to kill Dany. You think she would have learned about this shit when her husbando died.