The images will be ready tomorrow

>The images will be ready tomorrow
>Now, where's my $1800?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-13 at 09.50.58.png (453x350, 238K)

Btw mod. A post on medical cost is politically related.

Ask your mum

$1800? But I’m a “dreamer,” just charge the taxpayer.

Canadian version:

>ooga booga
>The images will be ready in November. Hope you live that long. Are you jewish because then we could make it faster.
>ooooga booda
>Now, where's my bribe?

that'll be 67,000 dollars please.

make it $2000 doc, i'm rich bitch

as long as i owe you, you'll never be broke. take solace in that feeling.

I'll put it on my credit card so I can get rewards points towards my next doctor visit.

Murica, so free, much perfect. Unless you offend a nigger, Jew or woman or get sick and have to go bankrupt to pay for treatment...

2000 more points and you'll unlock the cure!

Radiology is based and redpilled, fuck you nigger.

That looks like my anatomy teacher.
Med student here

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Wha do you think an MRI should cost. Strictly as an outpatient, because hospital billing structure allows like 3-4x the price.

>gets paid $300,000 a year
Nothing personal

Shitty scam schools and shitty scam medical boards make healthcare cost too much. Corruption produces inefficiency. Inefficiency is extremely profitable if there is no market competition.

>mfw $1800 is a pretty good deal for full body MRI scan in my country

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does this atcually happen in america?

oh well heres a czech version:

>oy vey! please sit here goy
>please go back to waiting another 3 hours to get into the doctor's office to receive your images
>dont forget to donate to our hospital!

Attached: 10318945-doctor.jpg (1300x1012, 90K)


Plus tip

In America those pictures are run through AI analyzers that can detect minute signs of disease. In Czech it's just some quack giving it an eyeball in a dirty room.

>be me with ruptured ear drum
>go to urgent care
>describe symptoms
>"ok. it will get better."
>"That'll be $300"

sadly you are right.

I will choose radiology or dermatology next year it is a difficult decision

go radiology

>urgent care for a ruptured eardrum

you played yourself

Wound up needing antibiotics which i had to get from another doctor. Thanks for you input though, faggot.

Radiologists make like $200,00 in the first 5 years in America.

We need to start spreading the good word of medical tourism

took a staple to the wrist, went to 3 UH hospitals, i was told it was pinching nerves and tendons and it would need a hand specialist and maybe some surgery so they sent me on a 40 minute $700 ambulance ride in the end they just numbed up the area and ripped the bitch out. Hospitals are a scam

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>going to the hospital
>for anything

Yeah. Never use an ambulance unless you absolutely need immediate medical attention. Just call an uber

didnt have a choice they said its for insurance or some shit

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fucking liar
t. sister almost died because morons at several hospitals couldn't see an obvious tumor in a CT image

So this happened on the job? Time to lawyer up.

Go private next time.

and you mericans dont want public healthcare

should have just chucked some steel reserve and yanked that bitch. i hate our healthcare scam in this country.

chugged, not chucked. doh

>pay $1800 every 10 years
>get immediate healthcare
>competent professionals who are highly payed and skilled
>pay 50% of my check in taxes every year
>wait for a month to get scanned
>NHS declines my treatment

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Don't cuck yourself, Dieter. Go radiology and never look back.

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what happens if you say that? does it work?
someone pls try

Couple hundred bucks.

45% max tax bracket in the uk
average american insurance is $3000 pa