What is with these Retards and their dogs?

What is with them ? I just witnessed a lady bring her young Rottweiler into the bank where it proceeded to accost and lunge at everyone inside. Oops tee hee you got some mud on your pants. Fuck off cunt. Then I saw another idiot almost get t boned outside because he had to go so slow over the bump into the poring lot because his stupid dog was hanging it’s head out the window. I’ve had dogs before and I was never this much of a cringe lord. Wtf is wrong with these idiots that have to bring their dog with them everywhere ?

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Did the woman have dreadlocks and tattoos?

Women like to do this because it's a way to passive aggressively assert themselves. They enjoy that it makes everyone wary and uncomfortable but in such a way that they can't be called out

It's because the dog won't fuck them if the dog is upset.

A small minority of them, you can believe me on that, abuse their dogs.

"Dog Moms" should die.

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I dated girl in pic related I seriously suspected

It was a normal looking middle aged boomer woman. The dog was bragging her all over. Luckily she stopped it before it touched me because I would have cracked it in the head

Another bullshit woman shag dogs thread. Why are they pushing it?

Damn, okay. My search for Cannibal Cupcake to propose marriage to her continues.

I just don’t see why they have a completely untrained and unruly 120lb dog and think it’s a good idea to bring it in the bank

People that take dogs with them everywhere just want something to feel oppressed over. It's a victim complex thing, they get aroused at the thought of people telling them their dog can't be somewhere. They like to pretend they're surrounded by animal haters but really most of them have animals and just leave them at home or just walk them down the street like normal people.

Well, she's Canadian so her IQ is equal to that of an Indian (dot kind, not feather kind).

It’s childish to have to take your pet everywhere you go. I know guys in the trades who bring their dogs to work everyday. For what reason?

You've obviously never been to Winnipeg. It's all feather indians.

I'm actually banned from Canada for international arms smuggling from Detroit to Windsor on accident.

d-does she fuck the dog? sauce?

publicly shame anybody walking around with a nigger dog, especially women as it will affect them more

Oh yeah I’ll be sure to join your honeypot server Mossad

This is exactly why women get mixed relationships.

What do you mean? Please elaborate to a brainlet

>Going slow into the parking lot
You're supposed to. I hope you're not the kind of person that speeds through parking lots at 35 mph

>Implying this filthy whore hasn't been mounted by this creature.

Only reason women have big dogs.

I love my dog, bring it to work with me everyday. Dogs are awesome. Fuck you guys..

So long as it's not a pitbull...

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I wanna pump this qt with babies.

You know she's having puppies...


>So long as it's not a pitbull...
wtf ever...thats the only dog worthy of owning. ALL others are downs riddled clusterfucks.

>I'm actually banned from Canada for international arms smuggling from Detroit to Windsor on accident.
lol good times.

women fuck dogs and girls fuck the family pet 90% of the time dont be self delusional.

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Turn off that proxy you dog fucking Canadian.