Are Americans the world contrarians?

Are Americans the world contrarians?

Attached: 3ZidINK.png (1200x754, 218K)

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Contrarianism isn't a thing

t. contrarian

Freedom units make much more sense when talking about weather. 0 C to 6 C is an absurd difference with a lot of inbetween, whereas 32 F to 50 F lets you know what type of jacket you need instantly.

Just remember, modern americans are descended from the rest of the world's dregs. So, yes.

No, we aren't.

Fahrenheit did nothing wrong. Gas the (((Celsius))).

Attached: 215px-Headshot_of_Anders_Celsius.jpg (215x245, 13K)


Accusations of contrarianism are a Kafka trap

And this is why America is still stuck in the dark ages.

Mind your own business faggot!

Make way! Make way! Kelvin master race coming through!

Rent free.

Hi, how many of your flags are on The Moon?

Attached: USA.jpg (204x200, 19K)

Celsius is a fag. Fahrenheit is a Chad.

Attached: Daniel Fahrenheit.png (909x883, 1.57M)

Yea. Imagine what Americans would accomplish, and invent if they switched to Celsius.

Fahrenheit was the actual (( merchant)) while Celcius was a good goy.

>he thinks we went to the moon

Fahrenheit makes much more sense. Fuck you’re shitty celsius

Your map is wrong user. Americans aren't the only ones using retarded scale.
The other distinguished members of that club are:
>Cayman Isles
aka "countries" with a huge population of niggers.

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>54° F
Can't use Titebond II
>55° F
CAN use Titebond II

>12° C
Dunno if I can or cannot use Titebond II.

Attached: duh.jpg (1280x853, 246K)

Nice try jew nigger hybrid. You're not stealing Fahrenheit from us. You're not we wuzzing the Danish scientist.

Americans believe literal niggers can be white, women can be men and men can be women, and that Satan's children are somehow magically the "chosen people" of God.

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Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\zSyp9sX
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Fuck off with spamming this, Moshie.

Reminder that the people who made the moon landing possible all used celcius and metric.
>The Mars Climate Orbiter, built at a cost of $125 million, was a 338-kilogram robotic space probe launched by NASA on December 11, 1998 to study the Martian climate, Martian atmosphere, and surface changes.
>The navigation team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) used the metric system of millimeters and meters in its calculations, while Lockheed Martin Astronautics in Denver, Colorado, which designed and built the spacecraft, provided crucial acceleration data in the American system of inches, feet, and pounds.
You're so fucking retarded.

At least we’re not going to be a Chinese colony in 10 years

Worse, you'll be a Mexican colony.

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I use metric all the time when making violins. For weather, Fahrenheit is better.

>loses to emus

Both systems are arbitrary

You forgot to don your memeflag, Nussbaum

buddy, you lost to the canadians
not sure which is worse

Canada didn't exist in 1812. Oliver Hazard Perry kicked the shit out of England on Lake Erie.

The world is just anti-American.

>built the modern world
>dark ages
Please at least attempt to demonstrate some inkling of intelligence in your banter. Saves us the cringe.

yeah you did build the modern world allright
>just not in the way you're thinking

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>uses technology to criticize America
Oh the irony

>If not for America technology wouldn't have existed

Do you have nudes of Marta Nieradkiewicz? Holy fuck, I want to smell her hair.

>Anders Celsius
>Astronomer, physicist and mathematician
>Born in ye olde Sweden, where jews were forbidden from living in major cities due to their religion
>Family of well-regarded STEMfags

>born in the heavily-jewish Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
>family of (((merchants)))
>initially trained as a (((merchant)))
To be honest, I never cared about this shit, but I look it up just for kicks. Why does none of this surprise me?

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Shouldn't you be making plans and gathering ingredients for your Taco Party? Friday is only 4 days away, soskenbarn.

If you cant use the imperial and the metric system you're as retarded as all of the mutts here. Both are pretty simple to learn

How's life in the new world? Finally met your negress?

Eh, the only time I have ever seen a black person where I live was when a State Trooper was transferred up here. He was so miserable being surrounded by Spurdoburgers, he transferred back under the bridge in 8 months.

What state/town is that?

Attached: thurm.png (338x277, 121K)

Cel (sky) sius (bound)
Far in height.

Fahrenheit is actually more accurate to use in professions that requires precise temps..

Baby steps baby steps.


Superior. Up in the Keweenaw.

we don't use French measurements in America

>what are decimal numbers

God bless.

Attached: goodgameworld.jpg (385x505, 227K)

Very, very good rebuttal. I like you.

They counted mexicans as white back in the 1940s

We didn't lose.
>muh white house
I suppose Russia "lost" the Napoleonic Wars just because Moscow was razed.