It feels so good to escape the (((West))), I mean, why would anyone wants to live with niggers and muslims as neighbors?

I was born in Western Europe in 1992, since I was young I always hated shitskins - I even remember having racist speeches at school towards chinese people, muslims and niggers. I got fired from 2 schools (1 private and 1 public) because of this.

Last year was the first time I paid (((taxes))) and the state asked me 5,111 euros to live in a shithole filled by niggers, muslims and faggots. You know what I did? I moved.

Yes, I moved. If you are not okay with something why would you keep doing it? Are you a coward? I'm not.

Now I live in Eastern Europe and of course this is not the best country in the world but when I go out I only see white families, graffitis in the streets are swastikas not "KILL WHITEYS", girls are traditional and refuse to follow you home after 3 cocktails. Why would I go back to the (((West)))?

You have to understand something, if you are paying (((taxes))) then you are giving strength to your ennemies, stop trying to convince yourself you are a warrior because you post Hitler pictures on a website, seriously.

I would not talk about violent actions because it's illegal and Jow Forums do not allow me to talk about it but you know as much as I know that you are not going to do anything. Otherwise, you would be already dead or in jail.

Stop coping and face the truth, YOU are funding your own genocide you are just too weak to make the good decisions and you only have two = escaping the (((West))) or escaping the planet earth.

Of course, I never paid these 5,111 euros - I closed my bank accounts and I'm now sitting with cash and cryptos - and when I need a bank account I use my brother's one.

Escape the (((West))) or escape the earth, but you don't have 88 solutions.

Thank you for reading, AMA.

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keep running, wh*te boi.

When no one will be ok to give you money you will starve to death.

I'm not going to fight jewish's dogs barehand if I can make them starve to death.

Have you ever read Sun Tzu?

Pussy ass wh*te boi.

Its a nigger, it cant read

Why would anyone want to live in Bulgaria?

Says the Roma gypsy.

>You know what I did? I moved.
based, will do soon

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>eastern europe
>girls are traditional

You cant possibly be serious.

>ooga booga

Material well being can't make up for the spiritual toll non-whites take on your soul. Just being able to speak freely would be worth it. Imagine being able to say someone was acting like a nigger without any social issues?

Unironically better life conditions than in the usa.

My plan is to either move to Eastern Yurop (my parents are eastern yuros) or just build a cabin in northern Canada and go live innawoods (preferably with a qt). Honestly if there's a sight more depressing than crumbling grey commieblocks it's going outside and most of the people are mudshits speaking their ugly clicking language, also disgusting freaks like homos and feminists.

But you moved to Bulgaria, a cucked vassal of the EU. You played yourself.

If you were really based you would have moved to Belarus or Russia who aren't slaves to ZOG.

Based. I'm dating a Polish girl now for almost a year and she is pretty redpilled. Lately I been thinking about moving to the East too for reasons you mentioned. It seems much more attractive both socially and economically. I'm just sick of these fucking Arabs, trashy whores and cucks.

Weak wh*toid admitting his defeat.

based and redpilled

JIDF is already here

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Ehhh I'm not sure about that.

He's not girls here fuck for 50ml of vodka or a bump of anything ( pst i never share).


Did you try Poland?
All perks of western europe, no shitskins

Thats what Im talking about, I mean no offense to eastern european but your women are the biggest whores the white race has to offer. Again, no offense.


Triggered af

don't come back when we kick everyone out

op, you didnt move, you fled
this thread id

I'm going to leave Jow Forums too, enjoy your "life" in the (((West))) you are fucking robots to me.

Whites are paypigs and shitskins are receiving bucks they will spend on useless shoes.

It's a shitshow and I have too good values to stay surrounded by losers.

Also, I'm living on neetbux. So basically, I'm helping the invaders to bankrupt my country of origin - it's fair reparation to what they did to me.

I worked and lived in the usa for 2 full years. Almost cried when i got back home. Your country is the incarnation of sodom and gomorrah; the empire of sin that rules the globe by means of moral corruption. I don't expect you to understand this though.

Why exactly would I be coping. I live in Austria, the brothels are literally filled to the brim with Czech, Rumanian, Hungarian and Bulgarian bitches. I mean, a Bulgarian user literally agreed with me half a minuet ago lmao.

at the second you will fight back (((they))) will send weapons to the invaders and it will end up like in Libya.

You really are too dumb, paypig.

>when we go live in commie blocks with poorfags, we win
jews won

In France there are chicks from 18 y/o to 55 y/o in Tinder.

In Bulgaria after 30 y/o they are not there anymore. I don't give a fuck about what you think I'm just here to free the paypigs having suicidal thoughts every fucking day because of what their country ended up being.

I think the biggest issue you need to remember is that you should never let you or your kids be brainwashed. And again, especially your kids. I'm planning to live in a cabin in the mountains for a few months, just to escape this shitshow and actually remember what life is all about. I recommend you guys do the same.

t. paypig not planning to attack anyone

at least I don't fund them, me.

Hurt wh*toid.

t. lived in a big city

Where could a white Java developer born in UK move to if he wanted to escape the west?

you all fund "them" either way. the money trickles up either way.

Anglos have to die until the last, anyway you are not european anymore you are stuck in your shithole.

damn son

I take money from France and spend it or save it in Eastern europe.

Do the math, I'm not funding shitskins.

right here sec ill blow my cover for you senpai do appreciate it

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Respect OP, that's a big life changing move. How old were you when you made the move?

My time in California is coming to an end do to mass immigration, forced diversity and a political establishment that cares nothing for the lives of American citizens. Im outta of here at the end of the summer. I have a college degree, no debt but no career.

I find it intersting how you left country tho, my country is large enough for me to be able to take off to the Pacific North West. I will be moving to either Idaho, Utah or Eastern Washington.

its time to go.

Based and redpilled user I did the same thing and also moved to Eastern Europe.

I roughly agree

I noticed the political climate in my home country became untenable. I moved to a eastern european country and recommend to others to do the same. Things are good. Living conditions always have been ok, do not believe the bad rumors. You can live well here. Heck you can live well outside of europe in a number of countries if you aren't stupid.

Breadly reminder: Only kikes spell white wh*te.

The better question is why would anyone want to live in the US.
Infrastructure - subpar
Healthcare - dogshit
niggers - check
spics - check
education - dogshit
SJW paradise - check

Name one good thing about the US other than the 2nd. I am waiting you retarded turbo faggot.

you might not be funding shitskins but you're funding kikes is his point, it's a bit of a disingenuous one considering kikes are at the top so it's virtually impossible to live your day-to-day existence without some of your spending benefiting them


I'm already surrounded by muzzies

Stop being a defeatist coward and fleeing from your problems.

Fight or perish.

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>another cali flee’s to pnw

Low taxes, guns and freedom of speech.

the west is the best

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I arrived in Sofia 2 months ago and I'm starting a business here. If you want to move do it.. also, if you can, take money from the state as a reparation for what they did to you. The goal is to accelerate things.

Long and happy life for you my friend. I feel so happy since I arrived.

You can live very nicely in Bulgaria yes, actually I don't see a difference between Paris and Sofia except that everyone is white here.

Sage their threads and ignore them.


>Low taxes
Varies per state, higher than in most eastern EU countries.
I mentioned this as its only advantage, are you so short on ideas that you have to repeat what I said?
>freedom of speech
Yeah, about as much as North Korea. Here in Eastern EU I walk around with "kill all niggers" written on the front and a swastika on the back and nobody blinks an eye. Try doing that in the US you turbo cuck

a t-shirt *

Wow you killed so much invaders with this picture

It will end up very bad for you in the US, guns are your best allies

the muzzies in haifa are almost all christians so well behaved all around. also in software development here you won't find many to begin with and those that you will find are good to work with. and take that coming from a jew.
if you don't have much experience expect to work with students though.

>Stop coping and face the truth, YOU are funding your own genocide you are just too weak to make the good decisions and you only have two = escaping the (((West))) or escaping the planet earth.
I chose the alternate route: milking the cow dry by becoming a welfare leech. I'm going to live to 120 due to zero stress.

user, I have bad news for you

What country are you currently residing in, and how was the immigration process?

Can you illiterate fucking faggots stop skipping a line after EVERY sentence? It's absolutely unreadable.
I do agree with the content of your post though, but fuck.

I do the same, paypigs are literally paying my rent, my food and the nights out.

I'm in Bulgaria, it's an european country I don't need a visa to live and work here.

just know that you unconciously carry the poz and will ruin the traditional communities you are moving to. you should really stay in california and subvert leftism

pay my food cvck

Do you somehow manage to get welfare from your country of origin while living abroad?

Yes, they pay me every month on my brother's account and he send it to me by cryptos or by western union. Of course I give him some of my earnings for loyal and good service.

if they want an interview I just take a plane ticket and go there, it's more interesting for me economically to play this theater than to refuse the neet bux

top leech

is Finland fucked? If yes do the same, the (((West))) have to perish.

You honestly think i should stay here and try and find a White women and raise a White family here? That is my goal.

>you unconciously carry the poz and will ruin the traditional communities you are moving to.

I will be the best person i can be, find a women and raise a family. You should be more welcoming of far right Whites coming from California, we are more based then you know.

Completely agree.

That's what Mugabe said

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yeah difference being he's a nigger

Can't really dispute anything in this post. Based.

Gay larp

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u wh*toids keep running like little bitches as if the Kangz will not just follow you. wh*toids dont know how to fight back. pathetic weak soibois that have sub 100 T levels. you gaybois literally are chopping your dicks off. lmao.

kys kike
no one is going to play your stupid game

when are you going to have your gender reveal, wh*te boi? lmao

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Thank you for bumping my thread
More paypigs leaving the (((West))) is my goal
You will end up all together - kikes, leftists and shitskins and we will be able to nuke you. No need for chirurgical hits.

keep on running, pigskin. runnnn awayyyy, lil wh*te boi.

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I always dreamed of living in Russia or Bulgaria or Serbia or any non Western nation since I was a teenager but sadly I live in Canada so I imagine moving there would be hard and would probably take year's plus a reasonable amount of money and I'm poor.

Which eastern country is the best for a Hans? I already thought about leaving this cucked country that betrayed the last 3 generations.

move to Quebec city

Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Ukraine

Bulgaria sounds nice, but Ukraine is too poor. Romania is gypse land and Serbs are too agressive. What about Hungary? How degenerate are women in Romania and Hungary, do they still value traditional roles?

Are your women still normal? The majority of German girls around me are just cucked bitches

fuck off krautnigger, enjoy diversity

Fuck off you subhuman, nobody wants to live in your shit country anyways.

You're french right? I dont wanna leave, I'm stuck. I don't want literal kebabs replacing blanquette de veau. It sounds stupid but our gastronomy is the last thing we can save at this point

I don't care about whining faggots like you
If you fund them you are an enemy
Move and we can be friends

Oui je suis français

What are you doing ? As work ? What degree did you had before leaving ? What country would you recommend ? I have the same plan, thinking working in russia