It feels so good to escape the (((West))), I mean, why would anyone wants to live with niggers and muslims as neighbors?
I was born in Western Europe in 1992, since I was young I always hated shitskins - I even remember having racist speeches at school towards chinese people, muslims and niggers. I got fired from 2 schools (1 private and 1 public) because of this.
Last year was the first time I paid (((taxes))) and the state asked me 5,111 euros to live in a shithole filled by niggers, muslims and faggots. You know what I did? I moved.
Yes, I moved. If you are not okay with something why would you keep doing it? Are you a coward? I'm not.
Now I live in Eastern Europe and of course this is not the best country in the world but when I go out I only see white families, graffitis in the streets are swastikas not "KILL WHITEYS", girls are traditional and refuse to follow you home after 3 cocktails. Why would I go back to the (((West)))?
You have to understand something, if you are paying (((taxes))) then you are giving strength to your ennemies, stop trying to convince yourself you are a warrior because you post Hitler pictures on a website, seriously.
I would not talk about violent actions because it's illegal and Jow Forums do not allow me to talk about it but you know as much as I know that you are not going to do anything. Otherwise, you would be already dead or in jail.
Stop coping and face the truth, YOU are funding your own genocide you are just too weak to make the good decisions and you only have two = escaping the (((West))) or escaping the planet earth.
Of course, I never paid these 5,111 euros - I closed my bank accounts and I'm now sitting with cash and cryptos - and when I need a bank account I use my brother's one.
Escape the (((West))) or escape the earth, but you don't have 88 solutions.
Thank you for reading, AMA.