Eye color

>one shot at life
>mother = gray eyes
>father = green yes
>me = fucking brown


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>Be me
>Grey eyes
>Blond hair
>Asian eyelids

God Damn, it's good to be Finnish diaspora.

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not today cia

>be me
>blond hair
>blue eyes
>still haven't found a place on the internet for my kind

At least you aren't a Paki

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You should be glad you can see at all

Lemonparty.org, dyke.

>mother and father blue eyes
>me and all my siblings blue eyes
Yep it checks out

Your father doesn't have green eyes then. He has brown eyes with a tiny bit of green or blue in them.

>>one shot at life
you know nothing.

Among my sisters and my cousins I'm the only one with brown eyes.

This kike used a very simple trick to make all the /polaks hang themselfs.
White people hate him.

> tfw daddy is not daddy.

When i was like 11 i had a eye surgery becouse i had quite serious problems. And my eye colour changed from green to light brown. Previously my eye colour accualy changed few times, i was born with grey eyes and very light hair, now i have light brown eyes and hair. Whats causing this? I know i have a little bit of persian/steppenigger blood

>implying his mum didn’t cuck his father with the brownest poo in a loo

You're just the personification of Europe in the 21st Century.

Aren’t Indonesians brown to start with?

Sounds to me like you might be an extramarital bastard my friend. Any idea what color the UPS/Mailman/Plumber/Gardeners eyes were?

>one shot at life

I had a good run fellas

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It is a serious question würstnigger

Youre telling me that ill become a nigger in 10 years? Fucking hell

There is a decent chance your last name is Dutch and you look like Pedro.

Sloppy job

That's the least of your worries in life you pathetic fucking shit skin

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5’’7’ master race reporting in

Ask your mum who she really slept with

>Last name is Finnish
>Look like a Swedish-Japanese hybrid

This was posted by a Jew before
This is definitely a honey pot so retards get doxed
If you want to organize online at least be smart enough to use IRC

That makes sense, Fjirjbrord.

With some colour shifting socialy retarded reptilianin with strong jawline i guess?

Arent you a poo though?

Kek, this super aryan Indian girl I know has light green eyes. Might wife her up


Ew. They have those weird brownish-orange nipples.

Viking+Japanese seems the optimal mix unlike nigger+nogger.

When I first moved out of "Little Suomi", people in my new city asked if I had an Asian grandparent because of my Asiatic eye shape and high cheekbones. I'd have to explain what a Sauna Monkey is.