im tired of those weak beta wh*te males who keep spamming nigger hate threads. i dont get it why do they keep us divided when we should all unite against our (((common enemy))). inb4 DESPITE being the 13%... go fuck yourself wh*toid.
African/pol/ - anti west edition
when i say slavery you say sorry
fix your country. if your own people hadn’t sold you off then you’d be living in a shit country. you got lucky
You realise what happens the moment any sizable chunk of money is given to that continent to solve it's numerous problems right? It goes straight into funding President Kangz's new pool.
you white people have gotten what you deserve. sweden is being taken over by my people and im glad. youve raped the minds and souls of my people, and what yore getting is simply karma. next time dont drag a bunch of people from one place to another and force them to work for hours at a time in the blazing sun. regardless if our skin can take it not. also regardless if my people sold us to you. it doesnt matter. YOU BOUGHT US. and that is all that matters. poverty and such is not the worst part of what you have done to us. its the rape to our minds. you have brainwashed my to see you as superior. as much as they proclaim to hate yo, its obvious of you and that is because you taught them to be. youve infiltrated their unconscious minds and implanted false ideas about your superiority. fuck you all and im glad my people are taking over. good riddance millenials.
also whoever say the word nigger is a nigger himself
remember that feeding 30 billion dollars worth of people will just make it 60 billion in 5 years, and then 120 billion in 10 and so on, its been debunked many times that feeding the poor in africa will solve anything. not to mention the countries which receive the highest amount of aid tend to go from normal democracies to brutal corrupt states due to the aid money being mishandled and abused by poor leaders.
Why don't the Africans just grow more food and raise their GDP?
Why would we help niggers ?
okay slave
Not just the continent
Any nigger.
See Kwayme Kilpatrick, or the bitch currently stealing from Flint:
Niggers in power steal and rob, and feel absolutely no shame in doing so.
>raped the minds and souls of my people
Can't rape what doesn't exist.
Your people are slaves, in existence only to serve mine.
Ya know, only a real faggot could come up with a 'slur' as weak as 'whitoid'. I assumed it was coined by a cracker, as most cracker-hate material is, but the spelling makes me think it just may be nigger-born.
>please west end world hunger
You filthy subhumans are incapable of reason
not a penny for niggers.
I’m tired of niggers posting shit like this. Fuck off nobody cares that your feefees are hurt.
Yes my boy, now chew some more khat, white people are talking.
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\zSyp9sX
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: vkfwpi7l6b
COPY THAT SHIT TO YOUR FUCKING BROWSER\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX
Because we wuz kangz n sheeit
>cost to end world hunger
>$30 billion
LOL, I wouldn't be surprised if Africa has had over $300 billion in aide in the past two decades alone. Africa is a bottomless pit. No matter how much money you throw at them they'll just shit out more kids and wait for more aide.
Give us an actual slur. We only need to type the letter N and can make slurs and insults for each letter of the alphabet and every single one riles up porch monkeys, but nothing actually works as an insult to whites.
so they can reproduce more and generate 4.5 billion of them, nope
I would love to pound that choco ass.
Those niggers had better treasure and protect their white women.
>also gibs me dat dough nigguh
Pic very related
Africa: total (millions) 46,003
Just for 2012, Africa received 46 billion fucking dollars. Eliminated hunger in Africa 1.5 times over for that year.
Oh - wait - it just disappeared into the pockets of corrupt niggers. As it always does.
You're absolutely right user - africa is a bottomless pit - a complete fucking waste of time, effort, and energy. Aid should be turned off, and we should come back in 10 years to clean out what hasn't starved to death. It's a nice continent once the nigger problem is fixed.
No money for you
Do u masturbate to this shit. Fap to gay furry porn or nothing.
A is for africa
B is for baboon
C is for coon
D is for darkie
E is for effrikan
F is for fucking nigger
G is for Goffel (a half breed)
H is for hau the sound a coon makes when he is amazed
I is for idiot, the scientific level of his iq
J is for ja baas (yes Master)
K is for kaffer
You again, I had a great time with my negress fuckbitch last night. She loves how I degrade her too.
I is for inmate #14881350
>end world hunger
>niggers just make more babies instead of long term farming infrastructure
>they start starving again
>repeat until the whole planet is just 50 bilion niggers living in their own squalor
>end world hunger
>for a day
You can do the whole alphabet that way...
Try it as a drinking game...
they got nice asses?
why in the world would anyone want to feed nigger babies in Africa? you're worthless subhuman apes who can't even feed yourself, prone to petty crime and murder. Every last nigger in Africa could starve today and I wouldnt shed a single tear.
unless you spend that 30 billion to kill all niggers you will need another +30 billion next year
Africa is in good hands,
believe me!
you or either dumb or just shitpost here
american have such big defend budget because they have to compete with china and russia. Upgrade and buying high-tech weapon doesnt come with a cheap price as all.
also, remember that
1.The US did send aid to some war torn africa countries
2. UN direct/indirect aid to underdeveloped africa countries
3.Private or NCOs aid
with ALL of that money, africa could have become a better place, but, some how, black always fuck up everything
if only our country have, just a small part of that money, shit, we could have invest in tons of shit that nigger will never understand
Mfw my kingdom dies because I like Big wheels and sheeeeit.
Jigaboo, jigaboo, where are you?
>it'shere inna woodpile watchin you
Jigaboo, jigaboo, come on out.
>i's a scared of the white man, way down South
Do you seriously not care about the Arab slave trade? I mean, Africans are currently being enslaved and slaughtered. Is the lack of concern due simply to the fact that Arabs don't give a fuck and will never apologize or try to 'make things better'? This is really spineless on the part of Africans worldwide.
i wouldnt spend $1 to save the african niggers
Niggers are like rabid racoons. You are wild animals that will attack anyone who comes too close. You bite the hand that feeds and destroy the cities we built. You are worthless and stupid. We wasted countless resources trying to help you. You still can't function on your own. We have figured out that you only drag us down and we would be far better off without you.
Also we need defense spending. War and conquest are human nature. If you don't want to be slaughtered, a defence is needed. Feeding niggers on the other hand serves me no purpose. Also 30 billion or any other arbitrary number will not fix world hunger. All it will do is boost the number of people too incompetent to survive.
kill them ALL
i didn't know America was responsible for Africa.
Lmao. Niggers btfo
why dont blacks every fight 1 on 1? almost like they are actual animals.
what if we defined feeding the poor and stupid peoples of the world as a defense expenditure
no army anywhere would be able to turn the people we feed against us unless they could provide as much quality food
and they can't
Based arab?
1. Arabs and Spaniards were the largest purchasers of slaves. Most went to the Middle East and South/Central America.
2. African slaves were rounded up by other Africans. Your brothers literally enslaved you then sold you. YOU BOUGHT YOU.
3. Arabs as a general rule castrated make slaves and used female slaves as whores. If you were a slave, you'd be best treated in the US, by those standards.
4. The entire world engaged in the practice of slavery.
5. It was whites that first abolished the practice.
6. Slavery still goes on. In Africa.
7. Would you rather be living in Africa our in the US as he descendant of slaves?
8. About 1mil Irish were enslaved by Britts. Nobody gives a fuck.
9. Scandinavia had fuck all to do with slavery. Same for Germany.
10. The grievance game is a losers game. Go make something of yourself you sack of shit.
Feed stray cats today $30 dollars a year. Cost to feed stray cats in ten years $100,000 dollars per year.
With niggers you only need to multiple by 1,000,000,000.