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Fake and gay, zipperhead.

Attached: eec.png (500x553, 232K)

>I dont have to work and I get NEETbux


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The chinks are also switching to the gold standard. Uncle sam will remind china what happened to countries that dared to do so (ex. Libya).

>The chinks are also switching to the gold standard.
you're delusional Chink

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society must burn before it may be made anew, give up your jobs and fucking thank us for taking it away from you so that we might make the west white again

heil trump, heil our people, heil victory

Why the frick is pee pee eating silica

Scared chinaman. Your country will be a smouldering crater soon. Your women will make cheap sluts but your men will be killed.

>heil trump

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The first sensible decision the chinks have made in two decades

I wish Americans were less arrogant. This monetary system is stupid and is obviously failing.

He's still getting my vote faggot! POTUS is doing whats best for America. We need to wean off Chinese crap stuff.

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Considering the chinese economy is built on stealing tech from the west and then poorly reproducing it at low cost and cutting corners until it's absolute garbage in their own country does anyone NON-MEMEINGLY actually think the chinese can genuinely compete with the US on an even level? Because it feels like 90% of these posts are shitposts or chinks on proxies.

A country whose greatness only derives from parasitism is unlikely to ever rule the world.

Shhh, ((((they)))) will here you

We need to cut off all Chinese from accessing American VPNs, their spam is incredibly obvious.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Fuck Jannies 六四天安門事件 The Black Lives Matter protests of 2016 天安門大屠殺 The Sandy Hook False Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Goyim Struggle 大躍進政策 The Gay Rights Movement 文化大革命 The Niggers Sent To Africa 人權 Paid Shills 民運 Demoralization 自由 Ebola Weapon 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-Glownigger system 台灣 臺灣 911 Inside Job 中華民國 Republic Not Democracy 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tendie 達賴喇嘛 Install OpenBSD 法輪功 Traps Are Gay 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize For King Nigger 劉暁波 Chris Poole 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Weaves 劉曉波动态网自由门

>A country whose greatness only derives from parasitism is unlikely to ever rule the world.
Ehh really, common have you already forgotten?.....

Mfw my country needs gibs for it nasty lazy azz fucking people.

Same here MAGA 2020'

Imagine a zoomer buying something that will out live his phone battery.........

>Mfw my country needs gibs for it nasty lazy azz fucking people.
or another war and more oil backed money printing...

when did you realise you are the evil one?

Oh no! Only 60 billion dollars of chines goods! Versus the several hundreds of billion dollars of Chinese goods we import! How will America recover after such a bugmen temper tantrum.

>"common" because he is from rebbit and can't spell come on correctly

Back to Ieddit with you, jew

This too. Who the fuck genuinely thinks we should just bend over and let the chinese rule us by soft power?

>country which murdered tens of millions of its own people and constantly tries to colonize neighboring countries
>country which was diplomatically isolationist until it got fed up with retarded slavshits causing world wars and decided to slap your shit to make it stop

Kill yourself, turkspawn

The only external economy relevant for the USA is the Internet ecosystem and China has it all closed down making fake twittwers, facebooks and telling google how to draw maps or filter certain results, so basically China already had tariffs over the USA.

My mistake, but have you remembered?

>country which murdered tens of millions of its own people and constantly tries to colonize neighboring countries
nothing wrong with that. It's called evolution and improving the human genome.

You try to colonise yourself with mexicshits and subsaharan africans.

You are going against God, Evolution and Science at the same time.

>the Great Leap Forward and communist starves are justified

Fucking retard

To be fair it works great for us, until the whole system eventually breaks down. But for now we essentially trade China pieces of paper we printed for real goods. Under a gold standard we would have to ship them actual physical gold which would destroy us. This is why we moved off the gold standard in the 70's, we would have eventually ran out of gold and had a worthless currency.

>the Great Leap Forward and communist starves are justified
they obvioulsy are, look at china and their growth. If I had to bet my money on any race conquering the world and ruling over it, it be on the chinese.

Specially when they roll out their genetically modified people.

The only reason US is still relevant is because of nukes and warmongering over sand niggers...

Almost 40 years of large trade surpluses and it’s all debt. Add up all those surpluses and it it multiple trillions of dollars probably around ten trillion. You should be ashamed of yourself for denying the reality that the US trade deficit fueled China’s growth

Back in 1990, the Cold War had just ended, and America led the world. Our military dominance designed globalism and pushed for unimpeded Western transfer of industry to shitholes and demographic replacement of Whites. And we served as the world’s globalist whore, importing whatever trash others sought to throw at us.

As other nations rushed to export their shitskins, America was genociding its own people in favor of the turd world. This was planned to have carried on forever more but now that we have built up China, we can finally have a new enemy. Hypersonic missiles. Stealth fighters. Nuclear submarines. It militarized islands in the waters of our allies, while imprisoning 1 million Uighurs in re-education camps. Thank globalists for genociding Whites and creating global jihad and superpower China.

The chinese are ultimate cheaters and stealers, if you research some shit on ancient China it’s fucked up. also they fucking aren’t justified because the Chinese government let that happen on purpose.

Literally nothing but thanks anyway

Also China doesn’t have genetically modified anything, the man just said dude believe me, he didn’t show any proof. It’s also like the shit with the fake sun where’s that

98 dude not 90, also if your saying bringing in shitskins is comparable to the Great Leap Forward you’re an idiot.

in my opinion it is more merciful to kill people with guns, than with food

look at this picture and tell me you are not the evil one

>Also China doesn’t have genetically modified anything
Joe Rogan said it, it must be true.

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globalizing the world was like 85% of bill clinton's foreign and economic policy. it was called Enlargement (of liberal capitalism).

At the height of the US unipolar moment, Clinton was dismantling US economy and middle class, while the strategists at the CIA were drawing up plans to shape the world into a globalist hellscape. The undeclared goal was regime change in all countries with unapproved political systems, which would allow for the proliferation of us-made “democracy” to the 4 corners of the earth

Once the Cold War ended, however, geopolitical and ideological issues faded in significance, overshadowed by the rapidly expanding global market as formerly socialist countries joined the Western free trade system. All of a sudden, the most valuable intellectual training and practical experience became economics, which was seen as the secret sauce that could make and unmake nations

aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the Secretary for Defense at that time, Donald Rumsfeld, created the Office of Force Transformation and nominated Admiral Arthur Cebrowski as its Director. Its mission was to train the US army for its new role in the era of financial globalisation. It was designed to change military culture in order to destroy the State structures of the regions which were not connected to the global economy. The first chapter of this plan consisted of dislocating the Middle East. The second stage was intended to perform the same task in the Caribbean. The plan was designed to destroy some twenty coastal and insular States

The USA have taken out the old Soviet client states under Bush, Clinton, and Obama. Yugoslavia/Serbia, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Libya. Russia set down the foot in Syria

The same people who are overthrowing governments ARE the ones who fucked USA working class and SOLD it to CHINA/INDIA

it's over for China at this point. Very soon economic failure will lead to mass civil unrest and the CCP will probably go full on slaughter mode

Some fat evil retard is not every American.

Thank you for the rundown on the coldwar

Clearly we should just outsource 90% of our production to China instead. Selling out your workers to a foreign oligarchy is what true leftist intellectuals do.

Joe Rogan is a meme you tuber and podcaster now I know your shitposting slavshit whore fuck.

Washington, high on the experience of being the only superpower in the post-Soviet period, sought to lock in her commanding position through the establishment of full-spectrum dominance, a strategy that entails being able to deal with any event in any area of the globe, treating the world as Washington’s oyster. Demographic replacement, Open-borders, multiculturalism, White genocide became number one global policy.

Washington’s endeavor to shape the world in her own image and likeness meant in practical terms the military apparatus increasing its power projection through carrier battle groups and a global missile defense, advancing towards the land and sea borders of Russia and China.

Taking advantage of the US dollar’s dominance in the economic, financial and commercial arenas, Washington cast aside the principles of nations, leaving other countries to contend with globalist onslaughts.

>bringing in shitskins is comparable to the Great Leap Forward
Yeah bringing in other peoples is even more destructive than commies killing millions.

Don't under estimate the chinks a land invasion wouldn't go very well. Fortunately most of their infrastructure is on the coast. Do the math if their stuff is half as good and their are 4x as many of them as us they win. They're building a navy while we have our thumbs up our ass.

Soviet Union was the last bastion of protection against globohomo, against White genocide, against open-borers, against big companies,monopolies turning countries into debt owned assets of big bankers.

Every single country on Earth today is a globohomo, turd world corporate shithole thanks to fall of USSR

Its just that world is so collapsed today from capitalism,that only now people realize Washington is the source of all evil in the planet today and its neo colonialist globalist scheme of turning nations into shitskin debt owned dollar economies is the greatest threat humanity faces in the last 100 years.

Charles de Gaulle warned us about this in 1960s was replaced,JFK was fighting this was killed, USSR was fighhting NWO was destroyed,Gadaffi was fighting this was killed, Milosevic was killed...

Neoliberalism was a CIA project used to destroy pro-Worker Socialism and replace it with Anti-Worker, Pro-Homo SJWism of the "New Left"

>Frankfurt School
>New Left

>members of the Frankfurt School--Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse, and Otto Kirchheimer--worked for the CIA

>Worked on domestic and foreign propaganda agency

>received a Rockefeller Foundation grant (Rockefeller Foundation was closely tied to CIA) to deconstruct Soviet Marxism

>CIA funded french eurocoms

>CIA/Rockefeller pursue to destroy pro-Worker Socialism and replace it with anti-Worker imposter """Socialism"""