No more shit than Russian nationalists. Look at this squalor, which has a Mongoloid admixture and a Baltic skull. Also separate hatred deserve Russian pagans and Slavic pagans in general. Well, that these dogs were planted back in the 2000s.
No more shit than Russian nationalists. Look at this squalor, which has a Mongoloid admixture and a Baltic skull...
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This is literally the face of Russian nationalism.
I want a qt russian, any tips?
Based russian mutt creatures
Post your face mongol rape baby
Okay how much?
This is a good question.
Why can't you just do what all your mates do. Go to the west, work a shit job for a year or so, then go back with a wad of cash and find a nice Romanian girl?
Based Russian admitting he is a mongoloid sub human.
Because I absolutely loath,hate,despise, I wish there would be a much stronger word, romanian women.
Not surprised the “we wuz moon kangz” whites lack the introspection to realize what a joke they are!!!
They’re sexy as fuck, what a loser.
He is a card-carrying native siberian though.
Are mutts non-white too because they have injuns?
Find 7 differences:
Go for them then.
as much as possible, it is never enough
Fuck that, it's the one thing the Germans were wrong about, as they learned in 1945. Now fuck off with this divisive crap. White pride is worldwide, including in Russia.
Who hurt you?
I am just looking for some advice the russians I meet here seem nice and good educated but are pretty old.
Yes? It seems that the retarded mongol monkey can't understand english properly. Fine
Why do you need my face, idiot?
The picture in the OP shows a Slavic untermensch as the NS state described them
And now for comparison, pictures of Poles and Russians
Hitler was so fucking right
Hy вoт, видишь? Teбя caми пeндocы и oбoccaли в coбcтвeннoм тpeдe, тeпepь бeги нa cocaч и тaм пoплaчь.
Pidorashka, please.
what do you hope to achieve with this thread?
SS is for everyone man don't be such a doofie