>Brexit: Cross-party deal must include confirmatory vote - Sir Keir Starmer
>How does voting work in European elections?
>Brexit: Cross-party deal must include confirmatory vote - Sir Keir Starmer
>How does voting work in European elections?
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High quality post.
Now that Brexit has brought a rise in patriotism can I organise a comfy block party like I saw in those 50's pictures
/tv/ is fucking unusable at the moment
/tv/ is just reddit: the imageboard
Literally never seen an episode of it.
nazi danny was pretty comfy
>I'm 1/4 black
>Throws cheese at him
>Ends up in after life
>Random afterlifer waiting at the gates: So, how did you die?
>Someone hopped a piece of cheese of my head
How can you die from skin contact with cheese?
Dickless baldy commits treason, obviously gets kiss of the dragon.
Midget asks Aryan lady not to genocide the city if she hears the bells, Aryan lady agrees
Dragon which was weak af one episode ago is now boss tier again and destroys the defences and Jack Sparrows fleet
Dany's armys storm Kings Landing
Jack Sparrow stabs Jamie but then gets owned because obviously
City surrenders and rings bells
Dany dgaf and burns the whole city to the ground because they killed her slave friend or something
Clegane brothers have epic fight in the only decent scene in the episode. Arya pussys out.
Incest scene before death of the Lannister twins
More genocide
Genocide again
Still genocide, gettting bored now.
Something about a white horse.
There, saved you 90 minutes of your life.
Thew a tuna and cheese roll at a girl back in school, went all down her cleavage, got called cheese tits for the rest of the year.
Neither have I, looks fucking terrible. My filters and hiding have removed 100 threads for me. Absolutely mad.
>closed-list system
used by the UK
>in a closed-list system, political parties make a list of their candidates in order from top to bottom preference. Voters then vote for the party they like – but they cannot vote for an individual person or affect the order of the people on the list
what, that makes it sound like we have a preference system. I've already voted (by post), it only allowed one vote. What's going on here?
I audibly keked
Imagine being Teresa May right now.
Morning from the states mates
Hows the kipper salt today?
About to watch the new Game of Thrones
Apparently Danarys goes full sperg and feminists are BTFO and owned or whatever.
This is what Sargon should be doing right now: gloating about BTFO feminists to his bottom of the barrel mong audience as the superchats and shekels roll in, huffing fat rails of coke up his nose off camera.
But instead he decided to ruin his livelihood and go to jail because he embarrassingly lost a few arguments with unknown Internet spergs.
Ok now someone shop Karanbir on it
as salty as the sweat dripping down the back of stargoy of mossads neck
>Vote for a party
>Parties are allowed a certain number of successful candidates based on proportion of votes
>Parties choose their candidates before had in the order they would most like to get in
Not that difficult.
Here we go lad.
this is now a New England thread
post about anything related to the six states that make up New England. (Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, RIAPP, and New Hampshire)
He lost his patreon and was made a fool of himself throughout the whole of last year. He had to take a punt at this otherwise he would have no shekels coming in
Made another Norfpost
why do you all envy nigel for doing lines and shagging nines
A town in one of those states was named after my hometown.
Brexit party policies
>political reform
>more help for the regions
>scrapping of ludicrous projects like HS2
Please stop linking to that garbage, or if you must, at least use archive.is
needs more diversity desu
Same here. Never understood its appeal.
>when some fat cunt at work did a "GoT pool" where you bet on characters' fates
I've never watched it. It just seems fucking gay. Dragons and shit...
He lost his Patreon specifically because he kept antagonizing people in a weird group called Internet Bloodsports, which was like a half-way point between Destiny Debates and Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Sargon desperately wanted to be respected and cool like this YouTuber named Jim (InternetAristocrat from GamerGate days) but Jim turned down his offers because he's a political nihilist who doesn't want his real life and Internet life to mix in any way. Sargon took that slight very personally and subsequent attacks on his group of Discord/Twitter Intellectuals called the 'Skeptics' made him more spastic and unpredictable.
This culminated in him losing his Patreon, but he still made thousands and thousands of dollars off his YouTube account. It is only because of his IRL escalation of these comments that he lost YouTube monetization as well.
Sargon had a gravy train pumping out intellectual slop for a right-of-the-center young audience but gave it up to be Internet Cool like Jim.
First four seasons were good and pretty based. After that when they ran out of the author's material to use, it's gone to shit.
or used ad block
oh yeah, got confused by reading about the way it works in other countries
Wasn't too bad at first but it was inevitable going to become a propaganda vehicle with two heebs at the top
This is unironically higher quality distraction than what we usually get here.
I went to Boston once. Very expensive beer. Rainbow flags on a fucking church downtown. Beta males and turbodykes in blue ADL shirts daring to speak to me, saying "do you want to help to impeach the President today, sir?". What nerve. Also, homeless everywhere.
Pretty excellent ancient Egypt exhibit at the museum though to be fair.
2/10 would not visit again.
Were they the rape and incest seasons?
It sounded good at the start but then I heard about all the pozzed degenerate shit, so I never watched an episode.
Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichaen duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other? Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.
>Sargon took that slight very personally and subsequent attacks on his group of Discord/Twitter Intellectuals called the 'Skeptics' made him more spastic and unpredictable.
Didn't he narrowly avoid being associated with the kraut and tea brigade, but was clearly involved?
Yes, like I said, pretty based.
The funny thing is they (we) all hate it, lmao
It's been getting progressively worse since they ran out of books. Last night was only decent becuase it's likely to trigger normies/feminists/minorities/SJWs
Why? What is happening?
I like dragons.
The very first thing in the book and tv show is an incest scene
Dickless baldy commits treason, obviously gets kiss of the dragon.
Midget asks Aryan lady not to genocide the city if she hears the bells, Aryan lady agrees
Dragon which was weak af one episode ago is now boss tier again and destroys the defences and Jack Sparrows fleet
Dany's armys storm Kings Landing
Jack Sparrow stabs Jamie but then gets owned because obviously
City surrenders and rings bells
Dany dgaf and burns the whole city to the ground because they killed her slave friend or something
Clegane brothers have epic fight in the only decent scene in the episode. Arya pussys out.
Incest scene before death of the Lannister twins
More genocide
Genocide again
Still genocide, gettting bored now.
Something about a white horse.
It was to the point where people were pretty sure Sargon was offering thousands of dollars for Jim's dox.
>For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness.
Is Martin a Jew? Sounds Jewish af.
Tolkien was boring as hell though. He's important because he defined fantasy, but reading all 3 LOTR books is an absolute ordeal.
The hobbit was very good.
Sorry, fren. Each to their own.
>Tolkien was boring as hell though. He's important because he defined fantasy, but reading all 3 LOTR books is an absolute ordeal.
You have 10 seconds to retract this statement.
Lads what's the optimum time between faps?
The way he lost his Patreon was a whole new level in extra strength retardation.
Losing the Patreon wasn't that big a deal in the grand scheme. It looks like he is making hundreds of thousands a year from Youtube adverts. That's probably why he didn't learn his lesson.
To be fair to the Cali tech left, they've given him several warning shots and he'd have been fine if he'd have just stuck to ranting about feminists
>who I am unironically more sympathetic to now by the way
Even if he was dropping off, his presence and pageviews would have been serious money for years to come if he just kept churning out his shit.
But then he had to go and piss off the London Fake News gang and Labour SJWs at the same time too and they're a pretty nasty bunch who are going to double team him back to Job Centre Plus.
>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.
>tony blair facepalm
You cheeky cunt m8
Silmarillion was autistic and fucking shit
Isn't Carl raising another man's daughter? Doesn't he have nudes out there on the internet? Didn't he day he was going to rape someone? And people want to associate with this man baby?
i remember this girl in my form one day in class when she put her hand up to answer a question a group of us spotted she had yellow pit stains on her blouse. She got called uranium pits and toxic pits, i think this went on for about 3 terms until we left school.
>Nigel Farage Blasts BBC’s Andrew Marr During Live Interview
I now understand how virgins feel when people talk about rugby or boxing or football. Spent three hours in a room with three absolute nerds as they discussed Game of Thrones.
Now I know you're just baiting.
So people aren't allowed to question Farage about things he's said in the past without everyone getting their knickers in a twist? Farage is pathetic. I'm not even sure what questions he wanted instead? he's set up a party with no policies what are they supposed to ask him about other then what are his policies. I'd be asking about the solution for NI if I was the interviewer though.
>Hull taxi driver and lottery winner Melissa Ede dies
>A transgender LGBT rights campaigner and former taxi driver who won £4m on a lottery scratchcard has died.
>Farage is pathetic
I'll enjoy your rage when, after the next general election he is Prime Minister. You're on the wrong side of this, cuck boy.
Nigga you gay. I like both but aside from the Hobbit, Tolkien is boring. Martin is good in his first few books, mostly because he's not "good guy always wins" but it gets old when "good guy always loses".
Robert Jordan's wheel of Time is a good medium.
On my degree course we had to do a 5 minute presentation on whatever we liked with PowerPoint images for some reason I forget.
Some kid who legit had diagnosed autism did 20 minutes of cataloguing of the family houses and regions of game of thrones, it wasn't even a presentation it was just reading off encyclopedic details.
>t. seething brainless Tolkien fanboy
I don't like GoT though, it never appealed to me. Something about the shitty boring costumes and cunts raving constantly about it put me off it.
you believe this to be the case, which is a massive indictment on what you leftists have done to this country.
Hes not hitler, but he will do, hopefully we can get a hitler into power one day, and then we can get started on rounding you lot up
>why do you hate niggers?
>do foreign accents still make you uncomfortable?
>why are all your supporters nazis?
>when are you going to stop beating your wife?
It's just character assassination.
They just had to learn to code.
outer/pol are rating male pornstars atm, some anomong has made a thread about the most searched male pornstar by women and how that none of them are black.
Tolkien is one of the greatest Englishmen of the Modern era.
40+ % vote share Brexit party - 4/1q down from yesterdays 7/1
Please sticky the BBC4 Brexit documentary
>WE MADE THEM A COLONY!-EU twats said this
this, plus the needless shock value that makes normies thing "wow, this is so edgy and rebellious, im not like other people because i watch this"
Its literally a montage of flacid penises, billy buck teeth and fake blood, mixed in with a bunch of "yee, sire, the dargons is comin m8"
the max stakes limit is because even the bookies can't work out what is going on.
We've got them on the run, lads.
I knew what he meant when he talked of Middle Earth
The racist bastard
I don’t fit in with a lot of people my age. Half of them are brainless Deanos obsessed with tanning and love island, the other half are söy slurpers obsessed with importing shitskins and leftist politics.
stop acting like a white nigger
how old are you
Get a shotgun license.