Britbong cops use excessive force on pub guy
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>5 cops for one guy
How can a country be so pathetic?
Why do they only arrest white people in Britain?
He's white, so Brits won't care.
>act like nigger
>get treated like nigger
Nothing of value was lost.
did they taze him?
shitty tactics. These guys don't know what an armlock is?
Imagine having Warwick Davis in your grasp. Imagine forcing his entire midge family into a corner and hearing their whimpers.
"Back off buddy! I've already called the cops."
This only exfoliates your rage. You put your toolbox on the ground and get to work. You start out with his son.
You grab the little shitty by the leg and kick his father in the face when he tries to fight it. You begin quickly but masterfully carving a path through his intestines carving every single piece of meat you can in half lengthwise, stopping just before you can stop his agonizing and crying by killing him. When you stop, the boy is just alive enough for doctors to put his horrendous body back together again. He is just alive enough to watch the rest of the fun and you move on.
You grab his wife and zip tie her hands to a 20 pound weight. You take out a simple workmans hammer which only serves to increase her already loud begging and crying. You strike the first blow on her pinky and listen to the pig like squealing and crying she exerts. Music to your ears. You keep going for several minutes until her entire arm is a mangled misshapen mess of dislodged bone and cartilage with no form. You finally put a nail into her heart and watch her bleed to death. "STOP IT, STOP IT YOU BASTARD" screams the midge himself.
You put down the crimson hammer and walk over to his daughter. She tries to whimper some incomprehensible nonsense but you stop her with a cunt punt that sends her rolled over in pain. For this one you pull out your homemade napalm and soak her body in the sticky substance. You light it up and laugh like a villain as she screams and thrashes around, finally passing out eventually after your laughter dies out. The infections will get her soon.
Then you move onto the father. The broken man begs you to just do it. You pick him up by him heels and turn his head on a nearby metal pole, breaking his nose. You then turn around around again like a merry-go-round of midget death slamming his face into the pole again and again and again.
Soon his face is nothing but a mangled mess of flesh and cartilage hanging by a sliver. You finish him by sawing off his limbs slowly and listening to his broken mouthed screams.
You guys have tazers?
Soon the screams fade and you are done. Your clothes are covered with blood and tears from what once was an abomination to god and his glory. You notice the son still alive and twitching with his face glued pathetically on the seen. Meh, you simply change clothes, dispose of the evidence and get on the bus home. You sleep like a baby dreaming of how Satan is enjoying his new souls and smile all the way. Your girlfriend lay beside you in beautiful ignorance of your holy deeds.
You wait and wait for weeks but retribution never comes. You live for weeks as normal and your life actually improves. You get a big promotion at work, you finally get engaged to your loving GF, and you seem alot happier as if God is rewarding you for making his earth a bit more beautiful. Your "crimes" become famous throughout the years. You get endless TV shows, books, political debates, and copycat killers in your name. Some losers from Reddit fruitlessly try to bring you to "justice" and the internet nicknames you. You are the midget mangler.
The only surviving member of the family is the son who has seams all throughout his deformed mangled discolored body. He can never be independent, walk, or hold a real conversation. He is ruined for life and you couldn't be prouder.
Maybe retirement should end... Maybe you should find another...
bong police are some of the most pathetic individuals on the planet
he easily overpowered the woman cop, that made me smile.
Always the amerikikes.
Why did they arrest him? Just because he wasn't wearing a shirt?
and they arrest who they're told to obviously.
He must've been a potential racist.
>bong police are some of the most pathetic individuals on the planet
The average pay for a copper here is just £30,000. Pay peanuts get monkeys.
Didn't pay his denture loicense
TV licence is serious.
A pub can lose their license if they allow a customer to remove his shirt. He was probably asked to cover up, or to leave - but he chose to ignore the wishes of the publicans.
The pub barred him (presumably because of his drunken state) so he had to leave the property. The police might have also initially been planning to charge him with public intoxication or disorder or whatever the relevant one is. From the video it seems like they far too quickly go from "get out" to the spray but we don't know the situation, whether anything had happened before hand or if they had information that he might have been a threat. They also call him by his name Kevin, out, now!" so it seems he's known to them. The dude might have a history but again we have no way of knowing from that video.
>just £30,000
Thats above the median average income. Its more than me as a teacher.
What a bunch of cunts that crowd is. Did they think that if they shouted at the police enough they'd be like "yeah fair enough let's cut it out"
is this sharia law?
>A pub can lose their license if they allow a customer to remove his shirt.
the fuck is this about
why did the cops have their own tv crew filming everything
Why the fuck are you allowing the State to do this to you?
What will it take to make you resist?
>He´s just compensating for his female colleague
Seriously this cop is an asshole and if this guy broke his nose he deserved it.
someone post the webbum of the bong cop getting dragged across the ground by a drunk nigger
>even when he has the chance to stand up he doesn’t
>clings to his leg like a child as his partner beats on the drunk nigs kneecaps with a baton
kino as fuck
I'm only aware of this as an acquaintance of mine removed his shirt in a pub during a heatwave, and was asked to replace it or leave. Upon questioning what harm it was causing, it was explained to us all that the pub could lose their license to serve alcohol if customers were allowed to go topless. He replaced the shirt, and the publicans happily served him for the remainder of the evening.
This not my concern - I no longer drink in pubs as you can't smoke in them anymore. Are you suggesting I attempt to start a riot or chin a copper to satisfy your indignation at the state of British pubs, user?
>removed his shirt in a pub during a heatwave
What 23 c?
>This not my concern
It will be eventually, you blind fucking sheep.
I'm from Glasgow, West of Scotland, so it might have been lower than that
Tell me why I should be upset at some mongol getting arrested - and why it makes you so upset. Did you want to shag his arse or something?
A possible explanation is that it could be interpreted as drunk and disorderly.
If you don't already see the issue I don't think I can explain it to you.
I hope you enjoy the taste of boot.
are you preparing for the rake?
They wouldn't ever do this to a foreigner. They are that scared.
anarcho tyranny is achieved through selective competence
The police saved my life, so I don't have a problem with them. FWIW, the Glasgow Police WILL kick your cunt right in, unlike their Southern counterparts.
Take your edgy anti-authority stance elsewhere, you're creeching like some feminist watching a muslim terrorist getting carted, you cringing faggot.
Very reasonable pay desu mate, just the average too...
French police woman getting beat.webm
Probably illegal to arrest the assailants too
Well said.
When the day comes, you won't be raked. You will be appointed the sovereign ruler of all the Tim Hortons in the new reich.
>Be white
>remove shirt
>get arrested
>be nigger
>rape a girl
>don't go to jail
Wew yikes
>bong police are some of the most pathetic individuals on the planet
calm down mohammed, youre getting excited.
>women as police officers
Lady cops. KeK.
>want to shag him
And this is why the Scotch don't have independence. They love a man in uniform.
I don't see what the SNP is offering (sucking EU dick) as "independence", do you, nigger?
welcome to the club
No nigger, there will not be peace on earth until every leaf has been raked, doused in petrol and burned.
Nothing wrong with what the police did. You are not supposed to fight the police when being arrested. You fight it in court, later. Imagine what the response here would be if the suspect was black. He acts black even if he's not, so no reason to treat him differently.
Is this trollstation again or real?
Top whack DC/PC is clearing £40,000 anywhere near London. With OT you're adding a huge slice to that (I don't know anybody on my unit who isn't clearing £60,000). It's not incredible, but it's comfortably middleclass.
The reality is that these videos are not representative of proper British policing. TSG are going to ruin your day if you play up, or even your average crime squad. But for whatever reason instead of advertising just how good we are at putting away murders, our world class CT capabilities, or even taking out your average dealers - all the public facing PR is feel good diversity stuff, and the absurd focus on weapon sweeps and neighbourhood policing at the expense of everything else.
The reality is also, I think at our worst because we're not routine armed we allow officers who shouldn't be on the streets to be out there, because if they hit their emer button someone can race their to save them.
Ignore the memes. At our best, the only people who are better then us are the americans.
>that camera crew
The two cops were looking for some footage so they had to stir shit up and wait for the cops with the camera to get there
How serious are the background checks for becoming a met constable? I had a pretty shit and dodgy financial year if you know what I mean
Haven't a clue, haven't been anywhere near recruitment for over a decade. I know your chance of ever getting any kind of proper vetting to do the really tasty stuff is going to be tanked by bad financials (and at that level they will know), but you'd have to ask someone who's been through it recently re: getting the job.
>any kind of proper vetting to do the really tasty stuff is going to be tanked by bad financials
Fuck me marines it is then