The Second Passover is coming and me and my fellow Jews are quite excited...

The Second Passover is coming and me and my fellow Jews are quite excited. What do you anti-Semitic numbskulls have to say about it?

Also, are you guys so dumb that you still think Jews murder Christian kids and use their blood in matzo ball soup to eat during Passover and the Second Passover?

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I feel like I was lied to, I'm never eating matzo again!

Oh my G-d, it was just a stupid conspiracy made by paranoid anti-Semites in the 1300s.

yes, and the one who wrote about it became a saint. weird

Just for you Schlomo

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That’s only because Jews have been the eternal scapegoat of every single bad thing on Earth since the diaspora. Anyone who has any dirt on them is beloved by anti-Semites, especially back in the 1300s.

The fuck?

>especially back in the 1300s.
yes, when the catholic chruch discovered your book blaspheming Jesus. What did you expect?

What book blaspheming Jesus?

The fact that you made a thread about this low key confirmst that this is the case.

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Making fun of mentally disabled people? You seem like a great goy... Also I did do the “goy” thing on purpose.

The Talmud

How does the Talmud blaspheme Jesus?

Checked. They're blood sucking parasites

im 140% a troll but on the off chance you are legit
what the fuck do you think the honest to god odds are that all of these people hate jews for no fucking reason at all?
like if you hate blacks
its cause crime
and there is some truth in that
If you hate whites, its because their preppy and or stole your land/ enslaved your people
And this has a backing in reality as well
Do you just think the sneak jew myth is completely without founding?
like no jew ever was sneaky conspiratorial?
>What book blaspheming Jesus?
the Talmud
pic related

Attached: talmud.jpg (1472x1472, 317K)

>Also I did do the “goy” thing on purpose.

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It literally says Jesus is burning in hell in excrement. That's blasphemy

first one is correct, second isn't

1. Of course some Jews have, are, and will be immoral, but not all are. Also, black people are usually violent because they’re communities are exploited by rich while people and then become poor, thereby less educated, and thereby more violent.

2. The Talmud was written by flawed humans. Very flawed humans, that’s why I don’t trust much of what it says.

Funny goy.

The Talmud you pilpulling rat

>rich while people

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Well, the Talmud was written by very flawed men. It was a flawed time, groups were especially divided even more than now. So using Jewish holy books isn’t exactly dirt on Jew.

happy passover shlomo

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I hope you know blood libel is a bullshit superstition made up by hateful anti-Semites in te 1300s.

>So using Jewish holy books isn’t exactly dirt on Jew.
then, if they do not stand by their holy books, what do they stand for. BTW, there are no anti-semites here because none of us hate Palestinians, the true semites.

We do stand by our holy books, it’s just that they were written by flawed, and sometimes, like in the case of the Talmud, depraved humans.

Also, some of you do hate Palestinians because they aren’t white.

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>We do stand by our holy books, it’s just that they were written by flawed, and sometimes, like in the case of the Talmud, depraved humans.
so, what kind of jew are you?

>Also, some of you do hate Palestinians because they aren’t white.
semites are white, it does not only include Palestinians.

>Also, some of you do hate Palestinians because they aren’t white
That Doesnt change the fact They are the true semites

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Than how are Palestinians the only true Semites!?!?

But your crony said that none of the anti-Semites on this thread hated them.

Because they are. You appropiated the term """semite""" to yourselves. You invented yourselves. Read book in pic related. It basically says you are mongols. And it was written by a jew

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Also, are you guys so dumb that you still think Jews murder Christian kids and use their blood in matzo ball soup to eat during Passover and the Second Passover?
No, nowdays you do worse shit:

The author of that book is Jewish. Why would you of all people find that book a trustworthy source? That would be like a gay guy citing a Westboro Baptist Church sign.

Its true, we May Shit on them time to time By Their actions but we dont Hate them

Okay, at least you just disagree with how some Jews act. That’s a step in the right direction at least...

I meant the palestinians, we dont hate the palestinians, jewish people on The other hand are still Trying to slave everyone, calling us cattle and such and Its Not "some" as You say,Its Pretty Much a load of them

> Why would you of all people find that book a trustworthy source?
well, this is the fact to point out the fact the word semite does not mean "jew" automatically.

Fuck off JIDF kike.

Jesus is boiling in feces in hell. That is one of MANY of the disgusting things the Talmud says.

>Second Passover
kikes confirmed for filthy Hobbitses.

Forgive Germany for the holocaust or get in the OVEN your choice.

--PAID for by Christians for forgiveness.

Well, I dont know too much about second passover, but I hope all is well for you.
And I also hope you are a little nicer in person than you come across in your post.

Want about the part Where it says that Jesús was the actual son of a whore? Thats Pretty disgusting too

And said whore meanwhile was actually a good virgin Hebrew girl. The audacity of these kikes.

>The Second Passover is coming
So's the second holocaust.
For real this time though.

>Also, are you guys so dumb that you still think Jews murder Christian kids and use their blood in matzo ball soup to eat during Passover and the Second Passover?
not the goy jews obviously, but they wish they did

Hes gonna play dumb, you know it says to deny truth in that book.

As far as I'm concerned, you my Mexican friend have just cornered a jew! Good job!

"I dont trust much of what a jew holy book says!"
>cant blame ya for that, it was written by jews afterall..

Hard to Not trust Those digits, Checked

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Good criticism. Thanks.

>digits from The Creator Himself
I've been blessed.

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These people are literally saying “kill all Jews,” who exactly is the cruel one?

Than how would it be the second?

Don't put words in others mouths.

You are the cruel one. Your lies and allegiance to the vile book will not only get you killed, but it may bring ruine to your people.

Just try to be good, try to do good. And dont lie. Everything will turn out better for everyone if that happens.

No one Here is Doing That, we are Just Showing facts

>implying we already knew Jews murder goys and use them in matzo ball soup

I believe the two can be synonymous, doesn't the talmud mention that to share knowledge of this book is to incite the death of all jews?

Perhapse our dear shlomo is worried that we know how to read.

I’m not lying. These people literally support Hitler. Ironic how you call me out for “putting words in people’s mouths” yet you just assumed I do no good. Which I do, I treat others well, I give those in pain advice, and I try to improve.

>"these people"

You mean da Goyim...

Well yeah, no Jews support or supported Hitler. Not all Gentiles hate us Jews, but those who do hate Jews are all Gentiles.

>but those who do hate Jews are all Gentiles
Hitler was a jew... didn't you know?

jews have big noses lel

The descendant of a Rotchild, actually

Perhaps he indeed is,
nonetheless Its his problem

listen bro you seem of good will. i know a couple fine jews, but sadly there is an elite cabal and yes they are fucked up.

look up Ariel Toaff's book Blood Passover. it is thoroughly researched, incredibly indepth. its surprising as he even had to translate witness testimony of documents from long dead forms of romance languages and other shit.

blood libel was real. the jews, particularly ashkenazi, were pretty rapacious towards gentiles, the idea that jews were poor innocents in the middle ages is silly.

also read about the sabbatean frankists and their history.

there are jewish cabals, old families, in alliance with gentile old blood, who work together for evil. you jews must fight this too with us.

this. based

talk about a giga-jew, damn

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also i forgot to mention ariel taoff is a blood passover, it is important to read.


A conversation is pointless unless we each are open to the truth.

I am glad you treat people well in the world.
But you just accused my Mexican friends of saying stuff they did not say. That is a lie.

Dont lie. Your actions have much larger consequences than just getting called out on an image board.

I say this out of love. Dont lie, all lies crumble. it will only make the reveal worse for you and your people.

I think you have yet to provide proof that holohoax camp tattoos ever went into the 7 digits. Faggot.

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>Also, are you guys so dumb that you still think Jews murder Christian kids and use their blood in matzo ball soup to eat during Passover and the Second Passover?

I never heard this theory before... It all makes sense now...

Oy vey, all these disconnnected cultures throughout history all came up with the same lie! Yeah that's it

Well, you got your customs and I got my own.

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>thanks god for not making me a woman

Are we really such puppet masters? No. Do 2 second of research. Hitler was a Catholic.

Messianic jew here. Get rekt, my feast day now.

>use their blood

Just a metaphor for the eternal jew that never integrates and just parasites off the societies of others.

wait dont we?
but really have you never seen a prayer book?

Why should we be forced to change our culture? Why should we be forced to convert to other religions? To celebrate Easter instead of Passover? To celebrate Pentecost instead of Shavuot? To celebrate Christmas instead of a Hanukkah? We have our cultures you have yours, they’re both worth respecting.

>stupid conspiracy made by paranoid anti-Semites
Well, we've bitten it hook, line, and sinker. As one of my cousins put it "imagine you made bread so bad *once in your life* that 2500 years later your descendants get together just to talk about it."

Your culture has a right to exist.
Just go exist somewhere else. We literally gave you your own damn country to practice your weird bullshit in, so go.

Your welcom wares thin.

wtf is passover ?

I just showed you the word semite was a jew appropiation and you ignored me. There is no point to show you that Hitler was a jew.

Everyone should have the right to live in whatever country they want. Us celebrating the Second Passover only affects us and the companies we buy what we use to celebrate with.

dont you remember nimrod its the holiday in which we kill young goyim for the matzot

No I didn’t. I responded.

When is the last time you sacrificed a lamb?

Please try to remember that we're surrounded by goyim over here. Perhaps you could keep some of the details on the down low. kthx

What? That’s so dumb. You’re clearly not a Jew. What Jew would support that idea? If we did kill children for Passover, no Jew would admit it.

Lol you tards. Passover is just eating purposely terrible food, telling stories and leaving a glass of wine out with a window open. They're trolling.

that's pesach

wait isnt this the jidf pol mock up shieeet i am going to get court martialed for this

>Are we really such puppet masters?
You tell me,you Guys are on everything, From media to good parking, hell Even crime (The south american Cartels for example)
>Hitler was catholic
He did not have a Believe other That national socialism, the nazis as a whole were Pretty Much all the religions(Muslims,Christians,pagans,etc) and yes he was jewish descendant

thats how the stupid goyim call it

He had some Hebrew descent, but that doesn’t make him a Jew.

Like rain on a fucking rain coat. Don't you remember your denial just a few posts ago?

Your city is under siege, break time is over. Get back on the wall and snipe more Palestinians.

Please stop sacrificing children unless they're black or brown